46+ hours of instructor-led training! SQL Server … · gain a solid understanding of when to use...

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http://www.learnitfirst.com/Sales & information: (877) 630-6708

• CourseId: 165 • Skill level: 100-500 • Run Time: 46+ hours (209 videos)

46+ hours of instructor-led training!

SQL Server 2008/R2 Analysis Services

Course DescriptionThis course covers Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services for versions 2008 and 2008 R2. This course features coverage of business intelligence in the Microsoft world, understanding data warehousing, creating and populating Analysis Services cubes using SQL Serv-er Integration Services (SSIS), and more. We cover relational data warehouse design, the ETL process (including data quality), writing MDX statements, installing SSAS, and system architecture as well. You will also explore various cube browsers and working with SQL Server Reporting Services, PowerPivot, Excel 2010 and more. This course also makes extensive use of LearnItFirst’s video exercises which include complete walk-throughs of the solutions (and come with the files containing both the problems and the solutions).

Table of ContentsChapter 1 - Course Introduction and How to Get Started

Chapter 2 - Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing with SSAS

Chapter 3 - How to Install SSAS 2008

Chapter 4 - Understanding and Designing Multidimensional Databases

Chapter 5 - Dimension and Measure Design

Chapter 6 - Cube Development with SSAS

Chapter 7 - Reporting Services with SSAS 2008

Chapter 8 - Client Tools: Excel, PowerPivot, SharePoint, and More

Chapter 9 - ETL Strategies and How to Load Data Warehouses Using SSIS

Chapter 10 - Writing MDX Queries

Chapter 11 - Data Mining with Analysis Services

Chapter 12 - Analysis Services Security

Pricing and Multi-User LicensingLearnItFirst’s courses are priced on a per user, per course basis. Volume discounts start for as few as five users. Please visit our website or call us at +1(877) 630-6708 for more information.

$99.95per user

• Purchasing this course allows you access to view and download the videos for one full year

• Course may be watched as often as nec-essary during that time

http://www.learnitfirst.com/Sales & information: (877) 630-6708

• CourseId: 165 • Skill level: 100-500 • Run Time: 46+ hours (209 videos)

46+ hours of instructor-led training!

SQL Server 2008/R2 Analysis Services

Who Is This Course Designed For?This course is designed for someone who has at least a basic understanding of SQL and SELECT statements. This course will help you gain a solid understanding of when to use SQL Server Analysis Services as well as a solid foundation on how to get your first cubes and databases created. Prior working experience with SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005, or SQL Server 2008 will help you get the most out of this course.

Pre-RequisitesWhile a true beginner could take this course, it is actually recommended that you have at least 30 days experience working with SQL Server (or equivalent work experience with another database system) prior to taking this course.

About the InstructorScott Whigham is the founder of LearnItFirst.com, one of the web’s most extensive video training libraries focusing on technical training. Scott is also an experienced consultant, trainer, and author with more than a decade of hands-on experience working with SQL Server databases, writing and debugging applications using Visual Studio, and performance tuning. Scott designed the architecture (websites, class libraries, and database) for the LearnItFirst.com websites and, most recently, was involved in upgrading the websites and support applications from Visual Studio 2005 to Visual Studio 2008 and to SQL Server 2008. Before founding LearnItFirst, Scott had been an independent consultant since 1998 focusing on SQL Server and .NET performance tuning and data warehousing. Scott has been asked to speak and train at events in the United States and Europe. As an author, Scott has written courses on SQL Server and C# and VB languages as well as popular articles for top-selling magazines and the MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network) library.

Frequently Asked Questions• “How do I access the videos?” You can access the videos 24/7 online via our website

• “Do I have to have internet access to watch the videos?” No! Users can download the videos to their hard drive.

• “How long are the videos?” The videos are broken into 10 minute task-oriented segments designed to teach you a single task

• “How many videos are in a course?” It depends on the topic; courses can have anywhere from 20 - 200 videos!

For More DetailsVisit http://www.learnitfirst.com/Course/165/SSAS-2008.aspx for more information and to watch free sample videosfrom this course.

http://www.learnitfirst.com/Sales & information: (877) 630-6708

• CourseId: 165 • Skill level: 100-500 • Run Time: 46+ hours (209 videos)

46+ hours of instructor-led training!

