2015's Top and Attractive eCommerce Website

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Best eCommerce Websites 2015


Sinstar is another online store that has amazing and interesting slider for showing products. This site makes the most of hotspots and lookbooks.


The wow factor of this website is a full screen image that comes with a menu with slider. Its slider moves from right that features some of the featured products.

Two Socks

Two Socks is one of the remarkable websites with better presentation, having a simple use of text for navigation. This website have a good user interface.

House Of Fraser

This website does many things excellently as it has the true fit tool that helps to minimize returns by helping shoppers to search a perfect fit. 


KitchenAid is listed here because of its suggested search functionality with auto-complete. You cannot find it unique, but it delivers easy shopping experience.


A beautiful website, MACK has a view room / view products toggle button at the top navigation. Just click to see the room view and hover over various parts of the room to unveil its product information.


The absolute amazing thing is its product display. Shoppers can use their mouse to drag to rotate the shoes around.


Bonarium has a drop down functionality that contains little drawing and navigational labels.

Colette Malouf

Bonarium has a drop down functionality that contains little drawing and navigational labels.


Decorated homage with a collection of quality product shots, a color pickers and so on, Robstep is vary eye-catchy and created with best color combination.


Vertty is one of the attractive and single product websites that has reinvented the beach towel based around a bunch of triangles.


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