1988-89 Annual Report

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  • 8/3/2019 1988-89 Annual Report


  • 8/3/2019 1988-89 Annual Report


    \XI.R.S .LS.C 1988-89 Annual Report

    PresidentsReportIwould like to take this opportunity to thank all mycommittee members for this season, their co-operationwas greatly appreciated, a very big thankyou to you all.A very special thankyou to my secretary, Jane, a very bigjob well done.Toall our Active and Non-Active members for season1988-89, thankyou all for participation within our Club.Sponsors for the Club a very big thankyou for yoursupport.Congratulations to all members who gained awards,seniors and juniors, a special thanks to Kate and herhelpers for so many juniors coming through the ranks.Congratulations to Peter Soltau and Spike Pearce for thetime they put into the club this year, with all the Activemembers, thankyou both.A special thanks to all our fund-raisers for this season,overall a record year. A big thanks to Jack Nolan and hiscrew for taking over this year from Harry and Thais andmaking their day such a great event. The Spit Roast andall the other money-raising efforts, a great job well done,thankyou all so much.Our patrols this year were overall, quite good, a little letdown towards the end of the season but we can onlyimprove on this and strive for a better performance thecoming season.

    Many thanks,Bernie Morrissy

  • 8/3/2019 1988-89 Annual Report


    1988-89 Annual Reportye River S.LS.C. Inc.Secretary'sReportUntil one is involved in running the Club it is difficult tounderstand the hard work and effort that is put in bynumerous people. During the past year llearned thatthere isalways so much to be done; upkeep of theequipment, improvements to the facility maintaining andincreasing membership plus all the social and fundraisingactivities.

    It iswonderful to se e that so many people give up theirtime to accomplish these tasks for the benefit of allmembers. Toall those people and indeed the activemembers patrolling our beach, which affords parents likemyself and members of the public peace of mind andsecurity I thank you for your time and effort. You do agreat job. Iwould also like to thank all the committeemembers for their help and support throughout the yearWe've had a terrific yearlFinally Iwould like to thank you, the members, for yoursupport and contributions over the past year. Seeyou allnext season.

    Jane P . Matar

    TreasurersReportThe following reports show our Club as being in a soundfinancial position. The very fact we are in this enviableposition is due mainly to the efforts of certain membersof not only the senior division but also our junior division,their active participation in raffles and general fund-raising is greatly appreciated.

    With prudent financial management by the Committeeand the continued support of the Wye River/SeparationCreek residents, campers and visitors J am confident ofthe Club's financial viabilityAfter sixyears as Tr'easurerI will not be seekingre-election at this year's Annual General Meeting andtake this opportunity of wishing the Club continuedfinancial stability Tomy successor, should your require Itmy assistance isavailable.

    Jack Nolan


  • 8/3/2019 1988-89 Annual Report


    Wye River S.l.S.c. Inc. 1988-89 Annual ReportTREASURER'S REPORT (Continued)CLUB FUNDS AS AT 30/4/89 GENERAL ACCOUNT - WESlPAC [cont.]General Account - Westpac $ 7,407.05 BANK STATEMENTLucky Ticket Account - Westpac ),331.78 Balance as pe r Statement 19/4/89 $ 6,385.84Building Account - Challenge Bank 5,588.64 Add Uncredited Deposit ),748.44Total Funds 30/4/89 $14.327.47 $ 8,134.28

    Less Unpresented Cheques 727.23Balance as per Cash Book 30/4/89 $ 7,407.05

    ANALYSIS OF FUNDSBalance on hand ]/5/89 $]2,721.34Add Receipts for year 35,834.83 LUCKY TICKET ACCOUNT - WESTPAC

    548,556.17 BANK/CASH BOOK RECONCILIATIONLess Expenditure for year 34,228.760 CASHBOOKBalance of Funds on hand 30/4/89 $14.327.47 Balance 1/5/88 $ 431.61AClual Tr'adingProfit for period Add Receipts for year 936.32J/5/88-30/4/89 $ ),606.]3 $ 1,367.93Less Expenditure for year 36.15~-.~

