2015 Mar/Apr - Heart Talk - Maximized Living Magazine

Post on 08-Apr-2016

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Heart Talk: This edition is focused on matters of the heart. This edition is chalk-full of heart healthy recipes, exercises, and other factor that contribute to a healthy heart.












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Maximum Blessings,

Dr. Ben Lerner Co-Founder of Maximized Living




I just recently released a book called, The Genesis Factor. An important question I just knew I had to answer was “What did people do before fried Oreos®, Sweet Tarts®, LipitorTM, Diet Coke®, triple mocha lattes, and Captain Crunch®”? (I hope I’m not making anyone hungry!). One thing is for certain, before all of them, including the CoQ10 robbing LipitorTM, we had

healthier hearts.

Heart disease is well known as the #1 killer in men. It also kills more women than all cancers combined. With all of the attention paid to breast cancer, statistics show that 1 in 3 women die from heart disease compared to 1 in 31 who die from breast cancer. I know, not the most positive article you ever read – hold on, it gets nicer.

When I hear numbers like this I become just despondent. We are talking about a condition that is almost entirely preventable through living a Maximized Life. Many of the most prestigious universities in the world have proven that most of heart disease should go away. In fact, after researching the impact of lifestyle on preventing heart disease, Donald Lloyd-Jones, M.D., chair and professor of preventive medicine at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and a staff cardiologist at Northwestern Memorial Hospital said, “Health behaviors trump genetics. Our research shows people have control over their heart health.”

The principle of what is your Genesis Factor is that there is the power for regeneration and a new beginning lurking inside each and everyone of us regardless of our past or the genes from our great-great grandparents. When you remove interference your body has a remarkable ability to produce health regardless of genetics, despite what type of wellbeing you’ve experienced in the past, or are dealing with right now. How do you remove interference? It’s really not that hard. Studies like the one from Northwestern University and similar studies from Harvard list lifestyle factors that are no brainers like; don’t smoke, don’t drink, gets some exercise, and eat all your veggies. Research shows that it is amazing what some simple, conscious living can do to prevent the most deadly, common diseases. So can you even imagine what happens when someone is actually living The 5 Essentials of Maximized Living®!

Whether it’s cancer, heart disease, or the flu science is supporting more and more that it is not genetics, a pill, a shot, or a surgery that is the solution to preventing or overcoming these conditions. The power and ability to prevent and heal is something you were born with that a bad, modern lifestyle takes away. We call them Essentials because they are the irreducible minimum factors to addressing causes of disease, making sure you do not interfere with your body’s ability to function, and max-out your ability to thrive and enjoy your life. Visit an ML doctors clinic and use the chiropractic care and resources they provide to release your Genesis Factor starting today.

In view of the complex, individual nature of health and fitness problems, this magazine and the ideas, programs, procedures, and suggestions in it are not intended to replace the advice of trained medical professionals. All matters regarding one’s health require medical supervision. A physician should be consulted prior to adopting any program or programs described in this magazine, or any of the Maximized Living resources. The contents of this magazine are based upon the opinions of the authors. The authors and publisher disclaim any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of this magazine.

This magazine is not intended to make recommendations related to getting on or off prescription or over-the-counter medication. If you face any current health concerns, or are currently taking medication, it is always recommended to seek the advice of your physician before starting a new health care program. Only your medical doctor can prescribe drugs or tell you to get off of drugs. Our role is to make you aware of the hazards of poor lifestyle decisions while helping you to create optimum function and healing in your body. In time, you must begin to judge for yourself whether your medications are keeping you alive, merely palliating symptoms of an unhealthy body, or actually causing some of the ailments you suffer from. With the guidance of your prescribing physician, you need to make your own best decisions on medication. As you heal, work with your medical doctors to help you reduce or eliminate the drugs you’re on.

The information in this magazine is intended to be educational and should not replace consultation with a competent health care professional. This magazine is intended to be used as an adjunct to responsible health care supervised by a healthcare professional. The authors and Maximized Living are not liable for any misuse of the material contained in this magazine.

Contact us: Maximized Living1170 Celebration Blvd., Suite 100BCelebration, FL 34747P: (321) 939-3060




YOUR GENESIS FACTORTaking good health to heart



Community Dinner Introducing Heart Talk

What is it?: The Community Dinner is our opening event for this Cycle titled Heart Talk. At this event you and a guest can enjoy a complimentary dinnerwyou learn about the life-changing care that we offer at our clinic. Discover what real health really is, learn how to overcome health hurdles, and receive your invitation to our Advanced Workshop.

