AGENDA FOR COUNCIL MEETING - Mid Murray Council · to ascertain true usage. Further resolved that...

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Page 13042. 16/1/2012

MID MURRAY COUNCIL ===================




PRESENT: Mayor D J Burgess, Councillors K P Myers, I K Bormann, M K Jennings, P J Milsom, J W Hall, J L Howie, D J Peake, K B Sayers, P J Raison (from 9-37 A M), K E Yeates and B J Taylor. IN ATTENDANCE: Mr R S Bourne, Acting Chief Executive Officer, Mr K L Goldstone, Director, Development & Environmental Services, Mr J P Fry, Director, Infrastructure Services, Mrs R G Sloper, Minute Secretary. COMMENCEMENT AND WELCOME: 9-30 A M The Mayor declared the meeting open and welcomed all present. APOLOGY: Was received from Cr P J Raison for late attendance. 13042/1 Cr Sayers moved that the apology be received. Seconded Cr Hall. CARRIED. CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES: (Page 12998 & Confidential Minutes Page 625 – 12/12/2011) 13042/2 Cr Yeates moved that the Minutes of the Council Meeting held on the 12 December 2011 be taken as read and confirmed. Seconded Cr Howie. CARRIED. BUSINESS DEFERRED: Nil. REPORTS BY OFFICERS INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES REPORT: See Minute Book Pages 13054 – 13057. 13042/3 Cr Myers moved that the report be received. Seconded Cr Bormann. CARRIED.

Page 13043. 16/1/2012

BUSINESS ARISING FROM REPORT: Traffic Counts Black Hill and Blackheath Roads: 13043/1 Cr Taylor moved that further traffic counts be performed on Blackheath Road to ascertain true usage. Further resolved that in regards to Black Hill Road, advise Black Hill CWA that at present the road does not fit the criteria for sealing. Seconded Cr Sayers. CARRIED.

Correspondence - Deb Alexander: 9-37 A M Cr Raison attended the meeting. 13043/2 Cr Hall moved

(1) that traffic counters are placed on the Murraylands Road to ascertain if the road meets the criteria for sealing.

(2) that a report be presented to Council regarding the removal of grids on this road.

Seconded Cr Yeates. CARRIED. DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES REPORT: See Minute Book Pages 13058 – 13064. 13043/3 Cr Howie moved that the report be received. Seconded Cr Hall. CARRIED. BUSINESS ARISING FROM REPORT: 9-43 A M Cr Howie, Cr Yeates and Cr Myers declared an interest under Section 74 of the Local Government Act in the Payment of Sitting Fees to Elected Members of Council’s Development Assessment Panel matter as they are members of Council’s Development Assessment Panel and vacated their chairs and left the Chamber and did not vote or take part in any discussion relating to the matter. Payment of Sitting Fees to Elected Members of Council’s Development Assessment Panel: 13043/4 Cr Peake moved that the current arrangement of paying travel to elected members who are members of Council’s Development Assessment Panel continue. Seconded Cr Raison. CARRIED. 9-50 A M Cr Howie, Cr Yeates and Cr Myers returned to the meeting.

Page 13044. 16/1/2012

BUSINESS ARISING FROM REPORT CONT’D: Staff Appointment – Casual Environmental Health Officer:

13044/1 Cr Bormann moved

(1) that pursuant to Section 7 of the Public and Environmental Health Act 1987, Julie Anne Savill be appointed an Authorised Officer for the purposes of the Public and Environmental Health Act 1987;

(2) that pursuant to Section 94 of the Food Act 2001, Julie Anne Savill be appointed an Authorised Officer for the purposes of the Food Act 2001;

(3) that pursuant to Section 260 of the Local Government Act 1999, Julie Anne Savill be appointed an Authorised Person for the purposes of the Local Government Act 1999.

Seconded Cr Myers. CARRIED. OTHER DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES BUSINESS: Attendance at National Planning Congress: 13044/2 Cr Hall moved that the Chairman of the Strategic Planning and Development Policy Committee be authorised to attend the National Planning Congress in Adelaide from 29 April to 2 May, 2012. Seconded Cr Sayers. CARRIED. CORPORATE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES REPORT: See Minute Book Pages 13065 – 13073. 13044/3 Cr Milsom moved that the report be received. Seconded Cr Taylor. CARRIED. BUSINESS ARISING FROM REPORT: Financial Report:

Bank Reconciliation Statement as at 31 December 2011

13044/4 Cr Myers moved that the bank reconciliation statement as at 31 December 2011 of $651,281.73 credit be received. Seconded Cr Howie. CARRIED.

Page 13045. 16/1/2012

BUSINESS ARISING FROM REPORT CONT’D: Special Event Application – Mannum Hot Rod Day: 13045/1 Cr Milsom moved

(1) that approval be granted to enable the Mannum Hospital Auxiliary 2012 Mannum Hot Rod Day to be held at the southern end of the Mary Ann Reserve on Sunday 11 March 2012, subject to the general conditions applicable to the Council’s Special Event permit.

(2) that pursuant to section 33(1) of the Road Traffic Act 1961, Council declares that the event described below (“Event”) that is to take place on the roads described below (“Road”) is an event to which section 33 of the Road Traffic Act 1961 applies; and pursuant to section 33(1)(a) of the Road Traffic Act 1961, makes an order directing that the road on which the Event is to be held and any adjacent or adjoining roads specified below, be closed to traffic for the period from 9-00 am until 5-00 pm on Sunday 11 March 2012. Roads: That section of River Lane from Trewartha Street to the southern end of the Mary Ann Reserve. Event: 2012 Mannum Hot Rod Day

(3) that pursuant to Section 33(1) (b) of the Road Traffic Act, 1961 Council makes an order directing that persons taking part in the Event be exempted, in relation to the Roads, from the duty to observe the Australian Road Rules specified below and attaching to the exemption -

Australian Road Rules Exemptions Rule 230: Crossing a road – general;

Rule 238: Pedestrians travelling along a road; (except in or on a wheeled recreational device or toy);

(4) that Council employees be authorised to erect the necessary road signs and barricades.