    Balance 30/4/89 $ 1,331.78

    CHALLENGE BANK ACCOUNTBANK/CASH BOOK RECONCILIATIONCASHBOOK BANK STATEMENTBalance 1/5/88 $ 1.921.13 Bank Statement 1l/4/89 $ J,069.78Add Receipts for year 8,044.52 Add Uncredited Deposit 262.00--'-~

    $ 9,965.65 Balance as per Cash Book 30/4/89 $ l,331.78Less Expenditure for year 4.377.01Balance 30/4/89 $ 5,588.64


    BANK STATEMENT FOR THE PERIOD 1/5/88-30/4/89Balance 8/4/89 s 5,588.64 RECEIPTS 1989/9 1987/8Income from machine $902.00 $470.00

    Interest 34.32 1].04Excess of Expenditure overIncome 303.87GENERAL ACCOUNT - WESTPAC $936.32 $784.91BANK/CASH BOOK RECONCfLATION

    CASHBOOKBalance ]/5/88 $10,368.60Add Receipts for year 26,853.99

    $37,222.59 EXPENDITURELess Expenditure for year 29.815.54 Prizes $- $720.00Balance 30/4/89 $ 7,407.05 Bank Fees 1.55 0.85Government Tax & Fees 34.60 64.06

    Excess of Income overExpenditure 900.17. . n _$936.32 $784.9]


  • 8/3/2019 1988-89 Annual Report


    Wye RiverS.L.S.c.Inc. 1988-89 Annual ReportTREASURER'S REPORT (Continued)STATEMENTOF RECEIPTS& PAYMENTSFOR THE PERIOD1/5/88-30/4/89RECEIPTS GENERAL AjC &CHALLENGE AjC 1988/9 1987/8 PAYMENTS 1988/9Balance Brought Forward $12,289.73 $10,634.17 New Bunkhouse Furniture $Subscriptions & Donations, New EqUipment 2.495.00B/House Fees 5,677.00 7,836.50 Club/Bunkhouse Maintenance 4,792.00Socjal/Fund Raising 16,010.35 7)60.42 Equipment,T-Shirts/Bathers/Caps/Shorts/ Repairs & Maintenance 2.474.69W'cheaters 359.00 415.50 Social & Fund Raising 9231.71

    Bank Interest 563.16 877.09 Insurance 4.475.89Manual 2.00 206.50 Printing & Stationery 28.50Postages 40.50 Postages 279.57$ for $ S.L.S.A.Grants 1550.00 1,140.00 Trophies & Awards 726.80SLS.A. Building Grant 2216.00 Telephone 808.89Trophies 270.00 S.E.c. 526.68Wet Suit Sales Commission 47.25 Bank Charges & Sundries 466.15S l i p , SlOp,Slap Cream 492.00 842.10 Medical 237.38I.R.B.Competition 50.00 Manuals 305.00S.L.S.A.Car Raffle Commission 30.00 I.R.B.Carnival JumpersStubby Holders 355.00 50.00 Government Licence Fees 32.00Reimbursement Licence Fees 24.50 Slip,Slop, Slap CreamSales of I.R.B.Motor/Surf Boat/Ski 2,650 Carnival Expenses 1200.00Carnival Fees 24.00 Caps 212.29

    $42,188.24 $30,224.53 S.L.S.A.Affifiation Fees 100.00Signs & Slgnwriting 460.00Stubby Holders 340Balance carried forward 12,995.69


    1987/8$ 2.340.00







    Life Saving EquipmentSurf Boats & TrailersBunkhouse FurnitureBunkhouseClubhouseIRB/Motors/TraiJersRadio RoomRadios

    w.o.\!. Deletions & Total Value Depreciation Depreciation W.O.\!.1/5/88 Additions Rate % 30/4/89

