27 Best Copywriting Formulas

Post on 03-Oct-2015

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Simple copy writing formulas to creating easy but effective copy.


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    Youve heard it said that storytelling is an essential element to drawing the reader intoyour content and driving more engagement.

    So how can you add this element to the blogposts you write?

    By Kevan LeeOCTOBER 13, 2014


    If Don Draper Tweeted: The 27Copywriting Formulas That Will DriveClicks and Engagement on Social Media

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    Can you fit a captivating story into a social media update, even one thats 140 characters


    Heres the great news: Theres a formula for that. Many storytellers and copywriters havetested out the best intros and segues to draw readers to a piece of content. Theircopywriting formulas just plain workin blogpost intros, in social updates, in emails, andanywhere else you might happen to write online.

    Here are 27 of the best ones Ive heard. Give them a try and see how they might makestorytelling a breeze for you.

    27 Copywriting Formulas That Grab Readers

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    AttentionWhy might you trot out a copywriting formula each time you need compelling copy?

    I think one of my favorite perspectives on it, from someone who knows copywritingbetter than anyone, comes from Copybloggers Demian Farnworth. His take: Copywritingis the most productive way to get your writing done.

    This is what it means to be an efcient writer: keeping your tools handy. You dont have

    to recreate the wheel every time.

    Finding a great formula that works for youwhether its a storytelling formula, aheadline formula, or any othercan be a big-time productivity boost.

    Take a few of these for a spin and see how they might improve your social media postsand content.

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    1. Before After BridgeBefore Heres your world

    After Imagine what itd be like, having Problem A solved

    Bridge Heres how to get there.

    This is our current go-to formula for the Buffer blog. Describe a problem, describe a worldwhere that problem doesnt exist, then explain how to get there. Its a super simple setup,and it can work for blogpost intros, social media updates, email, and anywhere else thatyou write (or speak, for that matter).


    2. Problem Agitate Solve

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    Identify a problem

    Agitate the problem

    Solve the problem

    Youre looking at one of the most popular copywriting formulas out there. Copybloggercalls this formula the key to dominating social media. Its ever-present in copywriting listsand tips.

    Compared to the first copywriting formula in our list, its nearly an identical match withonly one difference: Instead of describing a life without the problem (the After part),PAS describes life if the problem were to persist (the Agitate part).


    3. Features Advantages Benefits (FAB)Features What you or your product can do

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    Advantages Why this is helpful

    Benefits What it means for the person reading

    This copywriting formula highlights one of my favorite bits of advice on writing: Focus onbenefits, not features. Weve even taken this advice to the extreme of avoiding the wordfeatures when launching new Buffer tools.

    I also like the way that copywriter Joe Vitale phrases this one:

    You get thisand the product does thisso that you get this.


    4. The 4 Cs

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    Heres one of my favorite formulas because it reminds me to stay focused on the goals ofthe copy and the benefits to the reader. Keep the writing clear, keep it concise, find acompelling angle to write from, and write with credibility that what youre promising canbe trusted to happen.


    5. The 4 UsUseful Be useful to the reader

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    Urgent Provide a sense of urgency

    Unique Convey the idea that the main benefit is somehow unique

    Ultra-specific Be ultra-specific with all of the above

    Looking for a way to write a great Twitter headline? Start here. The 4 Us formula seemsready-made for social media. The elements of urgency and specificity fit well with the fastpace of social and the small amount of text. If you can master this one, you can expect tosee great results for your social media marketing.


    6. Attention Interest Desire Action (AIDA)Attention Get the readers attention

    Interest Interesting and fresh information that appeals to the reader

    Desire Benefits of your product/service/idea and proof that it does what you say

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    Action Ask for a response

    AIDA is one of the most standard copywriting formulas for most any type of marketingcopy. Its been used for direct mail, television and radio, sales pages, landing pages, andso much more. Many of the below ideas will play off the elements included here.

    My favorite part of AIDA: attention. With blogposts and social media, this can amount towriting an amazing headline.


