4th and 5th March 2017 - Warhammer World · Welcome to the oralis Schism, a Warhammer 40,000...

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4th and 5th March 2017



“We have transgressed.

Upon the Throne He hath declared we must begin anew,

our sins washed away in fire and flame.

For the 13th time the gates shall be opened,

and those within shall return with our enlighte…”


The Boralis Schism is a Warhammer 40k Narrative Campaign set in the Boralis system. The Boralis system is a series of Shrine and Cardinal worlds that orbit the Boralis star. Each planet is dedicated solely to the Adeptus Ministorum (The Ecclesiarchy), and by extension the God-Emperor. Countless trillions bask in the light of the Imperial Creed and fervently worship the Master of Mankind amongst towering cathedrals, colossal statues and offices of the faith. Boralis is a heartland for zealous belief and influential demagogues. When passion and belief become currency, a fuse is waiting to be lit.

The Church of the Lost Martyrs has risen. A firebrand sect of the Imperial Creed, they preach that mankind has sinned, and is thus not worthy of The Emperor’s light and grace. Worship at this church is one of toil and hardship, for sinners must atone for their transgressions. Led by Cardinal Ramaldus, the Church of the Lost Martyrs herald the end of times. They preach that mankind must fight for its survival, and in doing so, they will redeem themselves.

This is what they preach. This is not what they believe. They believe far worse.

The Church of the Lost Martyrs and its followers speak of a great event on the horizon. For the 13th time, all will be baptised in fire. Enlightenment and redemption will be found at the end of the Crusade, and all who wish forgiveness must heed the call.

Such rhetoric is opposed by all other Churches

within the Boralis system, and violence has

ensued. The Church of the Lost Martyrs has risen

up and claimed Boralis II as their own. Splinter

factions are rising on other planets. The

remaining Cardinals of the Boralis system have

called for aid.

Welcome to the Boralis Schism, a Warhammer 40,000 Narrative Campaign. Narrative Campaigns are something different to your usual gaming experience. At this event, we aim to tell a story. Players will be able to immerse themselves in the rich background of the Warhammer 40,000 universe and soak up the lore that comes with the game. The story we are telling will be heavily influenced by the events on the tabletop. That means each game you play matters! Your results, and even the way in which you win, will contribute to the overall tale and outcome of the Boralis Schism. Are you a staunch Imperial loyalist ready to defend the Imperium from it’s enemies and gain glory along the way? Are you a veteran of the Long War, ready to tear down the establishment and bring free reign to Chaos? You can make that happen. This campaign is a chance for players to take part in a vital campaign at the start of the 13th Black Crusade. Do you want your army to go down in the pages of history as making a difference at this crucial point? Can your warlord open up the gates of the Warp and let loose the legions, or will he stem the tide of traitors through faith and noble cause?

Every mission in the Boralis campaign will be custom and exclusive to this event. Expect interesting victory condi-tions, army-wide special rules and interesting dynamics. We will let you know each mission before a gaming round. Bare in mind that every outcome counts! So if you win for your faction, it will influence the missions that follow it. Furthermore, every player will be given a Sacred Reliquary for this event with many interesting artefacts inside! This artefact measures your Faith throughout the campaign for your chosen faction. If you are a particularly loyal player to your faction, you may want to save this Faith for times of dire need. If you are a mercenary without too much commitment to your overall cause, perhaps you would spend this Faith and cash in on the favour your shady alliance has bought you? Further details of how this works is explained later on in the event pack.

Are non-Imperial or non-Chaotic factions welcome? Of course they are! The Boralis Schism is a system spanning campaign with huge consequences for all. If your faction picks the right side, spoils, glory, power and positive relations may await. Perhaps your Eldar force cannot abide the rise of Chaos that would ensue from a victory here? Perhaps your Orks would use the carnage as a chance to plunder and have a good fight? Maybe your Tau have had enough of the Imperium grating up against their borders, so have set out to right the balance? Or a Genestealer Cult has been lying in wait this whole time, and would use the cover of rebellion to further their own means? Feel free to bring any army from Warhammer 40,000 and enjoy the campaign no matter your allegiance!

