A synthetic fibrin cross-linking polymer for modulating...

Post on 04-Apr-2019

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A synthetic fibrin cross-linking polymer for modulatingclot properties and inducing hemostasisLeslie W. Chan,1 Xu Wang,2 Hua Wei,1 Lilo D. Pozzo,3 Nathan J. White,2* Suzie H. Pun1*



Clotting factor replacement is the standard management of acute bleeding in congenital and acquired bleeding dis-orders. We present a synthetic approach to hemostasis using an engineered hemostatic polymer (PolySTAT) that cir-culates innocuously in the blood, identifies sites of vascular injury, and promotes clot formation to stop bleeding.PolySTAT induces hemostasis by cross-linking the fibrin matrix within clots, mimicking the function of the transglu-taminase factor XIII. Furthermore, synthetic PolySTAT binds specifically to fibrin monomers and is uniformlyintegrated into fibrin fibers during fibrin polymerization, resulting in a fortified, hybrid polymer network withenhanced resistance to enzymatic degradation. In vivo hemostatic activity was confirmed in a rat model of traumaand fluid resuscitation inwhich intravenous administration of PolySTAT improved survival by reducing blood loss andresuscitation fluid requirements. PolySTAT-induced fibrin cross-linking is a novel approach to hemostasis usingsynthetic polymers for noninvasive modulation of clot architecture with potentially wide-ranging therapeuticapplications.


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Bleeding is responsible for 30 to 40% of trauma-associated deaths and isa leading cause of death in the initial hours after injury (1). The forma-tion of stable blood clots, or hemostasis, after severe injury is necessaryto prevent major blood loss and death from hemorrhagic shock. Clotsare formed initially by a platelet plug that is then reinforced by a fibrinfiber network. However, the depletion and rapid consumption of func-tional circulating clotting factors after large volume blood loss preventsthe formation of robust fibrin networks (2, 3). Furthermore, activationof profibrinolytic pathways causes accelerated breakdown of fibrinmatrices, or hyperfibrinolysis (4). The resulting clots are therefore weakand insufficient to stop bleeding. This acquired coagulopathy, known astrauma-induced coagulopathy (TIC), is observed in 25% of trauma pa-tients (2) and is associated with increased mortality (3). Therefore,methods to augment or restore hemostatic function are needed to preventhemorrhage-related deaths.

Although there are several well-established topical hemostatic agentsused to resolve bleeding in external injuries (for example, pressure dres-sings and gel sealants) (5), there are few examples of systemically ad-ministered hemostatic agents to stop bleeding in noncompressibleinternal injuries. Factor replacement by transfusion of blood components(that is, fresh frozen plasma and fibrinogen concentrate) or recombinantproteins is the standard approach to restoring hemostatic function (6).However, blood components are costly, have special storage requirementsand limited shelf life, and carry risk of immunogenicity or viral transmis-sion (7). Therefore, there is a critical unmet need for intravenously ad-ministered hemostatic agents that can reach distant inaccessible bleedingsites and bolster clot formation after traumatic injury, without the afore-mentioned complications.

In the past decade, several synthetic platelet platforms have been re-ported to induce faster blood clotting after intravenous injection. Notableexamples include poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)–poly-L-lysine–poly(ethylene

1Department of Bioengineering and Molecular Engineering and Sciences Institute, Uni-versity of Washington, 3720 15th Avenue Northeast, Box 355061, Seattle, WA 98195, USA.2Division of Emergency Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Washington,Seattle, WA 98195, USA. 3Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Washington,Seattle, WA 98195, USA.*Corresponding author. E-mail: spun@uw.edu (S.H.P.); whiten4@uw.edu (N.J.W.).


glycol)–[Arg-Gly-Asp] (PLGA-PLL-PEG-RGD) nanoparticles that in-teract with platelet integrinGPIIb-IIIa to induce platelet aggregation (8)and peptide-modified liposomes that mimic platelet adhesion, aggrega-tion, and activation (9–12). However, a challenge with nanoparticle-based approaches is their rapid clearance by the reticuloendothelialsystem (RES) (13). Furthermore, the focus on platelet substitutes leavesthe clot’s fibrin compartment largely ignored. A fibrin-targeted ap-proach to hemostasis acting downstream of initial platelet plug forma-tion may provide a safer alternative to platelet substitutes to avoidundesired thrombotic events.

Fibrin is a viscoelastic biopolymer produced at the site of vascularinjury by the coagulation cascade. Locally activated thrombin enzymecleaves circulating fibrinogen to form fibrin monomers. Fibrin mono-mers self-polymerize in a half-staggered, double-stranded manner toform protofibrils, which then associate noncovalently, bundle into fi-bers, and branch to form a three-dimensional insoluble hydrogel scaf-fold for platelets, blood cells, and other clot components (14). Thetransglutaminase factor XIIIa (FXIIIa) then stabilizes the clot by creat-ing intra- and interfiber cross-links through amide bond formation be-tween lysine and glutamic acid residues. FXIIIa supplementation hasbeen shown to produce fibrin networks with thinner fiber diameters,greater fiber density, and smaller pores for a given fibrinogen concen-tration than fibrin not supplemented with FXIIIa (15, 16). These archi-tectural changes contribute to increased clot stiffness and resistance tofibrinolysis.

Drawing inspiration from FXIIIa, we engineered a synthetic hemo-static polymer, PolySTAT, that stabilizes blood clots through fibrincross-linking. Although FXIII cross-links fibrin via covalent bond for-mation, we hypothesized that similar clot-stabilizing effects could beachieved using a polymer forming multiple noncovalent bonds to adja-cent fibrinmonomers.Moreover, the incorporation of synthetic polym-ers resistant to degradation by the plasmin enzyme would inhibitfibrinolysis. When evaluated in vitro under coagulopathic and hyperfi-brinolytic conditions, PolySTAT accelerated clotting kinetics, increasedclot strength, and delayed clot breakdown. Intravenous administrationof PolySTAT in rats before and after femoral artery injury reducedblood loss, improved tissue perfusion with reduced fluid resuscita-tion requirements, and significantly improved survival rates, thus

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demonstrating the hemostatic function of PolySTAT and its potentialfor clinical translation.


