Active Learning in Latin Facilitator: Daniel O’Connor.

Post on 15-Dec-2015

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Active Learning in LatinFacilitator: Daniel O’Connor

What is active learning?

• Active learning is learning which engages and challenges children's thinking using real-life and imaginary situations.

• Active learning involves students doing things and thinking about what they are doing.

• Active teaching and learning involves the use of strategies which maximise opportunities for interaction.

• What Active Learning is not.• Remember the Key Skills

Key Skills

Chinese and Greeks


Confucius 5th Century BCE China

“One must learn by doing the thing, for though you think you know it-you have no certainty, until you try.”

Sophocles 5thCentury BCE Greece

So how does this thinking alter the role of the teacher in the classroom?

New versus OldRole of the teacher

• Designer• Creator• ‘Scaffolder’• Facilitator• Reflective

practitioner• Active

researcher• Innovator

• Receptacle of knowledge.

• Examinations expert.

• Authoritarian• Text Book

dominated• Transferral

methods• Traditional

Concerns about cooperative/active learning

• Losing control• Dominance by strong individuals• Discussion goes off track• Takes too long to set up• Lecture gets through material quicker• Necessary level of planning by teacher, for it to

work properly, just too much.• Large class sizes not conducive.• Physical environment not suitable.• Tradition-Parents/Students/Management

Some Active/Cooperative learning methods

• Polling• Group work• Think, pair, share• Jigsaw• Group projects• Vox Pop• Walking Debate• Interview

• Hot Seat• Role play• Freeze Frame• Brainstorming• Using clickers or traffic

lights(caution)• TED Talks on Active


Tasks within group…. • Reader – reads task• Illustrator• Reporter/note taker• Time Keeper – time constraints and deadlines• Chairperson – keeps group on task• Group critic – devil’s advocate• Runner – Clarifies with the teacher, gets things• Summariser and (reader of the translation)

– If a Latin language exercise then all are translators– Researchers checking dictionaries etc.– Some may be assigned tasks such as picking out 5 nouns in acc

plural, 5 verbs in Imperfect etc

Possible Roles on Teams

Student teams often function most effectively when members have designated roles. These can be instructor-determined or established by the groups themselves, e.g., by giving teams a list such as the one below and asking them to decide on and delegate appropriate roles within their group.

The roles you – or your students – assign will depend on the goals of the assignment, the size of the team, etc. They can be fixed or rotating. Here are some possible group roles, but the list is not exhaustive. Think creatively and come up with your own!

• Facilitator: Moderates team discussion, keeps the group on task, and distributes work.

• Recorder: Takes notes summarizing team discussions and decisions, and keeps all necessary records.

• Reporter Serves as group spokesperson to the class or instructor, summarizing the group’s activities and/or conclusions.

• Timekeeper Keeps the group aware of time constraints and deadlines and makes sure meetings start on time.

• Devil’s Advocate Raises counter-arguments and (constructive) objections, introduces alternative explanations and solutions.

• Harmonizer Strives to create a harmonious and positive team atmosphere and reach consensus (while allowing a full expression of ideas)

Remember our ancient thinkers!


Confucius 5th Century BCE China

“One must learn by doing the thing, for though you think you know it-you have no certainty, until you try.”

Sophocles 5thCentury BCE Greece

Simon Dicituse of the Imperative followed by the action

to one student and to many

• Currecurrite student/s do the action• Dormi dormite listening• Sede sedete comprehending and • Scribe scribite consolidating meaning• Audi audite “Sealbhaíonn gluaiseacht• Ambula ambulate teanga”• Labora laborate• Bibe bibite• Canta cantate• Portaportate• Tace tacite

Developmentthe action followed by response from a 3rd person

• Use of indicative 3rd s. and pl.• Quid facit Simon? quid faciunt Simon et Davus?• Currit currunt• Dormit dormiunt• Sede t sedent• Scribit scribunt• Auditaudiunt• Ambula ambulant• Laborat laborant• Bibit bibunt• Cantat cantant• Portat portant• Tacet tacent

Developmentthe action followed by response by the actor (1st person s.)

and then by actors (1st person pl.)

• Use of indicative 1st s and pl• Quid facis? quid facitis?• Curro currimus• Dormio dormimus• Sede o sedimus• Scribo scribimus• Audio audimus• Ambulo ambulamus• Laboro laboramus• Bibo bibimus• Canto cantamus• Porto portamus• Taceo tacemus


• Use the same method and verbs for the future and past tenses.

• Introduce the adverbs cotidie/hodie/heri/cras• Chart with tenses – revise tenses.• Quid Simon facit hodie? S. currit• Quid Simon fecit heri? S. cucurrit• Quid Simon faciebat? S. currebat• Quid Simon faciet cras? S. curret.

Developmentthe action followed by response by the actor (1st person s.)

and then by actors (1st person pl.)