    $ $ $ $ $4)99 2,495 A 7,294 12.5 912 6,3824,142 1,650D 2,492 15 374 2,1182,059 ~ 2,059 15 309 1.7501.655 - 7,655 2 153 7,502

    13512 - 13,512 2 270 13,2428,031 1,000 7,031 22.5 1.582 5,449874 - 874 2 17 857

    2.010 - 2,010 15 302 1)0843,082 2,495A 42,927 - 3,919 39,008



  • 8/3/2019 1988-89 Annual Report


    Wye River S.l.S.c. Inc. 1988-89 Annual ReeortGENERALREVENUEFORTHE BALANCE SHEET FOR THEPERIOD 1/5/88-30/4/89 PERIODENDING 30/4/89INCOME 1988L89 1987L8 CURRENT ASSETS I88L89 1987L8Subscr ip t ions , Donations , C ash at B ank ~

    Bunkhouse Fees $ 5 ,6 77 .0 0 $ 7,836.50 General Account $ 7,407.05 510,368.60Social & Fund Raising 16,010.35 7)60.42 Cash on hand 20.00 20.00T~Shirts/Bathers/Caps/Shorts/ Lucky T ic ke t Account 1331.78 431.61W 'Cheaters 359.00 305.50 Challenge Bank 5,588.64 1.921.13Sundry 24.00 352.25Interest 563.16 877.09 FIXED ASSETS AT COST LESSDEPRECIATIONSa le o f I .R .B .Mo tor /Su rf Boa r/Ski 2,650.00 L ife Saving Equipmen t $ 6 ,3 82 .0 0 $ 4 ,7 99 .0 0$ for $ S.L.S .A .Grant 1,550.00 1,140.00 Su rf Boa ts & Trailer 2,118.00 +142.00S.L.SA. Build ing Grant 2216.00 Bunkhouse Fu rn iture 1)50.00 2,059.00Manuals 2.00 206.50 Bunkhouse Bu il ding 7,502.00 7,655.00S lip, S lop, S lap Cream 492.00 842.10 C lubhouse Buiid ing 13.242.00 13,512.00Trophies 270.00 I .R .B.Motors Trai le r 5,449.00 8,031.00Stubby Holders 355.00 Radio Room 857.00 874.00Lo ss to A ccumu la te d F un ds 3,368.04 Radios 1,708.00 2,010.00$33266.55 $19.590.36 553,355.47 555,823.34PAYMENTSL ife Saving Equipmen t 5 5,362.07 5 966.79 LIABILITIESC lubhouse , Bunkhouse Repa irs 4,792.00 1,489.42 Acc umu la te d Fun ds 555,823.34Social & Fund Ra is in g 9,231.71 4,694.29 P lu s Luc ky T ic ke t Ac coun t 900.17Insurance 4,475.89 2,480.60 556,723.51Depreciation 3.919.00 4,916.00 Less Transfer fromPrinting & Stationery 28.50 93.00 Genera l R ev en ue IY c 3,368.04Postages 279.57 360.52 553,355.47Manual , T rophies & Awards 1,031.80 906.80Telephone 808.89 903.64SEC. 526.68 445.77Bank Cha rges & Sundry 489.15 529.97I.R.B.Carnival Jumpers 500.00Sl ip ,S lop , Slap Cream 840.00Carnival Expenses 1200.00Caps 212.29S.L.SA.A f f ili at ion Fees 100.00Signs & Signwriting 460.00S tubby Ho lder s 340.00P ro fit to A ccumu nla te d F und s 463.56

    533,266.55 $19,590.36


  • 8/3/2019 1988-89 Annual Report


    \XI.R.S.L.S.C 1988-89 Annual Report

    Club Captain5ReportThe )988/89 season is regrettably behind us and we arein the grips of winter. But as some philosopher once said:Don't be sad it's all over, be happy it was.Quite a successful season all in all. Our Juniors areprobably our best ambassadors for the Club, they werewell represented at Carnivals and finished very well. A lotof awards were gained during the season, assuring thatWye River stays on the map so to speak. A number ofsenior members also took part in a number of carnivalsand that was refreshing to see.We conducted very successfully a Restricted Carnival atWye, the Club Championship and the Kennett to WyeClassic, the latter with the help of Kennett River,of course.A lot of preparation and work goes into these functionsand without the help of volunteers like parents, membersand committee persons, this could not be organised.

