AIESEC Iberoamerican Leadership Congress Final Report (Internal) Peru 2010

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AIESEC Iberoamerican Leadership Congress Final Report (Internal) Peru 2010


Final Report

AIESEC Iberoamerican Leadership

Contents ILC & RAC Congress Committee President Letter AIESEC in Peru

Iberoamerican Leadership Congress Regional Alumni Congress

ILC Numbers

Congress Committee Planning and Goals Delegate Service & Promotion External Relations Special Events Logistics Finance Recommendations

AIESEC is a voluntary association of young leaders interested in global is-sues, management and leadership. Beyond any ideology, our members construct reality of that dream in their daily work. And that work is valued and taken to achie-ve results that make both the individual and the organization get the best of doing things right.

AIESEC work is not easy, it is very challenging, and this is the attraction that makes us always give the best of ourselves. Those who have more than one year or more in AIESEC may say that his/her experience was really worth it because “AIESEC changed my life.” This time, Peru was selected host of the Iberoamerican Leadership Con-gress 2010, an event that brings together top leaders from over 30 countries of the organization in order to build strategies and acquire leadership tools.

Thesuccessof thisconference isreflected in thesatisfactionandpositivefeedback shown by delegates from different countries. Similarly, youth are grateful for having participated in an event as big as this, which gave them the opportunity to live a unique experience in a competitive and globalized environment, discussing issues relevant to their countries and acquiring tools for personal and professional development.

I want to thank AIESEC in Peru, for giving me the opportunity to lead the organizing committee team that was responsible for carrying out such an impor-tant event, being able to recruit an excellent group of people who worked for many months to not only provide the best experience to our delegates, but also to increa-se AIESEC in Peru positioning as a country with great potential that has much to offer.

The achievement of this success is yours! Thank you and congratulations!

CCP LetterCongress Committee President

Claudia Terry Toledo Congress Committee President

Iberoamerican Leadership Congress 2010 AIESEC Peru

In partnership with organizations and institutions of higher education, AIESEC in Peru has more than 45 years of experience in developing high-potential students into responsible stewards of global consciousness. AIESEC in Peru has developed numerous high-impact professional experiences, leadership opportunities and global learning environment.

AIESEC in Peru active leadership in university students since 1962. Today with the partici-pation of over 350 students from leading universities in the country.

LimaUniversidad del PacíficoUniversidad de LimaPontificia Universidad Católica del PerúUniversidad Nacional Mayor de San MarcosUniversidad de Piura

ArequipaUniversidad Católica de Santa MaríaUniversidad Católica San Pablo

AIESEC in Peru

Iberoamerican Leadership Congress Peru 2010

Iberoamerican Leadership Congress – was the annual regional confe-rence in which selected members of AIESEC in Iberoamerican countries came together to build common strategies, acquire leadership tools and discuss issues relevant to their communities, developing strategic pers-pective not only regarding the association, but also about the challenges faced by their countries.

Place: El Pueblo Resort & Convention Center - Thunderbird Resorts, Ate – Lima (Carretera Central Km 10. Santa Clara, Perú)

Date: March 13th - 19th, 2010

ILC Peru 2010

The Iberoamerican Congress of AIESEC Alumni (AAIB-RAC) - was the annual gathering of multi generational Alumni of AIESEC in Iberoamerica, where more than 30 leaders who belonged to AIESEC since its founda-tion in 1948 met and reconnected.

Place: El Pueblo Resort & Convention Center - Thunderbird Resorts, Ate – Lima (Carretera Central Km 10. Santa Clara, Perú)

Date: March 13th - 15th, 2010

Regional Alumni Congress Peru 2010RAC Peru 2010

ILC Numbers


15 OrganizingCommittee

+250 Delegates

+20 External Guests +40 Partners & Sponsors

COUNTRIESPeru - Costa Rica - Brazil - Panama - Colombia -Uruguay - Mexico - Argentina - United States -

Guatemala - Salvador - Ecuador - Spain - Venezuela - Chile - Puerto Rico - Bolivia - Portugal - Dominican Republic - The Netherlands - Switzerland - France

- Israel - India - Germany - Japan - Rusia - Austria - Korea - Japan - Poland


Official EventOfficialMinisterialResolutionbyPeruvianGovernmentRM201-2010 - Attached File

Congress Committee

Planningand Goals

Main Challenges Faced:- Peru was chosen as host, according to the BID presented the year before, which according to my opinion was not realistic. There was only one venue as cheap as the BID said, but months later the half part of the hotel came into remodeling. We really did not have many options, and those were really expensive. After 5 months of a hard negotiation we could sign the contract with ILC 2010 venue: El Pueblo Resort & Convention Center

- CCP was chosen with a little bit more than half a year in advance to prepare this congress. The CC team started working with many challenges in advance and not so much time to do all work, according to our expectations.

