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Copyright. Do not reproduce without permission. © Redemptorist Pastoral Publications, P O Box 341, Merrivale, 3291. Phone 082 667 3857. Fax 086 545 4381. Email: janet@rpp.org.za. Internet: www.rpp.org.za.


SUNDAY MASSENTRANCE ANTIPHON:To you, I lift up my soul, O my God. In you, I have trusted; let me not be put to shame. Nor let my enemies exult over me; and let none who hope in you be put to shame.

FIRST READING: Isaiah 63:16-17, 64:1,3-8.


RESPONSE:O God, bring us back; Let your face shine on us, and we shall be saved.

1. O shepherd of Israel, hear us, enthroned on the cherubim, shine forth. Rouse up your might and come to save us. ℟2. God of hosts, turn again, we implore; look down from heaven and see. Visit this vine and protect it, the vine your right hand has planted. ℟3. May your hand be on the man at your right hand, the son of man you have confi rmed as your own. And we shall never forsake you again; give us life that we may call upon your name. ℟SECOND READING: 1 Corinthians 1:3-9.


Alleluia, alleluia! Let us see, O Lord, your mercy, and grant us your salvation. Alleluia.

GOSPEL: Mark 13:33-37.

COMMUNION ANTIPHON:The Lord will bestow his bounty, and our earth shall yield its increase.


1st Sunday of Advent Year B Divine Offi ce: Week I 29 November 2020

1. Advent Within


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Order from our website www.rpp.org.za or email orders@rpp.org.za. Enquiries: 082 667 3857.Order from our website www.rpp.org.za or email

R250 plus delivery

Live the Word T H E W E E K A H E A D

(KEY: SOLEMNITY; FEAST; Memorial; (Optional Memorial)A=Apostle; V=Virgin; M=Martyr; Pr=Priest; D=Doctor

Mon 30 Nov ST ANDREW, ARomans 10:9-18; Psalm 19; Matthew 4:18-22Advent is a time to fi nd and to bring peace. Find creative ways to change complaints into gratitude, and anger and bitterness into compassion and kind-ness… and see how your life will improve.

Sun 6 Dec 2ND SUNDAY OF ADVENTIsaiah 40:1-5.9-11; Psalm 85; Mark 1:1-8Today would have been the feast of St Nicholas, the kind bishop who gave so generously to the poor. Generosity is at the heart of our faith, so let us approach Christmas with his spirit in our hearts.

Sat 5 Dec Liturgy of the DayIsaiah 30:19-21.23-26; Ps 147; Matthew 9:35–10:1.5-8Advent is a time of hope. As we read the Scriptures during these days, let us become still and attentive enough to discover the hopeful dimensions for being heralds of good news in our daily lives.

Fri 4 Dec (St John Damascene, PrD)Isaiah 29:17-24; Psalm 27; Matthew 9:27-31Our love of God gives us a deep sense of inner safety, courage and strength for we know that God, in Jesus, suffered plotting, betrayal, torture and death on the cross.

Thu 3 Dec St Francis Xavier, Pr Isaiah 26:1-6; Psalm 118; Matthew 7:21.24-27Many reduce their faith life to a passive listening to good and inspiring words, without taking it any deeper. Transformation and action need to evolve from our prayer for us to grow closer to God.

Wed 2 Dec Liturgy of the DayIsaiah 25:6-10; Psalm 23; Matthew 15:29-37"I have long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and that it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions." – Dorothy Day

Tue 1 Dec (Bl. Clementine Anuarite, VM) Isaiah 11:1-10; Psalm 72; Luke 10:21-24God gives us what we need to fl ourish, but with a difference – we can say yes or no to God. We have the freedom to choose. We can be open to new life – or closed to it. The choice is ours.

Th e r e i s a n in te res t ing sociological

and educational framework which b u i l d s o n t h e consecutive layers “within, between, beyond”. In many ways this resonates with God’s layers of revelation: to i nd i v i dua l s ; t o communities; and to the world. Catho-lic Link’s Advent refl ections will follow this structure. First, within.

“Advent within” refers to God’s presence and grace at work in the life of an individual. The Jewish mystic and holocaust martyr, Etty Hillesum, provides a lovely image for this:

There is a deep well within me. In it dwells God. Sometimes I’m there too. But mostly it gets blocked with stones and grit which must be dug out again.

