A practical guide to community building

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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This was my deck at the Service Experience Camp 2014, #SXC14, in Berlin. The presentation was a general introduction into community management and community building, tools an strategies. I also shortly mentioned ambassador networks and how to establish them.


A practical guide to

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What it takes to be a community manager: // What is community management and what do these people do?

// What are the key strategies for community managers?

// Everyone’s talking about ambassadors, but how does that work?

// What can CMs do to make people come back to their service?



What’s the difference between community management and PR? // PR managers inform journalists and bloggers about the latest product development updates and news.


Community managers engage people. They facilitate active participation and contribution. // CMs create a participatory circle; not a waterfall of information.


What are the key strategies for community managers? // Five ground rules to excel as a community manager and encourage growth of organic referrals.

Talk about benefits, not features. // People are busy. Your role is to explain to them how your service helps them personally; not what your service can do.



Don’t pitch. Be reactive to what people say. // Everyone wants to be heard. React to people’s needs. Try to help them.



When your service isn’t the answer, point them in the right direction. // Build connections by helping people find what they’re looking for.



Connect people with common goals and interests. // People are wonderful & everyone’s looking for other people, the next possibility, their next step. Help them!



Be human, it’s your job. // Show the humanity of your team. Acknowledge mistakes. Communicate eye to eye.




Everyone’s talking about community ambassadors, but how does that work? // How to engage your inner circle, because you cannot do everything and you shouldn’t try.

Talk about the people who you want to see talk about you. // Don’t ask people for a favour. Help them on their way up. They’ll return the favour and you won’t even have to ask.



Focus on the people who identify with your message the most. // Do anything for them to multiply their excitement. Some of them might become your best friends, but that’s another story.



Be welcoming and open. Make your achievements a shared effort. // Ask people for help, give them the possibility to contribute to the success of your business.



Don’t just say thank you. Show your gratitude. // Include your ambassadors; enable access to things, people and events.



Establishing relationships takes time. Don’t expect wonders over night. // Keep in touch with your ambassadors regularly. Show that you care.




What can CMs do to make sure people come back to their service? // Five things there are to say about retention and organic growth.

Don’t be scared to experiment with different forms of communication. // Try something new regularly. Track your successes. Stop when you don’t receive promising results.



Work closely with the product team to make sure people find your product useful. // Your communication skills can be extraordinary, but remember, in the end it’s your product that people see. Get feedback, get better.



In advertising, people must see a commercial several times to remember it. // CMs aim at making you hear their message through several people. Don’t rely on one technique.



The smaller your community is geographically, the more people feel part of it. // Try to establish circles, not lose ends.



Scream as loud as you want, it won’t be as well received as when your community shares your message. // Help and engage people to spread your cause. Give them the right tools. Talk to your product team (!)



@kathmography monika@somewhere.comLET’S DISCUSS.

Images in this presentation feature Somewhere’s community members and strangers. We love all of them!