- There was an important lack of positioning of AIESEC in Peru. The approach to government and otherorganizationswasverydifficult,buteventuallyitcouldbemadeandwegottheirsupport,butnot as expected.

- ILC 2010, was not one of the main priorities of AIESEC in Peru plan, taking into consideration the lack of MC support. The CC team worked alone until a couple of weeks before the congress.

- There was not good communication between all parties: CC, MC and AI. Also, because the re-presentative from AI, responsible for ILC, changed many times.

- The contract was not respected, above all, the DDLs for main tasks: agenda, materials needed, guests, etc. This became a huge problem for logistics team and affected the budget.

- It was also quite hard, at the beginning, to work with people that were not in Lima, because sche-dules were hard to match, but it was manageable.

- Lack of tact in dealing CC team members. Most of them were discouraged by the attitude of AI and part of the faci team members, who rather than asking for things in a good way, they made their demands with signs of superiority.

DS&PDelegate Services & Promotion

TeamCCVP DS&P – Adrian Rodriguez Amat y LeonCC Team Leader DS&P – Sara Romero BecerraCC Teamster DS&P – Jorge Luis Obregon Peralta

Objectives- Give the best quality of service to the ILC&RAC participants.- Give the right information to the right objective public.- Provide personal attention to each delegate, alumni, facilitator, and organization.- Produce the best quality of promotion, material and virtual for the ILC&RAC.- Promote ILC&RAC as the best AIESEC Congress experience, and Promote Peru as a destination.

Distribution of functionsCCVP- Promoting Booklets and Cooperation Proposals.- Production of printed, written, graphic, video and virtual material.- Manage e-mail account Answer questions from delegates and from externals.- Supervise and support the promotion of ILC&RAC in Social Networks- Support to the delegates about migratory situation and best ways to arrive to Peru.- Promote ILC&RAC, pre and post services.

CCTL- Develop Invitation Letters from ILC & RAC delegates upon request.- Promotion RAC on Facebook and Twitter. Answer the comments and questions on virtual spaces.- Promote RAC special events.- Promote Study Tours, and information about Peru.

CCTS-ILC& Production of the ILC & RAC wiki on Promotion ILC on Facebook and Twitter. Answer the comments and questions on virtual spaces.

Results Obtained- More than 250 participants in ILC&RAC- Top service before, during and after ILC&RAC- Satisfaction of the delegate after the congress.- More than 1660 fans on ILC facebook fan page.- More than 130 followers on twitter account.- More than 475 fans on RAC facebook fan page.- More than 4000 views of the ILC&RAC videos on YouTube’s channel.- Top quality on every promotional material.

Email account - than 500 e-mails received and sent.

Invitation LettersMore than 150 invitation letters sent.


Cooperation ProposalsMain Partner & Sponsor- & Collaborators- Events-

Booklets- ILC Congress Booklet I RAC Congress Booklet I ILC Congress Booklet II RAC Congress Booklet II

Social Media


ILC Peru 2010

RAC Peru 2010




*Facebook and Twitter accounts were connected to each other.

YouTube ILCperu2010

Linkedin Group ILC Peru 2010

Group RAC Peru 2010

Orkut Community ILC Peru 2010

Community RAC Peru 2010

ISSUU ILCperu2010

Printed Material




Banner Global Village



Presentation CardsFor every member of the CC team

ERExternal Relations

TeamCCVP ER – Amparo NalvarteCC Team Leader ER – Francis Oyarce EncaladaCC Teamster ER – Karol Bellido Ramos

ObjectiveCollect the amount of $ 50,000 dollars to cover the venue. All this during 5 months and a half.

