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Introduction Process


Basic of process Overview of all Properties Overview of all Methods Overview of all Events Process.Start() Method

Open Files using process Example Open Web page or Lunch URL using process Example Lunch .exe using process Example

Define Process

A process is an instance or execution of a program.

Every process contains a program code and the existing activity

The Process class(System.Diagnostics.Process) retrieves various information Execute single programs

Properties of Process

Public BasePriority Gets the base priority of the associated process.

Protected CanRaiseEvents Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event. (Inherited

from Component.) Public Container

Gets the contains the Component. (Inherited from Component.) The components in a container are tracked in a first-in, first-out list, which also

defines the order of the components within the container. The last component added is the last component in the list.

Protected DesignMode Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design

mode. Public EnableRaisingEvents

Gets or sets whether the Exited event should be raised when the process terminates.

Protected Events Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component

Public Handle Gets the native handle of the associated process.

Public HandleCount Gets the number of handles opened by the

process.Public HasExited

Gets a value indicating whether the associated process has been terminated.

Public Id Gets the unique identifier for the associated


Public MachineName Gets the name of the computer the associated process is running on.

Public MainModule Gets the main module for the associated process. A process module represents a.dll or .exe file that is loaded into a particular process.

The MainModule property lets you view information about the executable used to start the process, including the module name, file name, and module memory details.

Public MainWindowHandle Gets the window handle of the main window of the associated process.

A process has a main window associated with it only if the process has a graphical interface. If the associated process does not have a main window, theMainWindowHandle value is zero.

Public MainWindowTitle Gets the caption of the main window of the process.

Public MaxWorkingSet Gets or sets the maximum allowable working set size for the associated process.

The working set of a process is the set of memory pages currently visible to the process in physical RAM memory.

Public MinWorkingSet Gets or sets the minimum allowable working set size for the associated process.

Public Modules Gets the modules that have been loaded by the associated

process. A process module represents a.dll or .exe file that is loaded into a

particular process. A ProcessModule instance lets you view information about a module,

including the module name, file name, and module memory details.Public NonpagedSystemMemorySize64

Gets the amount of nonpaged system memory allocated for the associated process. The nonpaged pool consists of virtual memory addresses that are

guaranteed to reside in physical memory Public PagedMemorySize64 Gets the amount of paged memory allocated for the associated

process. The paged pool consists of virtual memory that can be paged in and out of

the system.

Public PagedSystemMemorySize64 Gets the amount of pageable system memory

allocated for the associated process.Public PeakPagedMemorySize64

Gets the maximum amount of memory in the virtual memory paging file used by the associated process.

Public PeakVirtualMemorySize64 Gets the maximum amount of virtual memory used by

the associated process.

Public PeakWorkingSet64 Gets the maximum amount of physical memory used by the associated process. Gets the peak working set size for the associated process. The working set of a process is the set of memory pages currently visible to the process in physical RAM


Public PriorityBoostEnabled Gets or sets a value indicating whether the associated process priority should temporarily be boosted by

the operating system when the main window has the focus. Public PriorityClass

Gets or sets the overall priority category for the associated process. //4 Idle //8 Normal //13 High //24 RealTime

Public PrivateMemorySize64 Gets the amount of private memory allocated for the associated process. The number of bytes allocated by the associated process that cannot be shared with other processes.

Public PrivilegedProcessorTime Gets the privileged processor time for this process.

Public ProcessName Gets the name of the process.

Public ProcessorAffinity Gets or sets the processors on which the threads in this process can

be scheduled to run. Public Responding

Gets a value indicating whether the user interface of the process is responding.

Public SessionId Gets the Terminal Services session identifier for the associated

process. The SessionId property identifies the session in which the application is

currently running. Public Site

Gets or sets the ISite of the Component. (Inherited from Component.)

Public StartInfo Gets or sets the properties to pass to the Start

method of the Process.Public StartTime

Gets the time that the associated process was started.Public SynchronizingObject

Gets or sets the object used to marshal the event handler calls that are issued as a result of a process exit event.

Show ExamplePublic Threads

Gets the set of threads that are running in the associated process.

Public TotalProcessorTime Gets the total processor time for this process.

Public UserProcessorTime Gets the user processor time for this process.

Public VirtualMemorySize64 Gets the amount of the virtual memory allocated for

the associated process.Public WorkingSet64

Gets the amount of physical memory allocated for the associated process.

