Acids, Bases and Salts

Post on 21-Jul-2016

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Description of Acids, Bases, and Salts


Acids, Bases and


AcidsAcidsExamples of Acids• Vinegar• Apple Juice • Carbonated drinks• Antacid Tablet• Hydrochloric acid• Nitric Acid

BasesBasesExamples of Bases• Blood• Sea Water• Milk of Magnesia• Sodium Hydroxide• Ammonia


Examples of Salts• Sodium Chloride• Pure water

Acids Bases1. Forms solutions that conduct

electricity.1. Yields solutions that also

conduct electric current.2. Reacts with metals like zinc

and magnesium to produce salts and a gas usually hydrogen.

2. Feel slippery or soapy on the skin

3. Taste sour (but not all are safe to taste)

3. Taste bitter(but not all are safe to test)

4. Turns blue litmus paper to red

4. Turns red litmus paper to blue

5. Reacts with bases to form salt and water

5. React with acids to form salt and water

1. Arrhenius Theory2. Dissociation of Water3. BrØnsted- Lowry Theory4. Lewis Theory

• Svante August Arrhenius (1859-1927)• Upon dissociation in H2O acids yields to

hydrogen ions, H+ while bases yields to hydroxide ions, OH-.

Examples:H2O H2O H+ (aq) + Cl- (aq)

KOH H2O K+ (aq) + OH-(aq)

H2O + H2O H3O+ + OH –

• Johannes BrØnsted (1897- 1947)• Thomas Lowry ( 1874-1936)• An acid is a proton donor, and

a base is a proton acceptorExamples:

HCl + H2O H3O+ + Cl-

• Gilbert Lewis• A Lewis acid is an electron pair

acceptor, and a Lewis base is an electron pair donor

• ADDUCT• The term used for the product of

a lewis acid-base reaction because it results from the

addition of the acid and the base.