    7. A FORESTA AlliterationF FactsO OpinionsR RepetitionE Examples

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    S StatisticsT Threes (Repeat something three times to make it memorable.)

    Phew! This is a big one. Youd be hard-pressed to fit this one into a social media update.But a blogpost? A landing page? Sure thing.

    And for those times when youre pinched for copy on social media, you can pull elementsout of A FOREST. Post with alliteration or facts or threes. Pick one, and see how it works.


    8. The 5 basic objections1. I dont have enough time.

    2. I dont have enough money.

    3. It wont work for me.

    4. I dont believe you.

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    5. I dont need it.

    Chances are that a reader can easily come up with reasons not to read or click or share.Those reasons will likely fall into one of these five basic buckets. Keep these in mind asyoure writing. If you can solve all of them, wonderful. If you can solve even one, great.


    9. Picture Promise Prove Push (PPPP)Picture Paint a picture that gets attention and creates desire

    Promise Describe how your product/service/idea will deliver

    Prove Provide support for your promise

    Push Ask your reader to commit

    Many of these formulas involve showing someone a picture of a desirable outcome. What

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    a great opportunity to deliver happiness to potential readers and customers! The PPPPfollows up this dream with specific ways that the product/service/idea can help, alongwith proof that it actually does. The final stepcall to actionis crucial, and it can be assimple as a short URL if youre trying to fit this formula into a tweet.


    10. The psychological pull of Open LoopsCreate a cliffhanger with your content

    Open loops are rooted in psychology. We need closure in our lives, and when we dontget this closure, we feel anxiety, which spurs us to get closure, to find out more, to keepreading.

    Felicia Spahr described this phenomena in a post at KISSmetrics, pointing out theprevalence of open loops in Hollywood filmmaking and TV.

    Open Loops in TV shows are the equivalent of that cliffhanger that keeps you up at

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    night, consuming your mind with thinking about whats going to happen the next week,

    or that story line that was never quite explained. Those arent just blips in a script.

    They are put there so that its harder for people to get up off the couch than it is to stay

    and watch just one more episode.


    11. The Readers Digest blueprintAccording to famed copywriter John Caples, you can take great inspiration from studyingthe way that Readers Digest articles are composed.

    They are fact-packed

    They are telegraphic

    They are specific

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    There are few adjectives

    They arouse curiosity


    Copybloggers Demian Farnworth and Jerod Morris put this formula to good use in theway they open blogposts. Heres what theyve learned:

    Your opening sentence should be short even as short as one word

    The wrong quote can repel readers

    A great story begins in the chaotic middle

    You borrow liberally from your swipe file

    On social media, the Readers Digest blueprint might look like this:

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    12. Sonia Simones 5 Pieces Every Great Marketing Story Needs1. You need a hero

    2. You need a goal

    3. You need conflict

    4. You need a mentor

    5. You need a moral

    You might pick up on some familiar threads in Copyblogger cofounder Sonia Simonesformula. Conflict fits with Problem-Agitate-Solve. Mentor fits with the new-worldvision of Before-After-Bridge. All five elements together make for great storytellingfor ablogpost, a landing page, and many more spots that support a start-to-end story.


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    13. Write to one personGood advertising is written from one person to another.

    The above is a quote from Fairfax Cone, one of the leading voices in copywriting. His tipreads more like advice than a formula, but the takeaway is just as good. Who is your idealreader? Find out (perhaps using marketing personas), then write to them and them alone.


    14. The 3 Reasons WhyWhy are you the best?

    Why should I believe you?

    Why should I buy right now?

    This trio of ideas is an expansion on a tried-and-true question that all copywriters strive to

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    answer: Why? Copybloggers Brian Clark has a neat way of summing all thesequestions up into one big ask:

    Why should I buy from you at all when I understand your competition better than you

    do, and theres no difference?


    15. Star Story SolutionStar The main character of your story

    Story The story itself

    Solution - An explanation of how the star wins in the end

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    This formula doesnt necessarily need to be linear. You might tell your story andintroduce your star at the same time. And the star can be anythingyourproduct/service/idea or even the reader.