SQL Server 2008/R2 Analysis Services

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Videos in this course:Chapter 1: Course Introduction and How to Get Started

1.1 - Course Introduction - What Is Covered in this Course?

1.2 - How to Take this Course: Which Chapters Should You Watch?

1.3 - Introduction to the Sample Databases and Data Sources Used

1.4 - Operating Systems, SQL Server Versions, and Differences

1.5 - How the Exercises Are Designed to Help You

1.6 - Exercise 01: How to Use the Exercises in this Course

1.7 - Exercise 02: Installing the SQL Server 2008 Samples on Your Machine

Chapter 2: Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing with SSAS2.1 - Chapter Introduction: What is Included in this Chapter

2.2 - What is Business Intelligence?

2.3 - Business Intelligence and SQL Server

2.4 - What’s the Difference Between a Data Warehouse and a Data Mart?

2.5 - OLTP vs. OLAP

2.6 - Where Should I Put My Data Warehouse?

2.7 - Multidimensional Databases and Datamarts, Part 1

2.8 - Multidimensional Databases and Datamarts, Part 2

2.9 - Measures, Dimensions, and Cubes

2.10 - What Is Data Mining?

2.11 - What is Analysis Services?

2.12 - New Features in SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services

Chapter 3: How to Install SSAS 2008 3.1 - Chapter Introduction: What is Included in this Chapter

3.2 - SSAS Basics: Editions of SQL Server 2008 and SQL Server 2008 R2

http://www.learnitfirst.com/Sales & information: (877) 630-6708

• CourseId: 165 • Skill level: 100-500 • Run Time: 46+ hours (209 videos)

46+ hours of instructor-led training!

SQL Server 2008/R2 Analysis Services

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Videos in this courseChapter 3: How to Install SSAS 2008 (cont.)

3.3 - Pre-Requisites and Things to Consider Before Installing SSAS

3.4 - Installing SSAS 2008 on a First Time Installation

3.5 - Installing SSAS 2008 on a First Time Installation

3.6 - Adding Analysis Services to an Existing SQL Server Installation

3.7 - Patching and Updating Your SQL Server Installation

3.8 - How to Upgrade from Analysis Services 2005 to Analysis Services 2008

3.9 - Analysis Services Clustering

Chapter 4: Understanding & Designing Multidimensional Databases 4.1 - Chapter Introduction: What is Included in this Chapter

4.2 - The Unified Dimensional Model (UDM)

4.3 - Comparing Relational Databases to Multidimensional Databases

4.4 - Creating Our First Multidimensional Database

4.5 - Creating Our First Multidimensional Database

4.6 - Exercise 01: Create Your First MDB

4.7 - Browsing the Sample Cubes

4.8 - Visual Studio 2008 Projects and Solutions

4.9 - Exercise 02: Build the Sample Database on Your Machine

4.10 - How to Attach and Detach an Analysis Services Database

4.11 - How to Backup and Restore an Analysis Services Database

Chapter 5: Dimension and Measure Design5.1 - Chapter Introduction: What is Included in this Chapter

5.2 - The Pros and Cons of Using a Relational Data Warehouse, Part 1

5.3 - The Pros and Cons of Using a Relational Data Warehouse, Part 2

http://www.learnitfirst.com/Sales & information: (877) 630-6708

• CourseId: 165 • Skill level: 100-500 • Run Time: 46+ hours (209 videos)

46+ hours of instructor-led training!

SQL Server 2008/R2 Analysis Services

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Videos in this course Chapter 5: Dimension and Measure Design (cont.)

5.4 - How to Go From Nothing to Having a Full-Blown Data Warehouse

5.5 - Fact Tables and Dimensional Tables

5.6 - Browsing the Sample Data Warehouse

5.7 - Relational Data Warehouse Design 101: Normalization

5.8 - Relational Data Warehouse Design 101: Stars and Snowflakes, Part 1

5.9 - Relational Data Warehouse Design 101: Stars and Snowflakes, Part 2

5.10 - Another Browse of the Sample Data Warehouse

5.11 - Top-Down or Bottom-Up?

5.12 - Tips for Managing Successful Data Warehousing Projects, Part 1

5.13 - Tips for Managing Successful Data Warehousing Projects, Part 2

5.14 - Scenario 01: Designing the Data Warehouse from Scratch

5.15 - Exercise 01: Decisions for Creating a Relational Data Warehouse

5.16 - Scenario 02: Designing with the End in Mind

5.17 - Exercise 02: Which Dimensions Should We Build?

