99 Names of Allah Talah

Post on 07-Aug-2018

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  • 8/20/2019 99 Names of Allah Talah


    99 Names Of Allah Talah & Their Benefits.

    1. Allah (The Name of Allah)

    If you recite this name of Allah 1000 times daily, Allah will remove all doubts and uncertainities from

    your heart and instill determination and faith. Insha-Allah.

    . Ar-!ahmaan (The "om#assionate)

    If you recite this name of Allah 100 times daily after every $alaah (#rayer), Allah will remove hard-

    heartedness and ne%li%ence from your heart. Insha-Allah.

    &. Ar-!aheem (The 'ost 'erciful)

    If you recite this name of Allah 100 times daily after every $alaah (#rayer), Allah will safe%uard you

    a%ainst all calamities and maladies. Insha-Allah.

    . Al-'ali (The $overei%n)

    If you recite this name of Allah abundantly every day after *awaal (the time of mid-day immediately

    before +uhr #rayer), Allah will %ive you abundant wealth. Insha-Allah.

    . Al-uddoos (The 'ost oly)

    If you recite this name of Allah abundantly every day, Allah will cure you of all s#iritual sicness. Insha-


    /. As-$alaam (The estower of eace)

    If you recite this name of Allah abundantly, Allah will #rotect you from all calamities and maladies. If yourecite it 11 times and blow on a sic #erson, Allah will restore his health. Insha-Allah.

    2. Al-'u3min (The 4ranter of $ecurity)

    If you recite this name of Allah /&0 times in times of fear, Allah will #rotect you from all calamities,

    misha#s and losses. If you write it on #a#er (or en%rave it on a silver rin%) and ee# it with you (as

    Ta3wee5), your #hysical and s#iritual safety will remain the res#onsibility of Allah. Insha-Allah

    6. Al-'uhaymin (The rotector)

    If you offer raaat $alaah after %husl and read, with sincerity, this name of Allah 100 times, Allah will

    #urify you #hysically and s#iritually. If you recite it 11 times, Allah will ac7uaint you with the unseen.Insha-Allah.

    8. Al-3A5ee5 (The 'i%hty)

    If you recite this name of Allah 0 times each day for 0 days, Allah will %rant you honor and self-

    sufficiency. If you recite it 1 times daily with constancy, Allah will %rant you honor and self-sufficiency, if 

    you are bein% treated with dishonor. Insha-Allah.

    10. Al-9abbaar (The "om#eller)

    If you recite this name of Allah / times every mornin% and evenin%, Allah will safe%uard you a%ainst

    the o##ression of tyrants and des#ots. Insha-Allah.

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    11. Al-'utaabbir (The 'a:estic)

    If you recite this name of Allah constantly, Allah will %rant you honor and %reatness. If you read it

    continually before any tas, it will be accom#lished. Insha-Allah.

    1. Al-;haali7 (The "reator)

    If you recite this name of Allah 100 times for 2 days, Allah will safe%uard you a%ainst all adversities. If

    you form the habit of recitin% it re%ularly, Allah will a##oint an an%el who will worshi# Allah continuously

    on your behalf. Insha-Allah.

    1&. Al-aari3 (The 'aer)

    If a barren woman fasts for 2 days and each day, after main% iftaar with water, reads (ashioner of >orms)

    If a barren woman fasts for 2 days and each day, after main% iftaar with water, reads (

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    If you recite this name of Allah 20 times by #lacin% both your hands on your bosom after >a:r $alaah

    (#rayer), Allah will illumunate your heart with the Noor of Imaan. Insha-Allah.

    0. Al-3Aleem (The All-;nowin%)

    If you recite this name of Allah abundantly, Allah will o#en the %ates of nowled%e and wisdom for you.

    'oreover, your heart will be filled with the 'a3rifah (co%ni5ance) of Allah. Insha-Allah.

    1. Al-aabid (The ?ithholder)

    If you write this name of Allah (with saffron or by the mere action of your fin%er) on four morsels of

    bread each day for days and eat them, Allah will safe%uard you a%ainst hun%er, thirst, in:uries, #ain

    etc. Insha-Allah.

    . Al-aasit (The C@#ander)

    If you recite this name of Allah 10 times daily by liftin% your hands towards the heavens (as in +u3a)

    after $alaat-ud-+oha ("hast #rayer) and thereafter #ass your hands across the face (as when finsihin%

    +u3a), Allah will %rant you self-sufficiency and inde#endence. Insha-Allah.