Under the ruse of The Church Of Lost Martyrs, the Heretical faction have used the fervent

faith of the Boralis system to infiltrate, deceive and subvert Imperial society. For centuries

they have lain in wait, but now is the time to rise. Their members will draw arms with chaotic

zeal and take the fight to the Imperium. Their aim is to cause as much confusion, destruction

and carnage as possible. If they achieve this, the loyalists will have no way of formulating a

concentrated defence. Then, when the 13th Black Crusade begins proper, the warp can

disgorge it’s occupants upon the Boralis system. Once in Chaos hands, Boralis will be a major

waypoint for the Black Crusade, allowing ships to resupply, slaves to be reaped and unholy

worship to begin.

In addition to this, the Boralis system emanates a strange force upon reality and the warp, a

clear nexus for power and faith. Guided by The Sinner, the Heretical faction seek to

manipulate this to imbue their warriors and generals. Even if they fail in claiming the Boralis

sector, perhaps they can bring about a different victory for the longer war with the strange

power source lying dormant in the system.

The Pious faction are the invading loyalists who’ve answered the call for aid. The

majority of their ranks are made up of those equally as pious, for they would sooner die

than see such a jewel in the Imperial Crown fall to Chaos. Led by High Marshal

Helbrecht of the Black Templars, the Pious bring to bear Chapters of Space Marines,

Regiments of Imperial Guard, even an alliance of Xenos and Mercenaries to invade

Boralis before The Heretical can establish too much of a footing. The Pious will link up

with Adeptus Sororitas of the Ebon Chalice currently stationed within the Boralis

system and re-claim Boralis for the Emperor. Many of the Pious would willingly lay

down their life for the cause, but can it be said for all of them? Can Helbrecht keep an

uneasy alliance together to achieve victory?

Guardsman in the ranks are whispering of a legend. A Saint will arise from the ranks.

This Saint has yet to be found, but in the time of direst need, one of noble faith, pure

intentions and heart-felt self-sacrifice could step forward to lead them. Is this such a

time? If Boralis does fall, could a Saint inspire the Imperium for the greater battles to


‘The false mantle can be cast aside. The God-Emperor is naught but a corpse

upon the Throne, a false liar to be brought down. The 13th Crusade is beginning.


‘They would challenge our strength, undermine our faith, question our honour. Let our reply

be swift and unison - with bolt and blade we will answer. For the Emperor! HIGH MARSHAL HELBRECHT ADDRESSING THE FLEET PRIOR TO PLANETFALL

Each player will be given an artefact. This marks your favour with your faction, for each is a relic of immeasurable power. This will tell you more about the Boralis story, and have a huge impact on your games.

Loyalist players belonging to The Pious faction will be given a box from The Saint. Inside you will find the bones of this Saint carved into 8 dice, a worthy relic and precious artefact! These dice can then be used in your game. Furthermore, you will find some narrative further detailing The Saint and their rise to power within the Boralis system.

Traitor players belonging to The Heretical faction will be given a box from The Sinner. Inside you will find the charred bones of this Sinner carved into 8 dice, a dark treasure of deadly deeds. These dice can then be used in your game. Furthermore you will find some narrative further detailing The Sinner and their rise to power within the Boralis system.

These 8 dice you receive have their own unique use. Each die equates to a Faith point. At the start of each game, you will have all 8 dice in your pool. You can then use these dice during the game for re-rolls. You simply spend the Faith point from your pool then put the die to one side. A Faith point can be spent on any roll, but remember no die can be re-rolled more than once. Once the next game begins, your Faith pool recharges to 8, regardless of how many you spent in the previous game.