(5) that Council consent to a permit being granted by the Liquor & Gaming Commission for alcohol to be sold and consumed in conjunction with the event, provided glass containers are not used.

Seconded Cr Raison. CARRIED. Mannum School/Community Library Board – Community Representative: 13045//2 Cr Taylor moved that the report be received. Seconded Cr Sayers. CARRIED.

Page 13046. 16/1/2012

BUSINESS ARISING FROM REPORT CONT’D: 10-09 A M Cr Milsom declared an interest under Section 74 of the Local Government Act in the Walker Flat and Districts Holiday Homes Association matter as he is a member of the sub-committee which submitted the request to Council and vacated his chair and left the Chamber and did not vote or take part in any discussion relating to the matter. Walker Flat and Districts Holiday Homes Association: 10-10 A M Mr John Shepherd, member of the “Living on the Edge” sub-committee was invited to answer questions from members. 10-17 A M Mr John Shepherd returned to the gallery. Road Opening & Closing, Moorundie Street, Truro: 13046/1 Cr Bormann moved that in relation to the proposal to close a narrow strip of road at Moorundie Street, Truro;

(1) Council accepts the Preliminary Plan for Moorundie Street, Truro for

alterations to property boundaries under the Roads (Opening & Closing) Act, being alterations that are supported by the property owners concerned


(2) Council to provide the land at no cost to the owners, in accordance with the

decision of Council made in 2004


(3) Council to pay the cost of the survey works. Seconded Cr Jennings. CARRIED. 10-19 A M Cr Milsom returned to the meeting. ACTING CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S REPORT: See Minute Book Pages 13074 – 13077. 13046/2 Cr Taylor moved that the report be received. Seconded Cr Sayers. CARRIED. BUSINESS ARISING FROM REPORT: CONFIDENTIAL ITEM - SANTOS TOUR DOWN UNDER: Confidential item pursuant to Section 90 – 90(3)(d) – commercial information of a confidential nature (not being a trade secret) the disclosure of which – (i) could reasonably be expected to prejudice the commercial position of the

person who supplied the information, or to confer a commercial advantage on a third party; and

(ii) would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest

Page 13047. 16/1/2012

CONFIDENTIAL ITEM - SANTOS TOUR DOWN UNDER: 10-25 A M 13047/1 Cr Howie moved that

(1) Under the provision of Section 90(2) and (3)(d) of the Local Government Act 1999 an order be made that with the exception of Mr Robin Bourne, Mr Jon Fry and Mrs Rose Sloper, all other persons present and the public be excluded from attendance at the meeting in order to receive a report and to consider matters under Section 90 (3)(d).

(2) The Mid Murray Council is satisfied that it is reasonably foreseeable that the public disclosure or discussion of the information at the meeting could cause significant damage to the interest of Council, because of the public disclosure or discussion relating to the subject could reasonably be expected to present an unreasonable disclosure of information concerning the personal affairs of any person.

(3) Accordingly, on this basis, the principle that meetings of Mid Murray Council should be conducted in a place open to the public has been outweighed by the need to keep the discussion confidential.

Seconded Cr Yeates. CARRIED. 10-33 A M 13047/2 Cr Taylor moved that the Council meeting resume. Seconded Cr Jennings. CARRIED. BUSINESS ARISING FROM REPORT CONT’D: Recognition of Local Government in the Australian Constitution: 13047/3 Cr Taylor moved that Council resolves to contribute financially to the campaign for the “Recognition of Local Government in the Australian Constitution”, as proposed by the Local Government Association of SA. Seconded Cr Raison. CARRIED. MAYOR’S REPORT: See Minute Book Page 13078. 13047/4 Cr Milsom moved that the report be received. Seconded Cr Hall. CARRIED. ELECTED MEMBERS’ REPORTS: Cr Myers: Cr Myers reported on his attendance at the following meetings and functions – Chief Executive Officer Selection Panel meeting, Mannum, Canally Restoration Committee, Morgan, Inspected the Cadell Riverfront with SAPOL, Meeting with Minister Russell Wortley at Mannum to receive disaster funding for flooding in December 2010.

Page 13048. 16/1/2012

ELECTED MEMBERS’ REPORTS CONT’D: Cr Bormann: Cr Bormann reported on her attendance at the following meetings and functions –Cambrai Area School Concert to present Library Board Awards & Medals, Mannum Community College to present SA Murray Darling Basin Natural Resource Management Environmental Award, Cambrai Area School Volunteer and Fun Day, Cambrai, Murray Darling Association Region 6 meeting at Goolwa, Stakeholder briefing with Minister Caica at Mannum. Cr Jennings: Cr Jennings reported on her attendance at the following meetings and functions – Country Arts SA Board of Management Meeting, Port Adelaide, Keyneton Primary School Concert to award Dictionaries, Truro Primary School Concert to award Dictionaries, Chief Executive Officer Selection Panel meeting, Mannum, Meeting with OPAL staff re Youth Arts activities, Mannum, Attended “Watersong” event, Regional Centre for Culture, Goolwa. Cr Milsom: No report. Cr Hall: No report. Cr Howie: Cr Howie reported on his attendance at the following meetings and functions – Palmer Primary School Concert and Presentation Night, Inspection Tungkillo and Palmer flood damage and works with the Director, Infrastructure Services and Mannum Works Co-ordinator, Call out to inspect flood damage at Caloote, Council Christmas breakup lunch, Cambrai, Collier Park Management Committee Meeting, Palmer. Cr Peake: Cr Peake reported on his attendance at the following meetings and functions –. Waikerie High School Presentation, Murray Darling Association Region 6, Goolwa, State Government Key Stakeholder Briefings Murray Darling Basin Plan at Berri, Mannum and Goolwa. Cr Sayers: Cr Sayers reported on his attendance at the following meeting – Meeting at Aminya, Mannum. Cr Raison: Cr Raison reported on his attendance at the following meetings and functions – Chief Executive Officer Selection Panel meeting, Mannum, Council Christmas breakup lunch, Cambrai. Cr Yeates: No report. Cr Taylor: Cr Taylor reported on his attendance at the following meetings and functions – Mannum Hospital Auxiliary Christmas Function, Mannum, Meeting with 2 Ratepayers re Flooding, several meetings with Selection Panel for new Executive Officer/Director of Nursing for Mannum Hospital.