5.18 - Browsing the Source OLTP Database

5.19 - Relational Data Warehouse Design 201: Step-by-Step

5.20 - Relational Data Warehouse Design 201: Dimension Tables

5.21 - Relational Data Warehouse Design 201: Fact Tables

5.22 - Relational Data Warehouse Design 201: Fact Table Granularity

5.23 - Relational Data Warehouse Design 201: Fact Table Primary Keys?

5.24 - Relational Data Warehouse Design 201: You Degenerate

5.25 - ZOMG!!! Another Look at the Sample Data Warehouse

5.26 - Exercise 03: Design Your Dimensions

5.27 - Exercise 04: Design Your Fact Table

5.28 - Snowflake Schema Designs

http://www.learnitfirst.com/Sales & information: (877) 630-6708

• CourseId: 165 • Skill level: 100-500 • Run Time: 46+ hours (209 videos)

46+ hours of instructor-led training!

SQL Server 2008/R2 Analysis Services

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Videos in this course Chapter 5: Dimension and Measure Design (cont)

5.29 - A Closer Look at the Product Dimension

5.30 - Conformed Dimensions

5.31 - Final Browse of Our Databases

5.32 - The Importance of Data Quality

Chapter 6: Cube Development with SSAS 6.1 - Chapter Introduction: What is Included in this Chapter

6.2 - What Tools Will the BI Developer Use?

6.3 - Creating the Analysis Services Project

6.4 - Adding and Editing Data Sources

6.5 - Creating Data Source Views (DSVs)

6.6 - Extending Your DSVs Using Views

6.7 - Mapping a Dimension Table/Query to an Analysis Services Dimension

6.8 - Analysis Services Dimension Design Tips

6.9 - Create Dimension Wizard: Creating the Customer Dimension

6.10 - Deploying Your Newly Created Dimension and Using the Dimension Editor

6.11 - How to Add New Attributes to a Dimension

6.12 - Exercise 01: Creating the Project and the Data Source

6.13 - Exercise 02: Creating a Data Source View

6.14 - Exercise 03: Creating a Dimension

6.15 - Dimensional Hierarchies Part 1

6.16 - Dimensional Hierarchies Part 2

6.17 - Creating and Managing Hierarchies in SSAS Dimensions, Part 1

6.18 - Creating and Managing Hierarchies in SSAS Dimensions, Part 2

6.19 - Exploring Dimensional Properties

http://www.learnitfirst.com/Sales & information: (877) 630-6708

• CourseId: 165 • Skill level: 100-500 • Run Time: 46+ hours (209 videos)

46+ hours of instructor-led training!

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Videos in this course Chapter 6: Cube Development with SSAS (cont.)

6.20 - Attribute Relationships

6.21 - The Basics of Attribute Relationships and Flexible/Rigid Relationships

6.22 - How to Avoid Duplicate Key Attribute Errors (Hint: Multi-Key Attributes!), Part 1

6.23 - How to Avoid Duplicate Key Attribute Errors (Hint: Multi-Key Attributes!), Part 2

6.24 - Building and Managing Time Dimensions

6.25 - Building Dimensions Built on Snowflake Designs

6.26 - Parent-Child Dimensions Built on Self-Referencing Relationships

6.27 - Exercise 04: Creating User-Defined Hierarchies

6.28 - Exercise 05: Troubleshooting Duplicate Attribute Key Errors

6.29 - Exercise 06: Sorting Months by Month Number Instead of Name

6.30 - The Unknown Member, Custom Error Handling, and Dealing with NULLs

6.31 - How to Build an SSAS Cube

6.32 - Understanding Our Newly Built Cube (and Dimension Usage)

6.33 - Measure Groups, Measure Properties, and Deploying the Cube

6.34 - Browsing the New Cube

6.35 - Creating New Measures and Aggregations

6.36 - Exercise 07: Building the Cube

6.37 - MDX and It’s Role in Measure and Cube Creation/Design

6.38 - How to Create Calculations: Calculated Members and Named Sets

6.39 - Analysis Services KPIs and Cube Actions

6.40 - Write-Enabled Dimensions and Writeback Cubes

6.41 - Advanced Measure Design: Working with Semi-Additive Measures, Averages and Balances

6.42 - MOLAP, ROLAP, and HOLAP: Understanding How SSAS Stores the Data

6.43 - SSAS Partitions and Caching

6.44 - Defining Storage Modes, Partitions, and Caching Options

http://www.learnitfirst.com/Sales & information: (877) 630-6708

• CourseId: 165 • Skill level: 100-500 • Run Time: 46+ hours (209 videos)

46+ hours of instructor-led training!