Design of fibrin cross-linking hemostatic polymers (PolySTAT)We designed a synthetic polymer to mimic FXIIIa-mediated fibrin sta-bilization by displayingmultiple fibrin-binding domains on a linear water-soluble (hydroxyethyl)methacrylate (HEMA) and N-hydroxysuccinimidemethacrylate (NHSMA) polymer backbone [p(HEMA-co-NHSMA)](Fig. 1A). This approach allowed for fibrin cross-linking to increase clot


stiffness and incorporation of synthetic polymers resistant to plasmin deg-radation. For safe, in situ fibrin cross-linking after intravenous administra-tion, hemostatic polymers must demonstrate high specificity for fibrin toprevent nonspecific binding to soluble fibrinogen or other plasmaproteinsthat may lead to thrombotic events, such as stroke or embolism. A cyclicfibrin-specific peptide (Kd, human = 121 nM), developed by Kolodziej et al.(17, 18), was selected as the fibrin-binding domainowing to its high bindingaffinity and specificity for fibrin, cross-species reactivity, extensive character-ization and sequence optimization for improved binding affinity and serumstability, and previous use in humans (Fig. 1A).

Poly(HEMA)hasbeenusedclinically in implants (19)andwascopolymer-ized here with the NHSMA monomer via reversible addition-fragmentation

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Fig. 1. PolySTAT synthesis and characterization. (A) The PolySTAT poly-merbackbone, a linear statistical copolymer ofHEMAandNHSMAsynthesized

peptide for PolySTAT or a nonbinding scrambled peptide for the PolySCRAMcontrol. Polymermolecular weight (MW) and polydispersity index (PDI) were

via RAFT polymerization, was grafted with the cyclic fibrin-binding peptideAc-Y(DGl)C(HPr)YGLCYIQGK-Am (19) through NHS ester reaction with the ly-sine e-amine. DGl, D-glutamic acid; HPr, hydroxyproline; Ac, acetylated Nterminus; Am, amidated C terminus. (B) Two different polymer backboneswere used, including a fluorescent FMA-modified p(HEMA-co-NHSMA) forconfocal studies. Polymer backbones were grafted with the fibrin-binding

determinedusinggel permeation chromatography (GPC). Peptides per poly-mer were calculated using ultraviolet (UV) absorbance. NA, not applicable.(C) PolySTAT integration into fibrin was confirmed using confocal imaging.Pure fibrin clots weremade using a solution of Alexa Fluor 546–labeled fibrin-ogen (red) and thrombin mixed with PBS, fPolySTAT (green), or fPolySCRAM(green). Scale bars, 10 mm.

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chain transfer (RAFT) to provide sites for peptide grafting. This mono-mer ratiowas chosen to be able to graft several peptides (expected conjuga-tion efficiency of ~50%) to the polymer backbone without experiencingsolubility issues from 20%NHSMAcontent. The degree of polymerization(DP) was 200, with a targeted molecular weight nearing the upper end ofthe renal threshold after peptide conjugation to prevent rapid clearanceafter intravenous administration (20).

PolySTAT and nonbinding scrambled control polymer PolySCRAMwere synthesized by conjugating the fibrin-specific peptide and scramblednonbinding peptide, respectively, to p(HEMA-co-NHSMA) via thee-amine in a lysine introduced at the C terminus of the peptide. The finalmolecular weights of PolySTAT and PolySCRAM were 45 and 47 kD,respectively (Fig. 1B). Peptide conjugation efficiencies were about 40%,resulting in 16 peptides per polymer. Multivalency enhances affinity ofthe polymer to fibrin owing to avidity effects (21) and, in this instance,is also expected to facilitate fibrin cross-linking. Fluorescent analogs ofPolySTAT and PolySCRAM (fPolySTAT and fPolySCRAM, respective-ly) with 2% fluorescein methacrylate (FMA) in the polymer backbonewere synthesized for imaging and contained comparable peptide content(35 to 45% conjugation efficiency) (Fig. 1B).

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PolySTAT integration andalteration of fibrin clot structureTo confirm the selective integration ofPolySTAT into fibrin fibers, fPolySTAT,fPolySCRAM,andPBS(phosphate-bufferedsaline) were eachmixedwith fluorescentlylabeled fibrinogen, and fibrin was formedby adding thrombin before confocal im-aging. fPolySTAT fluorescence exhibitedfiber morphology that coincided withfluorescence from fibrin fibers, whereasfPolySCRAM signal showed no distinctmorphology (Fig. 1C), demonstratingthat incorporation of fibrin-specific pep-tide sequences in PolySTAT is necessaryfor polymer integration into fibrin net-works. Furthermore, fPolySTAT fluores-cence was observed throughout fibrinfibers, suggesting that PolySTAT is active-ly integrated during the polymerizationprocess.

Precursory analysis of fibrin clot struc-ture was completed using turbidity mea-surements to determine whether PolySTATintegration induced changes in fibrin struc-ture (Fig. 2A). PolySTAT-integrated clotshad significantly greater turbidities com-pared to control clots formed with PBS orPolySCRAM, indicating structural differ-ences in fiber diameter, density, or homo-geneity (22). Turbidities of fibrin cross-linked by human FXIIIa (hFXIIIa) weresignificantly lower compared to those ofcontrol clots, demonstrating that covalentcross-linking by hFXIIIa versus noncova-lent cross-linking by PolySTAT result intwo very different fibrin architectures.


Permeation studies and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) imag-ing were used to further interrogate fibrin structure. Fluid flow throughPolySTAT-integrated fibrin clots was noticeably hindered compared tothat through fibrin formedwith PBS or PolySCRAM, reflecting 1.5-foldsmaller pore radii in PolySTAT clots (Fig. 2B). PolySTAT (250 mg/ml or5 mM) (concentration for a minimum of two fibrin-binding sites perPolySTAT) created smaller pore sizes than hFXIIIa at a physiologicalconcentration of 10 mg/ml (63 nM). SEM imaging revealed trends inpore size consistent with the permeation study (Fig. 2C). PolySTAT-modified fibrin had smaller pores interspersed throughout a densefibrin mesh compared to PBS and PolySCRAM controls and hFXIIIacross-linked fibrin, which all had distinct, loosely interwoven fibers andlarger pore sizes. The denser fibrin structure of PolySTAT would likelycause greater light scattering and account for the greater turbidity ob-served (Fig. 2A).

PolySTAT modification of fibrin clot strength andfibrinolytic activityMortality is markedly increased in trauma patients when fibrinogenconcentrations fall below a critical threshold of 2.29 mg/ml (23, 24).