Page 13049. 16/1/2012

ELECTED MEMBERS’ REPORTS CONT’D: 13049/1 Cr Yeates moved that the elected members’ reports be received. Seconded Cr Bormann. CARRIED. 10-46 A M 13049/2 Cr Bormann moved that the meeting adjourn for morning tea. Seconded Cr Myers. CARRIED. 11-05 A M 13049/3 Cr Hall moved that the meeting resume. Seconded Cr Jennings. CARRIED. QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE – COUNCILLORS QUESTIONS WITH NOTICE – COUNCILLORS: Nil. NOTICES OF MOTION: Council Receptions: 13049/4 Cr Taylor moved that the cost of future Council receptions (previously called Happy Hours or Mayor’s Receptions) hosted by the Mayor and Elected members be paid in full by Council. Seconded Cr Bormann. CARRIED. DEPUTATIONS: Eudunda Road:

The Mayor reported that Paul Gelston, Director Road and Traffic Management and Peter Tan, Senior Project Manager, Infrastructure Delivery, Department of Planning, Transport & Infrastructure, will attend the meeting at 1-00 p m to discuss the lowering of the speed limit on the Eudunda Road to 100 km/h.



: Nil.



Page 13050. 16/1/2012

MID MURRAY COUNCIL BUILDING FIRE SAFETY COMMITTEE: Nil. MID MURRAY COUNCIL OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE COMMITTEE: 13050/1 Cr Myers moved that the Minutes of the Mid Murray Council Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare Committee meeting held on the 7 December 2011 be received. Seconded Cr Yeates. CARRIED.

MID MURRAY AND KAROONDA EAST MURRAY DISTRICT COUNCILS PLANT COMMITTEE: Nil. MANNUM DRY ZONE WORKING GROUP: Nil. MID MURRAY COUNCIL DISABILITY ACCESS REVIEW ADVISORY COMMITTEE: 13050/2 Cr Myers moved that the Minutes of the Mid Murray Council Disability Access Review Advisory Committee meeting held on the 7 December 2011 be received. Seconded Cr Sayers. CARRIED.

13050/3 Cr Milsom moved that the following recommendation from the meeting of the Mid Murray Council Disability Access Review Advisory Committee held on 7 December 2011 be adopted by Council –

Orana Incorporated 99/2 C Smith-Rowe moved that it be recommended to Council that Council pursue a possible arrangement with Orana Incorporated and that additional information be sought. Seconded G Virgin. CARRIED.

Seconded Cr Taylor. CARRIED.


TRURO PROJECTS ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Nil. MANNUM DOCK MUSEUM BOARD: 13050/4 Cr Raison moved that the Minutes of the Mannum Dock Museum Board meeting held on the 22 November 2011 be received. Seconded Cr Yeates. CARRIED.


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Being Minutes of meetings held 15 November 2011 and 20 December 2011. A copy of the minutes are attached.

Houseboat Hirers Association

Advising that the 2012 Mannum Houseboat Open Days tentatively scheduled for 5 & 6 May 2012 have been cancelled due to the shortfall in the number of entries from Houseboat owners. The Association is planning to reschedule the event for 4 & 6 May 2013. Morgan Day Activity Centre Being Co-ordinator’s Report for December, 2011. A copy of the report is attached.

Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities Responding to Council’s invitation to visit the region and meet with the Mid Murray Council to discuss issues associated with the forthcoming Murray-Darling Basin Plan.

Encouraging Council to participate in the consultation process.

A copy of the letter is attached.

13051/1 Cr Bormann moved that the above correspondence be received and noted. Seconded Cr Yeates. CARRIED.

Page 13052. 16/1/2012

LATE CORRESPONDENCE: Minister for State/Local Government Relations: Advising that Council’s application for funding assistance from the Local Government Disaster Fund, following damage to Council infrastructure resulting from severe storms in early December 2010 has been approved for $1,907,845 (less the 10% of works budget Council contribution). A copy of the letter was provided to all members. Received and noted. Regional Development Australia: Being Media Release advising of the announcement of three projects proceeding to full application stage for the $200 million Round Two of the Regional Development Australia Fund (RDAF). The projects selected to proceed to full application are:

Tailem Bend Motorsports Park & Industrial Precinct Berri Swimming Aquatic Complex in Sporting Precinct Riverland Future Food Program

Received and noted. ACTION SHEETS: Action Sheets were provided to all members. URGENT BUSINESS: Walker Flat Pump Out Station: 13052/1 Cr Milsom moved that the Department for Water be requested to recommission the Walker Flat river vessel waste disposal station as a matter of priority. Seconded Cr Hall. CARRIED. 12-14 P M 13052/2 Cr Myers moved that the meeting adjourn for lunch. Seconded Cr Hall. CARRIED. 1-07 P M 13052/3 Cr Yeates moved that the meeting resume. Seconded Cr Peake. CARRIED.

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EUDUNDA ROAD: 1-08 P M Paul Gelston, Director Road and Traffic Management and Peter Tan, Senior Project Manager, Infrastructure Delivery, Department of Planning, Transport & Infrastructure, attended the meeting and discussed the lowering of the speed limit on the Eudunda Road to 100 km/h. 1-25 P M Dudley Klemm was granted leave of the meeting to address the meeting regarding the lowering of the speed limit and the need for it to remain at 110 km/h. 1-32 P M Dudley Klemm completed his address. 1-35 P M Paul Gelston and Peter Tan completed their address and left the meeting. 13053/1 Cr Taylor moved that Council recommend to the Department of Planning, Transport & Infrastructure that the speed limit for the Eudunda Road remain at 110 km/h. Seconded Cr Raison. CARRIED. NEXT MEETING: To be held at Cambrai at 9-30 am on Monday 13 February 2012. 1-45 P M The Mayor declared the meeting closed.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MAYOR

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DATE

Page 13054. 16/1/2012

6.1 INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES REPORT Cr moved that the report be received. Seconded Cr 6.1.1 Works Construction Program

Strategic Plan Reference Infrastructure, Asset and Facility Management

Goal 4.0 Update of Works Construction Program has been prepared. A copy of the monthly update is attached.