Assignment- Identify market research- Identify needs of the ILC- Create a list of companies- Business segment as needed

- Gather information for marketing Proposal- Prepare the proposal- Find a company to print - Deal the material

- Event formalize (CCP support)

- Sells, contact principal partners- Contact sponsors- Agree interviews and meetings - Close treatment-MobilizematerialfromcompaniestoMCflat-MobilizematerialfromMCflattoVenue

-During the conference, provide promotional material - Place banners on the site agreed- Take pictures of the sponsors

- Give back companies’ material -Preparefinalreportfromcompanies-Deliverthefinalreporttocompanies


Main Partners - El Pueblo: discount from accommodation - Centrum: $ 5,000 dollars - LAN: $ 3,000 dollars & promotional material - Aprenda: partner from Peruvian Night

Sponsors- Ernst & Young: $2,500 dollars - Secretaria Nacional de la Juventud: print material (banners) and contacts - Telefónica: internet coverage - Grupo ACP: $1,000 dollars

Sponsors- Exprinter Inversiones: $ 1,5000 dollars- Segracsa: material print, papers, envelopes- Inteligencia Creativa BTL: levels and distribution from Global Village-PontificiaUniversidadCatólicadelPerú:materialfromGlobalVillage- Cuy Arts: $500 dollars in products - AJE: beverages, soda and juices - Apropo: products and information- De Paris: free passes

Support - Bembos: S/. 750 nuevos soles in products -Universia:difussion- Baso Velarde: food products - Alicorp: food products- Alianza Francesa: 3 scholarships -PerfumeríasUnidas:products- Nestlé: chocolates and coffe- Prochincha: products- La Ibérica: chocolates-Ransa:promotionalmaterialandofficesupplies- REX: promotional material- Nosotras: promotional material

SESpecial Events

TeamCCVP SE – Pamela LozanoCC Team Leader SE – Stefany Gomez SalazarCC Teamster SE – Juliana Mendo TejadaCC Teamster SE – Andrea Salas

Events- Opening Ceremony- Global Village- Peruvian Night- ILC Gala Diner- Alumni Gala Diner- Corporate Social Responsibility

- Corporate Social Responsibility- Alumni Talk Show- Haiti, a proposal AAIB- Networking- Business Round- Iberoamerican Leadership Forum

Opening CeremonyDate: Saturday March 13th, 2010

Time: 11:00 hrs

Objective: The official opening ceremony of AIESECIberoamerican Leadership Congress 2010.

Description: The Opening Ceremony was one of the mostsignificanteventsoftheConferencewhichwasheldtheofficialapertureoftheILC2010.Theeventwastookplace in one of the largest audiences of the Republic Con-gress.

Global VillageDate: Saturday March 13th, 2010

Time: 16:00 hrs

Objective: Fair of Nations of all international delega-tions.

Description: The Global Village is an open fair full of cultural diversity and was open to the local community in which more than 300 young participants showed the aspects of culture, art, music, food and dances of their countries. This event took place in one of the main parks of our city, the Exhibition Park.

ILC Gala DinerDate: Wednesday March 17th, 2010

Time: 22:00 hrs

Objective: Integration and award dinner of the best coun-tries.

Description: This event was one of the most important in the agenda of the congress, where the best countries were awarded with prizes in the region in relative growth and absolute growth. The event took place inside the ho-tel in the main hall, this event was a black night show consisting of a halogen light show.

Peruvian Night Date: Sunday March 14th, 2010

Time: 21:30 hrs

Objective: Show the delegates the Peruvian culture, through typical Peruvian food, Peruvian music and dan-ces.

Description: Peruvian Night was made possible thanks to an important sponsorship from “Aprenda” that made the dinner decoration and the recruitment of an Afro-Pe-ruvian dance group. Thanks to this group and its great experience, the show encourage all the delegates to have a good time with Afro-Peruvian music.The dinner was presented by an AIESEC alumni member and executive of “Aprenda”, Mr. Giancarlo Cafferata.

Workshops Date: Tuesday March 16th, 2010

Time: 10:00 hrs

Objective: to develop innovative and new ideas on world global issues proposed by AIESEC Global Partners.

Description: This space allowed participants to realize about world Global Issues. AIESEC Global Partners for ILC: IE Business School - Vale - Artemisia - Deutsche Post DHL - Tata Consultancy Services.

Alumni Gala Dinner Date: Saturday March 14th, 2010

Time: 22:00 hrs

Objective: To reward the most outstanding alumni in the region for their contribution to AIESEC.