    . Al-aasit (The C@#ander)

    If you recite this name of Allah 10 times daily by liftin% your hands towards the heavens (as in +u3a)

    after $alaat-ud-+oha ("hast #rayer) and thereafter #ass your hands across the face (as when finsihin%

    +u3a), Allah will %rant you self-sufficiency and inde#endence. Insha-Allah.

    &. Al-;haafid (The Abaser)

    If you recite this name of Allah 00 times, Allah will fulfill your needs and remove all your difficulties. If

    you fast for & days and on the fourth day say this beautiful name 20 times while sittin% in seclusion, you

    will %ain victory over your enemy. Insha-Allah.

    . Ar-!aafi3 (The C@alter)

    If you recite this name of Allah 100 times in the middle of the fourteenth ni%ht of every lunar month,

    Allah will %rant you self-sufficiency and inde#endence of the entire creation. Insha-Allah.

    . Al-'u3i5 (The estower of onor)

    If you recite this name of Allah 0 times after 'a%hrib $alaah (#rayer) on every 'onday and >riday,

    Allah will %rant you honor and reverence. Insha-Allah.

    /. Al-'udhil (The umiliator)

    If you mae +u3a for #rotection after recitin% this name of Allah 2 times, Allah will #rotect you from the

    evils of envious #ersons, o##ressors and enemies. Insha-Allah.

    If you fear a #articular enemy then, after recitin% this name of Allah 2 times, you may observe sa:dah

    and invoe Allah3s hel# a%ainst the enemy in the followin% mannerD EB AllahF rotect me from the evils

    of so and so.E, Allah will %rant you #rotection. Insha-Allah.

    2. As-$ami3 (The All-earin%)

    If you recite this name of Allah 00 times or 0 times on Thurday after offerin% $alaat-ud-+oha ("hast

    #rayer), Allah will surely %rant your +u3as. Insha-Allah. It is necessary that no talin% be done durin% thecourse of recitin% it.

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    If you recite this name of Allah 100 times on a Thursday between the $unnah and >ardh of >a:r $alaah

    (#rayer), Allah will favour you with with is s#ecial blessin%s. Insha-Allah.

    6. Al-aseer (The All-$eein%)

    If you recite this name of Allah 100 times after the 9umma $alaah (#rayer) constantly, Allah will %rant

    stren%th to your eye-si%ht and Noor (li%ht) to your heart. Insha-Allah.

    8. Al-aam (The 9ud%e)

    If you recite this name of Allah 88 times while in the state of ?udhu durin% the last #ortion of the ni%ht,

    Allah will cause your heart to #erceive all secrets and to be filled with Noor (li%ht). If you recite this

    name on a >riday ni%ht in such a manner that you %row eu#horic and ecstatic then Allah will cherish

    your heart with manifestations and ins#irations. Insha-Allah.

    &0. Al-3Adl (The 9ust)

    If you write this name of Allah (with saffron or by the mere action of your fin%er) on 0 #ieces of bread

    on the day or ni%ht of 9umma and consume it, Allah will cause the entire creation to become subservient

    to you. Insha-Allah.

    &1. Al-Gateef (The 'ost Affectionate, The ;nower of $ubtleties)

    If you recite this name of Allah 1&& times daily, Allah will %rant abundance in your ri57 (sustenance) and

    cause all your tass to be accom#lished without difficulties. If you are afflicted with #overty, misery,

    sicness, loneliness or any adversity, then you should mae ?udhu in the #ro#er manner and offer

    raaat $alaah (#rayer) and then bearin% in mind the ob:ective, recite this name of Allah 100 times. Allah

    will surely %rant you deliverance. Insha-Allah.

    &. Al-;habeer (The All-Aware)

    If you recite this name of Allah continually for seven days, you will be%in to #erceive hidden secrets. If

    you have insatiable desire for #leasure, recite this name of Allah continually. Allah will free you from

    such base desires. Insha-Allah

    &&. Al-aleem (The >orbearin%)

    If you write this name of Allah on #a#er, soa it in water and then s#rinle or rub the water on

    somethin%, then araah (Allah3s blessin%) will be im#arted to it and Allah will safe%uard it a%ainst all

    calamities. Insha-Allah

    &. Al-3A5eem (The 'a%nificient)

    If you recite this name of Allah constantly, you will be %raced with %reat honor and di%nity. Insha-Allah.

