26 digital marketing tactics to grow your business

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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- By Digital Prakhar

Having fresh, unique and informative content on

your business website is a must SEO practice.

Every blog should share useful information with

your audience or customers and it will establish

you as an authority in your field.

This trick is a great way to stay in touch with your

audience, while also promoting the latest content

on your website.

Podcasts provide the opportunity to connect with

customers using your voice and its a very good

tactic to engage the audience, which can help

them feel that they know you better.

Your business should be present on every

platform of social media. Signup for every social

media platform your market is on, and make your

presence known on all of them by posting, sharing

content, and interacting with people.

Nothing says authority and thought leadership like

teaching a class on a topic important in your field.

A professional video can do a lot for your website

and business because it can bring traffic to your

website from YouTube, as well, Facebook live is

another avenue you can expand on.

Providing the audience with a free white paper or

eBook shows or free trial off your expertise and

gathers email addresses for your email list with

one stone.

Ask people or companies your business has

worked with if you can write up a case study about

how you helped them and then post those to your

website as a proof of your good work.

Info-graphics are quickly becoming the most

shareable, viral things on the internet because

they are easy to understand, appealing to the eye

and useful.

Practices of researching keywords will help you a

lot. You should research which keywords people

are using to find you and then use those keywords

to optimize your website and content.

Ask if you can write a guest blog on an industry

website or if a blogger will review your products

and services on their website.

You should always focus on your competitors and

want to know what they are doing well and what

they are doing poorly online., so you can jump into

any holes they have left.

Always monitor yourself. You need to know what's

being said about you and your products online.

That is the only way to harness the power of good

reviews or drain the power from negative ones

Don’t ignore negative reviews and don't delete

negative comments. You should respond calmly,

offering to fix the problem.

Let people know you appreciate their feedback


Make sure that your business is listed on Google

local, Yelp, Yahoo local and Bing.

Your name, address, and phone number should

be the same across the board.

Associate with your industry members because it

will boost your business, the more professional

you look and the more links to your site you'll have

from authoritative websites.

use Google analytics and track your website

performance. All the online marketing in the world

won't do you any good unless you can see what's

working and what's not.

Put your contact information on every page of your

website because the ultimate goal of a website is

to convert, so make it easy for customers to get in


Make your website mobile friendly because

everyone uses the internet on their phones so

make sure that your website is mobile friendly.

Write press releases and send them to sites like

PRWeb.com as well as to journalists covering

your industry.

Live chats allow you to connect with customers in

a way that email and even podcasts and webinar


When each of you promotes the other along with

your own business, you both win.

Add customer testimonials to your website

because it provides you social proof by your

customer and audience.

Hold a contest because giveaways are always

great for collecting info and building buzz.

Visit www.digitalprakhar.com for digital marketing


At DigitalPrakhar my mission has been to provide

best digital marketing solutions that help you grow

your businesses online.

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