Advanced Workshop Heart Talk: Change the Stats for Good!

What is it?: This workshop will offer practical tips that will help people across all generations take control of their health. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention heart disease is the number one killer of both men and women in the U.S. We will sift through all the knowledge out there to bring you key information on how to keep the strongest muscle in your body working for you. Don’t be a statistic, learn how to get on the path to true wellness!

PAD Spring Cleaning

What is it?: Our PAD event, otherwise known as Patient Appreciation Day, is one of some of the most beloved by our clinic. This is the day when we honor you as a patient! Stop by the office to enjoy free snacks and beverages, and to get a lesson on the ingredients that are lurking in your household cleaning products. This is a great event to bring a friend for them to take advantage of our discounted examination rates.

Max Life Webinar Heart Talk

What is it?: Are you giving your heart enough love? Tune in to our online broadcast where we will be covering our Cycle’s key focus, heart health. Learn: how to shop heart smart, what small everyday changes will pay off in the long run, how much salt is too much, and which are the vital nutrients that support the cardiovascular system.

Recipe Night Heart Healthy Foods

What is it?: Our recipe nights are fun for the whole family! This potluck style event allows patients to share and enjoy meals from our Maximized Living Nutrition book. As you indulge in delicious homemade foods you will also have an opportunity to learn all about the pros and cons of salt intake, discover how to fight plaque by changing your diet, and dispel nutrition lies and replace them with facts. This is an event you don’t want to miss!

EVENT CALENDAR: March & April 2015

Ask your Maximized Living Doctor about how you can join in the fun!


The new focus in healthcare is all about “prevention”. Well, at least according to The Patient Pro-

tection and Affordable Care Act, which uses the word 227 times! 1Unfortunately, ObamaCare misses the mark because its version of prevention is mainly centered on medical tests such as:

• Prostate exams• Mammograms • Eye exams• Dental checkups • Medical checkups

The problem with this approach is two-fold:

1. These exams don’t prevent anything from happening. All they do is diagnosedisease, and there’s a BIG difference between the two! 2. Early detection indicates that the problem already exists and it canoften be too late for people to seetheir problem resolved.

Case and point: Medicare encourages its members to utilize what they call a “Preventive Visit & Yearly WellnessExams,” yet look at what’s beingaccomplished here2.

“Welcome to Medicare” Preventive Visit:

• Height, weight, and blood pressure measurements.

• Body mass index.• Vision test.• Depression risk.• “An offer to talk with you about creating advance directives,” which is a list of major medical interventions like dialysis, tube feeding and organ donation3. • A formal plan advising patients which screenings, shots, and other preventive services they supposedly need.

Yearly “Wellness” Visits:

• Medical and family history review.• Developing or updating a list of current providers and prescriptions.• Height, weight, blood pressure, and other routine measurements.• Detection of any cognitive impairment.• Personalized health advice.• A list of risk factors and treatment options for you.• A screening schedule (like a checklist) for appropriate preventive services.

This entire approach is useless at pre-venting anything and just focuses on keeping tabs on what drugs people take and what diseases they are deve-loping. This is called “sick care,” and is has nothing to do with healthcare at all. Thankfully, there is a much better way of going about truly preventing di-sease, and chiropractors are at the helm of this healthcare paradigm!

The new focus in healthcare is all about “prevention”.


in HealthcareParadigm



Merriam-Webster defines preven-tion as the “act or practice of stop-ping something bad from happening;the act of preventing something.”4This implies proactive action steps, yet, as we have seen above, what active measures are being taken to stop diseasesfrom happening in the current healthcaremodel? Essentially, none at all, which is why chiropractic is so important!

There is no other healthcare specialty that focuses on truly preventing diseaselike chiropractic. Yes, it is true that many people go to doctors of chiropracticfor pain management and symptom relief, however, the far-reaching global effects of gentle, specific adjustment are essentially immeasurable. Clinical trials and evidence-based research, for example,has shown that spinal correction can:

• Boost immune function by promoting the production of white blood cells5,6.• Reduce the production of pro- inflammatory cytokines that contribute to chronic disease7.• Increase CD4 counts in HIV patients8.• Lower blood pressure9.• Enhance psychological wellbeing10.• Improve the signs and symptoms related to ADHD, ADD and autism11,12,13,14,15.• Resolve nocturnal enuresis (bedwetting)

in children and adolescents16.• Correct or reduce scoliosis17,18.