    &. Al-4hafoor (The >or%ivin%)

    If you recite this name of Allah fre7uently, all your maladies, sorrow and %rief will be removed. araah

    (Allah3s blessin%) will be im#arted to your wealth and offs#rin%s.

    As related in a hadith, if you recite (

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    If you recite this name of Allah 1 times while facin% any difficulties (financial, #hysical, s#ritual, mental

    etc), Allah will %rant deliverance soon. Insha-Allah.

    &2. Al-3Aliyy (The i%hest)

    If you recite this name of Allah daily and constantly and ee# with you a written co#y of it, Allah will

    e@alt you, %rant affluence and fulfill all your desires. Insha-Allah.

    &6. Al-;abeer (The 4reatest)

    If you have been dismissed from a #ost, then fast for seven days and each day recite this name of Allah

    1000 times, Allah will reinstate you to your #ost and %race you with honor and di%nity. Insha-Allah.

    &8. Al-afee5 (The reserver)

    If you recite this name of Allah daily and constantly, and ee# with you a written co#y of it, Allah will

    #rotect you from all ha5ards, losses and harmful thin%s. Insha-Allah.

    0. Al-'u7eet (The $ustainer)

    If you recite this name of Allah 2 times and blow in a bowl of water and drin it yourself or allow

    someone else to drin from it or to tae a dee# breath from the bowl, Allah will fulfill all your desires

    soon. Insha-Allah.

    1. Al-aseeb (The !econer)

    If you fear any human bein% or any thin%, recite (asbiyallaahul-aseebu) 20 times in the

    mornin% and 20 times at ni%ht for ei%ht days startin% from Thursday, Allah will %rant you #rotection

    a%ainst the evil of the #erson or thin% you fear. Insha-Allah.

    . Al-9aleel (The C@alted)

    If you write (

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    /. Al-?aasi3 (The All-Cncom#assin%)

    If you recite this name of Allah re#eatedly, Allah will %rant you s#iritual and material self-sufficiency and

    inde#endence. Insha-Allah.

    2. Al-aeem (The ?ise)

    If you recite this name of Allah constantly, Allah will o#en the doors of nowled%e and wisdom for you. If 

    you want a #articular tas to be accom#lished recite this name Bf Allah fre7uently and constantly. Insha-


    6. Al-?adood (The 'ost Govin%)

    If you recite this name of Allah 1000 times, blow on food, and consume it alon% with your s#ouse, Allah

    will settle all your dis#utes and differences and create a stron% bond of love and affection . Insha-Allah.

    8. Al-'a:eed (The 'ost 4lorious)

    A #erson who has contracted a fatal disease such as #o@, le#rosy etc. should fast on the 1&th, 1th and

    1th of the lunar month and after breain% fast recite this name of Allah #rofusely, blow on water and

    drin it. e will soon be cured. Insha-Allah.

    0. Al-aa3ith (The !esurrector)

    If you #lace your hand on your bosom and recite this name of Allah 101 times at bedtime, your heart

    will become alive with nowled%e and wisdom. Insha-Allah.

    1. Ash-$haheed (The ?itness)

    If you wish your disobedient wife or children become obedient, #lace your hand on their forehead and

    recite this name of Allah 1 times and blow on them. They will soon become obedient. Insha-Allah.

    . Al-a77 (The Truth)

    If your family member is missin% or abscondin% or if your belon%in%s have been stolen, write this name

    of Allah on all corners of a s7uare #a#er. At the time of $ehri #lace the #a#er on your #alms and lift it

    toward the heavens and mae +u3a. The missin% #erson or the stolen %oods will be returned soon, free

    from any harm or dama%e. Insha-Allah.

    &. Al-?aeel (The Trustee)

    If you fear any calamity caused by an act of Allah, recite this name of Allah re#eatedly, you will be

    #rotected from all calamities. Insha-Allah.

    . Al-awiyy (The 'ost $tron%)

    If you are %enuinely o##ressed or victimi5ed, recite this name of Allah #rofusely with a view to

    counteractin% the o##ressor. Allah will render you #roctection. Insha-Allah. This should never be done if

    circumstances do not warrant.

