Aloette Script

Post on 22-Oct-2014

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Welcome guests. Introduce yourself.


Slide Two

Before we go much further, I want to share with you one of the benefits you receive as a hostess with

Aloette… that’s a free facial and makeover! So take a look at my lovely model (hostess name). I came

early and did her facial and makeover using our Aloette products. It’s a $50 value that you get Free!


Slide Three

The best part about it… it’s in the privacy of your own home. So you don’t have to go to the mall, take all

your makeup off, ‘cause you know when you do that you will see every person you went to high school with

pass you at that moment. We come to you and give you that facial and makeover free.


Slide Four

By show of hands, how many of you are new to Aloette? Let me tell you a little about our company. We

are a pharmaceutical grade skin care company created by dermatologists and chemist. We have been in

business over 33 years, and we have the healing power of aloe vera in our products. Aloe vera is the main

ingredient in our skin care and it’s also in our makeup so it is know for its anti-aging abilities….it fights

wrinkles!! We don’t want you to look like Joan Rivers when you are older, but we do want you to look like

you did something to keep that youthful look to your skin.


Slide Five

It’s been proven as a great career opportunity. You can…Earn valuable prizes, Cash, and Trips


Slide Six

You can me part of a team and create relationships.


Slide Seven

Plus as a consultant you can earn free and discounted products. (Briefly Tell Your Aloette Story)


Slide Eight

What you are here for is our products so let’s get started. We have a bunch of high end exclusive products

you can only get with us. Right now I want to highlight some of our more upscale products you can get

today at a discount.

The first one is our Line Relief – this is our Botox alternative, this is for the deep lines and wrinkles on the

face due to facial expressions like the railroad tracks across the forehead, the number eleven between the

eyes, the parentheses around the mouth and the crow’s feet on the side the eye. One of my hostesses said

she was past the crows feet stage that she was in the buzzard stage now so that’s what this product is for.

You just need a tiny bit on your fingertip and just dab it into those lines. (Pass around before/after)

The other product I want to highlight is our Flawless – this is something each and every one of you needs to

have in your makeup bag. If you don’t have this in your makeup bag your makeup is not looking its best.

This is a makeup primer. It fills in your pores, covers up redness, and evens out your skin before you put

your makeup on. Just like putting spackle on your sheet rock before you paint your walls to get it nice and

smooth. The flawless makes your makeup look its best.

Both of theses products retail for about $60 but you can get them today at a discount. You can get the

Botox alternative for $14.95 and the flawless for $19.95 instead of $60. If you are interested in either one of

theses products or both… ask me how at the end of the show and I’ll tell you how you can get them at a


(The line relief and flawless are two suggested products. You can substitute other product in this section)


Slide Nine

You have three opportunities tonight with Aloette. You can take part in one or all three the choice is up to


The first opportunity is to be a customer and purchase something tonight which will help (hostess name) get

her hostess benefits.


Slide Ten

For our customers we have our Skin Care Packages priced at a 30% discount. You might be wondering why

the savings? The real reason is we want you to get the whole set because we know that is what works the

best for you.


Slide Eleven

It’s sold as a team, works as a team, and we guarantee our skin care as a team. You have a six week

guarantee on your skin care because we know when you get it home you’re going to love it.


Slide Twelve

The second opportunity is to sign up tonight to be a consultant and make some extra money. Consultants

get a 75% discount once a month.


Slide Thirteen

The third opportunity is to be a hostess and have your own party like (hostess name) is tonight. And that’s

something I hope all of you take advantage of. Hostesses with Aloette get $200-$400 of free/discounted



Slide Fourteen (**This slide changes often as hostess benefits change**)

o As a hostess you can get the Enzyme Peel ($39.95 value). It’s instant gratification in a bottle. (demo

peel on elbow) Use on clean dry skin, up to 3x’s a week or once a week as needed. It resurfaces and

gives you smoother younger looking skin in 60 seconds. It’s an alternative to having a chemical peel or

microdermabrasion. (use on face, feet, elbows, etc.)

o You also get a shopping spree! Our hostesses receive a shopping spree of $100 of product for only

$19.95 the best thing is you get to pick out what you want in your $100. Depending on your show you

can get a higher shopping spree up to $275 of product for the same $19.95. Think of the savings… you

can get a whole new makeup collection for the cost of a lip stick and mascara from a department store.

o There’s more… I have some Bonus Days already marked in my calendar. Book on a Bonus Day and

receive …(see Aloette News for current bonus day gifts)

Our 3-Piece Fab Feet Spa Collection featuring Aloette’s NEW Total Body Sonic Cleanser. Collection also

includes Spa Indulgence Exfoliating Sugar Scrub and Body Butter Balm ($88.00 value) for only $10.00!!