SQL Server 2008/R2 Analysis Services

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Videos in this course Chapter 6: Cube Development with SSAS (cont.)

6.45 - Designing Aggregations Using the Aggregation Design Wizard

6.46 - Perspectives - What They Are and How to Use Them

6.47 - Translations: Displaying Data in Multiple Languages

6.48 - Dimensionality: Regular, Reference, Degenerates, and Role-Playing

6.49 - Browsing the AdventureWorks2008 Sample Cube

Chapter 7: Reporting Services with SSAS 20087.1 - Chapter Introduction: What is Included in this Chapter

7.2 - Introduction to SQL Server Reporting Services

7.3 - The Tools We Use

7.4 - Creating Basic Reports from an Analysis Services Cube

7.5 - Adding Drilldown and Drillthrough to Your Reports

7.6 - Creating Matrix, Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts

7.7 - How to Use Analysis Services KPIs in Reporting Services 2008 R2

7.8 - How to Use Analysis Services KPIs in Reporting Services 2008

7.9 - MDX-Based Reports

7.10 - How to Use Parameters with MDX-Based Reports

Chapter 8: Client Tools: Excel, PowerPivot, SharePoint, and More8.1 - Chapter Introduction: What is Included in this Chapter

8.2 - Exercise 01: Setup Your System to Follow Along

8.3 - Excel 2007: How to Connect to Analysis Services

8.4 - Excel 2007: Understanding SSAS and Creating Pivot Tables

8.5 - Excel 2007: Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts

8.6 - Excel 2007: How to Create KPI-Based Reports

http://www.learnitfirst.com/Sales & information: (877) 630-6708

• CourseId: 165 • Skill level: 100-500 • Run Time: 46+ hours (209 videos)

46+ hours of instructor-led training!

SQL Server 2008/R2 Analysis Services

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Videos in this course Chapter 8: Client Tools: Excel, PowerPivot, SharePoint, and More (cont.)

8.7 - Exercise 02: Excel 2007 Pivot Tables and Filtering

8.8 - Exercise 03: Creating KPI-Based Reports in Excel 2007

8.9 - Excel 2010: Understanding SSAS and How to Connect to Analysis Services

8.10 - Excel 2010: Creating Pivot Tables

8.11 - Excel 2010: Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts

8.12 - Excel 2010: How to Create KPI-Based Reports

8.13 - Excel 2010: Slicers and Filters

8.14 - Exercise 04: Excel 2010 Pivot Tables and Filtering

8.15 - Exercise 05: Creating KPI-Based Reports in Excel 2010

8.16 - Introduction to PowerPivot: Microsoft’s Self-Service BI Tool

8.17 - Installing PowerPivot and Exploring Samples

8.18 - How to Integrate PowerPivot, SSAS, and External Data, Part 1

8.19 - How to Integrate PowerPivot, SSAS, and External Data, Part 2

8.20 - How to Publish PowerPivot to SharePoint 2010

8.21 - What Tools Do My Users Use to Browse the Cubes?

8.22 - Tips and Tricks: How Using Named Sets Can Make Life Easier for Your Users

Chapter 9: ETL Strategies and How to Load Data Warehouses Using SSIS

9.1 - Chapter Introduction: What is Included in this Chapter

9.2 - A Breakdown of the ETL Process

9.3 - Creating an ETL Package in SSIS: The Connections

9.4 - Creating an ETL Package in SSIS: The Data Flow, Part 1

9.5 - Creating an ETL Package in SSIS: Upserts and Ghost Deletes (Part 2)

http://www.learnitfirst.com/Sales & information: (877) 630-6708

• CourseId: 165 • Skill level: 100-500 • Run Time: 46+ hours (209 videos)

46+ hours of instructor-led training!

SQL Server 2008/R2 Analysis Services

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Videos in this course Chapter 9: ETL Strategies and How to Load Data Warehouses Using SSIS (cont.)