    . Al-'ateen (The >irm)

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    If a lady3s breasts do not yield mil, write this name of Allah on a #iece of #a#er, soa it in water and

    mae her drin it. er breasts will abound in mil. Insha-Allah.

    /. Al-?aliyy (The atron)

    If your wife is of ill character, recite this name of Allah constantly in her #resence. $he will soon become

    of %ood character. Insha-Allah.

    2. Al-ameed (The raiseworthy)

    If you recite this name of Allah in seclusion 8& times for days, all your evil habits and bad 7ualities

    will chan%e into %ood habits. Insha-Allah.

    6. Al-'uhsee (The !econer)

    If you recite this name of Allah 0 times daily and blow it on 0 #ieces of bread and consume it, Allah

    will mae the entire creation subservient to you. Insha-Allah.

    8. Al-'ubdi3 (The Bri%inator)

    If you #lace your hand on the stomach of your #re%nant wife and recite this name of Allah 88 times at

    the time of $ehri, she will not have a miscarria%e or %ive birth #rematurely. Insha-Allah.

    /0. Al-'u3eed (The !estorer)

    If a #erson is lost, recite this name of Allah 20 times in each corner of the house durin% the ni%ht when

    everyone is aslee#. The missin% #erson will either return within 2 days or his whereabouts will be nown

    within that #eriod. Insha-Allah.

    /1. Al-'uhyee (The 4iver of Gife)

    If you are sic, recite this name of Allah re#eatedly, your health will be restored. If you recite this name

    of Allah re#eatedly and blow on a sic #erson, his health will be restored. If you recite this name of Allah

    68 times and blow on yourself, Allah will safe%uard you a%ainst all obstacles and bonda%es. Insha-Allah.

    /. Al-'umeet (The 4iver of +eath)

    If you have no control over yourself, #lace your hand on your bosom and recite this name of Allah

    continuously before fallin% aslee#. Allah will %ive you the stren%th to control yourself. Insha-Allah.

    /&. Al-ayy (The Cver-Givin%)

    If you desire sound health recite this name of Allah &000 times daily. If you are sic, write this name of

    Allah in a bowl with mus and rose water, then wash the inscri#tion with water and drin it, Allah will

    soon cure you. Insha-Allah.

    /. Al-ayyoom (The $elf-$ubsistin% $ustainer of All)

    If you recite this name of Allah continuously, you will attain honor and di%nity amon%st #eo#le. If you

    recite this name of Allah constantly in seclusion, you will become wealthy. If you continuously recite


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    If you recite this name of Allah continuously while havin% food, the food will become a source of

    stren%th, illumination and Noor (li%ht) for your heart. Insha-Allah.

    //. Al-'aa:id (The 4lorious)

    If you recite this name of Allah in seclusion to such an e@tent and in such a manner that you become

    eu#horic, the Noor (li%ht) of Allah will soon become evident in your heart. Insha-Allah.

    /2. Al-?aahidHAl-Ahad (The Bne)

    If you desire %ood and #ious children, write this name of Allah and ee# it with you all the time, Allah

    will fulfill your desire. Insha-Allah.

    /6. As-$amad (The Cternally esou%ht)

    If you #lace your head in $a:dah at the time of $ehri and recite this name of Allah 11 or 1 times,

    Allah will %rant you s#iritual and #hysical truthfulness. If you recite this name of Allah constantly in thestate of ?udhu, Allah will soon mae you inde#endent of the entire creation. Insha-Allah.

    /8. Al-aadir (The Bmni#otent)

    If you offer raaat $alaah (#rayer) and recite this name of Allah 100 times, Allah will humble and

    dis%race your enemies (#rovided you are :ustified). If you recite this name of Allah 1 times before

    undertain% a difficult tas, the difficulty will be removed. Insha-Allah.

    20. Al-'u7tadir (The owerful)

    If you recite this name of Allah 0 times after wain% u# from slee#, Allah will ensure all your tass are

    fulfilled efficiently. Insha-Allah.

    21. Al-'u7addim (The C@#editer)

    If you recite this name of Allah abundantly at the time of war or durin% a ri%hteous stru%%le in the #ath

    of Allah, Allah will %ive you coura%e to mae advances and safe%uard you from the enemy. If you recite

    this name of Allah at all times, you will be come obedient and submissive to Allah. Insha-Allah.

    2. Al-'u3ahhir (The +elayer)

    If you recite this name of Allah fre7uently, you will soon resort to %enuine re#entance. If you recite this

    name of Allah 100 times daily, you will become dear to and a favorite of Allah. Insha-Allah.

