2022 YEAR 9 SUBJECT GUIDE - keebraparkshs.eq.edu.au

Post on 28-Feb-2022

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GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................................... 3

WHAT WILL STUDENTS CHOOSE?.......................................................................................................................................... 3

CORE SUBJECTS ........................................................................................................................................................ 4

ENGLISH .......................................................................................................................................................................... 4 MATHEMATICS ................................................................................................................................................................. 5 SCIENCE .......................................................................................................................................................................... 6 HISTORY AND GEOGRAPHY ................................................................................................................................................. 7 HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION ...................................................................................................................................... 8

ELECTIVE SUBJECTS .................................................................................................................................................. 9

BUSINESS ........................................................................................................................................................................ 9 MATERIALS AND TECHNOLOGIES ........................................................................................................................................ 10 ENGINEERING PRINCIPLES ................................................................................................................................................. 11 DIGITAL SOLUTIONS ........................................................................................................................................................ 12 ROBOTICS AND PROGRAMMING ......................................................................................................................................... 13 FOOD TECHNOLOGIES ...................................................................................................................................................... 14 VISUAL ARTS .................................................................................................................................................................. 15 DANCE .......................................................................................................................................................................... 16 DRAMA ......................................................................................................................................................................... 17 MUSIC/MUSIC EXCELLENCE .............................................................................................................................................. 18

General Information This handbook offers information to assist Keebra Park State High School students make informed decisions about their subject selections for Year 9. Year 9 is a period of increasing independence for students as they strive to develop an identity for themselves and make responsible educational choices that will assist them in making decisions for their future senior pathway. Students learn best when they are given varied, rich, and challenging learning experiences and opportunities that align with their abilities and interests. Students are encouraged to use the advice and guidance received from discussions with parents and carers, teachers and Heads of Departments when making informed decisions about elective subjects. Year 9 students will study five (5) core subjects and select two (2) elective subjects. Each core and elective subject is studied for a full semester.

• Core subjects: English, Maths, History, Geography, Science and Health and Physical Education (HPE) • Elective (select two) : Food Technology, Business Studies, Digital Solutions, Design and Technologies,

Practical Graphics, STEM Academy, Engineering Principles, Music, Visual Arts, Dance, Drama and Performing Arts Excellence.

Some of the most important school decisions concern the subject choices you select in Year 9 and 10, and later in Year 11 and 12 as these decisions may affect the career path you follow when you leave school.

What will students choose? To guide you through the selection process, it is suggested that you read and examine each of the subject overviews in this handbook and choose subjects that:

• you are interested in and enjoy • you feel you can be successful in • will help you reach your chosen career path • will develop new skills and knowledge useful in later life

It is also important to remember that the subjects you select are unique to you and may be quite different from your peers. This means it is important to select the subjects of your choice and avoid selecting a subject because:

• a friend wants you to take the same subjects • you do not like the subject teacher • someone said “only the girls take this subject”

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the relevant Head of Department of individual subjects. If you are enrolled in an excellence program in Year 8 you will continue with your program next year. If you would like to apply for an excellence program you can see the relevant curriculum Head of Department and collect an application form from the office. For more information regarding our excellence programs, please refer to the links on the previous page

The best general advice about subject selections is to choose widely and come to understand the subjects you enjoy and in which you achieve well.

Core Subjects English Department: English Core

COURSE DESCRIPTION By the end of Year 9 English, students analyse the ways that text structures can be manipulated for effect. They analyse and explain how images, vocabulary choices and language features distinguish the work of individual authors. They evaluate and integrate ideas and information from texts to form their own interpretations. They select evidence from texts to analyse and explain how language choices and conventions are used to influence an audience. They listen for ways texts position an audience. Students understand how to use a variety of language features to create different levels of meaning. They understand how interpretations can vary by comparing their responses to texts to the responses of others. In creating texts, students demonstrate how manipulating language features and images can create innovative texts. Students create texts that respond to issues, interpreting and integrating ideas from other texts. They make presentations and contribute actively to class and group discussions, comparing and evaluating responses to ideas and issues. They edit for effect, selecting vocabulary and grammar that contribute to the precision and persuasiveness of texts and using accurate spelling and punctuation.

COURSE OUTLINE Topics may include:-

• Indigenous poetry and texts • Novel and Character studies • Film and Documentary studies • Narrative genres

ASSESSMENT A variety of assessment techniques will be used including:-

• Imaginative written • Persuasive spoken • Writing for a public audience • Analytical written esay



• BYOD personal device

SUBJECT LEADS TO: • General English • Essential English

Mathematics Department: Mathematics Core

COURSE DESCRIPTION Mathematics aims to instil in students an appreciation of the elegance and power of mathematical reasoning. Mathematical ideas have evolved across all cultures over thousands of years, and are constantly developing. Digital technologies are facilitating this expansion of ideas and providing access to new tools for continuing mathematical exploration and invention. Mathematics aims to ensure that students:

• are confident, creative users and communicators of mathematics, able to investigate, represent and interpret situations in their personal and work lives and as active citizens;

• develop an increasingly sophisticated understanding of mathematical concepts and fluency with processes, and are able to pose and solve problems and reason in Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability;

• recognise connections between the areas of mathematics and other disciplines and appreciate mathematics as an accessible and enjoyable discipline to study.