    My thanks to you all and congratulations to all those whotook part in Carnivals and gained their awards. We missedout on gaining any great points in the Otway RegionPatrol Competition, for reasons we all know, but mainlyfor lack of communication between patrol members andtheir respective patrol captains. And while we are on thesUQject of patrols, Iwill have to say this; while a smallbank of dedicated members have carried the mainburden of patrols, a great number of members have justnot done their bit. And unless that attitude towardspatrol duties changes, I cannot be very optimistic aboutthe Club's strength.Again my thanks to all the assistance that was given tome during my term, whIch I er]oyed very much. Iwill beonly too happy to help the next Club Captain during thefollowing season, if needed.May you all have an erjoyable and successful )989/90season.

    Peter Soltau

    Chief InstructorsReportIwould like to congratulate all members who gainedawards this season. The new members who gained theirawards were:S.l.S.CEmma NolanJulie AllenGrant Cornwill

    Trepmeena HunterBen GriffinScot Williams

    BRONZE MEDALLIONLeon McGlynnClaudia SoltauRachel Mulder

    Annacretta HunterJason ThomasAnthony Robinson

    The squad's instructors were Jason Cleary S.L.S.c.Instructor's Certificate and Simon Soltau, "TrainingOfficer'sCertificate.Other awards to be gained this seasonA.R.c. CERTIFICATE Jason ClearyI.R.B. DRIVERSKate HeathcoteMichael PearceRicharej Szmidel

    Simon SoltauSimon Klose


    Summing up the season I think club members must aimto train for a new award each season. This is the only wayeach member can obtain a high standard of life savingand will also help the club work in a more professionalmanner on the beach. This may be taken on as a Winterproiecr for some awards. Hopefully keeping memberstogether over Winter and lifting standards so eachmember does not have to be re-trained for re-quals atthe start of each season. After the A.G.M. I will be lookinginto setting an action plan tor members gaining theseawards to help set up Wye River as a life saving power aswe move into the 90's.

    M. Pearce


  • 8/3/2019 1988-89 Annual Report


    \XI.R.S.L.S.C 1988-89 Annual Report

    NippersOver the Summer Life Saving Season of 1988-89 thejuniors allworked hard to once again gain their yearly ageawards. Apart from these workshops, the children werealso training hard for the summer series of carnivals.We started off the season with a superb day at Lornewith 27juniors representing Wye River,a first for our smallclub. A's the carnivals continued on; the Wye Riverjuniorstended to die as we approached our second carnival ata cold blown-out Fishermens Beach (Torquay). Onlyabout 15Nippers were to be found ready to brave theelements. We all returned to Wye tired and cold late inthe afternoon.The next carnival at South Melbourne beach was poorlyattended with only AShley Jones and his father turningup; apart from that it was a beautiful night and the threeof us thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. The next carnivaland State Titles at Point Leo were also not well attended,but once again the Jones family came in with flyingcolours and Ashley won a medal at the Vics.As Autumn set in so did State selections where LisaMcKinnon and Ashley Jones went to represent ourClub and they are both to be congratulated on theirfine efforts.But apart from these carnivals which were harder toattend this season as most of them were across the bayall our Nippers did really well thiSyear and approximately30 awards were gained, therefore congratulations tothose fine children of Surf Life Saving.As the season moved on we had two of our Nippers(Ashley Jones and Lisa Barry)join up with the Stateteam and compete in Tasmania, the Club was able togive some funding towards their trip and they bothdid really well and represented our State as part ofa great team of highly spirited young people.As the season drew to an end and our New Year'sdayactivities were over, our club championships wereundertaken with the battle for the age groups justbeginning. I must say it was a truly successful morningand my special thanks go to Mike Pearce, Claudia Soltauand Brett Cornwill as well as many parents for theirencouragement and help - (while I sat under theumbrella and quietly suffered for over-cooking theday before).The result for club championships were as follows:T3years1stBoy1stGirlIron WomanIron Man