    2&. Al-Awwal (The >irst)

    If you desire male children, recite this name of Allah 0 times daily for 0 days, Allah will fulfill your

    desire. If any wayfarer recite this name of Allah 1000 times on a >riday, he will soon return to his #eo#le

    safe and sound. Insha-Allah.

    2. Al-Aahir (The Gast)

    If you wish

    • that the love for Allah %ets firmly established in your heart or

    • that the love of anythin% or anyone besides Allah be driven out of your heart or

    • to com#ensate for all your sins

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    • to die in a state of Imaan

    recite this name of Allah 1000 times daily, Allah will fulfill your wish. Insha-Allah.

    2. A5-*aahir (The 'anifest)

    If you recite this name of Allah 00 times daily after Ishraa7 $alaah (#rayer), Allah will cause your eyes

    and heart to be filled with Noor (li%ht). Insha-Allah.

    2/. Al-aatin (The idden)

    If you recite this name of Allah && times daily, you will soon be%in to #erceive the dee#er secrets of Allah

    and a stron% bond of love and affection will form between you and Allah. If you recite (uwal-

    Awwalu ?al-Aahiru ?ad-+haahiru ?al-aatinu ?ahuwa Alaa ;ulli $haiyyin adeer) continously after

    offerin% raaat $alaah, all your needs will be fulfilled. Insha-Allah.

    22. Al-?aalee (The 4overner)

    If you recite this name of Allah re#eatedly, Allah will safe%uard you from all une@#ected calamities. If

    this name of Allah is inscribed in a new earthen cu# or :u% and it is filled with water and the water is

    s#rinled in the house, the house will be safe%uarded a%ainst all calamities. If you wish to subdue

    another #erson recite this name of Allah 11 times, Allah will fulfill your wish. Insha-Allah.

    26. Al-'uta3aalee (The 'ost C@alted)

    If you recite this name of Allah continously, Allah will solve all your #roblems soon. If a woman recites

    this name of Allah abundantly durin% her menstruation, Allah will relieve her from all ailments. Insha-


    28. Al-arr (The $ource of All 4oodness)

    If you are in the habit of tain% into@icants or committin% adultery or indul%in% in any other evil, recite

    this name of Allah 2 times daily. Allah will %uide you. If you recite this name of Allah e@cessively, Allah

    will e@#el the love of this world from your heart. If you recite this name of Allah 2 times and blow on

    your child soon after birth, Allah will %rant your child #rotection from calamities until #uberty. Insha-


    60. At-Tawwaab (The Acce#tor of !e#entance)

    If you desire that Allah %uide you to sincere re#entance, recite this name of Allah &/0 times daily after

    $alat-ud-+oha ("hast #rayer), Allah will fulfill your desire. If you recite this name of Allah abundantly, all

    your tass will be accom#lished without any difficulty. If you recite this name of Allah 10 times in the

    #resence of a tyrant, you will soon be freed from the o#ression of the tyrant. Insha-Allah.

    61. Al-'unta7im (The Aven%er)

    If you are :ustified and desire to tae reven%e a%ainst your enemy, but haven3t the #ower to do so,

    recite this name of Allah continously for & >ridays, Allah imself will tae reven%e on your behalf. Insha-


    6. Al-3Afuww (The ardoner)

    If you recite this name of Allah abundantly, Allah will for%ive you. Insha-Allah.

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    6&. Ar-!a3oof (The 'ost ;ind)

    If you desire that the entire creation become affectionate towards you (and vice-versa), recite this name

    of Allah re#eatedly. If you desire that your an%er be subdued, recite +arood 10 times and this name of

    Allah 10 times. If you recite +arood 10 times and this name of Allah 10 times and blow on an an%ry

    #erson, his an%er will be subdued. Insha-Allah.

    6. 'aali-ul-'ul (The Bwner of $overei%nity)

    If you recite this name of Allah constantly, Allah will %rant you wealth, self-sufficiency and inde#endence.


    6. +hul-9alaali ?al-Iraam ('a:estic and enevolent)

    If you recite this name of Allah constantly, Allah will %rant you honor, di%nity and self-sufficiency. Insha-


    6/. Al-'u7sit (The 9ust)

    If you recite this name of Allah constantly, Allah will #rotect you from evil doubts created by the

    $haytaan. If you recite this name of Allah 200 times for a #ur#ose, Allah will fulfill it. Insha-Allah.