Fig. 2. In vitro characterization of PolySTAT-modified fibrin architecture. (A) Turbidity of pure fibrinclotting solutionswithPBS, PolySCRAM, PolySTAT, andhFXIIIawasmeasured todeterminewhether therewere

potential changes in fibrin nanostructure. Data are averages ± SD (n = 3). The P value compares PBS andPolySTAT at t = 15min; one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukey-Kramer post hoc test. (B) Flow ratesof water through fully formed fibrin weremeasured and used to extrapolate pore size using Darcy’s law and amodel byCarr andHardin (39). Data are averages ± SD (n=3). *P<0.05, **P=0.01 versus PolySCRAM (one-wayANOVAwith Tukey-Kramerpost hoc test). (C) Fully formed fibrin clotswere imagedusingSEMtovisualize fibrinarchitecture. hFXIIIa was included for a cross-linking control. Scale bars, 250 nm. Schematics (not drawn toscale) above the SEM images depict the exclusion of nonbinding PolySCRAM from fibrin, PolySTAT-inducedfibrin cross-linking via binding of fibrin-binding peptides, and enzymatic cross-linking by hFXIIIa.

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Fibrin clots were formed in vitro with fibrinogen concentrations belowthreshold, at threshold, and at the average physiological concentrationabove threshold (25) (1.5, 2.2, and 3.0 mg/ml, respectively), with andwithout PolySTAT (5 mM), to determine whether clot strength couldbe rescued through PolySTAT-induced fibrin cross-linking. For eachfibrinogen concentration, storage moduli (a measure of clot elasticity)of PolySTAT-modified fibrin clots were two- to threefold greater thanthose of controls (Fig. 3A). At a fibrinogen concentration of 1.5 mg/ml,PolySTAT-induced cross-linking resulted in storage moduli compara-ble to those of control clots at the threshold. At 2.2 mg/ml fibrinogen,the storage modulus of PolySTAT-modified fibrin was well abovethe threshold and greater than storagemoduli of controls formed with3 mg/ml fibrinogen. Thus, reduced clot elasticity owing to fibrinogendepletion was reversed through PolySTAT-induced cross-linking.

Thrombelastography (TEG) is a clinical viscoelastic tool that providesquantitative values for clotting onset time, clotting rate (a-angle), maxi-mum clot strength [maximum amplitude (MA)], and, under lysingconditions, percent of clot lysed 30 min after time to maximum clotstrength (Ly30%). Polymers were tested by TEG in an in vitro hyperfibri-nolytic system to determine the effects of PolySTAT on clots under thecoagulopathic conditions observed in patients after the early stages of se-vere hemorrhage (Fig. 3, B to E; fibrinogen, 1.5 mg/ml). In clotting solu-tions with low fibrinogen concentration, PolySTAT accelerated clotstrengthening (earlier clotting onset times and ~20% faster clotting rates),produced a twofold increase in clot strength, and reduced Ly30% by 15%compared to PBS and PolySCRAM controls. When fibrinogen concen-tration was doubled, clot strength of PolySTAT-integrated clots was1.5-fold greater than that of controls, and Ly30% was reduced by 39 to57%. Increased clot strength combined with reduced lysis consistentlyresulted in clots with longer lifetimes.

hFXIIIa was supplemented at three different concentrations previ-ously shown to increase clot strength and inhibit fibrinolysis (15, 16) forcomparison to PolySTAT activity. hFXIIIa was more effective when therewas a greater availability of fibrin (Fig. 3, B to E). At a fibrinogen concen-tration of 3 mg/ml, a trend of increasing clot strength was observed withincreasing hFXIIIa concentration, whereas clot strength was not increasedat a fibrinogen concentration of 1.5 mg/ml (Fig. 3C). Additionally, at thehigher fibrinogen concentration, hFXIIIa significantly reduced clottingonset time and Ly30% (Fig. 3, B and E). At 1.5 and 3 mg/ml fibrinogen,PolySTAT reduced lysis to the same extent as 30 and 20 µg/ml hFXIIIa,respectively (Fig. 3E). In additional TEG studies, PolySTAT-treated clotsconsistently showed improvement of clot formation and extended clotlifetime over a range of biologically relevant fibrinogen and plasminconcentrations (fig. S1). These effects were only induced when the fibrin-bindingpeptideswere conjugated to theHEMApolymerbackbone (fig. S2).Equivalent concentrations of free peptide, HEMA polymer, and peptide-polymer mixtures did not produce any changes in clot formation.

PolySTATwas further evaluated in diluted whole blood used tomimicdilutioneffects of fluid resuscitationused to treathypovolemia aftermassiveblood loss (26). PolySTAT-modified blood clots experienced significantlyless lysis than controls (fig. S3), suggesting that the PolySTAT would re-tain its clot-enhancing effects during fluid resuscitation.

Fibrinolysis was next visualized by time-lapsed confocal imaging ofpolymer-treated fluorescent fibrin clots exposed to plasmin in vitro.Images of clots taken at the leading edge at 1-min intervals are shownin Fig. 3F. PolySTAT-integrated fibrin and hFXIII cross-linked fibrindegraded three- and eightfold slower, respectively, than did PBS andPolySCRAM controls (Fig. 3F and movies S1 to S4).


Hemostatic efficacy of PolySTAT in a rat femoral arteryinjury and fluid resuscitation modelMechanical strengthening of clots is necessary for more effective fluidresuscitation without further blood loss induced by increasing bloodpressure. To evaluate the effect of PolySTAT on clot formation in vivo,PolySTAT and controls were administered in a rat model of femoralartery injury and fluid resuscitation (Fig. 4A). In this model, polymersolution was injected intravenously in rats immediately after the onsetof bleeding from a 3-mm incision in the femoral artery. During the first15 min, the wound was allowed to bleed or clot without interference(free bleeding). After 15 min, saline was infused at a fixed rate of3 ml/kg per minute, when needed, to recover and maintain blood pres-sure above 60 mmHg (fluid resuscitation). Blood loss was tracked bycollecting blood with preweighed gauze. Hemorrhage volumes duringfluid resuscitation are indicative of the stability of clots formed duringfree bleeding. Weaker clots are more susceptible to rebleeding as bloodpressure increases and would result in greater blood loss.