At our events at Warhammer World we want to celebrate excellent standards of hobby and gaming. For this reason, we will do an award ceremony at the end of the weekend to celebrate the following: Lords of Boralis - For every member of the winning faction. Faith Through Strength - For the member of The Pious faction with the best results. Faith Through Honour - For the member of The Pious faction with the most favourite game votes. Heresy Through Strength - For the member of The Heretical faction with the best results. Heresy Through Dark Bargain - For the member of The Heretical faction with the most favourite game votes. Best Army - For the player with the most votes for best painted army, as voted by you! Hero Of Legend - For the player with the most votes for best painted hero, as voted by you! Company Of Legend - For the player with the most votes for best painted company, as voted by you! Engine Of Legend - For the player with the most votes for best painted engine, as voted by you! Beast Of Legend - For the player with the most votes for best painted beast , as voted by you!

The Events Team staff will come round and judge the armies on the 1st day. We will then invite the lucky few to enter the Best Painted Army competition, who can then display their whole army for their peers to judge in the final (see schedule). The Legends painting competition is open entry, so enter your favourite models into these categories for peer judging (see schedule). The categories are as follows:

Hero of Legend includes any one infantry, cavalry, bike or jetbike model.

Engine of Legend includes any vehicle (including superheavies).

Company of Legend includes any unit of 5 or less infantry OR 3 or less, cavalry, bikes and jetbikes.

Beast of Legend includes any model that doesn’t fit into the above categories. In the interests of space, the Events Team may specify additional requirements on the day for any unusual or particularly large entries!

System: Warhammer 40,000 Army size: 1750 Number of games: 5 Army selection: All Warhammer 40,000 publications from Games Workshop, including Black Library, White Dwarf and Forgeworld (excluding Horus Heresy publications) Scenarios: Unique, custom scenarios given out at the event Meals: Lunch is provided on both days

Bring either a printed or digital copy of your ticket with you (a digital copy on your mobile phone is fine). When you register, we will ask you to pick a faction. If you have strong preferences for this, then it will be done on a first come first serve basis. If the numbers for one faction fill up, we will sign remaining players up for the other faction. The offer of power was obviously too great for your army to refuse!

Playing exciting, atmospheric games with fully painted miniatures is a big part of our events at Warhammer World. Therefore all miniatures in your collection must be Games Work-shop miniatures and be fully assembled, painted and based. Each model must fully represent what you have presented on your army list,. We will politely ask you to remove any models that don’t meet these standards to protect everyone’s experience.

Favourite Game Votes are simple - just pick the player you enjoyed playing against the most that weekend. It’s a great way to acknowledge a really fun game, opponents with whom you had a great rapport, or maybe it was just that their army looked fantastic. Votes are taken at the end of the weekend, so please show your appreciation of your favourite opponents. Whichever player earns the most Favourite Game votes for their faction will receive an award at the ceremony.

Saturday 4th March 2017 9.00am-10.00am Registration in Bugmans 10.00am Events Hall and Stores open 10.15am Event brief 10.30am-1.00pm Game 1 1.00pm-2.00pm Lunch and the Engine, Beast and Hero of Legend painting competitions 2.00pm-4.30pm Game 2 4.30pm-5.00pm Break 5.00pm-7.30pm Game 3 and Company of Legends 8.00pm Warhammer World closes Sunday 5th March 2017 10.00am Warhammer World opens 10.30am-1.00pm Game 4 1.00pm-2.00pm Lunch and the Best Army painting competition 2.00pm-4.30pm Game 5 4.30pm-5.15pm Break 5.15pm Award ceremony and story epilogue 6.00pm Warhammer World closes

Contact Us If you wish to ask any questions, discuss any conversions or to find out more about our events, please feel free to get in touch with us: Phone: 0115 9004994 Email: whworldevents@gwplc.com Write: Warhammer World Events Team , Games Workshop, Willow Road, Nottingham, NG7 2WS Catch up on all the latest Warhammer World news by finding us on at Games Workshop: Warhammer World

Planning on using converted models or proxies in your army? Please contact us via the details below and let us know your plans. Don’t panic! We love cool hobby, but we want to make sure everything is appropriate and clear for everyone you play.