9 Easy Ways to Boost Your Child's Health

Post on 16-Jan-2017

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9 Ways Boost Your Child’s Health

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As parents we know how tough it is when little ones are suffering from illness or discomfort (or when they don’t sleep well!).

Fortunately, there are some easy things you can do to boost your child’s health ...

Throw Some Salt in the Tub

•Due to depleted soil and water levels, many people (including children) are magnesium deficient. 

•To boost your child’s magnesium levels, add a handful of Epsom Salts and a tablespoon or two of Sea Salt to their bath.

•Especially for kids with allergies, eczema or asthma, this small step can often make a big difference.

•The natural Sea Salt or Himalayan salt contains a lot of trace minerals and is soothing and naturally cleansing to the skin.

Ditch the Night Light

• Exposure to artificial lights has been linked to cancer and a host of other problems.

• Artificial light completely halts normal melatonin production and interrupts the sleep cycle.

• The time during sleep is vital for tissue repair and cell growth, and interrupting the delicate hormone cycle during sleep has lasting effects.

• At our house, I’ve removed the night lights and all other devices that have blue, green or red light at night (digital clocks, etc.) and just put motion activated regular light bulbs in the bathroom and hallway.

• We also have a rule of no TV or computer for them after dinner time so their natural hormone cycles can start kicking in.

Let Them Play Barefoot… In the Mud

• There are naturally occurring compounds in dirt that boost Serotonin levels, which will also contribute to healthy sleep.

• On top of that, by interacting with dirt, kids are naturally exposed to a host of  natural bacteria and pathogens that actually help strengthen the immune system. There is even some evidence that regular play time in the dirt helps keep kids from developing allergies and asthma.

• Additionally, exposure to dirt can help babies’ natural iron and zinc production, even before they start solid foods.

Have Fun in the Sun

• Kids especially have a need for enough Vitamin D, which is important for their immune function, proper hormone development and bone and muscle growth. Even a low SPF sunscreen blocks the body’s natural ability to produce Vitamin D and often exposes kids to a host of chemicals.

• As long as your kids are eating a healthy diet that won’t pre-dispose them to inflammation and burning, healthy sun exposure is important!

Let Them Eat Fat

• Personally, I don’t let my kids consume any franken-fats like vegetable oils, margarine, etc. because they are chemically created, oxidize quickly, and have no place in the human body! At the same time, I give them as much (healthy) saturated fat as they like in the forms of raw organic butter, coconut oil, grass-fed meat, etc.

• While it is important to get saturated fats from healthy sources, these fats are not the enemy, and we need them for proper body function. They also are great at keeping kids satisfied after meals, improving hormone levels and for supporting brain and bone health.

Make Some real Soup

•Another highly beneficial food that has almost completely disappeared in modern diets is quality homemade soup with real broth and stock.

•Broth contains tons of minerals in easy to assimilate form, and are wonderful for immune health, skin, bone and muscle growth! 

•Broth also contains high amounts of gelatin, which is great for muscle growth, skin health and brain development.

Balance Their Gut Bacteria

•Quality probiotics are one of the supplements that my kids get every day. As healthy gut bacteria has been linked to stronger immune function, better digestion, and fewer allergies, it is one thing I’m not willing to skimp on.

Stop Pouring Chemicals on Them

•Many products that we use on our kids from sunscreen to bug spray, to shampoo, to bubble bath, to toothpaste have harmful chemicals that can be easily avoided by using natural options.

•To get you started, this post lists recipes for simple homemade natural personal care products.

Get a move On It

• Most kids naturally love to sprint, do pull-ups (monkey-bars), climb things, and lift heavy things.

• They don’t necessarily need sports or exercise regimens to do the types of movement that naturally develops their muscles.

• Give them access to trees, monkey bars, ropes to climb, and heavy things to play with, and they will develop great muscle tone!

TO Learn more about simple ways to support the health of your child, Click Here.

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