    16. Star Chain HookStar Your product/service/idea

    Chain A series of facts, sources, benefits, and reasons

    Hook The call to action

    The key element of this formula is the chain. It is intended to take a reader from interestedto attentive. The right facts, sources, benefits, and reasons can help get them there.


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    17. Awareness Comprehension Conviction Action (ACCA)Awareness Present the situation or problem

    Comprehension Help your reader understand how it affects them. Explain that youhave the solution.

    Conviction Create a desire and conviction in your reader to use your solution.

    Action Call to action

    Another variation from the above formulas, you might sample this one for its focus oncomprehension. Whereas other formulas describe the situation and tell stories, this oneacts more as a diagnosis: This is whats happening, and this is how it affects you. Whendone right, the comprehension step should lead straight to conviction then action.


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    18. The 1 2 3 4 Formula for Persuasive Copy1. What Ive got for you

    2. What its going to do for you

    3. Who am I?

    4. What you need to do next

    Another Copyblogger gem, this four-question formula has some great ties to thestorytelling opener of previous formulas, with a useful twist. After telling the story andexplaining the benefits, you then get to sell the reader on your authority. Who are you andwhy should someone listen to you? Explain that part well enough, and you can breeze tothe call-to-action in the final step.


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    19. So what?Every time you state something, ask yourself, So what?

    Helen Nesterenko, writing at the Eloqua blog, has a great way of spinning this one from afeatures vs. benefits perspective.

    Our knives have the sharpest blades!

    So what?

    So you can chop ingredients quickly and efciently, just like the pros!

    One way that Ive looked at this with my Buffer writing is to ask so what in order to testwhether a tweet or paragraph or section adds any value to the reader. Why shouldsomeone care about this particular thing Ive written? Typically, itll all come back to

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    20. AICPBSAWN (phew!)Attention Biggest benefit, biggest problem you can solve, USP

    Interest Reason why they should be interested in what you have to say

    Credibility Reason why they should believe you

    Prove Prove what you are claiming is true

    Benefits List them all (use bullets)

    Scarcity Create scarcity

    Action Tell them precisely what to do

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    Warn What will happen if they dont take action

    Now Motivate them to take action now

    Im not sure this one was meant to be an acronym or not. Its long! Nevertheless, therereseveral good nuggets in here, starting with the first. A unique selling proposition couldprobably be a copywriting post all to its own. Its a big idea, and finding the unique angleto pitch your product/service/idea is key.

    Like the A FOREST formula, you can grab bits and pieces of this one when sharing in theconfined spaces of social media.


    21. String of PearlsString together a series of persuasive stories

    What does this formula conjure for you? Listicles. List posts have their roots in this

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    copywriting formula. If listicles dont fit your marketing strategy, you can go in a differentdirection by stringing together testimonials or benefits or any stand-alone elements that,when combined, make for an overwhelmingly persuasive pitch.


    22. The Fan DancerBe specific without actually explaining anything

    It took me a bit to wrap my head around this one. What is a fan dancer? Well, itsnothing really. But it did pique my interest! And thats the point. The Fan Dancer formulauses specific details to create curiosity, all the while never revealing any actualinformation about what that tantalizing something is. To find out, someone will need toclick or keep reading.


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    23. The Approach FormulaArrive at the problem

    Propose a solution

    Persuade the listener why your solution will work

    Reassure that you and your solution can be trusted

    Orchestrate an opportune opportunity to sell

    Ask for the order (or response)

    You might recognize parts of this formula if youve ever had a call from a telemarketer ora visit from a door-to-door salesman. Its a soft sell. The formula takes its time to getaround to the Ask part, building trust along the way and looking for the best time tomake the final step toward the sale. Slow pitches like these might involve a couple stepsthrough the marketing funnel or perhaps a piece of long-form content with a variety of

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    ways for the reader to act.


    24. Bob Stones GemBegin with your strongest benefit

    Expand on the most important benefit

    Tell exactly and in detail what they are going to get, including all the features andbenefits

    Back up your statements with support copy

    Tell them what theyll lose if they dont act

    Sum up the most important benefits

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    Make your call to action. Tell them to reply now and give a good, logical reasonwhy they should.