Topics may include:- • Number • Algebra • Measurement • Probability • Graphing • Statistics

ASSESSMENT A variety of assessment techniques will be used including:-

• Exams • Problem solving tasks

ESSENTIAL RESOURCES • Scientific calculator (CASIO fx-82AU PLUS II) • Exercise book • HB pencil, pens


• Essential Mathematics • General Mathematics • Mathematical methods • Specialist Methods

Science Department: Science Core

COURSE DESCRIPTION Students explain chemical processes and natural radioactivity in terms of atoms and energy transfers and describe examples of important chemical reactions. They describe models of energy transfer and apply these to explain phenomena. They explain global features and events in terms of geological processes and timescales. They analyse how biological systems function, respond to external changes with reference to interdependencies, energy transfers, and flows of matter. They describe social and technological factors that have influenced scientific developments and predict how future applications of science and technology may affect people’s lives. Students design questions that can be investigated using a range of inquiry skills. They design methods that include the control and accurate measurement of variables and systematic collection of data and describe how they considered ethics and safety. They analyse trends in data, identify relationships between variables and reveal inconsistencies in results. They analyse their methods and the quality of their data, and explain specific actions to improve the quality of their evidence. They evaluate others’ methods and explanations from a scientific perspective and use appropriate language and representations when communicating their findings and ideas to specific audiences.

COURSE OUTLINE Topics may include:

• Physics – energy on the move; making waves

• Chemistry – it’s elementary and chemical patterns

• Biology – my life in balance; responding to change

• Earth Science – changing earth

ASSESSMENT A variety of assessment techniques will be used including:-

• Practical reports • Research tasks • Supervised assessment • Field studies


• Science World 9 textbook • BYOD personal device

SUBJECT LEADS TO: • Senior Physics • Senior Chemistry • Senior Biology • Science in Practice

History and Geography Department: Humanities Core

COURSE DESCRIPTION Students undertake a semester of History and another of Geography in Year 9. This allows them the opportunity to engage in disciplines that are extremely relevant to the world we live in. It encourages 21st century thinking about global citizenship, understanding perspective and lessons to be learnt from the past. History and Geography assist students to develop skills that are invaluable, both whilst at school, in further education and in the work force. These subjects are about opening students’ eyes to the complexity and diversity that our lives inevitably embrace in modern times. The Australian Curriculum prescribes the topics covered – see below.


• Making a nation • WWI


• Biomes and food security • Interconnectedness

ASSESSMENT • Short response exams • Extended response exams • Research assignments


• Exercise book, ruler, highlighters, pens,

pencils etc • Possible excursion – Queensland Museum in

Brisbane (cost of train trip)


• Modern History • Geography

Health and Physical Education Department: HPE Core

COURSE DESCRIPTION The Year 9 and 10 curriculum supports students to refine and apply strategies for maintaining a positive outlook and evaluating behavioural expectations in different leisure, social, movement and online situations. Students learn to critically analyse and apply health and physical activity information to devise and implement personalised plans for maintaining healthy and active habits. They also experience different roles that contribute to successful participation in physical activity, and propose strategies to support the development of preventive health practices that build and optimise community health and wellbeing.

COURSE OUTLINE Topics may include:-

• alcohol and other drugs (AD) • food and nutrition (FN) • health benefits of physical activity (HBPA) • mental health and wellbeing (MH) • relationships and sexuality (RS) • safety (S) • challenge and adventure activities (CA) • games and sports (GS) • lifelong physical activities (LLPA) • rhythmic and expressive movement

activities (RE).

ASSESSMENT A variety of assessment techniques will be used including:-

• Exam • Multimodal presentation • Action research report


• Sports uniform • Stationery

SUBJECT LEADS TO • Physical Education • Health and Psychology • Certificate III in Sports Coaching

(Sport Academy students only)

Elective Subjects Business Department: Humanities Elective

COURSE DESCRIPTION This subject is designed to provide students with a practical introduction to and an awareness of Semester long activities. Students will develop skills and acquire knowledge, which may enable them to become confident and competent participants in the business community. The course also introduces students to financial literacy and teaches the necessary skills, values and behaviours to be responsible consumers in society. As all fields of employment involve at least some contact with aspects of business, studying this subject will enable students to make informed decisions and work effectively in a variety of career paths.

