51918010 Addition of Information Storage Management Ism Into Indian University Curriculum Storage...

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Addressing Storage Skill Gap: 

Addition of Information Storage & Management (ISM)into University Curriculum

Table of Contents

Rapidly Expanding Digital Universe ................................................................................... 2The Skills Gap in Academia ................................................................................................ 3

TOP 10 activities of an Information Storage & Management Professional ....................... 4

Curriculum on Information Storage & Management for undergraduate programs like B.E/MCA ................................................................................................................................... 6

Curriculum on Information Storage & Management for Post-graduate programs like

M Tech / M E ......................................................................................................................8

References: Premier Indian University/Colleges offering ISM ........................................10

The Information Storage and Management Textbook ................................................. 10.............................................................................................................................. 11

Prepare your students for the journey to the private cloud


Client / Server 


Abstract: This whitepaper discusses the growing need to addressStorage in academia and also the opportunity availablein bridging this skill gap, to make students moreindustry-ready

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Rapidly Expanding Digital Universe

 The digital universe continued its skyrocketing growth even during a

severe global economic downturn: The creation and replication of newdigital information set a record in 2009 by growing to 800 billion

gigabytes, 62 percent over the previous year. People continue to takepictures, send e-mail, blog, and post videos. Companies are still addingto their data warehouses. Governments are still requiring moreinformation be kept. And that’s only the beginning of what’s to come. The expansion of the digital universe is expected to gain furthermomentum over the next decade, increasing 44-fold to 35 trillion

gigabytes by the year 2020. Figure 1:

Information explosion, coupled with regulatory compliance pressures,limited IT budgets and dependency on data centric networks hasresulted in organizations to adopt a defined information managementstrategy that lays emphasis on quality storage professionals. As data ismost important for an enterprise's business, it's imperative for anenterprise to have storage professionals for better designing andmanagement of storage requirements of the company. The demand forsuch professionals is not specific to a particular vertical, but is spreadacross all. Be it banking, media/publishing houses or data centers; allneed storage professionals. Thus, with increasing demand for suchprofessionals, storage as a career is a safe and lucrative option.

Source: IDC Digital Universe Study, sponsored by EMC, May 2010 

202035.2 Zetabytes




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The Skills Gap in Academia

Performance and optimization activities must balance not only theneeds of the applications, OS, and database, but also theinterrelationships between physical server, network, and storageinfrastructure. This is where traditional training programs fall short.Simply learning about applications, databases, networking, andoperating systems is not enough. As data continues to grow, it isimperative that IT professionals understand all the pillars of IT,including storage; Figure 2:

 This knowledge and understanding will grow in importance as thetraditional data center silos converge to provide higher service levelsto the business, with the ultimate focus being on the informationrequired to run the business. Unfortunately, the demand for ITprofessionals with storage knowledge far exceeds the available supply.In fact, in our recent study with various IT organizations on theirbiggest storage environment challenges, a lack of skills appeared inthe top ten (Figure 3). It could be argued that many of the concernsranked higher are also a consequence of not having highly trained

storage professionals. Improving processes, keeping up with storagegrowth, integrating storage to specific applications, and difficultymanaging the complexity are all indicators of a need for additionalskills. In many cases, IT professionals are heading into unchartedwaters as storage growth continues unabated. Clearly, a lack of skilledinformation storage specialists is a real problem for businesses. Formany companies, finding these skilled resources has become astrategic initiative. Figure 3:


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1 Managing storage growth

2 Designing, deploying, and managing Backup and Recovery

3 Designing, deploying, and managing storage in a virtualizedserver environment

4 Storage consolidation

5 Designing, deploying, and managing disaster recovery solutions

6 Making informed strategic/big-picture decisions

7 Integrating storage in application environment (such as Oracle,Exchange, etc.)

8 Designing and deploying multi-site environments

9 Lack of skilled storage professionals

While this skills gap represents a significant opportunity for currentand aspiring IT professionals, there remain many IT practitioners,employers, and institutes of higher education unaware of the storagetraining programs available to prepare them to seize the opportunity.In fact, most training and knowledge transfer is derived from on-the- job training and accumulated departmental knowledge – which canquickly evaporate when a key employee leaves or is an issue whenconfronting a new situation. This also creates another issue; the qualityof the training and experience can vary widely, making it difficult for

employers to accurately gauge candidate qualifications and staff capabilities

TOP 10 activities of an Information Storage & ManagementProfessional

Typical activitiesperformed

How does the activity impact thebusiness?