    Steve Slaunwhite shared this useful formula in his book The Everything Guide to WritingCopy. You could probably have guessed that the originator of this formula is Bob Stone.The successful ad man came up with this formula for sales letters and direct response ads,but its been used in a number of different ways since.


    25. The 6+1 model1. Context

    2. Attention

    3. Desire

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    4. The gap

    5. Solution

    6. Call to action

    +1. Credibility

    From Danny Iny of Smashing Magazine, the first six items in this copywriting formulafollow a similar path to the Before-After-Bridge formula, giving the reader a sense of whatlife might be like with your product/service/idea. The key element that Danny hasadded: credibility.

    You can do all of the above and youll be well on your way to a sale, but you still wont

    get it without one more ingredient, added along the way. That ingredient is credibility.


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    26. UPWORDS FormulaUniversal Picture Words Or Relatable, Descriptive Sentences

    This is a neat one from Michel Fortin. Hes found that using common words that conjureimagery or examples in the minds of readers will help a marketing message havemeaning.


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    27. OATH FormulaThe four stages of your markets awareness of your product/service/idea.





    This formula can help guide your copy because it helps you focus on the reader and his orher needs. What stage are they at in their awareness of your product? The spectrum runsfrom the completely unaware (oblivious) to those in desperate need of a solution(hurting). Knowing where your audience stands can help determine how you frameyour writing.


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    Bonus: Literary DevicesIve mentioned Demian Farnworth many times in this article. He and the Copybloggerteam are just so good at explaining the concepts of writing well. And heres another greatone from Demian: literary devices.

    These are the styles and formats of the way we write compelling copy. Many of them arelikely done subconsciously. Its kind of neat to know theres a name and history behindthem.

    Demian lists 12 at his blog. Here are my five favorites:

    1. Polysyndeton Using Extra Conjunctions

    If there be cords or knives or poison or re or suffocating streams, Ill not endure it

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    Shakespeare, Othello

    2. Chiasmus Reversal of Structure

    Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind.

    John F. Kennedy

    3. Epizeuxis Simple Repetion of Words and Phrases

    Never give in never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty,

    never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.

    Winston Churchill

    4. Anaphora Repetition at the Beginning

    Mad world! Mad kings! Mad composition!

    William Shakespeare, King John

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    5. Epistrophe Repetition at the End

    What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny compared to what lies within us.

    Ralph Waldo Emerson

    ConclusionThe best copywriting formula: Yours!Theres this great quote from David Ogilvy that I think sums up the matter of copywritingformulas.

    Repeat your winners. Scores of great advertisements have been pulled before theyve

    begun to payoff. Readership can actually increase with repetition up to ve


    His advice is for advertisement specifically, yet it rings true for the way that we write forthe web, for blogs, and for social media. Find a formula that works for you and youraudience, and continue to go back to it as often as you can.

    Which formulas do you use in your writing? Did you have a favorite one from this

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    list? Which ones did I leave out?

    Itd be awesome to hear from you in the comments!

    Image sources: Icon Finder, Blurgrounds, Markus Spiske,




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    Written by Kevan Lee

    Content crafter at Buffer. You can find me online, tweeting about my writing process, or athome, second-guessing football coaches. Live simply, give generously, beat cancer.

    Follow @kevanlee 8,493 followers

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    Join the discussion


    demianfarnworth a month agoI feel very loved. :D



    Kevan a month agoMod > demianfarnworthHaha, excellent! I feel you deserve co-credit for writing this one! So manygreat examples from you and the Copyblogger team. :)



    Courtney Seiter a month agoMod > demianfarnworthYay! You definitely are around here. :)


    Tegan @ AdSpruce a month agoAwesome post! It's definitely made me realise how much I still don't know aboutcopy writing. Nightmare!

    I'll be trying some of these formulas today. 2


    Kevan a month agoMod > Tegan @ AdSpruceExcellent! I'd love to know which ones work for you, Tegan!