Description: Gala Dinner held during the evening of the firstdayoftheeventwhichrecognizedthecontributionsof other Alumni of the region during 2009 giving them the Alumni Hall of Fame awards.

Alumni Talk Show Date: Sunday March 14th, 2010

Time: 13:00 hrs

Objective: Interaction between alumni and delegates of the ILC.

Description: In this space several alumni were presented to delegates of the ILC telling anecdotes of their passage through AIESEC and achievements in their professional life after his departure from the association. Through this session, delegates sought to harness the knowledge and tools that can offer its Alumni to implement them in various projects that may have within AIESEC or in your own life.

Corporate Social Responsibility Date: Sunday March 14th, 2010

Time: 11:00 hrs

Objective: Discuss the topic of CSR.

Description: The chair introduced all the Alumni on the topic of CSR and how it can be applicable to its various businesses and the multiple realities of each country.

Networking Date: Monday March 15th, 2010

Time: 16:30 hrs

Objective: To discuss the issue of trust networks.

Description: Ms. Rosario Almenara, Senior Consultant and Executive Coach of DBM Peru, gave a talk on trusted networks.

Haiti, a proposal AAIB Date: Sunday March 14th, 2010

Time: 15:30 hrs

Objective: To outline a project related to the issue of su-pport for Haiti

Description: Space in which diverse alumni, led by Wi-lliam García (Director of Corporate Social Responsibility AAIB), discussed and considered on the current situation in Haiti and how AAIB could start building a project using its support for Haiti network.

Iberoamerican Leadership Forum Date: Monday March 15th, 2010 Time: 19:00 hrs

Objective: Create a space for interaction between alumni and Peruvian society on issues of common interest / In-crement position of AIESEC in Peru.

Description: Realized at the premises of the Swissotel in Lima. In this Leadership Forum, Dr. Fernando D’Alessio, general director of Catholic Centrum Business School, spoke on “Importance of Leadership and Strategy in Or-ganizations”, Dr. José Pereyra, a professor of Catholic Centrum made a presentation on “Leadership for Sustai-nability: A Call to Action” Oscar Ayala, Manager of Chan-ge Management for Latin America, participated with the theme “Integral Leadership,” and Juan Manuel Ferron, Partner Leader Line Business Advisory Services at Pri-cewaterhouseCoopers, spoke on “Training Needs of Suc-cessful Business Leaders.”

Business Round Date: Sunday March 14th, 2010

Time: 10:00 hrs

Objective: To facilitate interaction between Alumni to ge-nerate business opportunities.

Description: This space allowed the Alumni to interact with each other by presenting their company, business ideas, etc. establishing contacts and support to various initiativesrelatedtobusinessideasthatcanbenefitfromthe network of AIESEC Alumni Iberoamerica.


TeamCCVP LOG – Ricardo Muñoz GarzonCC Team Leader LOG – Luis Alarcón

Distribution of functionsCCVP- Transportation- Agenda- Food- Stationary- Accommodation

CC Support 1- Transportation- IS Infrastructure- Agenda

CC Support 2- Agenda- Transportation

Initial PlanAccommodation Pre-Accommodation Delegates Conference Team Post - Accommodation Delegates Conference Team

Food Conference

Conference Rooms # Rooms

Transportation Pre-Transportation Delegates Arriving to Lima During Extern Day To and back the venue Delegates

Stationary OfficeArticles Conference

Final PlanAccommodation

Pre-Accommodation Delegates Conference Team

Accommodations RAC Delegates ILC Delegates

Post-Accommodation Delegates Conference Team

Results- +255 delegates pre-accommodation (Conference Team, RAC delegates and ILC delegates)- +200 delegates post-accommodation- +200 ILC Delegates meeting accommodation- +30 RAC Delegates meeting accommodation- +30 Conference team + CC accommodation- AIESEC members of Lima hosting more than 50 delegates


Pre-meeting Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Coffee BreaksExternal Day Coffee Breaks, LunchConference Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Coffee BreaksPost-meeting Dinner, Breakfast

Results- Pre-meeting: 3 meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) + coffee break continuous (water, coffee, fruits)-2coffeebreaksintheexternalday(check-invenue,officialopening)- 3 meals (breakfast buffet, lunch and dinner) + 2 coffee breaks per day meeting (morning: Coke and bread, afternoon: Coffee and Cookies provided by Nescafe), all the day: water- 1 meal post-meeting (Dinner)