Page 13055. 16/1/2012

6.1 INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES REPORT CONT’D 6.1.2 Traffic Counts Black Hill and Blackheath Roads Report Purpose

To advise members of traffic counts on Black Hill and Blackheath Roads to ascertain whether these roads fit the criteria for sealing. South Australian Country Women’s Association, Black Hill Branch made a request to Council. At the December 2011 meeting members resolved that a report be presented to Council regarding the traffic count results. There have been also numerous complaints about the condition of Blackheath Road. The Works Department felt it necessary to perform a traffic count on this road to ascertain its usage and report to Council.


Road Traffic Count Data

Start Finish Days Road Rapid No. Daily Av RTF FFF 25-Oct-11 24-Nov-11 30 Black Hill A 533-648 61.6 96.3 0.4 25-Oct-11 24-Nov-11 30 Black Hill B 565-601 28.2 49.0 0.2 25-Oct-11 24-Nov-11 30 Black Hill C 590-587 22.8 44.9 0.2 24-Nov-11 8-Dec-11 14 Blackheath A 283-304 40.9 161.7 0.6 24-Nov-11 8-Dec-11 14 Blackheath B 237-337 47.8 101.4 0.4 24-Nov-11 8-Dec-11 14 Blackheath C 193-385 122.9 481.6 1.9 25-Nov-11 9-Dec-11 14 Blackheath C-1 193-385 110.6 260.5 1.0

The spreadsheet above shows the traffic counts from various locations on Black Hill Road and Blackheath Road (refer Rapid Numbers).

Explanatory Notes

• Rapid No - Is the Global Positioning of the counter expressed by six digits

• Daily Av - Is the average number of units passing over the traffic counter in that period

• RTF - Is an abbreviation for the road traffic factor and converts units to car equivalents

• FFF - Is the abbreviation for final figure factor. This simply divides the RTF by 250, and if we get a figure of 1 or above Council should consider sealing the road.

In the chart above it is obvious sites on Black Hill Road A, B, C, Blackheath Road A and B have low traffic flows and at this stage do not warrant sealing. Blackheath site C (refer map attached) had an unusually high reading for that road and on further investigation it was found that Council were doing repairs on the road. So the amount of traffic created by the trucks was taken out to produce the results given by Blackheath C-1. This result is just over 1 however there were other inconsistencies that need to be further investigated. This can be done by concentrating the traffic counters in that area and analysing that data.

Page 13056. 16/1/2012

6.1 INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES REPORT CONT’D 6.1.2 Traffic Counts Black Hill and Blackheath Roads Cont’d

It must also be remembered Council’s top priority should be maintaining the existing sealed road network, if the current network is not being maintained then Council should not be constructing additional sealed roads.

Council needs to expend approximately $400,000.00/year on reseals and up to date Council have fallen well short of this over a number of years. There is also the case of road failures that happen from time to time and need addressing e.g. Eudunda Rd, Milendella Rd, Halfway House Rd, East Front Rd, Cascade Rd.

References Strategic Plan Infrastructure, Asset and Facility Management

Goal 4.0 – Well managed Council assets provided for the benefit of the overall community.

Recommendation: Moved __________________ Seconded __________________ that further traffic counts be performed on Blackheath Road to ascertain true usage. Further resolved that in regards to Black Hill Road, advise Black Hill CWA that at present the road does not fit the criteria for sealing.

Page 13057. 16/1/2012

6.1 INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES REPORT CONT’D 6.1.3 Correspondence - Deb Alexander Report Purpose

To consider a request from Deb Alexander to have Murraylands Road sealed and to install more signage to alert drivers to the kangaroos, wombats and the graded terrain. A copy of the letter is attached.

Introduction and Background Murraylands Road from the Sturt Highway to Morgan is under the care and control of Department Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI). The first 12 kilometres is bitumised and a resheeting program is maintained by DPTI for the remainder of the road to Blanchetown. This program sees a section of the road resheeted each financial year along with periodical patrol grading. Murraylands Road from Blanchetown to Mannum is under the care and control of Council. Discussion DPTI have been approached by Council in the past to have the remainder of the unsealed section from Morgan to Blanchetown sealed but up until now the Department have been maintaining the unsealed section with patrol grading and an annual resheeting program. To ascertain whether the section between Blanchetown and Mannum fits the criteria for sealing traffic counters have been placed on the Punyelroo section. References Strategic Plan Infrastructure, Asset and Facility Management

Goal 4.0 – Well managed Council assets provided for the benefit of the overall community.

Recommendation: Moved __________________ Seconded __________________ that traffic counters are placed on the Murraylands Road near Punyelroo to ascertain if the road meets the criteria for sealing.

JP Fry Director, Infrastructure Services

Page 13058. 16/1/2012

6.2 DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES REPORT Cr moved that the report be received. Seconded Cr 6.2.1 Payment of Sitting Fees to Elected Members of Council’s Development

Assessment Panel Reporting Officer Kelvin Goldstone Position Director - Development & Environmental Services Report Purpose To table advice from the Local Government Association of SA (LGA) regarding the legality of paying sitting fees to elected members on Council Development Assessment Panels and to obtain a position of Council in this regard. Discussion The attached advice provided as a consequence of the LGA receiving enquiries from a number of Council’s is self explanatory. In short the advice confirms that Councils are legally able to pay elected members on Development Assessment Panels a sitting fee separately from the Local Government Act allowance paid without breaching the Act or the determination of the Remuneration Tribunal. As is the case with the majority of Council’s, independent members on Council’s Development Assessment Panel are paid a sitting fee to compensate for:- • time associated with consideration of reports and attendance at

meetings/site inspections; • travel costs associated with attendance at meetings/site inspections; • time and travel costs associated with DAP member training. For members interest the following is a snap shot of adjoining and other regional rural Council DAP payment arrangements.