COURSE OUTLINE Topics may include:

• Australia as a Trading Nation • Global Economy • Financial Risk and Reward

ASSESSMENT A variety of assessment techniques will be used including:

• Short response • Extended response • Assignment


• Class resources – exercise book, ruler, highlighters, pens, pencils etc

• Possible visits to local businesses • Possible meetings with business mentors

SUBJECT LEADS TO • Business • Diploma in Business • Accounting

Materials and Technologies Department: Technologies Elective

COURSE DESCRIPTION Materials and Technologies is a practical subject with a hands on approach which aims to increase students’ knowledge and develop confidence when working with technologies. This will be achieved by allowing students to make informed decisions in the selection of tools, machines, hardware and materials to create a solution to real-life problems. Students will engage in the design process to give structure to the “Investigate, design and make journey “that under pins this subject.

COURSE OUTLINE Topics may include:-

• Workshop, Tool and Machine • Hardware justification/selection • Material and tool justification/selection • Jointing methods and techniques

ASSESSMENT A variety of assessment techniques will be used including:-

• Practical Project • Design Portfolio

ESSENTIAL RESOURCES • 2H pencil • Eraser • Pencil sharpener • Note pad

SUBJECT LEADS TO: Senior Subjects

• Design General • Digital Solutions General • Engineering Studies General • Industrial Graphics Applied • Furnishing Applied • Information Communication Technology Applied • Certificate II Engineering Pathways VET • Certificate I Construction VET • Certificate III Aviation (Drones) VET

Engineering Principles Department: Technologies Elective

COURSE DESCRIPTION In Year 9 Engineering Principles students use design and technologies knowledge and understanding, processes and production skills and design thinking to produce two products - a model solar powered vehicle and a model airdrop container. Students work independently and collaboratively. They specifically focus on preferred futures, taking into account ethics; social values; economic, environmental and sustainability factors. Students develop their creativity, innovation and enterprise skills. Using a range of technologies including graphical representation techniques to communicate, students generate and represent original ideas and production plans in the form of a design folio. Upon completion of their design folio, students use a range of materials and hand and machine tools to safely make their product in our workshop. Finally students field test their product.

COURSE OUTLINE Topics may include:- • the design process • materials properties • laws of motion • sustainable forms of energy • biomimicry, structures • propulsion systems • workshop safety • use of hand and machine tools

ASSESSMENT A variety of assessment techniques will be used including:-

Semester One • Design folio (solar powered vehicle) • Short response test • Workshop production and pace

Semester Two • Design folio (airdrop container) • Short response test • Workshop production and test


• 4GB USB • A4 sketch pad • 2B and HB pencil • Black felt tip pen

SUBJECT LEADS TO: • Design General • Digital Solutions General • Engineering Studies General • Industrial Graphics Applied • Furnishing Applied • Information Communication Technology Applied • Certificate II Engineering Pathways VET • Certificate I Construction VET • Certificate III Aviation (Drones) VET

Digital Solutions Department: Technologies Elective

COURSE DESCRIPTION In Digital Solutions students will use a hands on approach to explore and develop ideas, generate digital solutions, and evaluate impacts, components and solutions. Students will be given opportunities to generate solutions that are relevant in real life. Processes include but are not limited to; Unity, 3D modelling, coding, virtual reality, augmented reality, SQL and product development.

COURSE OUTLINE Topics may include:-

• Gaming • Augmented reality • Virual reality • SQL

ASSESSMENT A variety of assessment techniques will be used including:-

• Short answer exam • Digital folio • Response to stimulus • Multimodal response


• 16GB USB • A4 sketch pad • 2B and HB pencil • Black felt tip pen • Digital exhibition excursions as they appear

per calendar year • Gold Coast 600

SUBJECT LEADS TO: Senior Subjects

• Design General • Digital Solutions General • Engineering Studies General • Industrial Graphics Applied • Furnishing Applied • Information Communication Technology Applied • Certificate II Engineering Pathways VET • Certificate I Construction VET • Certificate III Aviation (Drones) VET

Robotics and Programming Department: Technologies Elective

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Robotics and Programming is a hands on approach to fulfil design requirements and criteria’s within society. Students are given real-life problems to create solutions through a variety of hands on practical process. Processes are not limited to; robotics, sketching techniques, coding, Unity, 3D modelling, prototyping.

