20 web design tips

Post on 05-Jul-2015

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20 Web Design Tips for every web designer. Students doing web design course must read this tips.


Knowledge base tips for every web designer doing web design course

USE DESIGNING SOFTWARE For designing web site you should start with professional designing software like

Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator to make your web layouts. Students should learn these software while doing web design course.

Make Custom web layouts which are easy to understand by your audience

Design web layouts according to themes to look more attractive. Themes can be decided on the nature of the companies work.

Locate menu to make navigation easily for the user and make user friendly website.

Use new HTML 5 tags for making your layout understandable. Some of new tags which should be used are <article> <section> <header> <footer> <main> <aside> etc.

For designing layout you should be perfect in cascading style sheets work. To apply styles on your web pages. For more on CSS styles and its courseclick here.

Flash animations are not supported by tabs, mobiles and takes time to get load also not readable by search engines. So avoid using flash animation these days for your website.

For animation use coding languages like CSS3 and J-query to get better uploading speed and supported by all kind of tabs and browser.

ADOBE DREAMWEAVER Most professional software for writing your all web codes such as HTML, CSS, JS,

PHP etc.

WEBSITE RESPONSIVE Work on responsive website by which website get fluid layouts for Mobile, Tabs

and Monitor and easy to view in all kind of screen sizes.

If you want to make website other than English language make use of In-script language codes with Unicode fonts.

Website layout should be well aligned and work on spacing to make your web layout easy to understand.


PHP is the most powerful code to manage databases. Use PHP for managing all your data for product or service page website.

Use less movement or animated pages otherwise by user it is automatically ignored by understanding as a flashy advertisements.

Avoid the simple hash tag links and broken links in your website. Test these links and fix all errors. Broken links are negativity in your website for your clients as well as for SEO.

Web pages inside your website should be inter linked with each other. Cross link building helps visitor to understand website in better manner.


Try to use all those techniques which is better for SEO in your website for this read in detail all that technique by clicking here.

To make know your website popular start working on all social media websites. With help of this more and more people will come to know about your websites. Also give icons for these social media in your website where people share your pages with other which they like.

Your website should be full of information for which use info-graphics in your website. Info graphics are easy to understand and makes your website more attractive.

Use all essential elements and link building process to target your main pages of the website. The pages which show your product or services are your target pages. Focus on color themes combinations, typography part, easy to understand.

WWW.BAPUGRAPHICS.COM Follow all these simple tips for designing, developing and marketing your website.