This image evokes the scene of Jesus in his encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4, where he speaks to her of the “living water” that she could have within her by accepting Christ into her life. Hers is a beautiful story of gradual coming to insight and surrender knowing that she is loved unconditionally by “a man who told me everything I ever did” (John 4:29).

Yes, Advent is personal. Advent “within” is a celebration of the intimate relationship God has with each of us individually – God who knew and chose us before we were born.

For our part, what matters is that we make space for God; that we “clear the stones and grit”, recognising our nothingness and allowing God’s grace to work within. In this process we can do no better than emulate Mary herself. Consider her very personal experience at the Annunciation.

Luke describes Mary as be ing deeply disturbed by the angel’s words. The word of God is “like a two-edged sword, judging our secret emotions and t h ough t s ” (Hebrews 4:12). Or, as Isaiah says, it is “like the rain which God sends down to the earth to nourish it and give it life, and does not return to God until it has accomplished what it was sent t o do ” ( I sa i ah 55:10). God’s word constantly speaks within the depths of our hearts. If sometimes we fi nd

that disturbing, we’re in good company. So did Mary.

Yet, she did not ignore it. She engaged with it. She “asked herself” what the angel’s message could mean. Advent within, is a time of soul searching and questioning just as it was for Mary, who asks the angel: How can this be? We too ask, how can God have a plan for me? But we have to hear the words that Mary did, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you and cover you with its shadow.” The Holy Spirit works in us to fulfi l the tasks God has given us. As the angel goes on to say, nothing is impossible for God.

On this First Sunday of Advent, may we have the courage to embrace its grace within. While we know that the whole world desperately needs the advent of God, let’s decide that today it begins with me. It begins with awareness of my deep inner well where God resides but maybe it is blocked by my preoccupation with ego. May the Holy Spirit do the “impossible” in me and help me to clear the blockages so that I can pray again, freely and with yearning: Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus!

Image by Dibyendu Roy from Pixabay

The perfect companion for all those who feel drawn to contemplative prayer and meditation, but who need help and guidance going about it.

James Roose-Evans explains the practical aspects of meditation – such as the significance of posture and breathing, the use of the mantra, and the importance of regular practice. He provides a monthly guide, taking the reader day-by-day through suggested meditations and reflections which encourage the practice of silent, wordless prayer.

Combin ing prac t i ca l he lp w i th imaginative insights, Inner Journey, Outer Journey will provide guidance and inspiration for all those seeking a still centre amidst the pressures of work and daily life.

Date Intentions

Saturday 28th

17h30 18h00

1st Sunday of Advent Rosary & Prayer

Mortuary List

Sunday 29th

09h00 18h00

1st Sunday of Advent Rosary & Prayer

Missa pro Populo

Monday 30th

08h00 18h00

St Andrew Rosary & Prayer

Margot Hotz RIP

Tuesday 1st 08h00 18h00

Mass of the Day Prayer & Rosary

Mortuary List

Wednesday 2nd 08h00 18h00

Mass of the Day Prayer & Rosary

John Parkin RIP

Thursday 3rd 08h00 18h00

St Francis Xavier Prayer & Rosary

Joan Parkin RIP

Friday 4th 09h30 18h00

Mass of the Day Prayer & Rosary

Deceased Member of Hotz & Oliver Families


Birthdays and Anniversaries this week * Birthday ∞ Marriages † In Remembrance

Saturday 28th *Nathan Andriamanantsoa *Logan Hayes *Earl Woldson ∞Philip & Yolande Barton ∞Terry & Jenny Lancaster †Andy Kapp

Sunday 29th *Anthony Cole *Emma Brooks

Monday 30th *Jaime Bester *Roberto Quercia∞Brian & Jane Pickup

Tuesday 1st *Xavier Bester *Roberto Gorgulho *Jamie Rixton

Wednesday 2nd ∞Frederick & Beulah Williams ∞Ken & Carol Douglas †William Taylor

Thursday 3rd *Pat Danford *Neve Campbell †Eileen King

Friday 4th *Andrew Betly †Malcolm Kleu †Joe Rule

Mass Intentions will continue as requested, except for Sundays, as Father Robert is required to offer this Mass pro Populo (for the people). If you wish to have Mass said for a special intention, please email the office with your request. You may EFT or Snapscan your donation

and simply use reference: MASS INTENTION <your name> <preferred day>. Thank you.