Sample Example

Get All Properties of Process

Process Methods

Public method BeginErrorReadLine Begins asynchronous read operations on the redirected

StandardError stream of the application.Public method BeginOutputReadLine

Begins asynchronous read operations on the redirected StandardOutput stream of the application.

Public method CancelErrorRead Cancels the asynchronous read operation on the redirected

StandardError stream of an application.Public method CancelOutputRead

Cancels the asynchronous read operation on the redirected StandardOutput stream of an application.

Public method Close Frees all the resources that are associated with this


Public method CloseMainWindow Closes a process that has a user interface by sending a close message to

its main window. Public method CreateObjRef

Creates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object. (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)

Public method Dispose() Releases all resources used by the Component. (Inherited from

Component.) Protected method Dispose(Boolean)

Infrastructure. Release all resources used by this process. (Overrides Component.Dispose(Boolean).)

Public method Static member EnterDebugMode Puts a Process component in state to interact with operating system

processes that run in a special mode by enabling the native property SeDebugPrivilege on the current thread.

Public method Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.

(Inherited from Object.) Protected method Finalize

Releases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the Component is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Component.)

Public method Static member GetCurrentProcess Gets a new Process component and associates it with the currently active

process. Public method GetHashCode

Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object.) Public method GetLifetimeService

Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)

Public method Static member GetProcessById(Int32) Returns a new Process component, given the identifier of a process on the

local computer.

Public method Static member GetProcessById(Int32, String) Returns a new Process component, given a process identifier and the name of a computer on the network. Show Example

Public method Static member GetProcesses() Creates a new Process component for each process resource on the local computer.

Show Example

Public method Static member GetProcesses(String) Creates a new Process component for each process resource on the specified

computer. Public method Static member GetProcessesByName(String) Creates

an array of new Process components and associates them with all the process resources on the local computer that share the specified process name.

Public method Static member GetProcessesByName(String, String)Creates an array of new Process components and associates them with all the process resources on a remote computer that share the specified process name.

Protected method GetService Returns an object that represents a service provided by the

Component or by its Container. (Inherited from Component.)Public method GetType

Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.)

Public method InitializeLifetimeService Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)

Public method Kill Immediately stops the associated process.

Public method Static member LeaveDebugMode Takes a Process component out of the state that lets it

interact with operating system processes that run in a special mode.

Protected method MemberwiseClone() Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.)

Protected method MemberwiseClone(Boolean)Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object. (Inherited from MarshalByRefObject.)

Protected method OnExited Raises the Exited event.

Public method Refresh Discards any information about the associated process that has

been cached inside the process component.Public method Start()

Starts (or reuses) the process resource that is specified by the StartInfo property of this Process component and associates it with the component.

Public method Static member Start(ProcessStartInfo) Starts the process resource that is specified by the parameter containing process start information (for

example, the file name of the process to start) and associates the resource with a new Process component.

Public method Static member Start(String) Starts a process resource by specifying the name of a document or application file and associates the resource

with a new Process component.

Public method Static member Start(String, String) Starts a process resource by specifying the name of an application and a set of command-line

arguments, and associates the resource with a new Process component.

Public method Static member Start(String, String, SecureString, String) Starts a process resource by specifying the name of an application, a user name, a password, and a domain and associates the resource with a new Process component.

Public method Static member Start(String, String, String, SecureString, String)Starts a process resource by specifying the name of an application, a set of command-line arguments, a user name, a password, and a domain and associates the resource with a new Process component.

Public method ToString Formats the process's name as a string, combined with the parent component type, if

applicable. (Overrides Component.ToString().)

Public method WaitForExit() Instructs the Process component to wait indefinitely for the

associated process to exit.Public method WaitForExit(Int32)

Instructs the Process component to wait the specified number of milliseconds for the associated process to exit.

Public method WaitForInputIdle() Causes the Process component to wait indefinitely for the

associated process to enter an idle state. This overload applies only to processes with a user interface and, therefore, a message loop.

Public method WaitForInputIdle(Int32) Causes the Process component to wait the specified number

of milliseconds for the associated process to enter an idle state. This overload applies only to processes with a user interface and, therefore, a message loop.

Sample Methods Example

Process Events

Public event Disposed Occurs when the component is disposed by a call to

the Dispose method. (Inherited from Component.)Public event ErrorDataReceived

Occurs when an application writes to its redirected StandardError stream.

Public event Exited Occurs when a process exits.

Show Example

Public event OutputDataReceivedOccurs when an application writes to its

redirected StandardOutput stream.