8 types of headlines you can use to create great shareable content

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Write killer headlines!Headlines are the starting point for great content.

Your headlines should:

• Be clear – so people know what they will be learning

• Be Specific – so they know what your topic/niche is

• Reinforce one of your key messages – so make sure you identify what those are first

• Be relevant to your audience

• Who are you? • What problems do you solve?• How do your audience feel?

What do you want people to BELIEVE?

ExerciseThe all important first step: Define your brand, audience, message

BlogsYouTube headlinesFacebook headlinesInfographicsOffersCalls to actions

Great headlines

can be used for:

8 types of headlines (with examples)

The unexpectedor the mystery unknown

That one thing…

How ToHow To

Twist on current news

A collection of useful tipsor examples

Step by StepStep By Step

Twist on a case studyA story or case study(with a twist)

The 2 parter headline

Get into the minds of your audience. They are more than a demographic. How are they feeling? What are they worried about? What do they keep asking? How could you help them?

Brainstorm / Plan / Post / Promote

Who’s helping? It’s ok for you to share the workload

Quality matters. We want our content to be seen as inspiration not interruption

Before you rush off, consider this:

More advice available

Want to come for a brainstorming session with me on creating great headlines?

Get in touch – details below:

@topleftdesign 07788590315 keren@topleftdesign.com