Most importantly when you book you will be helping out with our Avery Goal. (Pass around picture of

Avery) We call it Show Up for Avery… Every Show Counts!! (Briefly Tell Avery Smith’s Story: almost 3

yrs. old, diagnosed with T-cell leukemia, at Tulane Hospital, Her Mom, Aunt, and Grandmother were all

Aloette Consultants with our franchise. The company makes donations based on the number of shows we

hold each month.) My goal this month is to have ________ shows for Avery. By booking a show you will

be helping me reach my committed goal. When we hit our franchise goal our company will donate and

extra $1000 on top of their already monthly donation.

So host your own Aloette show and receive all of these exciting benefits and help out a great cause at the

same time. We have all three things a woman wants to do in one spot: eat, shop, and socialize… That’s an

Aloette Show!


Slide Fifteen

We have come very far as a company. Our products have gained a lot of mass media attention because we

offer something different. We have a certified organic product. Some of the products I will show you in a

min. you can eat them right out the tube because they contain natural ingredients. 33yrs. ago nobody cared

if there skin care was organic. That’s why other companies are looking to us because we have been using

organic ingredients the longest… before it was popular. That has made us one of the fastest growing

cosmetics companies in North America. We have been featured in hundreds of magazines. (Show Self

Magazine) This is the one from self magazine. The toner on here is the same one that is on my table. The

article featured Aloette because our products are loaded with antioxidants. It’s healthy for you skin.


Slide Sixteen

What makes Aloette so Special? Why am I telling you, you need to use this product instead of whatever it

is you may already be using? We are a certified pharmaceutical grade product. You can not find anything

like this at Wal-Mart, Rite Aid, CVS, or any counter in the mall… that is topical skin care…we are medical

grade. We also have 35% of pure pharmaceutical grade aloe vera in each bottle. Have you ever had a

serious burn? Someone in your family might have broken off a piece of that aloe vera plant and put it

directly on your skin. Because aloe vera will heal your skin 6 times faster than your skin does on its own.

That’s the power of our products. That’s what makes us so different.


Slide Seventeen

Why is Aloe Vera so important? (Show Women’s World Article) Well from this article call Growing Your

Own Fountain of Youth they are talking about aloe. In this article it says “new studies show aloe shrinks

your pores, increases collagen production, prevents wrinkles and even helps fade age spots”


Slide Eighteen

Only aloe vera can…

#1 Penetrate the skin

If you are using topical skin care you are only treating this top dead layer of your skin. How do you know if

your skin care is topical? It contains mineral oil, petroleum, or lanolin. So I don’t care how much your

paying for that wrinkle cream… it may have some of the same anti-agers we have… but if it’s based with

mineral oil it’s topical…it can’t penetrate the skin. Your body is 75% water. Oil and water don’t mix.

Have you noticed oil of olay is not called oil of olay anymore? They have now dropped the word oil off

their marketing. Can you guess the main ingredient in their skincare? (mineral oil)

That’s what makes us different. We are aloe vera based so our products can penetrate the skin. Aloe acts as

our delivery system. Your body will suck up and absorb aloe like a sponge. Our products go 21 cell layers

deep into the live layer of your skin. Do you see all these squiggly lines? Those are elastins. Think of

those as the little rubber bands in the skin that keep your skin nice and tight. In your mid twenties, and I

know none of us in this room are past our mid twenties yet… right?, this might happen to you. You are

going to get out the shower and catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and take a double take. You’re

going to look in the mirror and start doing things like holding your eyes back and say “my eyes used to be

up there…what happened?”, hold your neck back and say “I used to have a chin… what happened?”, then

you may hold up other body parts and say the same thing “they used to be up there… what happened?”.

What happened is your elastin… they quit happening. In your mid twenties your body doesn’t produce as

much elastin, so what you have is what you have. It’s like that rubber band that has been stretched a million

time… you let it go and it doesn’t snap back as far. That’s what happens to our skin. The good news is our

products can reach your elastin layer and give you lift back to your skin and get those rubber bands working

for you again.


Slide Nineteen

Aloe vera also sloughs off asphyxiated skin. Why is it important to get rid of dead skin? Ya’ll take baths

right? You saw what came off your elbow. Dead skin is on the face too. Dead skin piles up on the surface,

and the added weight can clog pores causing havoc to the skin which leads to lines and wrinkles.