    62. Al-9aami3 (The 4atherer)

    If your family or relatives are scattered (due to war, earth7uate, floods or other calamities), tae bath at

    the time of +oha ("hast), lift your %a5e toward the heavens and recite this name of Allah 10 times

    closin% one fin%er each time, until all 10 fin%ers are closed. Afterwards #ass your hands across your face

    as when com#letin% +u3a. The dis#erse members of your family will soon come to%ether. Insha-Allah.

    66. Al-4haniyy (The $elf-$ufficient)

    If you recite this name of Allah 20 times daily, Allah will %rant you self-sufficiency and araah in your

    wealth. If you are afflicted with #hysical or s#iritual sicness or any difficulty, recite this name of Allah

    abundantly and blow on your entire body. Allah will soon heal you and relieve you of your difficulty.


    68. Al-'u%hnee (The Cnricher)

    If you recite +arood 11 times, recite this name of Allah 1111 times, recite +arood a%ain 11 times and

    then $urah 'u55ammil ($urah 2&) after >a:r or Isha $alaah (#rayer) , you will be %ranted both material

    and s#iritual wealth. Insha-Allah.

    80. Al-'aani3 (The reventer of arm)

    If you have any dis#utes with your s#ouse, recite this name of Allah 0 times while lyin% down on the

    bed, the dis#ute will be settled and love and affection will result. If you recite this name of Allah

    constantly, Allah will safe%uard you a%ainst all calamities. If you recite this name of Allah for any

    le%itimate #ur#ose, Allah will fulfill it. Insha-Allah.

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    81. Ad-+aar (The +istresser)

    If you recite this name of Allah 100 times on the eve of 9umma (>riday), Allah will safe%uard you a%ainst

    all #hysical and s#iritual calamities and draw you nearer to Allah. Insha-Allah.

    8. An-Naafi3 (The ro#itious)

    If you recite this name of Allah abundantly durin% travel, Allah will safe%uard you a%ainst all ha5ards. If

    you recite this name of Allah 1 times before a tas, it will be accom#lished efficiently. If you recite this

    name of Allah #rior to intercourse, Allah will %rant you %ood and #ious children. Insha-Allah.

    8&. An-Noor (The Gi%ht)

    If you recite this name of Allah 1001 times after recitin% $urah Noor ($urah ), you heart will be

    illuminated with the Noor (li%ht) of Allah. Insha-Allah.

    8. Al-aadee (The 4uide)

    If you raise both hands (as in +u3a) while liftin% your %a5e toward the heavens and recite this name of

    Allah several times and then #ass both your hands on your face (as when com#letin% +u3a), Allah will

    %rant you com#lete %uidance and associate you with the devout and #ious. Insha-Allah.

    8. Al-adee3 (The Bri%inator)

    If you are in %rief, recite (riday), Allah will %rant you

    #rotection and acce#t all your %ood deeds. Insha-Allah.

    82. Al-?aarith (The =ltimate Inheritor)

    If you recite this name of Allah 100 times at sunrise, Allah will #rotect you a%ainst all sorrows, hardshi#s

    and calamities and you will die as a 'u3min (believer). If you recite this name of Allah 1000 timesbetween 'a%hrib and Isha $alaah (#rayer), Allah will safe%uard you from confusions, a%itations and

    disturbances. Insha-Allah.

    86. Ar-!asheed (The 4uide to the !i%ht ath)

    If you are unsure how to com#lete a #articular tas or are unable to wor out #lans for the tas, recite

    this name of Allah 1000 times between 'a%hrib and Isha $alaah (#rayer), the #lan will become evident

    to you in a dream or by instinct. If you recite this name of Allah daily, Allah will safe%uard you a%ainst all

    misha#s and %rant you financial #ro%ress. Insha-Allah.

    88. As-$aboor (The atient Bne)

  • 8/20/2019 99 Names of Allah Talah


    If you recite this name of Allah 100 times before sunrise, Allah will safe%uard you a%ainst all calamities

    for the remainder of the day and #revent your enemies from utterin% a sin%le word a%ainst you. If you

    are in difficulty, recite this name of Allah 100 times, Allah will soon #rovide you relief and contentment

    of the heart. Insha-Allah.