Council Independent Member Payment

Presiding Member Payment

Elected Member (Councillor) Payment

Port Pirie $100 + travel $125 + travel $100 + travel Mallala $400 $400 $400 Wakefield $110 + travel $110 + travel $110 + travel Light $350 $450 $350 Barossa $300 $550 $0 Flinders Regional (Flinders Ranges, Mount Remarkable, Orroroo/Carrieton, Peterborough)

N/A Travel + $50/hr travel + $125/hr sitting time

Travel only

Clare & Gilbert Valley $200 + travel $432 + travel + overnight accommodation

Travel only

Riverland Regional (Loxton Waikerie, Berri Barmera, Renmark Paringa)

$200 $200 $200

Goyder $200 + travel $200 + travel $200 + travel Mid Murray $350 $450 Travel only

Page 13059. 16/1/2012

6.2 DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES REPORT CONT’D 6.2.1 Payment of Sitting Fees to Elected Members of Council’s Development

Assessment Panel cont’d Conclusion The issue of the payment of sitting fees to elected members of Development Assessment Panels has often been raised and has become more topical since the Remuneration Tribunal’s determination in August 2010. It appears a trend has developed to pay elected members a sitting fee generally consistent with that paid to independent members as previously mentioned. The listed recommendation will accommodate the payment of members should Council consider it appropriate. References Strategic Plan Finance and Administration

Goal 6.0 – Accountable and responsible management of financial resources based on best practice principles and processes.

Budget $6,300 adjustment to current budget (6 months). Legislation Development Act 1993 and Local Government Act 1999. Recommendation: Moved __________________ Seconded __________________ that Council resolve to pay elected members on the Development Assessment Panel a sitting fee of $350 per meeting (inclusive of elected member’s travelling reimbursement entitlement) consistent with and under the same terms as independent member payments and that the sitting fee amount be reviewed at the end of the current Development Assessment Panel member appointment period.

Page 13060. 16/1/2012

6.2 DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES REPORT CONT’D 6.2.2 Open Space and Places for People Grant Program 2011/12

Reporting Officer Kelvin Goldstone Position Director - Development & Environmental Services Report Purpose To table correspondence from the Department of Planning and Local Government relating to Open Space and Places for People grant programs and to seek Council’s consideration of projects suitable for pre-application registration. Introduction/Background Members may be aware that over the years funding has been made available via the Department of Planning and Local Government through the Open Space and Places for People grant programs. Typically funding has been available for significant open space and public realm projects that accord with the Government’s Planning Strategy and Regional Plans. Council has been successful in obtaining funding (on a contributory basis) for a number of projects, including for example Stage 1 of the Truro Pioneer Park Development Project, the River Reserve Development Project (Bolto Reserve) and the Morgan Riverfront Reserve Development Concept Plan. The grant program has been under review for sometime now however as confirmed in the Department’s correspondence a new funding round has been announced with a closing date for applications being 2 March 2012. Discussion Minutes of the February 2011 meeting of the Reserves Management Advisory Committee confirm discussion on various projects suitable for inclusion in a five year strategy for open space grant funding as suggested by the Department. Projects considered suitable at the time included:-

• Stage 1 Rockleigh School House • Stage 2 Pioneer Park • River Reserve Development

- Hogwash Bend - Haythorpe Reserve, Mannum - Len Batten Reserve - Greenways Landing Reserve - Big Bend Reserve - Len White Reserve

• Morgan Riverfront Development Project • Blanchetown Bottom Oval • Swan Reach Houseboat Mooring adjacent Swan Reach Hotel.

Page 13061. 16/1/2012

6.2 DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES REPORT CONT’D 6.2.2 Open Space and Places for People Grant Program 2011/12 cont’d

Council subsequently endorsed the submission of two applications (lodged in April 2011) i.e.

• Stage 2 Pioneer Park Development Project

The project, costed at $50,000 sought $25,000 in open space funding to undertake Stage 2 of the project. The project, building on Stage 1, proposed landscaping of the site, placement of park furniture, signage and paving. Other funding partners included Council $20,000 and the Truro & District Community Association $5,000.

• Stage 1 Rockleigh School Reserve Development Project

The project, costed at $38,500 sought $19,250 in open space funding to carry out works detailed in the redevelopment concept plan namely:-

- Demolition of the majority of the existing dilapidated school building, retaining one end wall and a portion of side walls

- Construction of an open sided roofed structure - Replace entry gate - Clean up of site - Removal of dead trees and replanting - Interpretative signage - Placement of rainwater tank.

Both applications are still with the Department and will be considered as part of the current funding round unless withdrawn by Council. Recent discussion with the Department have confirmed the preference for a co-ordinated funding application strategy rather than the adhoc submission of applications. With this in mind Council, mindful of budget implications, should consider an overarching strategy incorporating specific projects for this particular funding round. Council may wish to reconsider the project list considered by the Reserves Management Advisory Committee and perhaps consider three or four specific projects for pre-application registration. To assist in discussion the following specific projects could be considered for pre-application registration and further discussion with the Department:-

• Pioneer Park Stage 2 Application already submitted

• Rockleigh School Reserve Development Application already submitted

• Morgan Riverfront Development Project Implementation of concept plan recommendations

• River Reserve Development Project Continuation - Haythorpe Reserve, Mannum.