Dilutional coagulopathy after fluid resuscitation was confirmed inthis model by tracking prothrombin time (PT), plasma fibrinogen con-centration, hemorrhage volumes, blood pressure, and blood lactate con-centrations in rats injected with a volume control (0.9% saline) toaccount for effects of bolus fluid administration on bleeding. ProlongedPT, indicating longer clotting time, is a hallmark of TIC in humans andanimal models, and rat models of TIC experience precipitous falls infibrinogen concentration and elevated lactate levels after trauma (27).Lactate, a byproduct of anaerobic respiration, is released into circulationowing to inadequate tissue perfusion and indicates the presence and se-verity of hemorrhagic shock. Lactate concentration and clearance fromthe blood are established predictive markers for trauma patient mortal-ity (28) and were measured to determine the efficacy of fluid resuscita-tion. In our model, blood loss from the catheter hemorrhage and freebleeding phase resulted in shortening of PT, a 1.8-fold drop in fibrino-gen concentration, and increased lactate levels. All rats required fluidresuscitation after free bleeding. Despite fluid infusion, animals re-mained hypoperfused. Blood pressures remained below 60 mmHg,and lactate levels continued increasing to 30 min. Saline infusion re-sulted in prolonged PT compared to baseline values.

After characterization of the TIC model, rats were injected withPolySTAT, PolySCRAM, rat albumin, or hFXIIIa immediately afterbleeding [time (t) = 0 min]. Polymers and rat albumin were injectedat 15 mg/kg, a dose replicating concentrations used in vitro. Rat albu-min was used to control for changes in intravascular oncotic pressuresowing to polymer size. For comparison of in vivo efficacy, hFXIIIa wasadministered at 1.92 mg/kg for an initial circulating concentration of30 mg/ml, a concentration shown to have comparable or greater lysis-reducing effects as PolySTAT (15 mg/kg) in TEG studies. Vital mea-surements (PT, fibrinogen, blood pressure, and lactate) for each animalare provided in figs. S4 to S7. All animals (five of five) treated withPolySTAT after injury survived to the end of protocol, whereas 0 to 40%of animals injectedwith the volume control, PolySCRAM, albumin, andhFXIIIa survived (Fig. 4B). Of the animals surviving the full protocoltime (9 of 25), none experienced rebleeding during fluid resuscitation,meaning that clots formed during the free bleeding period were strongenough to withstand increasing blood pressure from saline infusion(Fig. 4C).

All PolySTAT-treated animals survived, indicating that PolySTATcan assist in forming stronger clots more resistant to rupture. Owingto no incidences of rebleeding (Fig. 4C), PolySTAT-treated animals

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Fig. 3. In vitro characterization of fibrin polymerization kinetics, clotstrength, and fibrinolysis. (A) Cone-and-plate rheometrywas used tomea-

The effect of PolySTAT on clotting kinetics, clot strength, and extent of fibri-nolysiswas evaluated in a hyperfibrinolyticmodel using TEG. (B toE) Clotting

sure PolySTAT-induced changes in fibrin storage moduli, a measure of elas-ticity. Measurements were taken for PolySTAT-modified and control fibrinformed with fibrinogen (Fbg) (1.5, 2.2, and 3.0 mg/ml) with intact hFXIIIa(n = 3). The critical threshold indicates the storagemoduli belowwhichmor-tality increases markedly in trauma patients (33). Data are averages ± SD.***P < 0.0001 for both effect of treatment and fibrinogen concentration (P =0.07 for interaction; that is, whether or not the differences as a result of treat-ment are the same across all fibrinogen concentrations); two-way ANOVA.


onset time, clotting rate, maximum clot strength, and extent of clot lysis30min after time to maximum clot strength. Three hFXIIIa concentrationswere included to compare PolySTAT activity. Data are averages ± SD (n= 3).P values determined using one-way ANOVA with Tukey-Kramer post hoctest. (F) Lysis of fibrin was visualized using confocal microscopy. Plasmin(10 mg/ml) was applied to the edge of fully formed fibrin clots, and time-lapsed imageswere taken. The area of the clot in imageswasmeasured todetermine rate of lysis. Scale bars, 50 mm.

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Fig. 4. Evaluation of PolySTAT in a rat model of femoral artery injuryand fluid resuscitation. (A) Workflow schematic. Rats were normalized to

Boxed traces are representative of clots that experience bleeding during fluidresuscitation and clots that maintain hemostasis during fluid resuscitation. Data

the same starting blood pressure (BP), and clamps proximal and distal to theinjured femoral artery were removed to allow the wound to bleed freely.After clamp release, polymer solutions were injected. The wound wasallowed to bleed or clot without interference for the first 15 min, and subse-quent challenge to the clotwas presented in the formof 0.9% saline infusionto maintain blood pressure above 60 mmHg for 60 min. (B) Survival ofanimals over the 75-min protocol (n = 5 per treatment). P value determinedby log-rank Mantel-Cox test. (C) Bleeding profiles for volume controls (0.9%saline) and animals injected with PolySTAT, PolySCRAM, hFXIIIa, and albumin.


are singlemeasurements per timepoint per animal (n=5per treatment group).(D) Cumulative blood loss normalized to survival time, including blood lost dur-ing catheter hemorrhage, the free bleeding period, and fluid resuscitation. (E)Saline infusion volumes normalized to survival time. Data in (D) and (E) areaverages±SD.Pvaluesdeterminedusingaone-wayANOVAandTukey-Kramerpost hoc test. (F)MAPwas trackedover theprotocol time todeterminewhetheranimals were hypotensive. Data are averages ± SD, with variable n dependingon survival times (11 to 75 min). P values for effect of time and treatment (andinteraction of time and treatment) were determined by two-way ANOVA.

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experienced up to 11-fold less blood loss than controls (Fig. 4D), and 5-foldless saline was needed to maintain blood pressure at 60 mmHg comparedwith all other treatment groups (Fig. 4E). Although volume controlsused 97 ± 6% of the maximum allowed infusion volume, PolySTAT-treated animals required only 42 ± 17% of the maximum allowed in-fusion volume to maintain a blood pressure of 60 mmHg. Lower fluidresuscitation volumes can be attributed to robust clot formation, whichprevents the loss of infused volumes from the wound.

Owing to the number of early deaths in PolySCRAM, albumin, andhFXIIIa treatment groups, statistical comparison was completed be-tweenPolySTATand volume controls for comparison of bloodpressureand lactate levels. PolySTAT-treated rats had significantly higher bloodpressures [mean arterial pressure (MAP)] (Fig. 4F and fig. S6) and lowerlactate levels (fig. S7) compared to volume controls, indicating that tis-sues were better perfused in PolySTAT-treated animals.