(Do Tape Test) So let’s take a look at your dead skin. You see that tape I put on your hand. Go ahead a

take it off, hold it up to the light and take a look at it. That is your dead skin. That is what’s keeping you

from your healthy skin underneath. Now take a look at your hand where your tape was. You should see a

difference in the color and you should also be able to feel a difference in the texture of your skin. You have

healthy skin, it’s there, and your body makes it everyday. You need a skincare that will naturally exfoliate

your skin and that’s what our skincare can do.


Slide Twenty

Aloe vera also increases new skin cell growth so you have fresh healthy skin moving up to the surface.


Slide Twenty One

Now we are going to do a sampling of our skincare on your hands so you can be the judge of our skincare

on your own skin. As I pass out the products always put them on the same hand so when I’m finished you

will have a before that we didn’t treat and after that we did.

Order of products to explain (Aloepure Collection)

1. scrub (demo) - 100% all natural, you can eat the scrub right out the tube if you want to take a bite, it has

almonds, oatmeal, honey, and fruit extracts, use it once a week unless you have really oil skin then use it

twice a week

2. cleansers – the scrub is something you just use once a week but you need your skin looking good

everyday that leads me to our cleansers

a. morning – hydra cleansing or gentle foaming, all you need is a pea size for your whole face, this

bottle should last you a full year before you need another one

b. night – essential oil, this is your night time cleanser and makeup remover, it melts away your

eyeliner, mascara, and all your makeup in one step, you need one squirt in your hands if you

didn’t have makeup on and 2 or 3 if you had makeup on, rub your hands together and then

massage it all over your face, wipe it off with a warm towel and you are done, it does not burn

the eyes or dry out your face like soap, if you go to a spa and have a facial this is the same type

of product they use to deeply cleanse the skin

3. toner - we have three different kinds depending on your skin type, just put a few drops on a cotton pad

and wipe it all over and your are done; it does not contain alcohol which dries out the skin

4. mist (demo) - 90% aloe and the rest is vitamins A, C, E, and B5. Good for any skin irritation any where

on the body like psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, fever blister, sun burn, dry scalp, or frizzy hair. I know ya’ll

are not past your mid twenties but maybe one of your friends can use this on hot flashes

5. time repair (demo) - wrinkle fighter of the basic skin care line, repairs damage already done to the skin

and helps prevent future damage; smells amazing

6. nutri C moisturizer (demo) - the last thing I will put on your hand it the moisturizer; its loaded with

vitamin c, it locks in everything you put on your skin and acts as a barrier between your skin and the

environment, there are no fragrances added to this product its just the natural ingredients you are


7. eye gel - last but not least is the eye gel use this for lines and puffiness under the eye, if you wake up in

the morning and it looks like you did not get any sleep or if you just really did not get any sleep just dab

this under the eye and it will help flush away the fluid under the eye

Now you be the judge Compare hands before/after side by side

Scratch test - take your fingernail and scratch the top of both your hands, you can feel which one is dry and

which one is hydrated go home tonight and take your shower or bath and when you get out compare your

hands again. Even tomorrow you will still be able to see a difference. Our skin care is not topical your not

washing it away its medical grade so it absorbs into the skin.


Slide Twenty Two

The other skincare line we have is called our Platinum Collection. It’s all the good stuff the basic has but

this one is pumped up on steroids… it’s a more rigorous anti-ager. It’s for women of all ages who want to

do some serious wrinkle fighting. Take a look at these before and afters. The first one is of the eye crème

that comes in the Platinum call Advanced Eye Pro. It’s a total eye crème. It has an ingredient call derma

bind which helps tighten up the muscle on top the eye that causes the hood or sagging of the eyelid. The

other before and after is the age defiance, which is the wrinkle fighter of the Platinum skin care line. These

are 28 day before and afters. What could your skin look like in 28 days using our Platinum? You brush

your teeth twice a day because you don’t want to loose those. Just ask yourself… are you doing the right

things for your skin? Are you washing your face twice a day with good products? Scientists have proven

going to sleep with your makeup on one night will age your face six days. So do the math. It’s never to late

or never to early to start with good skincare.


Slide Twenty Three

You may be thinking… I would love to have it, but… So this is my but page where we will fix all your buts.

1. You may be thinking I would love to have it, but if I purchase something today me and my husband

will but heads. If that’s the case tell your husband, “Listen baby, when men age they look more

mature, but when women age we look old. You want me looking good, right?” If you don’t think

that will work we do have the husband protection plan. You can pay with a little cash, check, and

credit card that way he will have to look in three different places to see how much you spent.