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6.2 DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES REPORT CONT’D 6.2.2 Open Space and Places for People Grant Program 2011/12 cont’d

Recent discussion with Council’s OPAL Programme Manager has revealed an interest in projects that incorporate physical activity infrastructure, either as separate projects or in conjunction with another relevant project. The issue of the purchase and development of the Old Mannum Primary School land has also been raised at various times. Land purchase eligibility criteria is discussed in Section 3.3 of the attached guidelines. Conclusion The Open Space and Places for People grant program provides the opportunity to obtain funding for various projects that may otherwise not eventuate. Council has been successful in previously obtaining funding and there is obviously benefit in continuing to negotiate projects with the Department. Council obviously needs to be mindful of the requirement for matching funding on a $ for $ basis. References Strategic Plan Finance and Administration

Strategy 6.5 – Maximise opportunities for external funding, subject to those opportunities being consistent with Council’s goals and strategies.

Budget Projects will require matching funding. For consideration.

Page 13063. 16/1/2012

6.2 DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES REPORT CONT’D 6.2.3 Staff Appointment – Casual Environmental Health Officer

Reporting Officer Kelvin Goldstone Position Director - Development & Environmental Services Report Purpose To obtain a formal resolution of Council appointing Julie Anne Savill as an Authorised Officer pursuant to the Public & Environmental Health Act 1987, the Food Act 2001 and the Local Government Act 1999. Discussion Council’s casual Environmental Health Officer, Murray Phillips, retired in May 2011. Murray worked a casual basis when required primarily focussing on food inspection duties and filling in during periods of leave. After a lengthy period we are now in a position to formally appoint Julie Savill to fill the vacancy resulting from Murray Phillips’ retirement. Julie holds a degree in Environmental Health from the Flinders University, lives locally and is prepared to work on a casual basis as required. References Strategic Plan Governance

Goal 5.0 – A Council that exhibits the highest values and principles in all aspects of its activities and identifies and incorporates community ideas, values and goals in its decision making process.

Budget No budget impact. Legislation Public & Environmental Health Act 1987, Food Act 2001

and Local Government Act 1999. Recommendation: Moved __________________ Seconded __________________ (1) that pursuant to Section 7 of the Public and Environmental Health Act

1987, Julie Anne Savill be appointed an Authorised Officer for the purposes of the Public and Environmental Health Act 1987;

(2) that pursuant to Section 94 of the Food Act 2001, Julie Anne Savill be

appointed an Authorised Officer for the purposes of the Food Act 2001; (3) that pursuant to Section 260 of the Local Government Act 1999, Julie

Anne Savill be appointed an Authorised Person for the purposes of the Local Government Act 1999.

Page 13064. 16/1/2012

6.2 DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES REPORT CONT’D 6.2.4 Waste Management Strategy Implementation

Reporting Officer Kelvin Goldstone Position Director - Development & Environmental Services As discussed at the December 2011 meeting a report on the implementation of Council’s waste management strategy incorporating reference to the scope and terms of consultancy appointments, is being prepared. Due to delays resulting from the Christmas holiday period the report will be tabled at the February 2012 meeting. For information. Kelvin Goldstone Director - Development & Environmental Services

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6.3 CORPORATE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES REPORT Cr moved that the report be received. Seconded Cr 6.3.1 Financial Report Bank Reconciliation Statement as at 31 December 2011

Strategic Plan Reference Finance & Administration Goal 6

The Bank Reconciliation Statement as at the above date is attached.

Recommendation: Moved __________________ Seconded _________________ that the bank reconciliation statement as at 31 December 2011 of $651,281.73 credit be received.

Page 13066. 16/1/2012

6.3 CORPORATE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES REPORT CONT’D 6.3.2 Special Event Application – Mannum Hot Rod Day

Report Purpose To consider the application for road closure and use of the Mary Ann Reserve required for the Mannum Hot Road Day event to be held on 11 March 2012. Background/Introduction The Mannum Hospital Auxiliary are applying for permission to hold the 2012 Mannum Hot Rod Day on the southern end of Mary Ann Reserve on Sunday 11 March 2012, from the boat ramp car park to the southern end of the reserve. They seek Council permission to close off the southern end of the reserve from 8-00 am until 5-00 pm and the section of River Lane from Trewartha Street to the southern end of the Mary Ann Reserve from 9-00 am until 5-00 pm and to restrict access to the reserve via 3 access points to enable voluntary entrance donations to be received. The organisers have indicated they will be applying for a licence to sell liquor at the event. In accordance with the provisions of Section 33 of the Road Traffic Act Council is responsible for declaring the event and making an order for exemptions from some of the Australian Road Rules. References Strategic Plan Community

Strategy 2.12 – Promote the benefits of cultural and public art activities.

Budget Nil affect on the Budget Legislation Section 33 of the Road Traffic Act

Recommendation: Moved __________________ Seconded __________________

(1) that approval be granted to enable the Mannum Hospital Auxiliary 2012

Mannum Hot Rod Day to be held at the southern end of the Mary Ann Reserve on Sunday 11 March 2012, subject to the general conditions applicable to the Council’s Special Event permit.

(2) that pursuant to section 33(1) of the Road Traffic Act 1961, Council declares that the event described below (“Event”) that is to take place on the roads described below (“Road”) is an event to which section 33 of the Road Traffic Act 1961 applies; and pursuant to section 33(1)(a) of the Road Traffic Act 1961, makes an order directing that the road on which the Event is to be held and any adjacent or adjoining roads specified below, be closed to traffic for the period from 9-00 am until 5-00 pm on Sunday 11 March 2012. Roads: That section of River Lane from Trewartha Street to the southern end of the Mary Ann Reserve. Event: 2012 Mannum Hot Rod Day

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6.3 CORPORATE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES REPORT CONT’D 6.3.2 Special Event Application – Mannum Hot Rod Day

(3) that pursuant to Section 33(1) (b) of the Road Traffic Act, 1961 Council makes an order directing that persons taking part in the Event be exempted, in relation to the Roads, from the duty to observe the Australian Road Rules specified below and attaching to the exemption -

Australian Road Rules Exemptions Rule 230: Crossing a road – general;

Rule 238: Pedestrians travelling along a road; (except in or on a wheeled recreational device or toy);

(4) that Council employees be authorised to erect the necessary road signs and barricades.

