18777082 Conscience Essential Definition

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  • 7/24/2019 18777082 Conscience Essential Definition



    1.1. Popular DefnitionsPopular Defnitions Conscience is derived from three Latin wordsConscience is derived from three Latin words

    cum alia scientia.cum alia scientia.This means the applicationThis means the applicationof knowledge to a specic individualof knowledge to a specic individual

    1.1. A little voice within.1.1. A little voice within. In the popular mind of !ilipinos" conscience isIn the popular mind of !ilipinos" conscience is

    understood as thatunderstood as that little voice withinlittle voice within##tinig ngtinig ngbudhibudhi$ which tells us whether we have done right$ which tells us whether we have done rightor wrongor wrong

    %erhaps more importantl&" this%erhaps more importantl&" this little voicelittle voicetells ustells uswhether the decision we are considering orwhether the decision we are considering orcontemplating to do is a good one or a 'ad onecontemplating to do is a good one or a 'ad oneThis denition places the role of conscience 'eforeThis denition places the role of conscience 'eforean act is done (C!C) *+,-an act is done (C!C) *+,-

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    1.2. An indicator o joy or guilt.1.2. An indicator o joy or guilt. In relation to the a'ove.mentioned denition"In relation to the a'ove.mentioned denition"

    conscience is also understood as a placeconscience is also understood as a place

    within us where we feel a sense of /o& andwithin us where we feel a sense of /o& andcontentment when we act rightl&" and acontentment when we act rightl&" and a

    sense of dis0uiet and guilt if we act wrongl&sense of dis0uiet and guilt if we act wrongl&

    1t times" popular denitions like these are1t times" popular denitions like these are

    useful as starting points" 'ut the& are notuseful as starting points" 'ut the& are notver& accurate" and the& do not ade0uatel&ver& accurate" and the& do not ade0uatel&

    distinguish conscience from other factorsdistinguish conscience from other factors

    with which it can easil& 'e confused (2with which it can easil& 'e confused (2

    %adilla" ,334) 55.56-%adilla" ,334) 55.56-

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    2.2. Essential DefnitionsEssential Defnitions 2.1. onscience is a judg!ent o2.1. onscience is a judg!ent o

    hu!an reasonhu!an reason

    concerning the moral goodness of evil ofconcerning the moral goodness of evil ofone7s actionone7s action

    It is not a separate facult& from theIt is not a separate facult& from theintellect 2ather" it is an act of theintellect 2ather" it is an act of the

    human intellect regarding an action withhuman intellect regarding an action withrespect to the moralit& of that actionrespect to the moralit& of that actionSince it is an act of /udgment" itSince it is an act of /udgment" it

    considers a choice 'etween what is rightconsiders a choice 'etween what is rightor wrong (2 %adilla" ,334) 55.56-or wrong (2 %adilla" ,334) 55.56-

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    2.2. onscience is an ulti!ate"2.2. onscience is an ulti!ate"

    practical judg!entpractical judg!enton the moralit&on the moralit&

    of a concrete action" commanding toof a concrete action" commanding to

    do what is good and to avoid what isdo what is good and to avoid what is

    evilevil It is called aIt is called a practical judgmentpractical judgment

    'ecause it is related to'ecause it is related to praxispraxis #concrete#concretepractice or action$ of the moral activit&practice or action$ of the moral activit&

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    onscience goes into action whenonscience goes into action when

    the ollowing are to #e judged$the ollowing are to #e judged$ 2.2.1. %he !orality o an action2.2.1. %he !orality o an actionor aor a

    concrete line of conduct #which a personconcrete line of conduct #which a personwants to do or has alread& done$" andwants to do or has alread& done$" and

    2.2.2. &ts corresponding !oral2.2.2. &ts corresponding !oral

    o#ligationo#ligation#conse0uences$ in the concrete#conse0uences$ in the concrete

    situation (8 %eschke" ,336) ,*9.,*4-situation (8 %eschke" ,336) ,*9.,*4- The o'/ect" therefore" of conscience is alwa&sThe o'/ect" therefore" of conscience is alwa&s

    the moralit& of the action and thethe moralit& of the action and the

    corresponding o'ligationcorresponding o'ligation

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    %ypes o onscience%ypes o onscience

    :oralists present the t&pes of conscience:oralists present the t&pes of conscience

    di;erentl& !or purposes of our stud&" we willdi;erentl& !or purposes of our stud&" we will

    present thepresent the types of conscience by divisiontypes of conscience by division

    1.Antecedent or onse'uent onscience1.Antecedent or onse'uent onscience 1.1. Antecedent onscience (1.1. Antecedent onscience ( if the /udgmentif the /udgment

    on the moralit& of an action is done even 'efore aon the moralit& of an action is done even 'efore a

    particular action is performed The antecedentparticular action is performed The antecedent

    conscience functions in either of the following)conscience functions in either of the following) It e

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    %ypes o onscience%ypes o onscience