Select the best storagenetworking technology

Depending on your choice of storagenetworking technology, you may enhance or

degrade your company’s existing networkperformance and availability.

Set optimal storagenetworking designparameters

Improper or incorrect parameter settings willlead to;

• Information security and/or availabilityissues


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Typical activitiesperformed

How does the activity impact thebusiness?

• Increase in data storage management

overheadChoose the optimal dataprotection techniques

Optimal choice of data protection can drivefurther cost savings and better utilization of data storage.

Determine businesscontinuity objectives forvarying computingenvironments

Defining the Business Continuity (BC) andDisaster Recovery (DR) objectives is criticalfor designing and implementing cost-effective BC/DR solutions

Choose appropriate

backup topologies andtarget device

Broadening choice of topologies and devices

enables further cost savings and backupperformance enhancements as the amountof data and need of regulatory compliancecontinues to grow.

Apply different backupand recoverytechniques

Prolong or enhance the utilization of existingbackup topologies, target devices, andstorage capacities by combining differenttechniques.

Apply a variety of localand remote datareplication techniques

 There are many ways to replicate data bothlocally and remotely. Choosing the optimalcombination of replication technologies will

help :

• Meet the defined BC/DR objectives

• Meet the performance and availabilityexpectations

• Meet the budget expectationsIdentify and addresssingle point of failure

Avoids unplanned business outage, afoundation for achieving high-availability.

Set, monitor, and reportkey information storage

management parameter

With help of a process-oriented approach,properly set management parameters that

will lead to automation and establishment of Storage as a Service model.

Identify storage securitythreats and setappropriatemechanisms in place

Identifying the security threats from thestorage and storage networking perspectiveswill help strengthen the overall security planand strategy typically driven fromapplications, networking, and user accessperspectives.


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Curriculum on Information Storage & Management forundergraduate programs like B.E/ MCA


 To understand the content and successfully complete this course, astudent must have a basic understanding of computer architecture,operating systems, networking, and databases.

Ideal Place to offer:

Core Subject in 7th Semester BE (CSE & IT) / 5th Semester MCAprograms


Information Storage and Management (ISM) is the only course of itskind to fill the knowledge gap in understanding varied components of modern information storage infrastructure. It provides a strongunderstanding of information storage technologies which prepares youto learn advanced concepts, technologies and also enable you to makemore informed decisions in an increasingly complex IT environment. You will learn about the architectures, features, and benefits of Intelligent Storage Systems; storage networking technologies such asFC-SAN, NAS, and IP-SAN; long-term archiving solution – CAS; variousbusiness continuity solutions such as backup and replication, theincreasingly critical area of information security, and the emergingfield of storage virtualization including storage resource management.

Course Objectives

Upon successful completion of this course, participants should be ableto:

• Evaluate storage architecture; understand logical and physicalcomponents of a storage infrastructure including storagesubsystems

• Describe storage networking technologies such as FC-SAN, NAS, IP-SAN and data archival solution – CAS

• Identify different storage virtualization technologies and theirbenefits


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• Understand and articulate business continuity solutions including,backup and recovery technologies, and local and remote replicationsolutions

• Define information security, and storage security domains

Identify parameters of managing and monitoring storageinfrastructure and describe common storage management activitiesand solutions


 The Modules are designed to support the course objectives. Thefollowing modules are included in this course:

Unit I: Storage Systems

• Review the amount of information being created and understand the

value of information to a business • Identify Data Center infrastructureelements and their requirements • Understand role of ILM strategy •List physical and logical components of host, connectivity, and storage• Detail the disk drive architecture and performance • Describe theconcept of RAID and different RAID levels (RAID 0, 1, 3, 5, 0+1/1+0,and Define Intelligent Storage System (ISS) and its components •Implementation of ISS as high-end and midrange storage arrays.


