30 reason to go vegetarian

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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30 Reasons to Go Vegetarian

#1 Because heart disease begins at child birth

#2 Because a vegetarian diet reverses heart disease

#3 Because eating meat and dairy makes you fat


Because you shouldn’t have to lie to your kids about the food that you eat

#5 Because in every package of chicken, there is a little poop

#6 Because meat is filthy and bloody

#7 It isn’t fair to animals

#8 Because no living creature wants to see their family slaughtered


Eating meat can cause impotence


Because you would never eat batteries, ear wax, or your dog

#11 Because Mad Cow Disease is in the United States


Because it’s violence we can stop

#13 Because no one should have to make a living by killing


Because it takes a small person to defeat a defenseless animal and an even smaller person to eat it

#15 Because the grain used to feed them could feed starving children


Because you can’t call yourself an environmentalist and a vegetarian


Because animals are defenseless


Because when animals feel pain, they scream too

#19 Because animals don’t want to die


Because animals feel fear

#21 Because no matter how you slice it, it’s still flesh

#22 Because commerce is no excuse for murder


Because this is not what wings are for

#24 Because everyone wants to be free

#25 Because eating fish doesn’t make you a vegetarian

#26 Because might doesn’t make right


Because you know this is wrong


Because you know this is wrong