And much, much more…

Top it all off with Maximized Living ’s focuson The 5 Essentials, and now people’s bodies are in the position where they can truly prevent disease! Don’t get caught up in the sick care model. Contactyour local Maximized Living Doctor today to learn about spinal correction andthe other health essentials and beproactive against sickness, not just reactive!

1 www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-111publ148/pdf/

PLAW-111publ148.pdf2 www.medicare.gov/coverage/preventive-visit-and-yearly-we-llness-exams.html3 www.medicare.gov/manage-your-health/advance-directives/advance-directives-and-long-term-care.html4 www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/prevention5 www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17191126 www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/13734317 www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/163967258 www.chiroindex.org/?search_page=articles&action=&arti-cleId=56199 www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/PLAW-111publ148/pdf/PLAW-111publ148.pdf10www.chiroindex.org/?search_page=articles&action=&arti-cleId=194751111www.chiroindex.org/?search_page=articles&action=&arti-cleId=2345312www.chiroindex.org/?search_page=articles&action=&arti-cleId=1942713www.chiroindex.org/?search_page=articles&action=&arti-cleId=2323114 www.chiroindex.org/?search_page=articles&action=&arti-cleId=2248615www.chiroindex.org/?search_page=articles&action=&arti-cleId=2075716 www.chiroindex.org/?search_page=articles&action=&arti-cleId=2326817 www.chiroindex.org/?search_page=articles&action=&arti-cleId=2292018 www.chiroindex.org/?search_page=articles&action=&arti-cleId=23258




1. What are the best supplements for a beginner to take? Dr.Greg- The best supplement to take is the one your

body needs. However, without testing, a high-quality food grade multivitamin is usually a good way to go. We frequently receive questions just like this one, which is why we have begun incorporating our new Maximized Metabolix program.

2. I eat really well, why do I need supplementation? GL- First our food isn’t what it used to be. Even though

you eat organic all the time and use the cleanest cookware, this just isn’t enough. Our soil is so depleted that the food it produces is severely lacking in nutrient content. Second, you need supplementation because you’re not aiming for average, you’re aiming for greatness. That is the point of Maximized Living: making the most out of your life every single minute of every single day.

3. Do you take my insurance? I would rather go to my in-network doctor if you are not in my network.

GL- In today’s environment, most insurance plans are not designed to help a patient get well and they don’t act in the best interest of the patient. Our doctors are committed to putting the patients’ well-being first and a third party could easily interfere with our ability to deliver the best healthcare possible.

4. I am new to Maximized Living. What are The 5 Essentials and how did they evolve?

GL- Over the last two decades the overall health of the people in developed countries has declined drastically. The 5 Essentials offer a new path for you and your family to the proactive healthcare you need and they provide everything you need to be truly well:

Maximized Mind. A true understanding of health and how the body naturally heals and functions

Maximized Nerve Supply. Your brain functions and spinal cord control your body’s every action. Your doctor is trained to detect and remove all interference to

that system. Maximized Quality Nutrition. Your body is constantly

rebuilding and repairing. It requires quality nutrients. Maximized Oxygen & Lean Muscle. Motion is life. Our

cutting-edge exercise protocols help you get maximum benefits in the least amount of time.

Minimized Toxins. Toxins lurk in our foods, environment and household products. We provide the resources to help you detoxify safely.

5. I heard that the milk industry wants to add aspartame to milk to get kids to drink more. Why is it so difficult for the food industry to leave nature alone?

GL - As more and more people demand that large industries (pharmaceuticals, insurance, food) serve people and not profits, the industries will change. It is important to recognize the safest choices for you and your family (in this case, unsweetened almond milk or full-fat coconut milk). Maximized Living is committed to being your go-to resource for health information, so be sure to sign up for our newsletters, blogs and attend your doctor’s powerful workshops.

6. Do you have any recommendations or favorite places to shop for foods?

GL- Depending on where you live, access may vary. Try to utilize locally grown food. Find nearby farmers markets, where local farmers often provide cleaner, safer meats and produce. Many communities also offers Crop Share Associations where you pay a fee for weekly deliveries of fresh fruits and vegetables.