Available at the back of the church:

St Kizito’s Advent Candles - Sold Out! Thank you for your support.

The Southern Cross Magazine: December edition – new – only R30!

Nazareth House Jams: Support a great cause – R30 per jar

Liturgical Calendars: R30 each


• Masses on Saturdays, Sundays and Wednesdays are open to the public on an invitation and booking basis only.

• Constantia Catholic on YouTube: All our Masses and services will be live-streamed. Please use this link to join: https://bit.ly/YouTubeConstantiaCatholic

• ZOOM: To join Father's Prayer meetings, use this link to join meeting on ZOOM: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/4358352419?pwd=MFR5MkdSWlQzTmR6ZGZxcThCYk9YUT09

• Please see our emailers and website for regular updates.

Prayer Intentions: For all in need of our prayers and their families: Deborah Conner, Leslie Wolf, Frances Le Roux, Jenny Blumenthal, Mauro Saporetti, William De Villiers, Elaine Urry, Margaret Savage, Allen Galvin, Andrew J Spiers, Cecco Giovannini, Deolinda & Egidio Gouveia.

1st Sunday of Advent – Year B 28th / 29th November 2020

4 Price Drive, P O Box 161, Constantia 7848 Office Phone: 021 794 5185 Gate: 082 433 4957 Email : materecl@constantiacatholic.co.za : parishpriest@constantiacatholic.co.za Website : www.constantiacatholic.co.za Parish Priest: Rev Fr Robert Bissell Deacon: Rev Dcn Michael Brooks Secretaries: Deborah Jordan / Vivien Cones Office Hours: Weekdays 08h30-13h00

Bank Details: Constantia Catholic Church | Standard Bank: Branch 025 309 | Current Account No 07 169 8965

Our mission is to be a welcoming and evangelising Catholic community, striving, with the grace of the Holy Spirit,

to know, love and serve God more, as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Our mission is to be a welcoming and evangelising Catholic community, striving, with the grace of the Holy Spirit,

to know, love and serve God more, as disciples of Jesus Christ.

HUNGER Is Real Fund Initiated by our parish in this time of crisis to alleviate the very real and ongoing need in our surrounding areas. Please contribute by EFT into the Parish Account - details at the bottom of this page - reference: HUNGER. To all those who have made donations and continue to do so, a huge thank you for your amazing generosity.

REFLECTION: 1st Sunday of Advent

We can't call ourselves Christians while living lives without purpose. And Advent is only one of the times we must watch for the coming of Jesus.

He keeps coming and is always present but are we AWAKE enough to recognize him in the daily happenings of our lives ? Especially at this time, do we think of him or, like so many, just regard Advent as 'shopping days before Christmas ?'



Please make sure your envelopes have been handed in by the end of this week, as all stipends will be paid over to the Archdiocese by Monday 7th December. Thank you!

SECOND COLLECTION The Second of our 4 annual Advent Appeal collections will be taken up at all Masses next weekend. Please find envelopes at the back of the church. If you wish to contribute by EFT to parish account, please use ref ADV2. Thank you

LIGHTING OUR ADVENT CANDLES All-powerful God, increase our strength of will for doing good, that Christ may find an eager welcome at his coming and call us to His side in the kingdom of heaven, where He lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit one God, forever and ever.



Bags for our annual ‘Bags of Love’ drive will be available for a donation of R10.00 each after all Masses this weekend. Please return the filled Bags by the weekend of 5/6 December.

If you would prefer to make a monetary donation, please EFT to Parish Account, ref Bags of Love.

For more info: gina@agelessgracewithgina.com


for 4 & 11 December only

PUBLIC MASS (booking required)

Later Time!

09h30 - Friday, 4 December 09h30 - Friday, 11 December


• To all our First Confession Class, who received the sacrament this Saturday, 28 November.

• To Antonio & Lindsay Bacchiet on the Baptism of their son, Luca Gino Nigel Bacchiet, this Saturday, 28th November.