Advertising & IMC - Session 04

Post on 23-Jan-2018

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Imagine, you manufacture sports shoes. How do you promote your shoes?

During a single week, the video was watched more than 20 million times. And the brand attracted nearly 70,000 new fans on Facebook. And best of all, Old Spice regained its share of market lead from Axe as sales increased dramatically.

Why was this ad

campaign so successful?

The campaign targets female viewers, despite the product's target market being male.

Old Spice developed their product identity through

slogan personification association


Smell like a Man, ManThe man your man could smell like


The face of Isaiah Mustafa


The product with wealth, luxury, class, and manliness.

Who is Johnson’s Consumer?

Decision Maker(Influencer)


Find out a Prototype Consumer and create a Buyer’s Persona

Marketing people constantly search for clusters of consumers

who might be better satisfied.

Step 1: Identify people similar to AlexStep 2: Generalize Alex-es into larger market segments

This process of identifying groups of consumer with similar needs, and then combining these groups into larger segments is called Market Segmentation.

Do you offer different products and use distinct marketing strategies for every segment?

Or do you concentrate your marketing activities on only one or a few segments?

Step 1: Identify people similar to Buyer’s PersonaStep 2: Generalize them into larger market segmentsStep 3: Develop a mix of effective messages that can help them understand the benefits

Behavioral SegmentationUser Status

Usage Rate

Purchase Occasion

Benefits Sought

Sole user Semi-sole user Discount user

Aware Non-triers Trial/Rejectors


User Status

Light user Medium user Heavy user (Non user)

Usage Rates

Rule of Thumb: 20 percent of all users consume 80 percent of the product

तलब आको पिहलो हप्ता मिहना को लास्ट हप्ता

Frequency of Need(Regular or Occasional)

Fad Seasons

Special Occasions

Purchase Occasion

Basic Need Safety Social

Esteem Self-actualization

Benefits Sought

geographical Segmentation

demographic Segmentation

World’s Cheapest Car

Rarely can demographic and geographic criteria alone predict

purchase behavior.

psychographic Segmentation

The world's top I0 values (shared by people around the world)

Friendship Justice

Honesty Family

Health & fitness

Knowledge Self-esteem Self-reliance Freedom Learning

Mercedes used the VALS to reposition its CLA model after its award-winning but ineffective television campaign

failed to result in higher sales. Using VALS, the company targeted a new "rebellious" consumer group with a new

campaign using a "breaking the rules" theme. Nothing changed but the advertising. But sales increased

60 percent in six months.

Social Epidemics

Connecters Mavens


the consumer's perception of a product as a bundle of utilitarian and symbolic values that satisfy

functional, social, psychological, and other wants and needs.

a total product concept

1. IMC and the Product Element

Levi's was appealing to the Environmentally Conscious Consumer




Introduction Growth Maturity Decline





Introduction Growth Maturity Decline

Consumer goods Products and services we use in our daily lives (food, clothing, furniture, cars)

Industrial goods Products used by companies for the purpose of producing other products (raw materials, agricultural commodities, machinery. tools, equipment)

By Market

Durable goods cars, trucks, refrigerators, furniture

Nondurable goods food, soap, gasoline, oil

Services Activities, benefits, or satisfaction offered for sale (travel, haircuts, legal and medical services, massages)

By Rate of Consumption

Convenience goods Purchases made frequently (soda, food, newspapers)

Shopping goods Infrequently purchased items (furniture, cars, clothing, tires)

Specialty goods Products with such unique characteristics (fancy electronic equipment, special women's fashions, computer components)

By Purchase Habit

Packaged goods Cereals, hair tonics, and so forth

Hard goods Furniture, appliances

Soft goods Clothing, bedding

Services Intangible products

By Physical Description

Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) are the ones most frequently advertised in Nepali media. They include day-to-day consumer items

like soap, detergents, shampoo, food items and packaged snacks.


Once an advertising person understands a product's stage in the life cycle, how it's classified, and how it's currently perceived by

the marketplace, the first strategic decision can be made: How to position the product

Product Differentiation




Product Branding

combination of name, words, symbols, or design that identifies the product and its source and distinguishes it

from competing products.

Without brands, consumers couldn’t tell one product from another.

Why do you prefer Branded Products?

For consumers, brands offer instant recognition. They also promise consistent, reliable standards of quality, taste, size, or even psychological satisfaction, which adds value to the

product for both the consumer and the manufacturer.

Companies must maintain consistency in their message by integrating all their marketing communications - from packaging and advertising to sales promotion and publicity - to maintain and reinforce

the brand's personality in a real-life context.

Product packaging

Packaging may be a brand's one differential advantage-and it's the marketer's last chance to communicate at

the point of sale. Package designers must make the package

Exciting, Appealing, and Functional.



2. IMC and the PRICE Element

Market Demand

Production & Distribution

Cost CompetitionCorporate Objectives

3. IMC and the Place Element

Direct Distribution

Indirect Distribution

Intensive Distribution

Selective Distribution

Exclusive Distribution

4. IMC and the promotion Element

Personal Selling


Direct marketing

Public Relations

Collateral Materials




Nepal’s Smart Jeewan Campaign Wins Prestigious Rural Marketing

Association of India Award

The Smart Jeewan (Smart Life) campaign is designed specifically to re-position family planning as a smart, healthy choice for Nepal’s young generation of young people. It is implemented both at a national scale and in select communities, where local programs

are tailored to reach marginalized groups and hard-to-reach families of migrants.