2013 MacArthur Blvd Buffered Bikeway Concept Proposal - Boulanger

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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MacArthur Boulevard Striping There is Another Option: The Buffered Bike Lane

Todd Boulanger Urbane Streets Transportation Consultant

Public Comment to the City Council, Vancouver WA 18 March 2013

Middle Elementary

Sharrows Are Not Recommended:

!  On streets with posted 35 mph speeds or faster, and

!  Motor vehicle volumes higher than 3,000 vpd shared lane.

On these streets other bikeway types are preferred, such as bike lanes, buffered bike lanes, etc.


Source: NACTO

Source: NACTO

!  Anywhere a standard bike lane is being considered.

!  On streets with high travel speeds, high travel volumes, and/or high amounts of truck traffic.

!  On streets with a high proportion of youth / elderly population or novice bicyclists.

!  On streets with extra lanes or extra lane width.

Source: NACTO

…along sections without curbing

!  Provides greater shy distance between vehicles and bicyclists.

!  Provides space for bicyclists to pass debris without encroaching into the adjacent vehicle travel lane.

!  Encourages bicyclists to ride outside of the door / gutter zone.

!  Appeals to a wider cross-section of bicycle users.

!  Encourages bicycling by contributing to the perception of safety among users of the bicycle network.

!  Provides a greater space for bicycling without making the bike lane appear so wide that it might be mistaken for a travel lane or a parking lane.

!  Reduces vehicle speeding and lane changes with a road diet. Source: NACTO

!  Minneapolis, MN

!  New York, NY

!  Portland, OR

!  San Francisco, CA

!  Seattle, WA

!  Tucson, AZ

!  Phoenix, AZ

!  Billings, MT

!  Cape Coral, FL

!  Los Angeles, CA

!  Marin County, CA

!  Austin, TX

!  Brooklyn, NY

Source: NACTO

Long Beach Portland

Philadelphia New York City

For more information:

!  Todd Boulanger

!  Urbane Streets

!  215 W. 4th Street, Ste 205

Vancouver, WA 98660

!  urbane.streets@gmail.com