    Julia a month agoThank you for such a well-written resource Kevan! I love articles like this that Ican come back to again and again. A tip for you? I'd put your screen captures towork for you by linking them to the tweets they represent. Some of those tweets







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    work for you by linking them to the tweets they represent. Some of those tweetsare interesting. Bet you'd get click-throughs....



    Kevan a month agoMod > Julia Hi Julia! Thanks so much for the comment! That's a great idea to link tothose tweets. :) Glad you found some of them to be interesting!


    ChristaWojciechowski a month agoThis article is amazing! Thank you, Kevan. It will be my tweet cheat sheet for life.



    Anna Shelton a month ago> ChristaWojciechowskiHa! Totally, couldn't have said it better Christa!


    Kevan a month agoMod > ChristaWojciechowskiThanks, Christa! So kind of you to say! Hope a couple of gems turn upfor you. :)


    Darin L. Hammond 3 days agoI just tweeted to you, Kevan, and this is the kind of excellent, in-depth posts Ireferred to as being excellent. I am an Idaho man too - Rexburg. I have taughtuniversity level advanced writing for 11 years, and I wish I would have just hadthis to use as my text book.

    The whole list is so sharp and seems so complete until I read the next one. I amgoing to find a way to compress this as a cheat sheet.

    I blog over at ZipMinis: Science of Blogging and Writinghttp://www.zipminis.com. I'd love to connect with you.







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    Mandy 3 days agoYou and Demian Farnworth, man. You both write articles and essays that, as awriter and marketer, leave me in love with words. I regularly check Buffer andCopyblogger to see if there's a position I could sneak into - I'd bring you coffeeand cronuts every day if it meant I could learn from you.

    All that to say: thank you for this!


    Nicholas Mann 22 days agoI just want to say this was beautiful post, Kevan. Don Draper would be proud.


    Neri 23 days agoThis is a stroke of genius. I'm a storyteller, and I love the conciseness andimmediate utility of your content.


    Ollie 25 days agoI spend an hour practising all the 27 formulas. Thanks a lot!


    Kevan 23 days agoMod > OllieHi Ollie! Thanks for the comment! Glad you found some takeaways fromthis one!


    Joy @ Joyfully Green 25 days agoMy goodness, this post packed a lot of punches! Excellent advice here that Ishared with my blogging group today. Thanks!








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    Kevan 23 days agoMod > Joy @ Joyfully GreenThanks so much, Joy! Such an honor you'd share this one with yourpeers. Incredible!


    Bram Berkhout 25 days agoWriting heroes! Writing like heroes. You guys are my heroes @demianfarnworth@kevanlee


    Kevan 23 days agoMod > Bram BerkhoutHa, thanks so much, Bram! Really appreciate the encouraging comment!:)


    ELIA SANTIAGO 25 days agoGreat Article this has opened my eyes i will be using this in my Blog thanks forthe tips.


    Kevan 23 days agoMod > ELIA SANTIAGOThanks, Elia!


    Krissanawat Kaewsanmuang 25 days agoAmazing post this is my blueprint I've try to create mindmap from this


    Kevan 23 days agoMod > Krissanawat KaewsanmuangSounds great, Krissanawat! Thanks for the kind words!








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    CuCo Creative 25 days agoAwesome post! Can't wait to try these out today!


    Kevan 23 days agoMod > CuCo CreativeThanks!


    Andrew McIntosh a month agoVery nice and comprehensive list of formulas. Definitely a lot to remember but I'llbe using this post as a reference for a long while to come. I'm a web designerwho's just starting to blog and learning more about internet marketing andcopywriting, so this is invaluable. Thank you!


    Kevan 23 days agoMod > Andrew McIntoshThanks, Andrew! Very happy to hear it!


    Agnes Dadura a month agowow Kevan! Awesome list! But I've actually went to the buff.ly/1nncKjl and itwasn't concierge music service :D then I've figured out why ;)


    Kevan 23 days agoMod > Agnes DaduraOh, haha! Yes, I probably should have mentioned those aren't realtweets! Funny, the concierge one is the tweet I most wished were real,too!

