19.10.11 - Innovative Marketing Strategies (Dorset)

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Business West held a one day workshop on Innovative Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses on a limited Budget, this covered Guerrilla Marketing, Fusion Marketing, Affilliate Marketing and Joint Venture Marketing along with learning about the socail media tools you can use to put these strategies into action.


Innovative Marketing Strategiesfor small businesses with a limited budget

Bournemouth, DorsetWednesday 19th October 2011

Tara Gillam Business West – Enterprise Europe NetworkClient Services Manager



09.00am Registration and Coffee

9.30am Welcome and Introduction Tara Gillam, Business West

9.40am Marketing Strategies Dan Storey, Guerrilla MarketingGuerrilla/Fusion/Affiliate/Joint Venture your Business

11.00am Refreshment Break

11.15am Marketing Strategies Dan Storey, Guerrilla Marketing Continuedyour Business

1.00pm Lunch

1.30pm Tools to implement your Marketing Strategies Andy Poulton, Business WestSocial Media Tools – How to be affective and generate business leads

3.30pm Enterprise Europe Network Tara Gillam, Business WestTargeting Joint Ventures and using the Partnership Tool to access over 14,000 business opportunities

4.00pm Next Steps & Close Dan Storey, Guerrilla MarketingRefreshments and Networking Opportunities your Business

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Dan StoreyGuerrilla Marketing your Business

Marketing StrategiesGuerrilla / Fusion / Affiliate / Joint Venture

What we will cover today

• Overview of Marketing• Marketing Plan Overview

7 Sentence Marketing Plan• Joint Venture Marketing• Fusion Marketing• Affiliate Marketing• Guerrilla Marketing• Traditional Marketing vs Guerrilla Marketing• Mindset of Marketing• 200 Tools of Marketing

About Me

• Guerrilla Marketing Master Trainer

• NLP Master Practitioner & Trainer

• You/You• You/I• They/I

What is Marketing?

Going after conventional business goals using unconventional means!

Marketing is…

• All Contact• A Circle• A Process• The Truth made Fascinating• Chance to Educate your Market how to Succeed• Business more than Art• Art of getting people to Change Their Mind

Marketing is NOT…

• Advertising• Direct Mail• Telemarketing• Brochures• Yellow Pages• Show Business

• Stage for Humour• Invitation to be Clever• Complicated• A Miracle Worker• Website

Marketing is…

• Opportunity to earn profits

• A chance to cooperate with other businesses

• Process of building lasting relationships

7-Sentence Marketing Plan

1 – Purpose of Marketing

– Call to Action?– Definitive progression towards a sale

• Visit your store• Call your sales team• Follow you on social media• Go to a specific web page

– Influence speed of action?

7-Sentence Marketing Plan

2 – Competitive Advantage

– Why should people do business with YOU?– Link to tagline?

Taglines - Guess the Company

• Just Do It• What’s in your wallet?• Built for the road ahead• Connecting People• I’m Lovin’ It• 57 Varieties• They’re Grrrrreat!

Taglines - Guess the Company• The Un-Cola• Think outside the bun• When you can’t brush after every meal• I’d rather fight than switch• Raising the bar• Power of dreams• Trusted to deliver excellence• That was easy

7-Sentence Marketing Plan

3 – Target Audience

– Key to marketing success– 92/4/4– Nanocasting

7-Sentence Marketing Plan

4 – Marketing Tools/Techniques

– Suitable for target audience– Context as well as Content– Over 200 Marketing tools/techniques

7-Sentence Marketing Plan

5 – Niche

– Your position in the market place– Specialist functions

7-Sentence Marketing Plan

6 – Corporate Identity

– What are the values of your company– All things equal, these can set you apart from


7-Sentence Marketing Plan

7 – Budget

– Average company spends just under 4%– What happens to the average business?