    - Grant Cornwill- Emma Nolan- Emma Nolan- Ben Shute

    12 years1stBoy - Glen Williams1stGirl - Lisa McKinnonJronWoman - Nerfisa KempIron Man - Billy Mulder11years1st Boy - Ashley Jones1stGirl - Melody JaneIron Woman - Melody JaneIron Man - Ashley Jones10years1stBoy - Joel Weymouth1st Girl - Skye SinclairIron Woman - Skye SinclairIron Man - Joal Weymouth9 years1st - Neil Williams2nd - Chris Shute8years1st Boy - James Agnew1stGirl - Cathie JaneCongratulations to all these children, but aswecongratulate these children, it's not just the winning thatcounts, it's the participation of every child who took part.In the children's eyes it's what they see as the fun andenjoyment of "haVing a go"! That's what really counts, it'sonly us, as adults, who se e how important it is to win, butwinning, of course, isn't everything. I believe that all thechildren who took part are to be highly commended fortheir fine efforts.And as we bring my report to its final end, firstly I'd like tothank all the children and the Cornwill family for their fineefforts in raising enough money to purchase a new juniorracing malibu, and secondly I would like to apologise fornot being able to put in as much work this season as Ihave in the previous seasons as Junior Delegate. To be aJunior Delegate requires a lot of time and patience, notonly during the season and on the beach, but as well asattending all the carnivals, meetings and fighting throughthe paper warfare.This season I got very caught up with my own personalstUdy working at Lorne to afford to study teaChing,personal development in Surf Life Saving and thecommitments I made to the offshore rescue boat.On a final note there isone thing we all must rememberand that is the plain fact that the Juniors are thebackbone of our club and without them we would notexist asa club.

    Cate HeathcoteJunior Association Delegate


  • 8/3/2019 1988-89 Annual Report


    WaR.S .LS .C 1988-89 Annual Report

    Competition Managers ReportThe main highlights of the 1988-89 season were the verysuccessful restrictive Carnival held at Wye and the GoldMedal won by Peter Soltau at the Victorian Master Titlesheld at Lorne.

    Iwould like to thank all the competitors and helpers fortheir support. It was one of the best restrictive Carnivalsheld in Victoria with competitors' and officials' numbersup on other years.Iwould like to congratulate Peter Soltau on hisoutstanding performance at the Victorian Master Titles

    and at the Australian Master Titles held at Pacific Beach,Oueensland.Congratulations should also go to Jenny Rumble, ClaudiaSoltau and Grant Cornwill for their great job at theVictorian State Titles held at Torquay.Toall the rest of our competitors who represented theClub, thankyou and I hope to see m o re Club memberswearing the Blue and Black next season.

    Greg Kelly

    IRBCaptains ReportIt doesn't seem like it was 12months ago, that Isat downto write this report, Since last June, the club has gainedmore qualified drivers under the tuition of our newinstructors - Steve Rumble and Steve Kiag,The driving skills and experience gained by all drivers andcrews has increased since lastyear through competitionand training. The new drivers went through a heavytraining schedule last summer. all trainees passed theirexamination. Itwas good to see one of our seniormembers finally gain confidence and get his driver'scertificate. Well done Spike)With all this training weshould se e a decrease in the repair and maintenancecosts of boats and motors in the future.Wye River IRBteam were again part of the Victorian team Paul 'Bones' Malone

    ACTIVE MEMBERS, HOURS PATROLLED &AWARDS GAINED*Rostered *Rostered *RosteredPatrols A wa rd s P atrols A w ard s P atrols A w ard s