Biodistribution of hemostatic polymersThe pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of PolySTAT was deter-mined in healthy rats (Fig. 5). Radiolabeled PolySTATwas administeredintravenously at the equivalent dose used in femoral artery injury studies(15 mg/kg). Blood was collected at various time points after injection,followed by perfusion and organ collection. The initial distribution half-life (t1/2,a) of PolySTAT was 20 min, and the elimination half-life (t1/2,b)was 14.4 hours (table S2). Elimination half-life and distribution rate fromthe central to peripheral compartment (k12 = 0.0238 min−1) are similar to re-portedvalues for 50-kDPEG(t1/2,b ofPEG50k=16.5hours;k12=0.02min−1).PEGylation is a technique used to increase circulation times in severalU.S. Food and Drug Administration–approved biologic drugs.



Most of PolySTAT (>50%)was cleared from the bodywithin 1 hour.The remaining polymer was distributed primarily to the liver [~16% ofinitial injected dose (ID)] and kidney (21%of ID) (Fig. 5A). The amountof PolySTAT accumulation in liver and kidney increased after injectionto 1 hour but then started to decrease by 24 hours, indicating elimina-tion from the body. The slower elimination from kidneys and liver islikely due to low transfer rate from the tissues back into blood (k21 =~0.003/min; 5.5-fold lower than PEG50k) (29). Normalization of totalPolySTAT content to organ mass demonstrated PolySTAT concentra-tions in the spleen similar to those in the liver (Fig. 5B). No PolySTAT ac-cumulated in the heart and lungs at any time. PolySTAT was primarilyremoved from circulation by renal clearance. Tritium counts for urinecollected within the first 30 min after injection confirmed eliminationby renal filtration (table S3).

Metabolic and hepatic function panels were completed at 1 hour,1 day, and 1 week after PolySTAT injection to assess liver and kidneyfunction (table S1). Creatinine levels, used to indicate kidney function,were slightly elevated 1 hour after polymer injection, which is likely dueto themonopolization of glomerular filtration by the significantly largerPolySTAT. By 1 day after injection, creatinine levels returned to controllevels, indicating that any effect of the polymer on renal filtration is re-versible. Indicators of hepatic function, such as plasma concentrationsof albumin and bilirubin, showed no significant changes compared torats receiving no injection. Liver-associated enzymes alkaline phospha-tase and alanine aminotransferase also showed no significant changes inconcentration compared to rats receiving no injection. Rats showed nosigns of distress after injection and had healthy weight gain until time ofeuthanasia. Thus, PolySTAT treatment at clinically relevant doses waswell tolerated in rats.

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The goal of this work was to develop a synthetic hemostatic polymer(PolySTAT) that, when administered systemically, would accumulatelocally at sites of vascular injury and induce hemostasis. Fibrin cross-linking occurs naturally in vivo by FXIIIa-catalyzed isopeptide bondformation between glutamic acid and lysine residues. Although thesecross-links are covalent in nature, we hypothesized that a synthetic poly-mer binding noncovalently to adjacent fibrin monomers could recapit-ulate similar clot-strengthening effects as well as prevent enzymaticbreakdown through introduction of plasmin-resistant polymers into fi-brin fibers. PolySTATwas synthesized by grafting fibrin-bindingpeptidesonto a linear polymer backbone synthesized by living polymerization. Fi-brin fibers contain anywhere from tens to hundreds of double-strandedprotofibrils each with up to 25 half-staggered fibrin monomers (30).Therefore, peptide-binding sites are in abundance for PolySTAT activity.

The fibrin-binding peptide used here was previously identified usingphage display andwas found to have two binding sites per fibrinmono-mer, which is attributed to the dimeric structure of fibrin (17, 18). Al-though the binding sites are still unknown, this peptide does not inducefibrinogen self-association or inhibit fibrin formation and thus mini-mizes the possibility of thrombosis or exacerbated bleeding after intra-venous injection. Binding of this peptide to fibrin is conserved acrossmultiple species, including humans, pigs, and rats (31), and is thereforeopportune for both preclinical development and clinical translation.This peptide has also been shown to selectively accumulate in fibrin-richthrombi and was well tolerated when administered intravenously in

Fig. 5. PolySTAT biodistribution. PolySTAT was administered via tail veininjection at a dose of 15 mg/kg in rats. Animals were euthanized at various

time points to determine polymer biodistribution. (A) Percentage of theinjected dose in whole organs at various time points. (B) Percentage ofinjected dose normalized to organ mass. Data are averages ± SD (n = 3).

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humans (32). Given its specificity for fibrin and the extensive optimizationand characterization, this fibrin-binding peptide was the ideal targetingligand for PolySTAT construction.

When mixed into clotting solutions, PolySTAT self-integrated intofibrin fibers and produced dense fibrin meshes with smaller pores. Al-though this architecture is vastly different from FXIIIa cross-linked fi-brin, similar clot-stabilizing effects were achieved in regard to inhibitingfibrinolysis. TEG studies in which plasmin is present throughout theinitial clotting solution suggest that the slower rate of fibrinolysis inPolySTAT-integrated fibrin is due to the resistance of the altered fibrinitself to enzymatic breakdown rather than a sole function of limitedplasmin diffusion. Inhibition of fibrinolysis allowed PolySTAT-modifiedfibrin to maintain greater clot strength than PBS and PolySCRAMcontrols over longer periods of time, which is desirable for preventingrebleeding. Furthermore, the ability of PolySTAT to restore clot strengthto fibrin formed at fibrinogen concentrations below the critical thresholdsuggests that PolySTAT can be an alternative to fibrinogen concentrates,which are currently used in European trauma centers (33).When admin-istered intravenously, PolySTAT improved survival by reducing bloodloss and preventing rebleeding during fluid resuscitation in injured rats,thereby maintaining higher blood pressure and minimizing the need forsaline infusion. Reduced fluid resuscitation requirements are beneficialbecause fluid resuscitation is known to exacerbate bleeding due to in-creased blood pressures as well as dilution of circulating clotting factors (34).

Before this work, efforts to develop intravenous hemostats were pre-dominantly focused on synthetic platelet substitutes. Nanoparticles func-tionalizedwithpeptide ligands for binding subendothelialmatrix proteinsand surface glycoproteins on platelets have been used to mimic plateletadhesion and aggregation (8–12). Initial platelet plug formation is im-portant for blood clotting. However, as shown here, mechanical and deg-radative properties of the clot’s fibrin compartment can be tuned usingsynthetic polymers to prolong clot lifetime and, thus, present an alterna-tive strategy for inducing hemostasis. Because PolySTAT’smechanism ofaction targets a different step in the clotting process from synthetic plate-lets, there are opportunities for these technologies towork synergistically.