• Use of indicative 1st s and pl• Quid fecisti heri? Quid faciet cras?• Cucurri curram• Dormivi dormiam• Sedi sedebo• Scripsi scribam• Audivi audiam• Ambulavi ambulabo• Laboravi laborabo• Bibi bibam• Cantavi cantabo• Portavi portabo• Tacui tacebo


• Fabula de puella dormienti (Diana Sparkes)• Personae– Narrator– rana– Rex– Regina– Duodecim magae (fairies)– Aurora– Anus – Princeps

Preparation for the dramaFabula de puella dormienti

• Teach new words that occur in the play• Anticipate difficulties e.g. vobis licet, si tibi placet,

– Volo, fero, present subj Dona – virtus, pulchritudo, etc gratias ago, ulciscor, defixio, acus, nere, etc

• Read and comprehend the play• Give every student a part• Make props/get class to make props• Ask students to read own part in silence• Ask for help with meaning etc if necessary• Highlight own part Learn your part??? (read)• Act the drama - possibly at Assembly/Open Day etc??• Record the drama – a short film

Post the drama

• Comprehension questions• Grammar points - volo, use of present subj.• Vocabulary • Numbers ordinal and cardinal• Any other suggestions

Value of drama in class?

• Kinesthetic learning• Reading, articulation and pronunciation• Working in a team• Developing confidence• Reinforcing vocabulary and grammar• Kids love it (few exceptions)• Latin is not all translation and grammar!

Latin Bingo• Teacher: calls the words e.g. villa, servus, femina, puer, puella• Students need their workbook, word lists.• Ask them all to refer to the same page of vocabulary, or a

letter of the alphabet in an index, or the defined word list• Tell them to write down five Latin words at random. • First time teacher calls out the Latin words, and if they tick it,

(listening to correct pronunciation.) • Tick all five they have won, but they have to read the words

back to check, (chance to articulate the Latin words)• Next stage is to test what the words mean. So the next time

Teacher calls out the English meanings, and they have got to tick it if they have the Latin equivalent.


• Use vocab lists from Cambridge or Jun Cert Vocab list or poem or other

• Use deponent verbs Use 3rd declension neuter nouns

• Use difficult Q words• 4th decl nouns• Link to “JC defined vocab list in grammatical

categories”• History and civilisation also.


• As a variation, (to build confidence) a student becomes the bingo caller.

• This game is effective at all levels.• In the early stages it gives students a chance to look

at Latin words, write them down, get them to see how Latin words are spelt, and how Latin words are pronounced.

• It is a very good way of them building up their literacy and their knowledge about language.


• The pupils like Bingo because it’s a game, it’s active, it’s fun, there is a prize at the end.

• They learn how to translate from English to Latin and Latin to English.

• They learn how to say the words and how they sound.

• It helps to visualise the words, and it refreshes memory for revision.

Other Ideas• Head shoulders knees and toes CORPUS– Caput, umeri, genua et digiti etc

• Valentines and other cards:– Ego te amo tune me amas?– Nonne me amas?– Da mihi basium (mille basia) Vivamus atque amemus.– Basia ad te mitto.– Basium/basia tibi do– Dic mihi!– Laetus/a sum si laetus/a es.– Ab amico/a tuo/a.

Guess the Mood/adverbquomodo sentis hodie?

• Teach list of adjectives as follows:• Tristis, iratus, confusus, excitatus, defessus, sollicitus,

perterritus, laetus, solus, confidens, frustratus, suspiciosus, cautius, infuriatus, timidus, invidius etc.

• Ask one to turn back to the class• Give adverbs/adjectives to all• Answer in manner of the adverb/adjective• How are you? Quomodo es? Laetus sum. Defessus

sum, confusi sumus etc.

Songs etc

• Decem urnae Ten Green Bottles• Rudolphus• Rosa Tralee (for Kerry people only)• 20 items What is missing?• Latin hangman.• Speed dating show video clip from• ARLT Latin in the classroom


• 2 teams• One Member mimes e.g. profession • rhetor, pistor, tonsor, mercator, magister, venalicius,

iudex, pastor, agricola, ancilla, servus, ornatrix, haruspex, argentarius, gramaticus, rex, regina etc.

• The other team guesses. Argentarius es. • Miles es. Esne agricola? • Minime mercator sum.• Same for verbs etc.


• Lyric Latin• O S T MUS TIS NT DE LA LA LA• CD WITH SONGS • Humpty dumpty• Lady Ba Ba youtube (Imperfect Tense)• http://

Call My Bluff

• Demonstrate the game Call my Bluff, and describe its benefits as a learning tool for Latin.

• Teacher: Advesperascere, so what does that mean?

• Pupil 1: Is it A) advertisement?• Pupil 1: B) to build?• Pupil 1: C) to get dark?• Teacher: To get dark? Advertisement, build or get


Notes on Call my bluff• For Call My Bluff they, as a team, look through a word book, and they look for a

Latin word which they hope the other teams don’t know. They then write it down, and they write down the correct meaning, it may be a little star to remind them which is the correct meaning. And then they will add two false meanings.

