A big Pain in the Neck - Success Resources Richard Tan

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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Understand what your aches and pains are telling you about your body



Understand What Your Aches and Pains are Telling You About Your Body

Wouldn’t you want to know for sure where your symptoms originate and understand what your body is telling you?

Whilst many of our symptoms are simply the body bringing us back to a healthy state of balance, they are generally misunderstood

and seen as bad.

Most of us take a pill and get some temporary relief but in the long run this must surely allow things to deteriorate.

Our back or neck pain is just the body trying to

help us. It is telling us that something is wrong.

And, because our nervous system is protected inside the spine, you can be sure

that it is going to tell us when we have a spinal

problem. It expresses its urgency with pain.

If we experience back or neck pain, of course we want it to go away, but in all likelihood we would be far better off if we found out what is the actual cause and addressing it properly. 

We need first to establish the real cause of the pain. It may be posture, loss of alignment, a

repetitive strain type injury or the result of an accident. But, one thing is certain – there is a


Health is not an event but a life long process

and our advice is to get the basics right early

and then be proactive. 

An important thing that you will learn is that the

body is a self-healing mechanism with

multitudes of natural reflexes that continuously bring us back to a healthy


When the nervous system, which regulates everything, has some form of interference these mechanisms can be disturbed and we move away from health.

According to Dr. Errington:

“When we work with the body to improve function, the patient

reports a decrease in pain.

He also said, “when we balance the spine and

take pressure off the nerves it is amazing the

health improvements we see.”

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