(5) that Council consent to a permit being granted by the Liquor & Gaming

Commission for alcohol to be sold and consumed in conjunction with the event, provided glass containers are not used.

Page 13068. 16/1/2012

6.3 CORPORATE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES REPORT CONT’D 6.3.3 Mannum School/Community Library Board – Community


Report Purpose To seek the appointment of a community representative to the Mannum School/Community Library Board due to a recent resignation. Discussion Due to the recent resignation of Lyn Gross, community representative, it will be necessary to advertise for a replacement representative on the Board. Conclusion Advertisements will be placed in The Mannum Mag and The Murray Valley Standard in early February seeking a community representative. References Strategic Plan Community

Goal 2.0 - An enhanced, cooperative relationship within the community to achieve our shared vision.

Budget Nil affect on the Budget Legislation Local Government Act Recommendation: Moved ________________ Seconded________________ that the report be received.

Page 13069. 16/1/2012

6.3 CORPORATE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES REPORT CONT’D 6.3.4 Correspondence - Geographical Names Unit Re: Nildottie Boundary Alterations Discussion Advising Council that the locality known as Greenways Landing has been

discontinued and the land has been included in the locality of Nildottie. A copy of the correspondence is attached. References Strategic Plan Community Goal 2.0 - An enhanced, cooperative relationship within the community to achieve our shared vision. Budget Nil affect on the Budget For members’ information.

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6.3 CORPORATE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES REPORT CONT’D 6.3.5 Correspondence - Consumer and Business Services Re: Dry Area, Morgan New Years’ Eve celebrations Discussion Advising that Council’s application for a Dry Area for Morgan for New Years’

Eve was approved. The possession and consumption of liquor at the Morgan riverfront was

prohibited between the hours of 4-00 pm on 31 December 2011 and 9-00 am on 1 January 2012.

Initial feedback to Council was that the Morgan Riverfront Dry Area for New

Years’ Eve worked well and the Morgan riverfront lawns area was a family friendly area for New Years Eve.

References Strategic Plan Community Goal 2.0 – An enhanced, cooperative relationship within the community to achieve our shared vision. Budget Nil affect on the Budget For members’ information.

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6.3 CORPORATE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES REPORT CONT’D 6.3.6 Walker Flat and Districts Holiday Homes Association

Re: “Living on the Edge”

Report Purpose

To provide further information regarding the Association’s proposal to produce a book on River Murray and coastal shacks.


A copy of the report presented to the 14 November 2011 meeting of Council is attached. At the November meeting the following resolution was passed –

12956/2 Cr Howie moved that the following information be sought before a decision is made on the request from the Walker Flat & Districts Holiday Homes Association –

- Marketing Plan - Budget - Sponsorship Options - Other partners and stakeholders commitment to the project - Council Acknowledgement

Seconded Cr Raison. CARRIED.

The Association has provided further information in accordance with the resolution and a copy of that correspondence is attached.

The Association’s request is for Council to underwrite the book to the extent

of $20,000.00.


Council may wish to support the production of the book by;

(a) making a one-off cash contribution of an amount agreed by Council, or (b) providing short term funding (possibly spread over two financial years

2011/12 and 2012/13) with the funds repaid over time by the proceeds of book sales, or

(c) providing support through a combination of (a) and (b) above. Mr John Shepherd from the ‘Living on the Edge’ sub-committee will be

available to answer any questions at the meeting. References Strategic Plan Community Goal 2.0 – An enhanced, cooperative relationship within the community to achieve our shared vision.

Budget No provision in the current budget. Recommendation: For consideration.

Page 13072. 16/1/2012

6.3 CORPORATE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES REPORT CONT’D 6.3.7 Road Opening & Closing, Moorundie Street, Truro

Re: Realignment of Property Boundaries

Report Purpose/Introduction To consider a proposal to close a strip of public road on Moorundie Street, Truro to realign some property boundaries using the Roads Opening & Closing Act, so that encroachments onto the public road can be legitamised. The encroachments are mainly front verandahs and solid fencing. The proposal was first agreed to in 1982 by the then DC of Truro, whoever, other than a letter to the Truro Lutheran Church, the Roads Opening & Closing Act process was not commenced. In 2004 the Mid Murray Council agreed to undertake the proposal and commenced the requirements of the Roads Opening & Closing Act. The initial survey work was carried out, but not all of the agreements that were required to be entered into with the four owners involved were signed and the process completed within the time allowed by the Act. Discussion The property owners involved, particularly the Truro Lutheran Church, have asked the Council to recommence the boundary realignment proposal and in the second half of 2011 the process was restarted. However because of the length of time since the proposal was formally adopted by the Council it is necessary for Council to again resolve that it supports the proposal. The proposal is defined on the Preliminary Plan, as prepared by the surveyors, Symonds Ryan & Cornish, dated 21/09/2011 and attached to this report. The conditions of the boundary realignment set by Mid Murray Council in 2004 were; a) the land would by provided by the Council at no cost to the owners. This

recognised the commitment made by the DC of Truro in their letter dated 24 February 1982.

b) each of the property owners would be required to make a contribution to of $350 towards the survey costs, excepting for K Steinert because of the very small piece of land involved (2 square metres).

Conclusion As the Councils involved have not completed the boundary realignment proposal, it is proposed that the conditions for this particular Roads Opening & Closing Act process be as follows; a) the land to be provided by the Council at no cost to the owners.

b) there to be no requirement for any of the property owners to make a

financial contribution towards the survey costs. The Council paid for the preliminary survey works in 2004.

Copies of the correspondence are attached.

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6.3 CORPORATE AND FINANCIAL SERVICES REPORT CONT’D 6.3.7 Road Opening & Closing, Moorundie Street, Truro Cont’d

References Strategic Plan Infrastructure, Asset and Facility Management

Goal 4.0 - Well managed Council assets provided for the benefit of the overall community.