9.6 - The Importance of Data Quality, Part 1

9.7 - The Importance of Data Quality, Part 2

9.8 - Creating an ETL Package in SSIS: The Data Profile Viewer

9.9 - Creating an ETL Package in SSIS: Performing Data Scrubbing and Cleansing

9.10 - SSAS Cube and Dimension Processing, Part 1

9.11 - SSAS Cube and Dimension Processing, Part 2

9.12 - Updating and Processing SSAS Objects with SSIS

9.13 - Scheduling SSAS Cube Processing (a.k.a. How to Schedule SSIS Packages)

9.14 - What Are Slowly Changing Dimensions?

9.15 - Processing Slowly Changing Dimensions in SSIS

Chapter 10: Writing MDX Queries10.1 - Chapter Introduction: What is Included in this Chapter

10.2 - Comparison of MDX and SQL

10.3 - The Logic/Flow of MDX (a.k.a. How to Think in MDX)

10.4 - How the SELECT Statement Works in MDX

10.5 - Understanding Basic MDX Syntax, Part 1

10.6 - Understanding Basic MDX Syntax, Part 2

10.7 - Tuples and Sets, Part 1

10.8 - Tuples and Sets, Part 2

10.9 - Tuples and Sets, Part 3

10.10 - Writing Queries and Working with Nulls

10.11 - Exercise 01: Writing MDX Queries

10.12 - Exercise 02: Exploring Tuples and Sets

http://www.learnitfirst.com/Sales & information: (877) 630-6708

• CourseId: 165 • Skill level: 100-500 • Run Time: 46+ hours (209 videos)

46+ hours of instructor-led training!

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Videos in this course Chapter 10: Writing MDX Queries (cont.)

10.13 - Exercise 03: Nulls and More Puzzle Problems

10.14 - Cross Joins (CrossJoin)

10.15 - Multiple Dimensions, Measures, and Axes

10.16 - Navigating Hierarchies

10.17 - Exercise 04: CrossJoin!

10.18 - Exercise 05: Traversing Hierarchies in MDX

10.19 - Sorting and Ordering Data

10.20 - Beyond Sets and Slicers: Filtering and Calculating Top/Bottom

10.21 - Query-Scoped Members, Sets, KPIs, Named Sets, and Aggregate()

10.22 - MDX Time Queries, Navigating Hierarchies, and ParallelPeriod

10.23 - MDX Time and Financials Queries

Chapter 11: Data Mining with Analysis Services11.1 - Chapter Introduction: What is Included in this Chapter

11.2 - What Is Data Mining?

11.3 - Analysis Services Data Mining: An Intro

11.4 - Preparing for SSAS and Data Mining

11.5 - Data Mining Concepts and Terms

11.6 - Data Mining Models and Algorithms

11.7 - Browsing the Sample Data Mining Models

11.8 - Creating a Quick Data Mining Structure and Model

Chapter 12: Analysis Services Security12.1 - Chapter Introduction: What is Included in this Chapter

12.2 - How SSAS Security Works: Securing the Instance

http://www.learnitfirst.com/Sales & information: (877) 630-6708

• CourseId: 165 • Skill level: 100-500 • Run Time: 46+ hours (209 videos)

46+ hours of instructor-led training!

SQL Server 2008/R2 Analysis Services

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Videos in this course Chapter 12: Analysis Services Security (cont.)

12.3 - How SSAS Security Works: Securing the Databases

12.4 - How to Add User Accounts to SSAS

12.5 - Exercise 01: Creating the User Accounts and Groups

12.6 - SSAS Role-Based Security

12.7 - Assigning the Server Role

12.8 - Assigning and Using Database Roles: Full Control

12.9 - Assigning and Using Database Roles: Dimension and Cube-Level

12.10 - Exercise 02: Assigning and Using Database Roles, Part 1

12.11 - Exercise 02: Assigning and Using Database Roles, Part 2

12.12 - How to Schedule a Backup of an SSAS Database

About LearnItFirst.com: LearnItFirst is a leader in online video training for the Microsoft community. With nearly 400 hours of classroom-quality video training online, LearnItFirst has one of the largest online training video libraries on the web today. LearnItFirst’s online courses are a cross between a “live” instructor-led class and a “how to” book. Customers get the afford-ability and portability of a book and the “Watch and Learn” of having a live instructor. All courses feature full-screen resolution videos with high quality audio to ensure the very best possible training experience. LearnItFirst.com LLC was founded in 2004 and is based in Dallas, Texas.