Unit II: Storage Networking Technologies and Virtualization

• Describe the implementation of DAS and overview of SCSI • Defineand detail the architecture, components, and topologies of FC-SAN,NAS, Unified Storage • Understand the object based storage systemCAS and its application as long-term archiving solution • Overview of emerging technologies such as Cloud storage, Virtual provisioning,,FAST•Virtualization: Server Virtualization (LVM –based virtualization,Memory virtualization, Virtual Machine, and Hypervisor), Network(VLAN and VSAN), Storage (Disk virtualization, RAID, LUN masking, File

and block level virtualization, Virtual Provisioning)• Cloud Computing: Define cloud computing • Describe cloud services(SaaS, PaaS, and Iaas) • Discuss cloud concerns and implementations


Unit III: Business Continuity 


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• Understand the concept of information availability and itsmeasurement • Describe the causes and consequences of downtime •Define RTO, and RPO • Identify single points of failure in a storageinfrastructure and solutions for its mitigation • Describe thebackup/recovery purposes and considerations • Discuss architectureand different backup/Recovery topologies • Describe local replicationtechnologies and their operation • Describe remote replicationtechnologies and their operation. Overview of emerging technologieslike de duplication, offsite backup, Contineous data protectiontechnology (CDP)


Unit IV: Storage Security and Management

• Define information security • List the critical security attributes forinformation systems • Define storage security domains • List andanalyze the common threats in each domain • Identify key parametersand components to monitor in a storage infrastructure • List keymanagement activities and examples • Define storage managementstandards and initiative. Industry trend


Reference Books:

1. EMC Corporation, Information Storage and Management, WileyIndia,


2. Additional resource material on www.emc.com/resource-


Curriculum on Information Storage & Management for Post-graduate programs like M Tech / M E

Ideal Place to offer:

Core subject in 1st Semester of M.Tech / M E programs.


Unit I: Storage Networking Technologies

Describe the implementation of DAS and overview of SCSI •Understand the object based storage system CAS and its application aslong-term archiving solution • Comparison between DAS, CAS, NAS and


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SAN; Fibre Channel topology overview, Simple Fibre Channel SANtopologies, Complex Fibre Channel SAN topologies; TCP/IP technologyoverview iSCSI technology overview iSCSI solutions


periods)Unit II: FCOE and Virtualization

Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE)- Introduction, History, Benefits, Terminology, Management tools, Cable management, Enablingtechnologies, Protocols, Encapsulation ;

Server Virtualization (LVM –based virtualization, Memory virtualization,Virtual Machine, and Hypervisor), Network (VLAN and VSAN), Storage(Disk virtualization, RAID, LUN masking, File and block levelvirtualization, Virtual Provisioning); Define cloud computing • Describe

cloud services (SaaS, PaaS, and Iaas) • Discuss cloud concerns andimplementations

( 8 periods)Unit III: Data Protection 

Understand the concept of information availability and itsmeasurement • Describe the causes and consequences of downtime •Define RTO, and RPO • Identify single points of failure in a storageinfrastructure and solutions for its mitigation

Overview of backups; Direct-attached backups; LAN-based backups;LAN-free backups; Server less backups; Backup over long distancesusing FCIP and routers; NAS backups; Backup to disk; Backup media;Mirrored fabric backup solution; Tapes and fabrics, Describe localreplication technologies and their operation • Describe remotereplication technologies and their operation


Unit IV: Storage Security

Security attacks against SANs , Secure SAN architecture, components,and mechanisms, Building secure SANs, Implementing RKM HAfunctionality, Implementing fabric-based encryption, Identify keyparameters and components to monitor in a storage infrastructure ,List key management activities and examples , Define storagemanagement standards and initiative. Industry trend



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Reference Books:

1. EMC Corporation, Information Storage and Management, WileyIndia,


2. Free EMC Techbooks available on www.emc.com/resource-


References: Premier Indian University/Colleges offering ISM

Core Paper Elective

SRM UniversityAmity University Thiagarajar College of EngineeringMumbai UniversityRajasthan TechnicalUniversity& many others……

National Institute of  Technology, WarangalPSG College of TechnologyCoimbatore Institute of Technology The National Institute of EngineeringOsmania UniversityKannur UniversityManipal Institute of TechnologyBVB College of Engg & Technology

R V College of EnggM S Ramiah Institute of TechnologySiddaganga Institute of TechnologySastra UniversityKarunya UniversityAnna University, Madurai JNTU Hyderabad & many others…….

The Information Storage and Management Textbook 

The ISM book fills the need for a central reference resource thataddresses the fastest growing segment of IT. The book’s ‘open’approach covers concepts, principles, and deployment considerations -rather than product specifics - across all technologies used forinformation storage and management.

Website : https://education.emc.com/ISMbook 


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 Title : Information Storage and Management:ISBN : 978-0-470-29421-5Publisher : Wiley IndiaRequest Complimentary Copy: Via Wiley India Portal




Section 1:StorageSystem

Section 2:StorageNetworking

 Technologies& Virtualization

Section 3:BusinessContinuity

Section 4:Storage Security& Management