7. What can I do to reverse disc degeneration? GL- Although the current medical world may have told

you this is hopeless, our doctors often see dramatic changes in disc degeneration. the discs consist mostly of water and they often degenerate due to spinal misalignment and the excessive pressure, lack of motion and poor nutrition to the disc that it causes. spinal correction which includes the right kind of rehabilitation and home care can correct those issues. when it does, people often see improvements and almost always see a reduction in the progression of the degeneration. that is why it is so critical to be in the hands of an expert trained in The 5 Essentials.

Each issue, we will look to Maximized Living Co-Founder Dr. Greg Loman to answer some of the burning questions we receive from our readers. If you want to ask Dr. Loman a question, you can email him at letters@maximizedliving.com.

1 Mortensen SA, Rosenfeldt F, et al. The effect of coenzyme Q10 on morbidity and mortality in chronic heart failure: results from Q-SYMBIO: a randomized double-blind trial. JACC Heart Failure. 2014 Dec;2(6):641-9. doi: 10.1015/j.jchf.2014.06.008.2 Gao L, Mao Q, Cao J, et al. Effects of coenzyme Q10 on vascular endothelial function in humans: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Atherosclerosis. 2012 Apr;221(2):311-6. doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2011.3 Rosenfeldt FL, Haas SJ, Krum H, et al. Coenzyme Q10 in the treatment of hypertension: a meta-analysis of the clinical trials. J Hum Hypertens. 2007 Apr;21(4):297-306.4 Moura FA, de Andrade KQ, et al. Lipoic Acid: its Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Role and Clinical Applications. Curr Top Med Chem. 2015 Jan 14.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

CoQ10 is essential for the health of every cell in the human body. This nutrient is a key element in energyproduction. High concentrations of CoQ10 are found in heart muscle cells. It’s not surprising that a deficiency in CoQ10 can contribute to high blood pressure, irregular heart beat and heart failure.

CoQ10 is not only an essential cofactor for energyproduction; it’s also a powerful antioxidant.Low cardiovascular levels of CoQ10 have been correlated to the severityof heart failure. On top of that, our CoQ10 levels naturally fall as we age, contributingto the many negative side effects associated with aging.

CoQ10 Clinically Shown

to Improve Heart Function

Maximized Metabolix CoQ10 with Lipoic Acid is an advanced formula that provides complete cardiovascular support and promotes a strong and healthy heart.

Studies have shown that correcting a CoQ10 deficiency with long-term supplementation in patients with chronic heart failure is safe, improves symptoms, and reduces major adversecardiovascular events1. Patients with high blood pressure can also benefit from supplementationwith CoQ10. Studies have shown that CoQ10 improves the function of arteries and by discouraging the formation of plaques that lead to atherosclerosis. The result is lowered blood pressure and increased heart muscle function2,3.

As an added benefit, Lipoic Acid supports the increased expression of antioxidant enzymes while recycling vitamins C and E. This results in powerful anti-inflammatory action, which protects your heart vessels and supports healthy inflammation levels4.


Every process that takes place

inside your body is powered by the release of energy. The fuel for the energy we create

comes from the food we eat. While many of us have the best intentionswhen it comes to nutrition, not everyone meets their nutritional quota with their diet.

Nutrition isn’t just about the foods we eat; it also includes the supplements we take to bridge the gap between diet and optimal health.

First, let’s look at the biochemistry of your body and how your nutrientintake affects your overall health. Most of the processes in your body, from digestion to energy creation and elimination, require unique “cofactors.” Cofactors are nutrients that help biochemical transformations take place in every single cell in your body. Without the right cofactors, we don’t function as well as we should. Processes slow down or stop all together and this ends up leading to a complete “block.” Can we still function with this type of interference? Yes and No.

When you’re chronically deficient in nutrients, or cofactors, your body will


adapt and compensate, which means: less energy, poor digestion, headaches, skin conditions, inflammation and cognitive decline, among other things.