Pre-meeting Facilities StationaryExtern Day Conference Conference Rooms Rooms Facilities Rooms Stationary Allocation of RoomsPost-meeting Facilities

Results-3dayspre-meeting.ISinfrastructureandofficematerials- Extern Day – Day 0 successfully realized-Conference.ISinfrastructureandofficematerials- Post-meeting


Pre-TransportationDelegates ILC RACConference Team Transportation Check-in OficialOpening Global Village Conference Staffs

Results- +230 people pre-transportation (Buses, Taxis, AIESECers cars) (Delegates and Conference Team)-6busesforday-1and0,coordinatedbyDS&PandprovidedbyCatolicaUniversity- Day 0: 5 buses for ILC delegates, 1 for RAC Delegates, 1 van for Conference Team. 2 buses for staffs, 1 truck for baggage, 2 buses for baggage (one for ILC stuff and 1 for RAC stuff).- Day 2: 1 bus return for RAC Delegates- Day 6: 1 bus return for ILC Delegates- Day 6: 1 small bus for Conference Team, conference venue to post-meeting venue- Day 7: 1 small bus for Conference Team, post-meeting venue to Lima- Extra transports: Taxis for externs, conference pickups, delegates pick up and return

Post-Transportation Delegates ILC RAC Conference Team


Pre-meeting Facilities IS infrastructureConference Facilities IS InfrastructureAgendaPost-Meeting FacilitiesSpecial Events Galas Dinner IS Infrastructure

Results-IS(Beamer,sound,internet)andofficematerialsprovidedinpre-meeting- IS (Beamer, sound system, internet) provided in conference, 5 Beamers and 3 sound systems-Officematerials(Flipcharts,markers,pens)providedinconference- IS (Beamer, internet) provided in post-meeting- IS (Beamer, sound system) in special events

Delegate Services

Arriving and Transportation Conference Team DelegatesCheck-in Check-inOfficial Check-in VenueCheck-Out Check-out Venue

Results- Check-in Day 1, +200 personas Check-in Venue- Check-in Hotel Day 0, +250 people - Check-Out, +250 people


TeamCCVP FIN – Luis Rojas CrisostomoCC Team Leader FIN – Freddy Chiclote Moncada

Distribution of functionsCCVPWas responsible for keeping track of deposits by the delegates. Also, was aware of development planningandbudgetingforinputs(suchassponsorshipsandloans),andoutflowsofcash(suchaslogisticsandothercosts)before,duringandaftertheevent.Finallyproducedthefinalstatesofthecongress.

CCTLWas responsible for preparing budgets.Make tracesof sponsorships.Bring cash flow.Developitems for sale before and during the ILC. Collect sponsorships of investment partners and make deposits.FinallywealsopreparedthefinalstagesofILC.

ResultsThe projected losses were reduced by 98 percent, leaving only debts with LC’s, which will be covered by sponsors. On the other hand, it generated considerable revenue through the sale of items during the ILC and the sale of drinks during the parties.

Financial Report Attached File

RecommendationsFor AI- Verify the accuracy of the information written on the BID.

- Ensure that the process of country host and CCP selection does not take much time, so the orga-nizing team has enough time to organize the event. Or at least, make it sooner.

- Maintain a single person in charge of communication by AI, and if it’s necessary to change of representative, make the corresponding download of information to avoid complications.

For MC- Provide facilities to the CC team to do their job: place to work, etc.

- Give them support on promoting the event, using their communication channels.

- Provide them access to MC organizations, working together for strategic alliances.

- Maintain all MC members informed about ILC work, because members use to ask about ILC to the MC, and it happens that they really do not know about what is going on, because of a lack of communication between them.

For CC- There must be a very good communication between different areas and especially among the members that make up. For this, it’s very important the weekly reports, and weekly meetings: by area, core CC and all the team.

- Finance area is a prime area, therefore, must submit a weekly report with the budget evolutions, according to other areas work, to avoid problems.

- Ensure that CC members work in an order manner. Preferably, develop templates for their daily work and delivery of reports, to maintain all the information in a right way, which could be use at any time.

- For logistics, during the event, it is very important to have a daily check list for things to be done before each activity starts.

AIESEC Iberoamerican Leadership