    1.2. onse'uent onscience (1.2. onse'uent onscience ( if itif it

    evaluates an act alread& committed orevaluates an act alread& committed or

    omitted The conse0uent conscience functionsomitted The conse0uent conscience functions

    in either of the following)in either of the following) It approves a;irmation of the goodness of an act=It approves a;irmation of the goodness of an act= It e

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    %ypes o onscience%ypes o onscience

    2.Certain or Doubtful Conscience2.Certain or Doubtful Conscience

    2.1. ertain onscience2.1. ertain onscience (( a conscience is certain if it passes /udgmenta conscience is certain if it passes /udgment

    without fear of error Thus" a person who iswithout fear of error Thus" a person who isconvinced he has paid the %h% 5++++ he owed fromconvinced he has paid the %h% 5++++ he owed from

    a friend has a certain consciencea friend has a certain conscience

    2.2. Dou#tul onscience2.2. Dou#tul onscience if it is uncertain a'out the moralit& of an actif it is uncertain a'out the moralit& of an act

    Thus" a person who cannot determine whetherThus" a person who cannot determine whetherletting his wife die '& pulling the plug has aletting his wife die '& pulling the plug has a

    dou'tful conscience This conscience suspendsdou'tful conscience This conscience suspends

    /udgment= or it passes /udgment with the fear of/udgment= or it passes /udgment with the fear of

    committing an errorcommitting an error

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    %ypes o onscience%ypes o onscience

    ).*ight or Erroneous onscience).*ight or Erroneous onscience

    ).1. *ight).1. *ight

    (( it presents good as good and evil asit presents good as good and evil asevil The practical moral /udgmentevil The practical moral /udgment

    agrees or disagrees with the o'/ectiveagrees or disagrees with the o'/ective

    norms of moralit&norms of moralit&

    1 person who decides not to take home1 person who decides not to take homeo;ice items without the permission ofo;ice items without the permission of

    the authorit& has a right consciencethe authorit& has a right conscience

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    %ypes o onscience%ypes o onscience

    ).2. Erroneous).2. Erroneous it mistakenl& /udges something good toit mistakenl& /udges something good to

    'e evil" and something evil to 'e good It'e evil" and something evil to 'e good It

    ma& result from a malformation of one7sma& result from a malformation of one7sconscience due to ignorance #'othconscience due to ignorance #'othinvinci'le ignorance and vinci'leinvinci'le ignorance and vinci'leignorance$ or wrong informationignorance$ or wrong information

    Thus" a student who feels /ustied toThus" a student who feels /ustied tospread slanderous remarks a'out a fellowspread slanderous remarks a'out a fellowstudent who has previousl& done the samestudent who has previousl& done the sameto her acts with an erroneous conscienceto her acts with an erroneous conscience

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    %ypes o onscience%ypes o onscience

    +.+. ,a-" crupulous" and %ender onscience,a-" crupulous" and %ender onscience +.1. ,a- (+.1. ,a- ( it is inclined to /udge something to 'eit is inclined to /udge something to 'e

    lawful that which is sinful" or something to 'e a lightlawful that which is sinful" or something to 'e a lightsin that which is gravesin that which is grave

    1 person with a la< conscience sometimes 'ecomes1 person with a la< conscience sometimes 'ecomespersuaded that great sins are permissi'le The& ndpersuaded that great sins are permissi'le The& nde

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    %ypes o onscience%ypes o onscience

    +.2. crupulous onscience+.2. crupulous onscience it sees evil it sees evil

    where there is nonewhere there is none

    +.). %ender onscience+.). %ender onscience it is sometimes it is sometimes

    called ?delicate@ conscience 'ecause it formscalled ?delicate@ conscience 'ecause it formscorrect /udgment with comparison even incorrect /udgment with comparison even in

    matters which involve a ne distinctionmatters which involve a ne distinction

    Such a conscience is developed '& man&Such a conscience is developed '& man&

    sincere people In achieving this desira'lesincere people In achieving this desira'legoal" the guidance of a regular confessor orgoal" the guidance of a regular confessor or

    spiritual director is of tremendous valuespiritual director is of tremendous value

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    %ypes o onscience%ypes o onscience

    Conscience is an infalli'le guide in eachConscience is an infalli'le guide in eachindividualindividual

    If we act according to our conscience" weIf we act according to our conscience" we

    are acting rightl& whether or not we haveare acting rightl& whether or not we havereceived training in morals or ethicsreceived training in morals or ethics

    Therefore" goodwill and sincerit& areTherefore" goodwill and sincerit& aremore important that a thoroughmore important that a thorough

    knowledge of moral or ethical principlesknowledge of moral or ethical principles(8 %eschke" ,336) ,5A.,A*= 2 %adilla"(8 %eschke" ,336) ,5A.,A*= 2 %adilla",334)56.69= C!C) ,35.,3A-,334)56.69= C!C) ,35.,3A-