– Key to success = Measurement

Joint VenturesFusion Marketing



• Rapid marketing and sales results through existing channels

• Reduce marketing spend by not having to do lead generating activities

• Improved results by getting endorsements from marketing partners

• Great for companies looking for quick wins in new markets

Joint Ventures

• Utilising an existing marketing channel• Win-Win-Win

– Customers– JV Partner– You

• Do it for them– Make it easier to say yes than no

Joint Ventures

• Choosing a partner

– Client Demographics– Similar Values– Survey your existing clients– Networking

Partner Search Tool

Fusion Marketing

• Multiple companies marketing to the same group of people

• Shared marketing cost• Useful if clients looking for all-in-one solution• Examples

– Wedding services– Local business magazine

Affiliate Marketing

• Allow other people to sell your products/services for you

• Many big retailers offer commission for sales– Amazon– iTunes– Expedia– Insurance Companies

• White Label websites/Drop Shipping

Guerrilla Marketing Examples

Guerrilla Marketing Examples

Guerrilla Marketing Examples

Guerrilla Marketing Examples

Guerrilla Marketing Examples

Guerrilla Marketing Examples

Guerrilla Marketing Examples

Guerrilla Marketing Examples

Guerrilla Marketing Examples

Guerrilla Marketing Examples

Guerrilla Marketing Examples

Guerrilla Marketing Examples

Business Cards?

Business Cards?

Business Cards?

Business Cards?

Business Cards?

Business Cards?

Business Cards?

Business Cards?

Business Cards?

How to increase sales using Guerrilla Marketing?

Coca ColaFriendship Machine

12 Foot Vending Machine

40x Regular Sales

Traditional vs Guerrilla Marketing• Invest Time, Energy, Imagination & Knowledge• Removes the Mystique• Geared to Small Business• Profits as main yardstick• Based on Psychology (not Guesswork)• Focus (not Diversification)• Grow Geometrically (4 Ways)• Fervent Follow Up

Traditional vs Guerrilla Marketing• Cooperate (not Compete)• Meme (not Logo)• Giving (not Taking)• Me vs You Marketing• Promotes Marketing Combinations• Relationships over Sales• Very Techno-cozy• Individuals not Groups (Nanocasting)

Traditional vs Guerrilla Marketing• Intentional (focus on the Details)• Gain Consent• Monologue vs Dialogue• Needs vs Wants• Problems (not Benefits)• Provides 200 Tools/Techniques

Mindset of Marketing

• Influence – Robert Cialdini– Reciprocity– Commitment & Consistency– Social Proof– Authority– Liking– Scarcity

Mindset of Marketing

• Repetition• 5000 marketing messages daily• Delete 2/3 we are even interested in• 9 exposures to move to purchase readiness• 74% need 2 different forms of marketing• 33% need 3 different marketing messages• Public Intelligence is increasing

Mindset of Marketing

Permission Marketing – Seth Godin

• Would not ask someone to marry you if you just met them in a bar. Need to develop a relationship based on ongoing value which leads to a sale.

Marketing Tools/Techniques

200 Guerrilla Marketing techniques available

Only need to use those which are relevant to your client demographic

Develop more within your marketing plan

Marketing Tools/Techniques

• Mini Media

– Business Cards– Stationery– Postcards– Personal Letters– Trade Shows

Marketing Tools/Techniques

• Maxi Media

– Advertising– Direct Mail– Television

– Do these last!

Marketing Tools/Techniques

• e-Media

– Website– Blog– Forums– PPC– Autoresponders

Marketing Tools/Techniques

• Info Media

– Knowledge of Market– Customer Data– Case Studies– Articles– Infomercials

Marketing Tools/Techniques

• Human Media

– Yourself– Your employees– Contact time with customers– Job Title– Networking

Marketing Tools/Techniques

• Non Media

– Service– Word of Mouth– Community Involvement– Free Trial– Product Placement

Marketing Tools/Techniques

• Company Attributes

– Name– Intelligent Positioning– Hours of Operation– Service– Price

Marketing Tools/Techniques

• Company Attitudes

– Easy to do business with– Flexibility– Speed– Attention to Detail– Passion & Enthusiasm


Learn More

• 10th & 11th November 2011• 2 day Guerrilla Marketing training

– Marketing principles– Marketing Plan / Calendar – 200 Marketing Weapons– Internet / Social Media– Psychology– Memes £197