In addition, although nanoparticles have been reported to be rapidlysequestered by the RES (35), water-soluble polymers show molecularweight–dependent circulation half-lives and reduced RES accumulationcompared to nanoparticles (29). Asmuch as 70%of injected doses of sys-temically administered nanoparticle hemostats accumulate in the liverwithin the first 10 min of circulation and is retained for up to 1 day (8),whereas liver accumulation of PolySTAT was not detected above 23% ofthe injected dose. Thus, relative to particle systems, higher PolySTAT con-centrations are maintained circulating in the blood at earlier time points.Longer circulation times combined with rapid activity during fibrinpolymerization are advantageous for resolving bleeding during transportof trauma patients to a level 1 trauma center, which is generally withinthe hour after injury (36). Pharmacokinetic studies revealed that 7% ofPolySTAT remains in kidneys 1week after administration,which is likelyaccumulation of polymer from the larger end of the molecular weightdistribution. Future generations of PolySTAT may be synthesized atlower DP to ensure more complete renal clearance.

One of the largest concerns when administering intravenous hemo-stats is off-target clot formation leading to thrombotic events such asstroke or heart attack. Binding specificity of PolySTAT to fibrin mini-mizes risk of thrombosis by ensuring that PolySTAT does not bind andcross-link the circulating fibrin precursor (fibrinogen). Thus, the clot islocalized at the site of injury. Furthermore, the eventual elimination


from circulation as we see with PolySTAT is favorable for preventingthrombosis. PolySTAT cross-linked clots are expected to be removedduring surgical repair of the injury once the patient has been transport-ed to the hospital. However, should PolySTAT-integrated clots remainin the body, fibrinolysis is simply delayed, not completely eliminated.

For traumapatients surviving the initial 24hours after injury, the greatestconcerns are renal injury, lung injury, and multiple organ failure (37).Therefore, further evaluation is needed to determine whether PolySTATtreatment will reduce the extent of organ injury in surviving animals. Inaddition, pharmacokinetics and evaluation of hemostatic effects in largeranimal models such as pig models are necessary before clinical translation.

Acute bleeding caused by traumatic injury requires quick resolutionto prevent exsanguination, and PolySTAT shows great promise as afast-acting systemic hemostat to enhance clotting in bleeding patients.However, the hemostatic mechanism of PolySTAT is dependent on fi-brin formation. If thrombin activation or activity is inhibited owing tosevere depletion of coagulation factors or use of anticoagulant drugs (forexample, warfarin), fibrin will be unavailable for PolySTAT cross-linking. In this case, coadministration of blood products may be thefastest way to restore fibrin formation for PolySTAT cross-linking. An-other instance in which PolySTAT efficacy may be reduced is in thepresence of high concentrations of fibrin degradation products. De-pending on the PolySTAT-fibrin binding site, it is possible that circulat-ing D-dimers in hyperfibrinolytic patients may compete with clots forPolySTAT binding, thus reducing efficacy.

Collectively, we have demonstrated that polymers can be engineeredto recover or augment natural processes in clot formation to treat acutebleeding. More specifically, preparation of polymers by RAFT polym-erization enables reproducible and scalablematerial synthesis and, thus,offers production, storage, and safety advantages over current biologic-based treatments for bleeding. Furthermore, polymers are versatile drugdeliveryplatforms andcanbe engineered to include other (macro)molecules,such as antifibrinolytic drugs or inhibitors of anticoagulant proteins, foradded functionality. Although PolySTATwas evaluated in this work forinducing hemostasis in acquired coagulopathy, it can also potentially beused to treat acute bleeding episodes in congenital clotting disorders,such as FXIII deficiency and in combination with recombinant clottingfactor therapies for hemophilia.


Study designHemostatic polymers were administered intravenously in a rat femoralartery injury model to determine hemostatic efficacy in vivo. Theprotocol was approved by the University of Washington InstitutionalAnimal Care and Use Committee. For a power of 0.8 and significancevalue of 0.5, five rats were needed per treatment group. The treatmentgroups include rats intravenously injected with a volume control (0.9%saline), PolySTAT, PolySCRAM, hFXIIIa, and rat albumin. Rat albumin,which has comparablemolecular weight to PolySTAT and PolySCRAM,was used as a control for changes in oncotic pressure due to polymercirculation. The following measurements were taken before and after in-jury tomonitor the conditionof the rat andperformanceof thepolymers:blood pressure collected continuously via a transducer connected to acatheter and BIOPAC unit, lactic acid concentration in sampled bloodusing a radiometer, blood loss by collection with preweighed gauze,and saline infusion volumes recorded from the syringe pump. Surgical

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procedures, control/polymer injection, radiometer measurements,blood collection, and saline infusion were completed by a researcherblinded to the treatment. Blinding was ensured by a second researcherwho prepared controls and hemostatic polymer solutions in randomizedorder.Measurementswere recited by the blinded researcher to the secondresearcher who would record values under a numerical-alphabeticalidentification number assigned to each rat. Rats with high baselinelactic acid concentrations (>1.0 mM) and rats experiencing apnea thatcould not be revived by chest compressions before the 10-min timepoint were excluded from studies. The endpoint of studies was reachedwhen blood pressure dropped below 20 mmHg, at which point ratswere euthanizedwith an overdose of pentobarbital. Data were compiledand sent to a third researcher for statistical analysis.