The good news is you can reverse all of these symptoms by giving your body the nutrients, or cofactors, it needs to push vital biochemical processes forward. Once you start moving forward again, you’ll see symptoms start to resolve and eventually disappear all together. That’s the power of good nutrition.

it also includes the supplements we take to bridge the

gap between diet and optimal health .Nutrition isn’t just about the foods we eat;


Nutritional testing still has bene-fits. Finding out your nutrient statuscan prevent disease from developing. For some, symptoms of nutrient deficiency show up almost immediately. For others, it can be months or years of deficiencies that lead to chronic, debilitating illness.

Nutritional testing is the key to really knowing your body needs in the short term and understanding what type of supplementation would be beneficial for your health goals in the long run. It provides a blueprint that allows your physician to create a custom treatment protocol to address your specific needs and can be the difference between average health and optimal health. Your Maximized Living Doctor has two ways to identify your individual nutrient needs. The first is the Lifestyle Risk Questionnaire (or LRQ), a comprehensive assessment that asks a series of questions and provides a subjective assessment of your nutritional deficiencies based on your lifestyle habits.

The LRQ covers every aspect of day to day life: diet, lifestyle, environment, stress, work habits, cravings, medical history and more. While this might sound a bit invasive, it’s the most comprehensive way to determine where your individual areas of risk

lie. Whether or not we realize it, every area of your life plays a role in how well your body functions.

After you take the LRQ you’ll receive a score that tells you your overall risk of developing diseases that arise from nutrient deficiencies. You’ll also get a customized supplement plan, which identifies what nutrients you would benefit from based on your answers to the assessment and what foods you should be eating to support a healthy lifestyle.

The LRQ is unlike anything else available in chiropractic care; it’s a unique tool designed to help you understand your general nutrient status. For those who want to dig deeper and get an objective look at their nutrient status, Maximized Living® offers Maximized MetabolixTM, a program that uses laboratory testing to pinpoint specific nutrient deficiencies.

The most comprehensive way to identify your individual nutritional deficiencies is through testing. Laboratory testing provides an objective snapshot of your individual nutritional status. It will tell you exactly what nutrients are missing from your daily intake. This type of testing works by measuring organic acids in your urine and blood. Organic acids are

WHAT ARE MY OPTIONS ?tiny clues that your body gives off when your metabolic processes have slowed or stopped. A lack of nutrients creates a block in the pathway and these blocks lead to an overflow of organic acids that can be measured. Getting the precise measurement of these organic acids can tell you exactly where the deficiency lies.

Maximized MetabolixTM testing will look at 8 specific risk areas for long term disease development: Vitamin Deficiencies, Blood Sugar Imbalance, Inflammation, Oxidative Stress, Gastrointestinal Stress, Stress Hormone Imbalance, Toxicity and Fatty Acid Imbalance.

Optimal health comes from taking an individualized approach to wellness; the one size fits all approach rarely works. Identifying nutritional deficiencies takes Essential #3 to a new level. Start living The 5 Essentials to the fullest and ask your doctor about the Lifestyle Risk Questionnaire by Maximized Living.


Nutritional testing is the key to really knowing your body’s needs in the short term and understanding what type of supplementation would be beneficial for your health goals in the long run.

By Dr. Pragati Gusmano,Nutrition Specialist at Maximized Living

Vitamin D works by binding to receptors within the heart muscle and healthy levels of Vitamin D promote strong muscles.

PROTECT YOUR HEART with Maximized Living Vitamin D3 + Probiotics®.

Maximized Living Vitamin D3 + Probiotics® has 5,000 IU of Vitamin D3 in every capsule, in addition to 10 billion CFU of probiotics.

A Harvard study* found that people with low Vitamin D levels had twice the risk of developing a heart attack when compared to those with adequate Vitamin D levels.

Additional studies have found that taking a Vitamin D supplement reduces the overall risk of heart disease. It’s clear that Vitamin D plays a critical role in keeping your heart healthy and protecting you from cardiovascular disease.

*Giovannucci E, Liu Y, Hollis BW, Rimm EB. 25-hydroxyvitamin D and risk of myocardial infarction in men: a prospective study. Arch Intern Med. 2008; 168:1174-80.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


H e a l t h C e n t e r

H e a l t h C e n t e r

H e a l t h C e n t e r


Progressive Rolls (Firm & Medium)During sleep your nervous system speeds up for healing and repair of the tissues that have been damaged throughout the day. Progressive Rolls make sure that your spine is in optimal position for your body to be healed and restored. The Progressive Rolls sets are designed to encourage easy and convenient home spinal care.

