AEW Studios 3d Information booklet

Post on 28-Mar-2016

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aewstudios endeavors to provide efficient and cost effective service to a wide range of computer generated design areas. we offer 3d modeling/renderings, architectural visualisations, graphic design, flash animations, 3d animations, web-development and webhosting. we build computer generated artwork using the latest techniques and programs. aewstudios specialises in 3d modeling and renderings specifically for the branding industry.




our vision.

aewstudios endeavors to provide efficient and cost effective service to a wide range of computer generated design areas.

we offer 3d modeling/renderings, architectural visualisations, graphic design, flash animations, 3d animations, web-development and webhosting.

we build computer generated artwork using the latest techniques and programs.

aewstudios specialises in 3d modeling and renderings specifically for the branding industry.


In the past 3d was reserved for high budget television commercials and films, due to its high costing and turnaround times.

3d graphics are becoming cheaper, faster and more realistic each day due to: -cheaper higher powered computers, -a wide range of powerfull light simulation programs.-a range of efficient 3d modeling software packages with close to realtime graphics and texture rendering.

Because of these factors 3d is becoming much more versatile in its applications.

3d is commonly used for.

Magazine adverts, billboards,product labels and even concept props such as powerpoint presentation slides and lecture helper cards.

photography versus 3d.

The general workflow for achieving a workable image using photography (steps to be completed by a third party and not the photographic studio in blue)

-generation of label artwork by branding designers-production of product-packaging of product-delicate delivery of packaged product to photography studio (using courier)-clean up of product e.g messy shrink wrapped edges -concept light and photograph-delivery of concept images to the branding designers (email or ftp deposit)-test print (if needed)-final light and photograph-delivery of final images to the branding designers (email or ftp deposit)-final images cleaned up by in house graphic designers eg. cutting out background, cleaning up messy reflections-final print

The general work flow for achieving a workable image using 3d (steps to be completed by a third party and not the 3d studio in blue)

-generation of label artwork by branding designers-supply of artwork file and product specifications to 3d artist (using email or ftp deposit)-concept model/render image-delivery of concept renders to the branding designers (email or ftp deposit)-test print (if needed)-final render/composition of image including post production eg.cutting out background, cleaning up messy reflections-delivery of final images to the branding designers (email or ftp deposit)-final print

As we can see 3d renderings eliminate four very costly and time consuming steps.

Now due to greater efficiency in work flows we see 3d renderings as a neater branding option.


3d makes sense.

Using 3d graphics a photo-real visualisation of your product can be created without any manufacture being necessary.

Three dimentional modeling can be generated from simple sketches of the product and its dimensions.

Fast turnaround times, from as little as 24 hours.

Effective representation of hard to photograph items such as soft packed, shrink wrapped and micro items.

Outputs range from low resolution for power point presentations to high end print quality for posters and billboards and even animation.

aewstudios already carries out renderings for many major brands.

aewstudios can offer you high quality fast turnaround 3d graphics.