• Then one at a time each team sends somebody up to the board, they write the Latin word down, so that the others can actually see if in written form, which is very important for literacy, particularly in Latin, it is good always to see words written down. Then they ask the class does this word mean A, B, or C.

• The others discuss it, and try and work out, using all sorts of language clues; inference, etymology, word families, or we know that word because it has come from another English word, and then they come up with the answer. If it is right then they get a point for their team, and if the questioning team can fool every other team, and everybody’s answer is wrong, then they get an extra bonus point.

• We should add “activities” to our classes.• Sealbhaíonn gluaiseacht teanga• Group work • Active learning• Collaborative learning• Independent learning• Self directed learning

Latin and Literacy

• Literacy across learning• All teachers are in a position to make

important contributions to developing and reinforcing young people’s literacy skills.

• Latin and classics teachers are uniquely placed to do this and to enrich the students’ literary skills in a special way.

Latin in the Classroom ARLTpoint out similarities with English and other languages

• quis-quid, etc.?• quo instrumento?• quo?• ubi?• unde?• quo modo?• cur?• quam ob rem?• quando?• qualis?• quantus-a-um?• quot?• quotus-a-um?• quotiens?• quo consilio?• qua de causa?• qua condicione?• utrum ... an?

• who, what, to whom, etc.?• with what?• to what place?• in what place?• from what place?• how?• why?• why?• when?• of what sort?• how big?• how many?• the "what-th"?• how often?• for what purpose?• for what reason?• on what condition?• (whether) ... or?

• (Case)• (Ablative/Dative)• (ad, in,)• (in, Locative)• (a, ex,)• (Adverb)• (quia)• (ob, propter,)• (Temporal phrase)• (Adjective of quality)• (Adjective of quantity)• (Cardinal)• (Ordinal)• (Numeral adverb)• (ut)• (Gerund(ive) & causa)• (Conditional clause)

Grammar Terms

• verbum, • nomen,• adiectivum, • adverbium,• pronomen, • praepositio, • supinum, gerundium • participium,

• Verb, • noun,• adjective, • adverb,• pronoun, • preposition, • supine, gerund,• participle

Gender number and case

• casus nominativus • vocativus, accusativus, • genitivus, dativus, • ablativus, locativus

• masculini, feminini,• neutrius generis • singulariter, pluraliter• prima, secunda, etc.


• Nominative case,• Vocative, accusative• Genitive, dative• Ablative, locative

• of the masculine, feminine, neuter gender

• in the single, plural,• first person, etc.

Tenses and moods

• tempus praesens, • futurum, • imperfectum, perfectum, • plusquamperfectum,• futurum et perfectum (or

futurum exactum)•

modus indicativus, imperativus, subiunctivus,

• gerundivus, infinitivus• voce activa, passiva,

• Present tense• Future• Imperfect, perfect• Pluperfect

Indicative moodImperative, subjunctiveGerundive, infinitiveactive and passive Voice

More common termsuse every opportunity to make the connections

• gradus positivus, • comparativus,

superlativus• conjugare, • declinare• sententia• oratio recta, • oratio obliqua

• degrees of comparison• comparative• superlative

to conjugate, • decline• sentence• Direct, • indirect speech

Classroom vocabulary• ludus• cella, conclave• creta• tabula (nigra/alba)• fenestra• ianua, porta • sella• cathedra• [baculum]• charta, pagina• Liber/libri• libellus• atramentum• stiles, calamus

• school• room• chalk• blackboard• window• door• chair• master's chair• stick• paper, page• Book/books• notebook• ink• pencil, pen

Using these terms make the students more aware and active in the Latin class.

• magister• magister summus, supremus• toga magistri• discipulus• puella• horologium• tintinnabulum sonat• salve-ete• vale-ete• conside, sede• tace-ete• noli exclamare• pensum

• master• headmaster• gown• pupil• girl• clock• the bell rings• good-morning, afternoon• goodbye• sit down• shut-up• don't shout• homework

Using these terms make the students more aware and active in the Latin class.

• claude, aperi• incipe• perge, pergamus• satis• animum attende• specta• magna voce, clara voce• recita• noli dormire• redi ad sellam• veni huc• mane hic• Abi/abite

• close, open• begin• go on, let us go on• enough• attend• look at• in a loud, clear voice• read aloud• wake up• go back to your seat• come here• stay here• go away

Using these terms make the students more aware and active in the Latin class.

• Ita (vero)• minime• nolite colloqui• cape cretam• scribe, describe in tabula• intellegisne?• explica• quis explicare potest?• Latine• aliter Latine• quid significat?

• yes• no• don't chatter• take the chalk• write, draw on . . . .• do you understand?• explain• who can explain?• in Latin• in another way• what does it mean?

• iterum• frustra• fortasse• quod tempus?• quis modus?• cuius generis?• quota est pagina?• quotus est versus?• festina, celeriter

• again• in vain• perhaps• what tense?• what mood?• what gender?• which page?• which line?• hurry up