    Robyn Willmore a month ago








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    Thanks Kevan. My job involves a lot of copy writing everyday, and sometimes Itoo become jaded and run out of fresh ideas so to speak, but this post hasdefinitely shown me and reminded me of simple formulas to keep it fresh. I havesaved this post in order to come back to later.


    Kevan a month agoMod > Robyn WillmoreAwesome stuff, Robyn! Hope there are one or two that prove helpful foryou!


    WebScout a month agoOh my goodness, this is excellent! Great, comprehensive tips for e-communications today.


    Kevan a month agoMod > WebScoutThanks! Glad this one resonated with you!


    Bryan Collins a month agoAwesome post Kevan. One for the swipe file.


    Kevan a month agoMod > Bryan Collins+1 for swipe files :)

    Dylan Goldman a month agoWhat a great read, Kevan, thanks!

    I am working on my M.A. in New Media Journalism, and for my final project, willbe devoting an entire blog to social media and how it has changed the ways in







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    be devoting an entire blog to social media and how it has changed the ways inwhich we communicate (in both professional and personal situations andcircles).

    Your article is so thorough and well organized that I plan to use it as a referencetool within either a future blog post itself or within a "Helpful Links"-type page.

    Thanks! Great work.



    Kevan a month agoMod > Dylan GoldmanHi Dylan! Wow, such an honor you'd consider our Buffer blog for that.Congrats on finishing up your M.A. Where are you attending? We Bufferbloggers have a heart for journalism, so it's always neat to make thesekinds of connections. :)


    Dylan Goldman a month ago> KevanKevan,

    I am doing a fast-track online program through Full Sail University.At first, I was trepidatious about the stigma associated with"online education", but after scouring every medium for everypossible resource I could find on the school, I was impressed.

    Imagine that...a journalist conducting exhaustive research! Never!

    With the way journalism has evolved, I consider a blog as reliableof a source as an academic journal, provided the research isthorough, cited, linked and most of all, valid. What can I say, youmet my criteria!

    Iyea Brandy a month ago




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    Iyea Brandy a month agoReally useful list. I am learning more about copy writing and this list containedeverything I could need. Thanks


    Kevan a month agoMod > Iyea BrandyGlad to hear it, Iyea! Good luck on your copywriting adventure!


    Steve Hedstrom a month agoAgain Kevan is getting us all the edge we need. Thanks man! :)


    Kevan a month agoMod > Steve HedstromHi Steve! Thanks for the comment! Happy to help!


    Serryjw a month agoI am in AWE on how you continuously provide such valuable content...THANKYOU!


    Kevan a month agoMod > SerryjwThanks so much!


    Heather Brown McClurg a month agoThese are great, but now I need tips on how to remember them all! LOL I'll pickmy top 5 and save for future use. Thanks for these!

    Kevan a month agoMod > Heather Brown McClurgHi Heather! Thanks for the comment! Yes, that's indeed a lot to








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    Anatomy of a Perfect Facebook Post:Exactly What to Post to Get 32 comments 21 days ago

    Kevan Hi there! Thanks for thecomment! Great question. It sounds likeyou've hit on something that

    The 10 Latest & Greatest SocialMedia Strategies to Boost Your 9 comments 2 days ago

    Joo Romo Great post Kevan, it'salways good to learn from different andunique experiments that

    We Tested All the Best Advice to GetMore Clicks on Facebook. 66 comments 4 days ago

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    Hi Heather! Thanks for the comment! Yes, that's indeed a lot toremember! Kudos on picking five. I typically do one at a time and thencome back to my bookmarks for future ideas. :) Hope these work greatfor you!


    Michelle Brammer a month agoYou need to publish a book with all these great tips! Your posts are one of thevery few I print out for future reference. Thanks for these great tips.


    Kevan a month agoMod > Michelle BrammerHi Michelle! Thanks for the comment! Glad you enjoyed the tips!


    Reinvolve a month agoGreat information in this article! Definitely something we can come back to!






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