    N a m e Hours Attended Gained N am e H ours A tten d ed G ain ed N am e H ours A tten d ed GainedC. Soltau 107 6 BM L. Donovan 26 5 R.Gardner 75 1J Thomas 6275 6 BM B. Griffin 25.5 3 SLSe R.Green 7 0~ "~ ~~"~ , ~-- -"""p - - DlrourRe 25.25Soltau 59.5 7 6 G. Kamp 6.75 1D. Rookes 54.75 8 C. Heathcote 25 5 IRBD S.Williams 6 ! SLSCR.Griffin 54.75 6 IRBD P Gardner 24.5 3 D . KcKinnon 4 JGKeily 51.5 8 W Townsend 24 5 M. Forrester 4 IJ Rumble 5025 8 L. Beamish 24 4 A. Beamish 3.5 1E. Nolan 49.25 4 SLSe A. O'Rourke 22.5 5 A. Robinson 2.75 0 BMP Malone 47.75 7 R.Mulder 20.5 5 JAllen 0 0 SLSeJc:J~ary, 44 6 SLSel M. Pearce 18.5 1 IRBD A. Hunter 0 0 8MB. Cornwill 39 7 F Barry 18 4 T Hunter 0 0 SLSeG. Cornwill 34.75 6 SLSC A. McMillan 17.25 4J. Nolan 33.5 7 M. Robinson 17 3 'Each member was rostered on 8 patrols (exceptB.Egan 30.75 7 G. Vesey 16.5 3 those who were put on rosters dUring the seasonL. Egan 30.75 7 D. Kiag 15 4 and those on patrol J W~IOhacJ9 patrolslS. Kiag 3025 7 IRBI R. Kamp 14.25 2 A w ard A b b rev .S.Rumble 2925 " 1 IRBI D Mulder 14 4 Surf UFeSaving Certificate SLSCBronze Medaillon BMS.Soltau 29.25 4 IRBD,TOe R. Kehoe 13 0 Surf Ufe Saving Certificate Instructor SLSCIS. Klose 29 3 IRBO R.Madsen 12.25 4 Inshore Rescue Boat DriversR.Szmidel 29 5 IRBO K. Morrissy 10.5 2 CeruflGlte IRBDN. Curtain 28 6 T Carstens 10 2 1ialning Officer's Certificate TOC. L . .C r g f . L _ . .. .- - . .2 B , 5 N. Barry 9.25 2 Inshore Rescue Boat mstructorsCert IfiCate IRBIL._M.cYJynn~ 27 5 BM MJohnson 9 2 Advanced ReSUSCitationCertificate ARC


    to compete at the Australian IRBChampionships held atMaroubra in Sydney last August Our results of berths inthe semi-final, two quarter-finals of various events,shows a definite improvement on 1987's performance,against a much improved and more experienced crewsfrom N.S.W and Queensland.These results were at the end of a great season, whichwas capped off by vvye River hosting the Victorian IRBChampionships. This weekend was a great success forthe club.Hope to see everyone supporting Wye at the IRBcarnivals and next season on the beach.

  • 8/3/2019 1988-89 Annual Report


    \XI.R.S.L.S.CInc. 1988-89 Annual Report

    L IFE MEMBER SD. Mitchell*

    A. K.Jefferson*A. Jonas

    S.A. L.AgnewC. CoxR.Anthony Snr.M. PearceS.Carroll

    1988/89 COMMITTEEPresident B. Morrissy

    Senior Vice President Eric ConlonSecretary Jane MatarTreasurer Jack Nolan

    Club Captain P SoltauVice Captain D. Burke

    I.R.B. P MaloneSenio r Instructor M. PearceJunior Delegate C HeathcoteGear Steward K. Morrissy

    State Centre Delegate G. Kel lyProperty Officer C. LeaverSocial Secretary J. Rumble

    General Commi t tee P GardnerFirst Aid R. Kehoe

    Radio Officer R.Anthony