Andy PoultonBusiness West Business Link ICT Specialist

Tools to implement your Marketing StrategiesSocial Media Tools – How to be affective and generate

business leads

74Slides available from www.159.be



a e-




75Slides available from www.159.be

76Slides available from www.159.be

Noah Kalina

21m views on YouTube in 5 years

Now that’s the magic of web marketing

77Slides available from www.159.be



a e-




78Slides available from www.159.be

79Slides available from www.159.be

80Slides available from www.159.be

• Introduction

• Reality Check

• Social Networks

• Business Networks

• Viral

• Video Marketing

• Email Marketing

• Blogging

• Twitter


81Slides available from www.159.be

World Wide Web – Reality Check

82Slides available from www.159.be

Vast Market Opportunity

World Wide Web – Reality Check

83Slides available from www.159.be

World Wide Web – Reality Check

6.9 Bn

1.8 Bn

84Slides available from www.159.be

Lots of money spent online

World Wide Web – Reality Check

85Slides available from www.159.be

World Wide Web – Reality Check

2009 2010

£88 bn £118 bn

£150 bn £200 bn

86Slides available from www.159.be

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 20100







£ B








Source IMRG

• World Wide Web – Reality Check

87Slides available from www.159.be

New ways of working means

People spend more and moretime online

World Wide Web – Reality Check

88Slides available from www.159.be

PCLaptopNetbookiPadiPhoneSmart PhoneWiFi3G4G

World Wide Web – Reality Check

89Slides available from www.159.be

Is your business ready?

Do you have• Phone systems in place to deal with calls?

• People to deal with enquiries?

• Stock to deal with uplift in orders?

• Logistics in place to deliver on new orders?

• Cashflow to meet increased demand?

90Slides available from www.159.be

Is your site ready?Do the pages open quickly?

Is it easy to navigate?

Loaded with compelling and relevant content?

91Slides available from www.159.be

Does it Grab the Attention?

A –

I –

D –

A –

Grab their ATTENTION

Generate an INTEREST

Build the DESIRE

Promote the ACTION

92Slides available from www.159.be

• Introduction

• Reality Check

• Social Networks

• Business Networks

• Viral

• Video Marketing

• Email Marketing

• Blogging

• Twitter


93Slides available from www.159.be

Online Networks

94Slides available from www.159.be

95Slides available from www.159.be

Average age distribution across social network sites

0-17 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+








Data source: Google Ad Planner

96Slides available from www.159.be

Social Networks

Social Media is the

No. 1 online activity

97Slides available from www.159.be

Social Networks

2/3rds of the Global Internet population visit

Social Networks

98Slides available from www.159.be

Social Networks

10% of all internet time is spent on Social


99Slides available from www.159.be

Social Networks


100Slides available from www.159.be

1/ China

2/ India

3/ Facebook

4/ USA


If Facebook was a country it would be

101Slides available from www.159.be

Adds 1/2m users every



102Slides available from www.159.be

5bn minutesspent on

Facebook EVERY day


103Slides available from www.159.be

1bn• web links

• news stories

• blog posts

shared each week


104Slides available from www.159.be

Facebook now has a greatershare of theinternet than


105Slides available from www.159.be

Online Networks – Howwww.facebook.com

106Slides available from www.159.be

Facebook – Getting Started

3 Types of presence

• Profile – personalo Can join groupso Ugly URLo Indexed by Search Engines

107Slides available from www.159.be

Facebook – Getting Started

3 Types of presence

• Page – businesso Can’t Join Groupso Can host appso “Vanity” URL o Indexed by Search Engineso Visitor stats available

Best for brands and businesses

108Slides available from www.159.be

Facebook – Getting Started

3 Types of presence

• Group – botho Linked to Site Admino New members have to be approvedo Send “Direct” messages to memberso Ugly URL

Great for organising at a personal level and smaller scale interactions [<5000 members]