Synthesis and characterization of hemostatic polymers(PolySTAT) and scrambled polymer controls (PolySCRAM)Allmaterials for poly(HEMA)backbone (pHB) synthesiswere purchasedfrom Sigma-Aldrich. pHB with a target composition of 80% HEMAand 20% NHSMA was synthesized using RAFT polymerization. Fora typical synthesis, 310 ml of HEMA (2.56mmol), 117.2 mg of NHSMA(0.640mmol), 1 ml of 2,2′-azobis(isobutyronitrile) (AIBN) [0.876mg/mlin dimethylacetamide (DMAc), 0.0053 mmol], and 4.47 mg of 4-cyanopentanoic acid dithiobenzoate (0.016 mmol) were dissolved in a5-ml reaction vessel with 3.02 ml of DMAc for a final monomer concen-tration of 0.6M. The reactionmixture was purged with argon for 10minand reacted under stirring conditions at 70°C for 24 hours. Fluorescenthemostatic polymer (fPolySTAT) and scrambled polymer control(fPolySCRAM) were synthesized by altering the composition of pHBto 78% HEMA and 2% fluorescein O-methacrylate and maintaining20%NHSMA. Polymers were precipitated in ether, dissolved inDMAc,and reprecipitated in ether to removeunreactedmonomers. Polymerswerethen dried and stored in a vacuum-sealed oven. Dithiobenzoate groupswere removed in a subsequent reaction with a 20:1 molar ratio of AIBNto polymer. Transition of the solution from pink to clear was a positiveindicator that the endcapping reaction was near or at completion. DPand monomer composition were determined using 1H nuclear magneticresonance (NMR), andpolydispersity andmolecularweightweremeasuredusingGPC. The absence of chain transfer agent peaks on 1HNMRwasused to confirm removal of dithiobenzoate groups. Fibrin-binding pep-tideswith the sequenceAc-Y(DGl)C(HPr)YGLCYIQGKanda scrambledpeptide sequence Ac-YICGQ(DGl)AC(HPr)LYGK with the same mod-ifications were purchased from GL Biochem at >95% purity. Fibrin-binding peptides were conjugated to NHS-reactive groups on pHB viathe e-amine on the C-terminal lysine under organic basic reaction con-ditions as reported by Yanjarappa et al. (38). Scrambled peptides wereconjugated toNHS groups onpHB for the scrambled polymer control.After 24 hours, reaction solutions were transferred to snakeskin dialysistubingwith 10-kDmolecular weight cutoff and dialyzed against PBS for2 days to remove free peptide. Polymers were then dialyzed againstdeionized water for 2 days to remove salts from the PBS and lyophilized.The number of peptides per polymer was determined by measuring ab-sorption at 280nmusing aNanoDrop 2000UV-Vis spectrophotometer.

Confocal imaging of pure fibrin clots to show colocalizationof hemostatic polymers and fibrinFibrin clots were prepared in chambered coverslips using 0.5ml of clottingsolution with the following final concentrations: fibrinogen (3 mg/ml)spiked with 1% Alexa Fluor 546–labeled fibrinogen (Life Technologies,


F13192), thrombin (0.167 IU/ml), 10 mMCaCl2, and 5 mM fluorescentPolySTAT, 5 mM fluorescent PolySCRAM, or an equal volume of PBS.After 1 hour, clots were imaged with a Zeiss LSM 510 inverted confocalmicroscope using a 63× objective lens. Lasers with 488- and 543-nmwavelength were used to excite polymers and fibrinogen, respectively.Band-pass 505–530 and long-pass 560 were used to isolate signal frompolymers and fibrinogen, respectively. To prevent bleed-through, onlyone laser was turned on at a time during image acquisition. Image over-lays were completed in ImageJ.

In vitro evaluation of PolySTATs using thromboelastographyIn a typical TEG experiment, a 360-ml clotting solution is added to a cupin a TEG 5000 Thrombelastograph Hemostasis Analyzer system. A pinattached to a torsionwire is submerged into the center of the cup.Whenthe device is started, the cup oscillates around the stationary pin, and asthe clot forms, the movement of the pin becomes coupled with the cup.The amplitude of oscillatory motion of the pin, which is directly pro-portional to clot strength, is measured over time. Other measures thatcan be extracted from TEG traces include clot onset time (R), clottingrate (a-angle in degrees), maximum clot strength (MA in millimeters),and the extent of lysis 30min after the time toMA (Ly30%). PolySTAT,PolySCRAM, and pHB stock solutions were made at 250 mM, and freepeptide stock solution wasmade at 4mM. Volumes (7.2 ml) were addedto clotting solutions for final concentrations of 5 mM and equivalentpeptide concentration. For purified fibrin systems, the clotting solutionhad final concentrations of plasminogen-depleted fibrinogen (1.5mg/ml),thrombin (0.5 IU/ml) (Stago Fibri-Prest Automate 5), plasmin (2 mg/ml)(Enzyme Research Laboratories), and 10 mM CaCl2 in pH 7.4 NaCl-Hepes buffer (44 mM Hepes, 2 mM CaCl2, and 140 mM NaCl). Fibrin-ogen was added to the enzymes and CaCl2 immediately before each TEGrun. For evaluation in hemodilutions, citrated fresh human blood was di-luted at 1:1, 1:2, and1:3parts blood to0.9%saline.Hemodilutions (333ml)were mixed with 20 ml of 0.2 M CaCl2 solution and 7.2-ml volumes ofPolySTAT or controls.

Hemostasis in a rat femoral artery injury and fluidresuscitation modelSprague-Dawley rats weighing 310 to 360 g were randomized into oneof five treatment groups (volume control, PolySTAT, PolySCRAM, ratalbumin, or hFXIIIa). Ratswere anesthetized using isoflurane and 0.1ml ofketamine-xylazine cocktail (ketamine, 87.5 mg/ml; xylazine, 12.5 mg/ml)injection in the hindlimb. The carotid artery and jugular vein werecatheterized formonitoring of bloodpressure and for intravenous injectionof polymers, respectively. Blood gas and metabolite measurements werecompleted to confirm that baseline respiration and lactate levels werewithin acceptable ranges (carbon dioxide, <55 mmHg; O2 saturation,>95%; lactate, <1.0 mM).

Once normal respiration and lactate levels were established, the fem-oral artery in the left leg was isolated, and microsurgical clamps wereplaced proximally and distally to prevent bleeding from a 3-mm longi-tudinal incision made after clamping. Controlled catheter bleeds werethen completed via the arterial line to normalize all starting bloodpressures to 40 to 50 mmHg. Immediately after catheter bleeds, clampswere removed from the femoral artery (t = 0 min), and the wound wasallowed to bleed freely or clot without interference for 15 min. Imme-diately after clamp release, PolySTAT, PolySCRAM, or rat albumin in asolution (10mg/ml)was administered over 1.5min at a dose of 15mg/kg.hFXIIIa was administered at 1.92 mg/ml for an initial circulating

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concentration of 30 mg/ml, a dose shown to have cross-linking effectsin vitro in TEG studies. For t >15 min, fluid resuscitation in the formof saline infusion at 3 ml/min per kilogram was used to restore andmaintain blood pressure above 60 mmHg. Infusion volumes werecapped at 60 ml/kg.

