A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue

Post on 03-Apr-2018

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  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


    Polansky Gallery


  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


    I see this exhibition like observation o a crime scene, and your pro-

    ject (...) is a physical evidence. This is the last sentence o an emailI sent to one o the exhibiting artists. It came to me spontaneouslyonce Id nished the main letter, as i someone had dictated it tome. Thats probably the reason why its not entirely grammaticallycorrect. A similar coupling, that o art and the detective story, rstoccurred to me about a year ago. I scribbled down a ew disjointednotes in my notebook; they looked something like this:

    I see this exhibition like observation o a crime scene, and your

    project (...) is a physical evidence. byla posledn vta emailu, kte-r jsem poslal jednomu z vystavujcch. Ta vta m napadla plnautomaticky, potom co jsem cel dopis dokonil, jako kdyby mi jed-notliv slova nkdo nadiktoval. To je mon taky dvod, pro nengramaticky sprvn. Poprv m podobn spojen, umn a detek-tivka, napadlo asi ped rokem. Nesouvisle jsem si k tomu namralpoznmky do seitu, vypadaly njak takhle:






  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


    hidden connections theory: the artist as a privatedetective.

    assembles ragments, scraps o an unknownstory (!!) The same methodology. (??)

    crime (??)

    Upwards arrow to another note:Symbolism mysterious connections?? Baudelaire Correspondences


    How do things correspond (?)

    (p. 59)

    skryt souvislosti teorie umlec jako soukromdetektiv.

    skld stpky, trky neznmhopbhu (!!) Stejn pracovn postupy. (??)

    zloin (??)

    Od toho vede ipka nahoru k dalmu zpisu:symbolismus tajemn souvislosti?? Baudelaire Correspondances


    Korespondence mezi vcmi (?)

    (str. 59)

  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


    Long arrow rom let margin to the last line with the pagenumber. At its beginning:

    Craigand puppets

    Above that:Craigs term: dialogue du second degr

    !!! (symbolic meanings) !!! )))Translate as: second degree o insight

    And beneath that:Symbolism = conceptual art

    The subject never representsitsel, it needs to be understood as a symbol.

    K poslednmu dku s slem strnky, vede z levho okraje dlouhipka. Na jejm zatku je napsno:

    Craiga loutky

    Nad tm:Craigv termn: dialogue du second degr

    !!! (symbolick vznamy) !!! )))Peklad: porozumn druhho stupn

    A pod tm:Symbolismus = konceptuln umn

    Subjekt nikdy nepedstavuje smsebe, je poteba ho chpat jako symbol.

  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


    At the time I was watching a lot o old lms noir, one every night,sometimes even two in a row. During the day (mostly at work)I downloaded whatever was available on the net. The term pri-vate detective has never been taken too seriously in this genre.A more precise and apt term is pr ivate investigator, abbreviated toPI, inormally and phonetically written as private eye. The similar-ity between the artist and the private detective hinges precisely onthis notion o the private eye, the individual, private point o view.The artist and the private eye search or hidden connectionsbetween that which is immediately obvious to everyone and thatwhich remains concealed rom them. They try to solve one caseater another, mostly on their own thats almost a requiremento the genre. Both gradually assemble a whole picture rom rag-ments and i theres no alternative, they use illegal means to obtainthe necessary inormation. Both try mostly in vain to convincethe ofcial representatives o the system o their own truth, onlyto nally come to terms with the act that they are the only oneswho know the truth. Both see what others dont or dont want to see. I want the exhibition A Blind Love to show the private pointo view, because i something can only be seen by some, it maynot exist at all or others. The colour black in the noir genre thusneed not allude only to the dominant tonality o images, or imply

    a sceptical world view, but can also reer to a particular kind oblindness o ones own, individual, private view. The concept cameto an abrupt end when I bought two Rothmans rom a homelessguy wearing a black Umbro tracksuit jacket in a late night bar.Fade to black, the end.

    Tenkrt jsem hodn sledoval star noirovky, kad veer jednu,nkdy i dv za sebou. Pes den (vtinou v prci) jsem si staho-val z webu, co bylo zrovna k dispozici. V tomhle nru se oznaensoukrom detektiv nikdy nebralo pli vn. Pesnj a vstinjby asi bylo soukrom vyetovatel anglicky private investiga-tor, zkrcen PI [p j], neboli private eye v pekladu doslovasoukrom oko. Vzjemn podobnost mezi umlcem a soukrommdetektivem, je zaloen prv na soukromm oku, na jejich sou-kromm pohledu na vc. Umlec, resp. soukrom oko, hledskryt souvislosti mezi tm, co kad vid na prvn pohled a tm,co zstv pro ostatn skryto. Oba hledaj een ppad od p-padu, vtinou na vlastn pst to je skoro nutn podmnka nru.Oba si postupn skldaj z jednotlivch trk celkov obraza kdy to nejde jinak, opat si potebn inormace i nelegln ces-tou. Oba dva, vtinou marn, pesvduj ociln zstupce sys-tmu o svoj pravd, aby se nakonec smili s tm, e pravdu znajjenom oni sami. Oba vid, co ostatn nevid, anebo nechtj vidt.Na vstav Slep lska jsem chtl ukzat soukrom pohled, pro-toe to, co vid jenom nkdo, pro ostatn mon vbec neexistuje.ern barva v nzvu noir, nemus nutn znamenat pouze pevl-dajc tnovn obrazu nebo skeptick pohled na svt, ale meodkazovat i k urit zaslepenosti vlastnho, soukromho pohledu.