109Slides available from www.159.be

Facebook – Getting Started – build profile

110Slides available from www.159.be

Facebook – Getting Started – build page

111Slides available from www.159.be

Facebook – Getting Started – Join In

112Slides available from www.159.be

Facebook – Advertising

• Targeted

• Either Cost per Click or Cost per 1,000 impressions

• Measurable

• Controllable • Daily Budget• Scheduling

• Test, Measure, Feedback

113Slides available from www.159.be

Social Networks – Build your profile - Groups

• Search for groups

• Join some groups

• Start your own group

• Contribute and add value

• Link back to your website

114Slides available from www.159.be

• Introduction

• Reality Check

• Social Networks

• Business Networks

• Viral

• Video Marketing

• Email Marketing

• Blogging

• Twitter


115Slides available from www.159.be

Business Networks

116Slides available from www.159.be

Over 120 millionregistered professional

users in more than

200 countries

Linkedin – Networking for Professionals

117Slides available from www.159.be

More than 50% located outside

of the USA

Linkedin – Networking for Professionals

118Slides available from www.159.be

More than 1.5m companies have

a Linkedin Company Page

Linkedin – Networking for Professionals

119Slides available from www.159.be

Adds 1m new members every 12 days

Linkedin – Networking for Professionals

120Slides available from www.159.be

More than 2bn people searches

in 2010

Linkedin – Networking for Professionals

121Slides available from www.159.be

Linkedin – Networking for Professionals


122Slides available from www.159.be

Linkedin – Getting Started – build profile

123Slides available from www.159.be

Linkedin – Build Company Page

124Slides available from www.159.be

Linkedin – Getting Started – make contacts

125Slides available from www.159.be

Linkedin – Getting Started – find groups

126Slides available from www.159.be

Linkedin – Getting Started – Answers

127Slides available from www.159.be

Linkedin – Advertise

• Targeted

• Either Cost per Click or Cost per 1,000 impressions

• Measurable

• Controllable • Daily Budget• Scheduling

• Test, Measure, Feedback

128Slides available from www.159.be

• Introduction

• Reality Check

• Social Networks

• Business Networks

• Viral

• Video Marketing

• Email Marketing

• Blogging

• Twitter


129Slides available from www.159.be

130Slides available from www.159.be

Viral Marketing – How & Why

• Get other people to do your marketing for you

• It’s free

• Give them something in return if possible

131Slides available from www.159.be

Viral Marketing – How & Why


40020 x 20

400 x 20 8000

8000 x 20 160,000

160,000 x 20 3.2m

132Slides available from www.159.be

Viral Marketing – How & Why

The Thresher ‘Virus’

133Slides available from www.159.be

Viral Marketing – How & Why

• Discount Voucher intended for Suppliers and their Friends

• Circulated via chat-rooms, blogs and email 800,000 times

134Slides available from www.159.be

Viral Marketing – How & Why

• Created queues outside stores

• National TV news coverage

• National Radio coverage

• National Print news coverage

• Generated a rumoured £15m T/O

135Slides available from www.159.be

Britain’s Got TalentSusan Boyle

Over 70m viewings in 1 week

136Slides available from www.159.be

Viral Marketing -How

• Refer a friend

• Competitions

• Video

137Slides available from www.159.be

• Introduction

• Reality Check

• Social Networks

• Business Networks

• Viral

• Video Marketing

• Email Marketing

• Blogging

• Twitter


138Slides available from www.159.be

Video Marketing

139Slides available from www.159.be

Video Marketing

2nd most searched

site on theinternet

140Slides available from www.159.be

Video Marketing

3bnvideos watched

every day

141Slides available from www.159.be

Video Marketing

24 hoursof new contentuploaded every


142Slides available from www.159.be

Video Marketing

Average personspends

15 minuteson YouTube every day

143Slides available from www.159.be

Video Marketing

70% of YouTube

activity takes place outside of

the USA

144Slides available from www.159.be

Video Marketing

YouTube clips now

incorporated in Google Search


145Slides available from www.159.be

Video Marketing

• Outsource to Video Production Company


Your Video

146Slides available from www.159.be

Video Marketing

Your Video

147Slides available from www.159.be

Video Marketing

Your Video

148Slides available from www.159.be

Video Marketing

149Slides available from www.159.be

Video Marketing

150Slides available from www.159.be

Your Video

• Look for an angle

• Look for the competition

• Get a feel for YouTube

• Think how else it could be used

Video Marketing

151Slides available from www.159.be

Your Video

• Prepare prepare prepare

• Prepare and learn your script

• use cue cards

• Prepare your location

• quiet and free from disturbance

• Prepare yourself

• Get filming

Video Marketing

152Slides available from www.159.be

• Introduction

• Reality Check

• Social Networks

• Business Networks

• Viral

• Video Marketing

• Email Marketing

• Blogging

• Twitter


153Slides available from www.159.be

Email Marketing

154Slides available from www.159.be

Why Email Marketing?

• Build Loyalty

• Remind former clients that you are still around

• Advise clients of full range of services

• Provide easy access to latest – news/advice/offers

155Slides available from www.159.be

Why Email Marketing?