Budget Minimal affect on the Budget Legislation Roads (Opening & Closing) Act Recommendation: Moved ________________ Seconded________________ that in relation to the proposal to close a narrow strip of road at Moorundie Street, Truro; (1) Council accepts the Preliminary Plan for Moorundie Street, Truro for

alterations to property boundaries under the Roads (Opening & Closing) Act, being alterations that are supported by the property owners concerned


(2) Council to provide the land at no cost to the owners, in accordance with the decision of Council made in 2004 and

(3) Council to pay the cost of the survey works.

Robin Bourne Director, Corporate & Financial Services

Page 13074. 16/1/2012


Cr moved that the report be received. Seconded Cr 6.4.1 Santos Tour Down Under Report Purpose To consider the call for applicants by Events South Australia from Councils

wishing to become an Official Host Council for the 2013 Santos Tour Down Under.

Introduction/Background The Santos Tour Down Under is now taking registrations for hosting a stage:

Start/Finish/Whole stage for the 2013 Santos Tour Down Under. Submitting an expression of interest prior to the closing date of 31 January

2012 does not guarantee or commit Council to hosting a stage in 2013. A copy of the Expression of Interest Registration Form, which is confidential,

is attached. Conclusion Events SA have requested that any decision of Council to lodge an

Expression of Interest be made in confidence. References Strategic Plan Economy

Strategy 3.7 - Establish partnerships with State Government and private sector to provide tourism facilities to encourage longer stays and increase expenditure.

Budget Dependant upon involvement category. Confidential Item - Santos Tour Down Under A M Confidential item pursuant to Section 90 – 90(3)(d) – commercial information of a confidential nature (not being a trade secret) the disclosure of which – (i) could reasonably be expected to prejudice the commercial position of the person

who supplied the information, or to confer a commercial advantage on a third party; and

(ii) would, on balance, be contrary to the public interest

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6.4 ACTING CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S REPORT CONT’D Confidential Item – Santos Tour Down Under Cont’d Recommendation:

Moved __________________ Seconded __________________

(1) Under the provision of Section 90(2) and (3)(d) of the Local Government Act 1999 an order be made that with the exception of Mr Robin Bourne, Mr Kelvin Goldstone, Mr Jon Fry and Mrs Rose Sloper, all other persons present and the public be excluded from attendance at the meeting in order to receive a report and to consider matters under Section 90 (3)(d).

(2) The Mid Murray Council is satisfied that it is reasonably foreseeable that the public disclosure or discussion of the information at the meeting could cause significant damage to the interest of Council, because of the public disclosure or discussion relating to the subject could reasonably be expected to present an unreasonable disclosure of information concerning the personal affairs of any person.

(3) Accordingly, on this basis, the principle that meetings of Mid Murray Council should be conducted in a place open to the public has been outweighed by the need to keep the discussion confidential.

Moved __________________ Seconded __________________ that pursuant to Section 91(7) of the Local Government Act 1999, the Council orders That Confidential Minutes Pages of the meeting held on 16 January 2012, and all discussions relating to the matter which was considered in confidence pursuant to Section 90(2) and (3)(d) remain confidential until the matter is made public by the organisers of the event.

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6.4 ACTING CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S REPORT CONT’D 6.4.2 Recognition of Local Government in the Australian Constitution Report Purpose The Local Government Association of SA has written to Council saying that

following a direction from the 2010 LGA Annual General Meeting, the LGA State Executive Committee has resolved to seek a contribution from your Council over several years to fund both public awareness raising activities and a campaign to support writing Local Government into the Australian Constitution.

Discussion A modest investment in awareness raising and a campaign regarding the

proposed referendum therefore represents a sound investment of ratepayer’s funds. I am pleased to advise you that the LGA State Executive Committee has decided to allocate significant funds from the Local Government Research & Development Scheme and from LGA Reserves to this objective to minimise the direct impact on Councils. A plan has also been developed to spread Council contributions over a number of years to minimise the annual impact.

The Local Government Association has forwarded a table showing the

contributions sought from Councils. The annual contribution sought from Mid Murray Council is $2,227. For the 2011/2012 financial year the contribution is 60% of $2,227, being $1,336.

A copy of the correspondence is attached. References Strategic Plan Governance

Strategy 5.1 - Strengthen the capacity of Elected Members to provide leadership and direction.

Budget Minimal affect on the Budget. Recommendation:

Moved __________________ Seconded __________________ that Council resolves to contribute financially to the campaign for the “Recognition of Local Government in the Australian Constitution”, as proposed by the Local Government Association of SA.

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6.4 ACTING CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S REPORT CONT’D 6.4.3 Roads to Recovery Campaign Report Purpose The President of the Australian Local Government Association has written to

all Mayors to remind them that the current Federal Government Roads to Recovery Program ends in June 2014.

Discussion The Roads to Recovery Program, which began in 2000, has provided

valuable funds for Councils to improve and maintain their roads infrastructure.

The 2011/2012 grant for Mid Murray Council is $470,649. Mayor McCaffery has encouraged all Council members to discuss the future

of the Roads to Recovery Program with their local Federal member as well as the community more generally to raise the level of understanding of the importance of the Program and the need to have it continued beyond 2014.

A copy of the correspondence is attached. References Strategic Plan Infrastructure, Asset and Facility Management. Goal 4.0 - Well managed Council assets provided for the

benefit of the overall community. Budget Nil affect, provided the program is continued. For members’ information.

Robin Bourne Acting Chief Executive Officer

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7. MAYOR’S REPORT Cr moved that the report be received. Seconded Cr Date Activity

12/12/2011 Council Meeting

13/12/2011 Murraylands Tourism meeting with Candace Torres 13/12/2011 Cambrai School Presentation Night

14/12/2011 Mannum Community College 15/12/2011 Regional Development Australia 19/12/2011 Broomrape Focus Group

19/12/2011 Patrick Secker Christmas Break Up 21/12/2011 Minister Paul Ciaca Murray Darling Basin Plan Meeting

21/12/2011 Council Christmas Break Up 12/01/2012 Murraylands Tourism Partnership Meeting

David J Burgess MAYOR