Arterial lines for blood pressure monitoring were flushed whenwaveforms were dampened from clot formation in the line that occurredsporadicallywhen blood pressurewas low. Blood gasmeasurementsweretaken before femoral artery injury (baseline), right after the free bleedingphase (t=15min), during the fluid resuscitation phase (t=30), and at theprotocol endpoint if the animal survived (t = 75 min) to monitor bloodpH, gas levels, ion concentrations, and lactate concentration. Blood adja-cent to the wound was collected by the blinded researcher using pre-weighed gauze to track blood loss over time. Care was taken to nottouch or otherwise disturb the vessel or the forming clot.

Biodistribution studiesRadiolabeled PolySTAT was synthesized by mixing in tritiated glycine(PerkinElmer) to fibrin-bindingpeptides for conjugation top(HEMA-co-NHSMA) copolymers (one glycine for every 200 PolySTAT). Rats wereanesthetized using isoflurane and ketamine-xylazine cocktail injectionin the hindlimb. Radiolabeled PolySTAT (15 mg/kg) was administeredvia tail vein injection. At the desired time points (5, 10, and 20 min,1 hour, and 1 day), the thoracic cavity was opened, and blood wascollected from the right atriumof the heart using a syringe.Ratswere thenperfused, and organs were rinsed, weighed, and homogenized. Tissuehomogenates were solubilized using Solvable (PerkinElmer) for 2 hoursat 50°C and decolorized for 4 to 6 hours by addition of 30% (v/v) hydro-gen peroxide and 100 mM EDTA solution to prevent bubbling. Twentymicroliters of 10 N HCl and 10 ml of Ultima Gold (PerkinElmer) werethen added, and samples were shaken vigorously and allowed to sitovernight before reading in a scintillation counter.

Statistical analysisOne-way ANOVAs with Tukey-Kramer post hoc tests were completedon data from TEG and animal studies (hemorrhage volume and salineinfusion rate) using GraphPad Prism 5 and JMP statistical software todetermine significance and calculate P values. Differences betweengroups were considered statistically significant when P < 0.05. Two-wayANOVAswere completed for comparison ofMAPand lactate con-centrations between volume controls and animals receiving PolySTAT.A log-rankMantel-Cox test was completed to determine significance ofsurvival data for in vivo studies.


www.sciencetranslationalmedicine.org/cgi/content/full/7/277/277ra29/DC1Materials and MethodsFig. S1. TEG measurements for fibrinogen and plasmin titration study.Fig. S2. In vitro comparison of PolySTAT to PolySCRAM and component controls.Fig. S3. TEG measurements for hemodilutions.Fig. S4. PT in rat femoral artery injury models.Fig. S5. Fibrinogen concentration in rat femoral artery injury models.Fig. S6. MAP in rat femoral artery injury models.Fig. S7. Lactate concentration of rat femoral artery injury models.Table S1. Comprehensive metabolic and hepatic function panel results for 1 hour, 1 day, and1 week after PolySTAT injection in rats.Table S2. Pharmacokinetic constants for PolySTAT.Table S3. PolySTAT content in urine after tail vein injection.


Movie S1. Lysis of control fibrin formed with PBS.Movie S2. Lysis of control fibrin formed with PolySCRAM.Movie S3. Lysis of PolySTAT-modified fibrin.Movie S4. Lysis of hFXIIIa cross-linked fibrin.


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Acknowledgments: Wethank E. B. Lim andR. J. Lamm for assistancewith animal studies, J. C. Phanand C. S. Ball for their technical expertise with SEM imaging, and P. D. Iglesia for his technical exper-tise in rheometry. Funding: Supported by NIH 1R21EB018637, the Institute of Translational HealthSciences, the Washington Research Foundation, grant KL2 TR000421 from the NIH National Centerfor Advancing Translational Sciences (N.J.W.), and the Bioengineering Cardiovascular Training grant(NIH 2T32EB001650-06A2) (L.W.C.). Author contributions: L.W.C., N.J.W., and S.H.P. conceived theidea of multivalent fibrin-targeted polymers for cross-linking fibrin matrices, designed experiments,analyzed results, andwrote themanuscript. L.W.C. andH.W. synthesized the fibrin cross-linking poly-mers. L.W.C. completed polymer characterization and in vitro evaluations. L.D.P. provided expertiseon mechanical properties of gels. X.W. and L.W.C. refined the rat femoral artery injury model andcompleted in vivo testing of materials. Competing interests: The University of Washington hasapplied for a patent for the discussed hemostatic materials with S.H.P., N.J.W., and L.W.C. listedas the inventors. Data and materials availability: Materials used in PolySTAT synthesis are allavailable commercially.

Submitted 18 August 2014Accepted 6 February 2015Published 4 March 201510.1126/scitranslmed.3010383

Citation: L. W. Chan, X. Wang, H. Wei, L. D. Pozzo, N. J. White, S. H. Pun, A synthetic fibrin cross-linking polymer for modulating clot properties and inducing hemostasis. Sci. Transl. Med. 7,277ra29 (2015).


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hemostasisA synthetic fibrin cross-linking polymer for modulating clot properties and inducing

Leslie W. Chan, Xu Wang, Hua Wei, Lilo D. Pozzo, Nathan J. White and Suzie H. Pun

DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3010383, 277ra29277ra29.7Sci Transl Med

function but also the extent of organ injury in surviving animals.pharmacokinetics. Further preclinical studies will be needed in larger animal models to evaluate not only clotting heart or lungs) and has scalable manufacturing properties as well as favorable biodistribution andaddition in critical care medicine, because its specificity minimizes risk of distant thrombosis (for example, in the despite increased blood pressure from the infusions. This polymer-based solution to clotting could be a welcomednone of the PolySTAT-treated animals experienced rebleeding, suggesting that the clots formed were strong, PolySTAT survived, whereas only 4 of the remaining 20 animals in various control groups survived. Additionally,PolySTAT or control therapies were injected immediately after the onset of bleeding. All animals treated with degrading enzymes that are overactive in trauma. In a rat model of femoral artery injury and fluid resuscitation,fledgling fibrin matrix much like the transglutaminase factor XIII, strengthening the clot and fortifying it against harmless and passive. Upon encountering a blood clot at a site of vascular injury, PolySTAT cross-links thebleeding after trauma and restores hemostasis. In healthy animals, the polymer flows throughout the body,

describe an off-the-shelf, synthetic, bioinspired polymer called PolySTAT that stops theet al.this issue, Chan clotting agents are expensive, require special storage, have limited shelf life, and carry risk of immunogenicity. In

Major blood loss is a leading cause of death after trauma, and currently available intravenously deliveredBioinspired polymers fortify blood clots

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