It’s Not Expensive

156Slides available from www.159.be

157Slides available from www.159.be

Why Email Marketing?

It’s Effective

158Slides available from www.159.be

Why Email Marketing?

Sector Sent Delivery Open Rate CTR Response

B2CAcquisition 100% 91% 29% 27% 6%

B2CRetention 100% 91% 32% 28% 12%

B2BAcquisition 100% 88% 32% 25% 4%

B2B Retention 100% 90% 37% 30% 13%

Source – DMA Email Marketing Benchmarks Survey

159Slides available from www.159.be

Email Marketing – Key Elements to success

• Develop your database

• Existing Client Data

• Encourage Subscription through website

Offer enticement to subscribe

Exclusive deals, Top Tips, early access to information

• Subscription through other routes

160Slides available from www.159.be

Email Marketing – Key Elements to success

Quality Content

• Relevant

• Tailored

• GRAB attention

• Frequency

• Monitor, Measure, Feedback - repeat

161Slides available from www.159.be

Email Marketing – Measure by Measure

What can be measured

• Number of emails sent

• Number of bounces

• Number opened

• Number deleted without opening

• Action taken

162Slides available from www.159.be

Email Marketing – Measure by Measure

163Slides available from www.159.be

Email Marketing – Tools

• Mail Chimp www.mailchimp.com

• Vertical Response www.verticalresponse.com

• Constant Contact www.constantcontact.com

• iMailer www.emailtools.co.uk

• Reality Mail www.realitymail.co.uk

• Mailing Manager www.mailingmanager.com

• Graphic Mail www.graphicmail.co.uk

164Slides available from www.159.be

• Introduction

• Reality Check

• Social Networks

• Business Networks

• Viral

• Video Marketing

• Email Marketing

• Blogging

• Twitter


165Slides available from www.159.be

166Slides available from www.159.be

Blogging – Why

• An easy way to update latest news

• An informal way of communicating

• Helps with the search engine position of your website

• Opens your business to a wider audience

• Helps keep your clients updated

167Slides available from www.159.be

Blogging – When

When you have something to sell

When you have something new to offer

When something changes

When you have some news

When you have something to say

168Slides available from www.159.be

It’s really easy to set up and run a blog

1/ Sign up

2/ Choose a look

3/ Get typing

169Slides available from www.159.be

Blogging – Where



170Slides available from www.159.be

• Introduction

• Reality Check

• Social Networks

• Business Networks

• Viral

• Video Marketing

• Email Marketing

• Blogging

• Twitter


171Slides available from www.159.be


172Slides available from www.159.be

173Slides available from www.159.be


174Slides available from www.159.be

Twitter – Who

International companiesCiscoIBMDell

Informational ServicesNasaMarketing DonutStartup Donut

Respected News ServicesBBCCNNDaily TelegraphBath Chronicle Celebrities

Demi MooreOprahStephen FryJonathan RossBritney Spears

Small BusinessesWilliam Grant – FoxGrantWarren Cass – Business SceneLindsay Smith – Team PixieFiona Davies – Flame InteriorsAnthony Lloyd – Fallowfields HotelNeil Ryder – If OnlyBryony Thomas – Clear Thought Consulting

PoliticiansDon FosterJacob Rees-MoggKerry McCarthyDuncan Hames

310m Businesses and Individuals

175Slides available from www.159.be

Twitter – Why

• Easy to use

• Easy way to keep in touch

• A way to reach potentially large market

• Short sharp communication tool

176Slides available from www.159.be

Twitter – How

Go to www.twitter.com

177Slides available from www.159.be

Twitter – How

Write a short profile

178Slides available from www.159.be

Twitter – HowFind People to Follow

179Slides available from www.159.be


Twitter – What to Tweet

180Slides available from www.159.be

• Introduction

• Reality Check

• Social Networks

• Business Networks

• Viral

• Video Marketing

• Email Marketing

• Blogging

• Twitter


181Slides available from www.159.be

Andy Poulton

Business Link

M: 07966 547146




Thank You

182Slides available from www.159.be



a e-




Tara GillamBusiness WestEnterprise Europe Network - Client Services Manager

Enterprise Europe NetworkTargeting Joint Ventures and using the Partnership Tool

to access over 14,000 business opportunities



European CommissionEnterprise and Industry

Enterprise Europe Network Targeting Joint Ventures and using the Partnership Tool to

access over 14,000 business opportunities

European CommissionEnterprise and Industry

Title of the presentation | Date |185

What we will cover:

• Who are Enterprise Europe Network• Our Role • Global Reach• European Partnership Service• Case Studies• Activity – creating your own profile• Next Steps• Questions

Title of the presentation | Date |186

Who are Enterprise Europe Network

• Established in 2008 through merging the Innovation Relay Centre and European Information Centre, with additional support for R&D including FP7 & Eurostars

• Funded in part by the European Commission’s Competitiveness and Innovation Programme

• Global Reach covering 49 Countries

600 offices with approx. 5,000 staff on the ground

Currently 12 people in South West, ensuring regional coverage

Title of the presentation | Date |187

Our Role

To stimulate business growth through collaboration, innovation and

internationalisation. Our 4 key offerings are:

• Identifying new International business opportunities through our Partnership Service

• Provide advice on how to trade more effectively in European Markets and Internationally

• Guidance on accessing European Funding• A European policy-feedback service, including business


Title of the presentation | Date |188

50 Countries including:27 Member States + 23 Non-EU Members

• Armenia• Bosnia and Herzegovina• Chile• China• Croatia• Egypt• Macedonia• Iceland• Israel• Japan• Mexico

• Montenegro• Norway• Russia• Serbia• South Korea• Switzerland• Syria• Tunisia• Turkey• USA

Title of the presentation | Date |189

European Partnership Service

http://www.enterpriseeuropesw.org.uk http://www.eensw.co.uk

Title of the presentation | Date |190

European Partnership Service

• Over 14,000 Business Opportunities• Currently FREE to use• Commercial, Technical and Research

Opportunities• Search by Sector, Country of Origin, Offer or

Request and Keyword

Title of the presentation | Date |191

European Partnership Service

• No limit to how many “Expressions of Interest” you make

• Add your own profile to the database• Find Partners for Collaborations• Find Agents / Distributors / JV Partners

Title of the presentation | Date |192

European Partnership Service

Title of the presentation | Date |193

Commercial Profile


Spanish company supplier of wines

requests distributors / Commercial

agents for its products in Austria,

Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Ireland,

Netherlands, UK and other countries.

• PDF Download • E-Mail details to yourself• Direct Enquiry through the website

Title of the presentation | Date |194

Technology Profile

11 RU 86FG 3LJ9

Energy saving machine drive. The

application of the technology reduces

energy consumption of machine drives

by up to 30-40%. The SME seeks

partners for joint further development

and adaptation of the technology to

specific needs.

• PDF Download • E-Mail details to yourself• Direct Enquiry through the website

Title of the presentation | Date |195

Case Study: Hemisphere Freight

Engagement to Date:• 47 Expressions of

Interest• 2 Partnership

Agreements• 1 Profile

Title of the presentation | Date |196

Case Study: Isoperla

Engagement to Date:• 9 Expressions of

Interest• 1 Partnership

Agreements• 2 Profiles

Title of the presentation | Date |197

Case Study: Rokkaplay

Engagement to Date:• 41 Expressions of

Interest• 2 Partnership

Agreements 2 close to agreements

• 2 Profiles

Title of the presentation | Date |198

Case Study: McCormick Weeks

Engagement to Date:• 2 Expressions of

Interest• 1 Partnership

Agreements• 1 Profiles

Title of the presentation | Date |199

Activity – creating your own profile

• 10-15 minutes to complete the Business Profile Proposal Form

• What Profiles do you want to receive as they go live on the system “Alert Map”? Sector selection

Title of the presentation | Date |200

Next Steps

• Webinar “How to get the most from our Partner Search Tool” Monday 24th October 2011 at 2.00pm Monday 7th November 2011 at 11.00am Friday 18th November 2011 at 11.00am Monday 28th November 2011 at 2.00pm

Title of the presentation | Date |201

Any Questions?

Tara Gillam – Client Services ManagerEnterprise Europe Network South WestT: 01275 370 867M: 07765 999 296E: tara.gillam@enterpriseeuropesw.org.ukW: www.enterpriseeuropesw.org.uk or www.eensw.co.uk

What's Next!Complete the Feedback Form

Complete the EEN Profile FormBook onto a Webinar

Book onto the 2 Day Guerrilla Marketing Event