4) who would be the audience for

Post on 09-Jul-2015

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4) Who would be the audience for your media products?

Jessica Rowe


• Age range

• Male female

• Target audience

• Interesting

Music inspired people

Music inspired people

• The reason that I chose music inspired people for a target audience for my media products is because Ska music isn’t very well known with the youth of today, therefore it is usually listened to by people of an older age who have always had an interest in music, and maybe who are involved in a musical pathway which may have been influenced by Ska music being blues/reggae/punk etc.

• The men in this image would be part of the target audience for my magazine because as you can see from the image they are clearly musically inspired. The age of the men would make them more aware of Ska music because of the genre and scene that it was popular in was 1960s onwards. This helps us assume that they are more aware of the styles. By the way that they are dressed it gives us an impression that they are well dressed and into the blues side of Skamusic or even reggae. The instruments that the man on the left is playing gives us the impression that the music is a classic style maybe being blues, Ska or jazz influences.

• The men in this image are a good example of the older generation for the target audience for my magazine. The reason I say this is because of the generation/age of the men and the styles that they are dressing, such as suits and hats, as well as shirts that are smart but casual which gives the impression of the mod culture as well as the skinhead fashion. By summarising this we can see that they are either at a gig or on a night out possibly in a club or pub of their choice either performing or there for the music that they enjoy which would possibly be Ska. I think my magazine would appeal to this range of men because it is aimed at different age ranges.

• The couple dancing in this image are dancing to Skamusic. We can tell this my the type of festival or event that they are at, as well as the people surrounding them and the style of their clothing being the male in a black and white suit and the female wearing a below the knee dress just like they wore in the 70’s. I chose these people as a target audience because as well as being in the older generation they are obviously friends or a couple having a good dance to something that they love. Therefore I think that if my magazine was on the shelf of a shop that they shop at, I think that they would more than likely pick it up and buy it because of the element of differentiation within it.

Young people and couples

Young people and couples

• The reason that I chose young people and couples is because the youth of today are starting to figure out the obsession of the elders with Ska music which is now coming back on the ‘scene’. I believe that young people are interested in Ska music and follow in the mod/skinhead/Ska culture with the inspired passion of the elders, which helps carry this brilliant genre on.

• The male and female in this image are part of the target audience that my magazine is made for. As well as older people the younger people has recently took a taste in Ska music which has influenced the way that they dress such as ripped jeans and short hair representing the ‘skinhead’ look as well as doc martens which are a punk/skinhead/original mod look. I think that my magazine would appeal to this genre of people because of the styles and music influences that they have as well as design features of the magazine that they may be interested in or find interesting and something that they want to read and invest in.

• The girl in this image is a standard female mod, or at least has the look of a Ska inspired image. Her hair is cut very much in the style of a mod and the dress sense is more of a contempary style that influences Skagenre. Even down to the detailing of her make up, it seems to be dark but suttel and smart looking, meaning she looks after herself and the way that she looks. This gives me a positive though that a person like this woman would pick up my magazine and buy it because as well as music taste in there I am including fashion within it which she may be interested in which may lead to her buying it each month for the fashion and taste/style of music.

• The reason I chose this girl as someone in my target audience is because she seems to be the type of person who likes this kind of music, just for the fact of the way she is dressed wearing the hat and the buttoned up shirt. The cigarette and the way that she looks in this image gives her a mod look. She looks like she doesn’t care about what's happening, this may be because her life is about music and her life is summed up that way instead of anything else. This is why I chose this girl for my target audience as I think she will be interested in buying the magazine.

People into the mod scene

People in the mod scene

• The reason I chose people in the mod scene is because most of these people are older; above the ages of 25. This makes it an original style and interest of the person, who is very interested in all aspects of the mod culture as well as having passion towards including Ska/punk/reggae music being something that they have grown into or something they have been brought up with.

• I chose these men ‘people from the mod scene’ for my target audience also because of their ‘skinhead’ background. I know for a fact that they will listen to Ska music and may gig as much as possible by the way that they are dressed and the look of them, Ska relates to Ska/reggae/punk/blues therefore the magazine that I have created, I believe will interested in it and will buy it at least once and if enjoyed; each month.

• I chose these men ‘people in the mod scene’ for the same reason as my last slide because mainly of the way that they are dressed, doc martens stand out a lot in the Ska industry but so do people in smart clothing and braces, which is what they are wearing in this image. They are young but clearly into the mod scene. They give off a ‘hard’ look they may not give off the vibe of their personality to other people, but their attitude and their style gives their taste of music away instantly, this is why I think they would be interested in my magazine within a group.