8 How Did You Use Media Technologies In The

Post on 01-Dec-2014

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How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?Blog – I decided to update my blog regularly to show my progress throughout mainly the planning as well as filming parts of the project. This therefore enabled me to show how I was progressing and to also reflect on my use of time management. This allowed me to see general mistakes I was making in my planning, when I reflected on it, as well as giving me time to improve my work.

Internet – I used the internet throughout a majority of my project, as I used it to gather existing trailers/posters/magazine front covers for research into existing products. I also used it to gather information about the history of film and the Rom-com genre. The internet was momentarily used through my planning section as I searched for any fonts I could use for my secondary products and although I didn’t use any of them It gave me ideas about what fonts I would possibly want to use.

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?Online Websites

Slideshare – This was used through mainly my planning stages, as I created my own user, and uploaded my PowerPoint's onto Slideshare, which could then be transferred onto my blog.

YouTube – This was used in the evaluation process of my production as I uploaded my trailer onto YouTube in order to gain and receive audience feedback.

Facebook – This was also used to gain feedback for my trailer as I uploaded it onto this website which meant that people could easily access and comment upon it.

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Filming equipment • Camera – Used for the construction of my trailer• Tripod - This was used in the construction of my trailer for a majority of the scenes where I needed a still camera or where I needed to do specific shots such as; Zooming in/out, Tilting, Panning.• Tapes – Used for the construction of my trailer

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Applemacs • I used the applemacs when editing and constructing my trailer. I used these to cut some scenes that where too long, therefore creating a faster paced trailer. I also used the effects available on the applemacs which included; slow motion for scenes such as Katie walking down the corridor and in her own personal sequence. I also used a cloudy effect right at the beginning of my trailer when the production sign came up. This created a “dreamy” feel, which would suit the mood of my trailer.

•Transitions between shots are also available and although I didn’t feel the need to use many (as it is a trailer which are usually just cut, quite fast paced), I did use some. For instance, the transition between the characters of Emily and Katie which emphasised the contrast between the characters personalities. The applemacs also enabled me to add and cut non- diegetic music, and lower levels of the diegetic sounds.

Editing audio Diegetic – On the applemacs, in some sequences I had to edit some of the diegetic

sounds (Sounds already in the scenes). For example I needed to change the volume of some sounds where non diegetic music would be placed on top or where, background noise in the scenes were too loud, such as the corridor scene at the beginning.

Non diegetic- There was various non-diegetic sounds I used throughout my trailer. For example music choice was added over the top of scenes to create a certain tone. To do this I had to import the music and then drag it to where I wanted it appear. However, I also had to cut some music, either simply by splitting the selected audio clip and then deleting the half I didn’t want. Or even by splitting the music in different places, deleting middle sections and trying to place the music back together aiming for a sense of continuity.

With voiceovers, I had to record on the applemacs and follow a similar route than with the music. For example by dragging to the selected scene and changing the volume and length (If the clicking of the record button was heard for instance)

Transitions & effects Although I mainly used straight cuts to create a faster paced trailer, some

transitions were used. Such as with the still frames and transitioning into the next characters sequence. Here I used a ripple effect where the still frames rolled from the corner of the screen. This created quite an effective feature.

I used various effects throughout my trailer. For example I used slow motion to dramatise the personality of Chelsea as well as create a comical feel for her character and the scene. I also added a camera effect for the character; Chelsea’s sequence which also added a comical feel. These effects indicate to the audience that the character is quite dramatic, vain and eccentric. They portray this character as being the one to laugh at, but generally only out of pity.

How did you use media technologies in the construction stage?PowerPoint

• Especially used to design the still frames for my trailer, for example the frames that introduced the characters sequences, the ending credits and the still shots that were placed throughout the trailer

How did you use media technologies in the construction stagePhotoshop • Used in the construction and planning stages of my production as I first used the programme to create my production company logo

Photoshop, however, was mainly used to construct my secondary products of my poster and my front cover film magazine. This programme helped to construct more realistic products as I could use the various fonts, effects and colours to make the products fit with the conventions of typical posters/magazines

Photoshop Toolbar

I used this polygonal Lasso tool to cut out my characters from the original photo, therefore creating the effect that they belong on the poster background. This tool enabled a professional looking cut out line around even the smallest details on the characters, such as their fingers. Instead of having various background colours from the original

This marquee tool was used to cut out the suitable sized image from the original photo. For example the background of my magazine I used the marquee tool to cut out what of the original photo was needed, instead of having to have the full photo.

Photoshop Toolbar

This text tool allowed me to add different styled/sized/colour text. For example the credits at the bottom of my poster, which the tool enabled me to condense down, making them look more professional and realistic

The eraser tool meant that I could remove any background of the characters that I may have missed with the polygonal tool.

I used this tool to add shapes such as the circle for my “100 film reviews” as well as the rectangle behind the main title. Therefore creating a more effective looking magazine, and a more realistic one. Adding a bit of character.

I only used this paint bucket tool a few times on my secondary products as it wasn’t really needed. I did use it for the background of my poster, so that the background could be the same colour and complement the conventional colours found on Rom-com posters

Photoshop Toolbar

I used some effects on Photoshop to add a bit more character to some features. For example I used the film grain effect for the title of my magazine, which made it look more effective and eye catching compared to just a plain colour.