Cervical Traction UnitPrevent degeneration and decay of spineand drastically reduce the time it takesto restore healthy cervical curvature. Designedby experts in the field of spinal correction,it drastically reduces the time it takes to restore healthy cervical curvature andtakes only minutes to maintain it.

Helps get the curve back in the neck, retrains the muscles and helps support the adjustments. It strengthens your neck, corrects your posture, and reinforces the effectiveness of your adjustments.

Head Weighting System

Warm up and stretch the spine through-out the day. The treatment objective is to improve balance, strength, and stability of the spine.

Inflatable Wobble CushionPelvic rotation can cause subluxation and misalignment in the lumbar spine; designed to guide the spine back to the correct position.

Triangular Pelvic/Lumbar Wedge Set

Your Homecare Kit is designed to create actual, long-term structural change in your spine. Chiropractic care in Maximized Living clinics involves care both in and out of the clinic to provide improved spinal correction,so you can live up to your ultimate lifestyle of health and healing through The 5 Essentials.

Every complete Homecare Kit comes with this pamphlet that includes a quick explanation about: The Spine Principle,the Homecare Prescription Sheet (which you will receive from your ML Doctor) and the instructions for the exercisesthat you will be prescribed.

Your Nerve Supply - A Quick-Start Guide to Spinal Homecare





Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death in the United States and studies suggest that essential fatty acids can reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease. Essential fatty acids support healthy triglyceride levels, promote healthy blood pressure levels and play a role in reducing inflammation of the blood vessels.

ML Optimal Omega® contains 1,600 mg of ultra-pure, high quality organic Flaxseed Oil and Pacific Fish Oil. These combine to provide the full spectrum of omega-3 fatty acids: ALA, EPA and DHA. It also contains 160 mg of GLA a potent anti-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acid sourced from Borage Oil and Vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that protects against free radical damage.


These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.



One of the biggest nutritional causes of inflammation is the over consumption of sugar which causes major damage to your arteries.”

It is alarming to see the statistics on heart disease in our great nation. According to Johns Hopkins

University, “Approximately 84 millionpeople in this country suffer from some form of cardiovascular disease, causing about 2,200 deaths a day, averaging one death every 40 seconds”.

Although there are many factors that play a role in a deteriorating cardiovascular system, conventional nutrition advice on the subject is way off the mark. Most people turn to organizations like the American Heart Association® when it comes to preventing heart disease. The AHA’s nutrition recommendations consist of the same mantras we hear over and over; eat a low-fat diet, watch out for cholesterol, and consume a lot of whole grains. Unfortunately the AHA has muddied the waters by offering “endorsements” to products and companies that are not in line with what it really takes to be healthy and to prevent heart disease. Not surprisingly but certainly shameful, the endorsements appear most often on processed and packaged foods. However, when visiting the produce section of the store, the heart-healthy endorsements are glaringly missing. Why wouldn’t broccoli, spinach, or berries carry the label? After all, these foods are proven to support a healthy heart and body. Overlooked are the proven links between the rise in the

use of trans fats (hydrogenated oils) and the increase in heart disease and death. According to a 2012 article published in The Atlantic, “It is estimated that for every two percent increase in consumption of trans fat (still found in many processed and fast foods), the risk of heart disease increases by twenty three percent”. The switch from butter to margarine and shortening, mainly as a result of slick marketing, has negatively impacted the health of this nation. Good, naturally occurring fats are absolutely necessary for overall health, including the health of your heart. Since the 1950’s when the lipid hypothesis reared its ugly head, saturated fats have been the nutritional scapegoats. Healthy saturated fats like those in avocados, coconut products, naturally raised animal products (eggs, meat and dairy) have been an integral part of diets across the world for centuries without negative health consequences.

Heart disease, like virtually all other diseases, is associated with chronic inflammation. One of the biggest nutritional causes of inflammation is the over consumption of sugar which causes major damage to your arteries. To prevent and even reverse heart disease, the sugar must be reduced. At the same time, good healthy fats, especially healthy saturated fats, need to be added in.