    Koncept skonil, kdy jsem si v nonstopu od jednoho bezdomovcev ern teplkovce Umbro, koupil dv modr rothmansky.

    Tma a konec.

  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


    Kluge: Do you think the ears are older than eyes?Godard: I have no idea on the physical level, it depends on theindividual, but in general I think they age at the same rate. Perhapssound becomes more important in old age and the eyes need a restmore oten.Kluge: And the skin, the biggest organ?Godard: [Raises his eyebrow slightly and doesnt answer]Kluge: Our elephant-like quality?Godard: [Doesnt answer]Kluge: Young or old, the skin is certainly vulnerable.Godard: Yes, sensitive. When I begin a lm, I oten developdermatological problems and I could imagine that this happensbecause the surace o the lm is delicate, one still speaks o lmmaterial technically as la pellicule (skin). And I could imagine thatskin is just as sensitive a surace as lm. Excitement express itselon my skin, its represented on my skin.

    Teige: Filmov poezie doke nepatrnmi prostedky vyvolat pes-n a pln obraz: tramvajov lstek, dopis, vizitka, zpisnk, hodinky,prsten, tropick helma tyhle mal skutenosti mou bt ve lmupsobivmi "herci" a vmluvnmi pbhy. Nznakovost, pipom-najc techniku detektivnho vyprvn.

  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


    Zdenk MezihorkBez nzvu / Untitleddokumentace / documentation2000 2012

    Petr StrouhalBez nzvu / Untitledoto z mobilnho teleonu/ photo rom mobile phone2012

    Petr StrouhalBez nzvu / Untitledoto z mobilnho teleonu/ photo rom mobile phone


    Petr StrouhalBez nzvu / Untitledoto z mobilnho teleonu/ photo rom mobile phone


    Anonymotoarchiv / photo archivePetr Strouhal

  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


    Georgij BagdasarovCinematic Darkness16mm lm2011

    Georgij BagdasarovCinematic Darkness16mm lm2011

    Filip NeradBez nzvu / Untitledskica / sketch2012

    Georgij BagdasarovCinematic Darkness16mm lm2011

    Georgij BagdasarovCinematic Darkness16mm lm2011

    Jan alio, Ji HavlekVelk oi / Big Eyesoto z naten / photo rom a shoot2011

    Jan alio, Ji HavlekVelk oi / Big Eyesoto z naten / photo rom a shoot2011

    Jan alio, Ji HavlekVelk oi / Big Eyesoto z naten / photo rom a shoot2011

    Jan alioBez nzvu (strom) / Untitled (a tree)oto / photo2012

    Filip NeradBradavka mue sportovn eny& mu sportovn enyskica tukou / sketch in pencil2012

  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


    Out o the Past

    In a Lonely Place

    The Asphalt Jungle

    Le Doulos

    Angels with Dirty Faces

    Bob le Flambeur

    Kiss Me Deadly

    Big Heat

    The Killers

    Shock Corridor

    Double Indemnity

    The Dark Mirror

    This Gun or Hire

    White Heat

    Les Yeux sans Visage

    They Live by Night


    The Killing

    Human Desire

    Mildred Pierce

    Shadow o a Doubt

    Lady in the Lake

    The Woman in the WindowI Coness

    The Big Sleep

    Key Largo

    While the City Sleeps

    Du Ri Chez les Hommes

    Cat People

    The Lady rom Shanghai

    The Prowler

    Scarlet Street

    Gun Crazy

    The Big Knie

    Sweet Smell o Success

    Criss Cross

    Le Deuxieme Soufe

    The Maltese Falcon

    Strangers on a Train

    Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye


    Touch o Evil

    Le Corbeau


    The Naked Kiss

    Die 100 Augen des Dr. Mabuse

    Branded to Kill

    Murder, My Sweet

    Pierre DaguinDon pablo, don pedro a vra lukovprojekt pro asopis Divus (ragment)/ project or Divus magazine (ragment)1996

    Pierre DaguinDon pablo, don pedro a vra lukovprojekt pro asopis Divus (ragment)/ project or Divus magazine (ragment)


    Pierre DaguinDon pablo, don pedro a vra lukovprojekt pro asopis Divus (ragment)/ project or Divus magazine (ragment)1996

    Pierre DaguinDon pablo, don pedro a vra lukovprojekt pro asopis Divus (ragment)/ project or Divus magazine (ragment)


    Pierre DaguinDon pablo, don pedro a vra lukovprojekt pro asopis Divus (ragment)/ project or Divus magazine (ragment)1996

  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue


    Slep Lska Blinde Liebe A Blind Love

    Georgij Bagdasarov

    Pierre Daguin

    Zdenk Mezihork

    Filip Nerad

    Petr Strouhal

    Jan alio

    Koncepce / concept: MKNKLLText a obrazov st / Text and visual section: Ji HavlekGrack prava / Graphic design: Jan KotkoPeklad / Translation: Marek TominJazykov korekce / Prooreading: Sujin M. KimPouit psmo / Typeace: Aperu, FortescuePapr / Paper: Munken Polar, Fatmat Ivory, Avanta PrimaTiskrna / Printing: T. A. PrintVydal / Published by: Polansky Gallery & MKNKLLPolansky Gallery s.r.o., Zubatho 5, Praha 5

    Nklad / Edition: 1202012

    Vstava probhla / Exhibition took place: Polansky Gallerytenikova 43a (1. patro), Praha 5


    Kurtor vstavy / Curator o Exhibition:

    Ji Havlek

  • 7/29/2019 A Blind Love - Exhibition Catalogue