COURSE OUTLINE Topics may include:-

• Design • Built environment • Virtual reality • Robotics • Coding • Augmented reality

ASSESSMENT A variety of assessment techniques will be used including:-

• Short answer exam • Design folio • Response to stimulus • Prototyping


• 16GB USB • A4 sketch pad • 2B and HB pencil • Black felt tip pen • Design exhibition excursions as they appear

per calendar year • Gold Coast 600

SUBJECT LEADS TO: Senior Subjects

• Design General • Digital Solutions General • Engineering Studies General • Industrial Graphics Applied • Furnishing Applied • Information Communication Technology Applied • Certificate II Engineering Pathways VET • Certificate I Construction VET • Certificate III Aviation (Drones) VET

Food Technologies Department: Technologies Elective

COURSE DESCRIPTION: In Food Technology students are given the opportunity to learn about where their food comes from, how it is produced and how they can prepare it. They will make decisions about selecting ingredients and designing menus for a variety of situations. There will be a focus on equipping students with the skills to plan, prepare and produce food that is healthy and nutritious and appealing for themselves, friends and family while incorporating the Design Process. The major focus of classes is on developing students’ practical skills and learning new techniques.

Students will be given the opportunity to acquire a wide range of knowledge and skills within a diverse range of elective topics. Elective unit topics include food, health and nutrition, hygiene, safety and developing skills and techniques in food preparation using appropriate equipment.

*Textiles electives may be included if timetable allows.

COURSE OUTLINE Topics may include:-

• Food hygiene and safety • Food selection • Food preparation methods and techniques • Food for health • Sustainability • Introduction to textiles *


A variety of assessment techniques will be used including:-

• Process journal • Written project • Practical tasks


• Ingredients and course supplies will be provided each week as part of the Resource Levy.

SUBJECT LEADS TO: • Year 10 – Food and Textiles Technology

• Year 11-12 Hospitality Practices (Applied)

• Year 11-12 Early Childhood Studies (Applied)

Visual Arts Department: The Arts Elective

COURSE DESCRIPTION Visual Art uses a variety of design techniques to explore the elements and principles of Art to create drawings, paintings and sculptures. Students create visual art works that communicate, challenge and express their own and others’ ideas. They develop critical reasoning and practical skills through exploring and expanding their understanding of their world. Furthermore, students learn about the role of the artist and his/ her contribution to society. In Junior Visual Art, a range of activities will assist students in:

• acquiring skills appropriate to the making of artworks; • developing creativity in processes; and • developing an appreciation and understanding of the work of others.

COURSE OUTLINE Topics may include:-

• Abstract portraits • Pop art • Relief printing • Clay

ASSESSMENT A variety of assessment techniques will be used including:-

• Folio and final portrait • Responding essay • Acrylic painting


• Visual diary

SUBJECT LEADS TO: • General Visual Art • Visual Arts in Practice

Dance Department: The Arts Elective

COURSE DESCRIPTION Dance is expressive movement with purpose and form. Through Dance, students express, question and celebrate human experience, using the body as the instrument and movement as the medium for personal, social, emotional, spiritual and physical communication. Like all art forms, dance has the capacity to engage, inspire and enrich all students, exciting the imagination and encouraging students to reach their creative and expressive potential.

COURSE OUTLINE Topics may include:-

• Popular dance • Hip hop • Social dance • World dance

ASSESSMENT A variety of assessment techniques will be used including:-

• Performance • Responding to dance – essay • Choreography


• Dance workshop


Drama Department: The Arts Elective

COURSE DESCRIPTION Drama aims to develop students’ confidence and self-esteem to explore, depict and celebrate human experience, take risks and challenge their own creativity.

Drama is the expression and exploration of personal, cultural and social worlds through role and situation that engages, entertains and challenges. Students create meaning as drama makers, performers and audiences as they enjoy and analyse their own and others’ stories and points of view.

Like all art forms, drama has the capacity to engage, inspire and enrich all students, excite the imagination and encourage students to reach their creative and expressive potential.

COURSE OUTLINE Topics may include:-

• Realism • Children’s Theatre • Commedia Del Arte • Acting for Film • Live Performance

ASSESSMENT A variety of assessment techniques will be used including:-

• Scripted performance • Responding to live theatre • Scriptwriting • Group devised performance


• Pens, pencil, highlighters • Exercise book/journal • Theatre performance excursion

SUBJECT LEADS TO: • General Drama • Drama in Practice

Music/Music Excellence Department: The Arts Elective

COURSE DESCRIPTION Music learning combines listening, performing and composing activities. These activities, developed sequentially, enhance students’ capacity to perceive and understand music. As students progress in their study of Music, they learn to value and appreciate the power of music to transform the heart, soul, mind and spirit of the individual. In this way students develop an aesthetic appreciation and enjoyment of music.

COURSE OUTLINE Topics may include:-

• Music for Film • Gaming Music • Popular Music • World Music

ASSESSMENT A variety of assessment techniques will be used including:-

• Performance • Analytical essay • Composition • Musicology exam


• Student workbook

SUBJECT LEADS TO: • Music in Practice • General Music • Music Extension