A journey into user experience

Post on 11-Apr-2017

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A Journey into User Experience

Sven Laqua, Head of User Experience

About me

Born in East Berlin

Moved to Dresden ...to be an undergraduate

Moved to Newcastle ...to be a postgraduate

Moved to London … to do more research

Travelled around ...to talk about my research

Stayed some more in Academia ...to work on 2 EU projects

About UX

What is UX?

How does UX fit in?

About Digital Science

Catalyst Grant

We look for innovative scientific software ideas. We offer up to £15k to get your idea off the ground.

Submit by 31 Dec 2015

Find something you like & are good at

1. Set a goal

2. Work hard

3. Reflect

Believe in yourself

Find a mentor someone who believes in you & someone who inspires you

“Life is the sum of all your choices.”

Albert Camus