• Eat naturally occurring, whole foods• Drastically reduce and even restrict sugar (including natural sugars) • Increase your intake of good fats, especially healthy saturated fats• Exercise regularly. High intensity, short duration exercise like maxT3 has the most benefit • Eat approximately one-third of your diet raw• Make sure you are getting enough Omega 3’s and good Omega 6’s• Optimize your Vitamin D3 levels• Manage stress (create peace)• Minimize exposure to toxins• Quit smoking

Kimberly Roberto has owned and operated West Cobb Chiropractic with her husband, Dr. Fred

Roberto for over 16 years. She had a passion for cooking from a young age, which turned to passion for nutrition while in college. She co-authored the Maximized Living Nutrition Plans

book, is a nutrition consultant, and maintains a cooking/recipe blog.





The high Omega 3 fish with the added benefit of the cayenne in the seasoning will make your heart happy. Combine all ingredients in a container with a lid and store in a cool, dry place. Great for chicken, fish, beef, and even hearty vegetables like cauliflower.

1 1/2 tablespoons paprika1 tablespoon garlic powder1 tablespoon onion powder1 tablespoon dried thyme1 teaspoon dried basil1 teaspoon dried oregano1 teaspoon ground black pepper1 teaspoon sea salt (more to taste if desired)1 teaspoon cayenne pepper

HEALTHY BERRY PARFAIT I wanted to share one of my favorite treats/desserts. It’s great because it is 1) healthy 2)quick & easy and 3) I always have the ingredients on hand. 1-2 tablespoons of organic almond, or cashew butter, a handful of sliced strawberries (or any berries really). Add coconut milk to cover, then sprinkle with stevia. That’s it! Make coconut milk a staple in your pantry - it is so versatile, yummy, and healthy.

1 bunch organic broccoli1 clove garlic, crushed3-4 anchovy fillets (be sure they are packed in olive oil) pinch of crushed red pepper, optional olive oil1/2 lemon sea salt to taste

BOOSTED BROCCOLI Nutrient dense broccoli gets the added bonus of Omega 3 packed anchovies. Cut broccoli into florets and steam to desired tenderness. Pour olive oil in a pan and turn heat to low/med (do not let the olive oil smoke!). Add the garlic, anchovies, and red pepper flakes. Heat gently until anchovies are melted away. Add the steamed broccoli to the pan along with the juice of the 1/2 lemon and sea salt.



FATTY FISH: Anchovies, sardines, and salmon are high in Omega 3’s which help keep your triglycerides in check and are an important to your heart health.

BERRIES: These high antioxidant fruits are full of flavonoids and anthocyanins which help keep your blood vessels healthy and therefore, your blood pressure normal.

COCONUT PRODUCTS (ESPECIALLY COCONUT OIL): With it’s medium-chain fatty acids, is a preferred source of fuel for your heart. (Note: there is a seemingly never-ending list of other benefits of coconut oil not listed here)

RAW OR SOAKED NUTS: These are loaded with Omega 3’s, protein, fiber, and vitamin E which is necessary for proper regulation of cholesterol.

EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL: A staple of the highly touted Mediterranean diet, contains heart healthy monounsaturated fat.

SPINACH: Contains potassium, folate, calcium, and lutein which all support heart health. It is one of the few dietary sources of CoQ10 which is essential to muscle health (your heart is a muscle).

BROCCOLI:Loaded with Vitamins C & E, fiber, folate, and calcium and is the other dietary source of CoQ10.

OTHER HEART HEALTHY FOODS INCLUDE: Eggs, flaxseeds, cayenne pepper, and garlic.


THE GENESIS FACTOR doesn't just make Biblical sense—it makes scientific sense as well. No matter where you are with your health today, you can be made new—or “newer”—by tapping into THE GENESIS FACTOR.

Order your copy today atamazon.com or


Get the body that God intended you to have. New York Times bestselling author Dr. Ben Lerner’s new book, THE GENESIS FACTOR, reveals the best, the easiest, and the fastest ways possible to maximize fitness, optimize leanness, and enjoy healthy eating—the ultimate and esessential plan for better wellness and a better life.

This ground-breaking book outlines Dr. Ben’s popular 30-day plan with delicious meal plans, recipes, a shopping guide, and fitness and training plans to get you from the couch to a 5K, 10K, half-marathon—or even a full marathon—in as little as 6 weeks.



Dr.Ben LernerCo-Founder of Maximized Living


All proceeds benefit the


DO YOU KNOWTHE POWER OF TURMERIC? Ask your Maximized Living Doctor about it today!

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.