2. Or you can use my husband protection plan… I just say hunting lease… that’s it. I promise you

ladies nothing on my table cost as much as a hunting lease so ya’ll are safe to make a purchase


3. You may be thinking I would love to have it but money’s tight. Well when you purchase your

skincare tonight you are saving money. You are probably buying products in parts and pieces and

you don’t realize how much you spend in a year on maybe just your face wash. You are getting

everything you need at 30% off.

4. There are other things like getting your hair done and getting your nails done. If you are doing that

on a regular basis good for you, but just don’t ever add it up to see how much you are spending in a

year because you don’t want to know. No one will walk up to you and say, “Oh girl you look 10

years younger you must have had your nails done today.” But when your skin looks good that’s

what people notice. Your skin goes with ever single outfit you put on.


Slide Twenty Four (**This slide changes often as hostess benefits change**)

So start with your skin care tonight. That will help (hostess name) get all her hostess benefits. And book a

show with me and I will get you all your makeup at a discount.

(Hold up all three booking coupons) I also have these booking coupons that (hostess name) will get from

her booking, and tonight we are going to get her all three of theses coupons.

1. (Hand 1st booking coupon to a guest) When you book the first show (hostess name) will get this

7pc. Brush set patterned after Bobby Brown’s brush set. These are sable brushes; you can wash

them with warm water and anti-bacterial soap to get them looking like new. (pass around powder

brush) They are super soft and don’t scratch the skin like acrylic brushes. The set includes the

eyeliner brush so you don’t have to use pencil eyeliner anymore. We are all about anti-aging and

looking young. When you use a pencil eyeliner you have to tug your eye to your ear to put it on.

We have powder eyeliner that you put on with a brush. (demo- use liner brush and black powder

eyeliner, apply liner to your arm and explain) You just apply powder eyeliner close to the lashes,

you can wet the brush, then dip it in the powder and will go on slick and bold for a night look. (As

you are saying the next line rub the eyeliner on your arm with the other hand). The best thing about

it… it doesn’t go anywhere. It doesn’t smear or smudge or give you raccoon eyes at the end of the

day… it stays put. (Hostess name) will get this whole $60 professional brush set at your show for

only $14.95. That is less than you will pay in a store for just one brush that is not even the same

quality as this sable set.

2. (Hand 2nd booking coupon to guest) When you book the second show (hostess name) will get this

lip bouquet filled with all of our different lip colors. There is a lip brush in her brush set she can use

to apply these colors and take her favorite color with her in her purse. This is a $300 value that she

will get for only $19.95.

3. (Hand 3rd booking coupon to guest) When you book the third show (hostess name) will get the

ultimate rewards with Aloette. She will get this New York Designer Tote. It is thermal insulated

and perfect for travel for makeup and skincare or can also be used as a lunch bag for that chic

working woman. Set includes Aloette’s Hydrating Peppermint Foot Balm. Pamper your feet and

indulge your senses with this ultimate luxury foot treatment. It soothes dry skin and softens calluses

with aloe vera.

Remember to pick out one of the bonus days already marked in my calendar and you will be helping me

with my goal for Avery.


Slide Twenty Five

Let’s go over our packages then take our orders.

1. The fist value package we have is a basic set. This is the one we put on your hands. Take a look at

your hands and you can still see the difference. This set is 30% off. You are getting the essential oil

and hydrating mist free. How long is this going to last you? This set is designed to last you 9

months to 1 year. That is a really long time compared to other skincare products.

2. Or you can choose our Platinum if you want to do more for your skin. You will receive a $70

wrinkle crème free. You can also get the essential oil at a discount with this package. The supply is

about 4 to 6 months.


Slide Twenty Six

I hope you enjoy our show. You saw what I did. I just want to invite you one last time to become part of

our team. With us there is no inventory, no investment, no delivery, and no packaging. You get to earn

your kit for free. The only cost is your training materials. It cost $40 to get started. It’s the best $40 I ever

spent and I made it back in my first show. There is also free support and training. We also offer online

training to make it easy to fit Aloette into your lifestyle. Just imagine living the Aloette Dream. So if you

are thinking about this feel free to ask me any other questions.


Slide Twenty Seven

Now we are going to do your personal consultations. I will hand you these forms. First look at this paper.

(point to colored value slick) This has the prices of the Platinum and Basic so you can pick which one you

want to start with. In yellow is how much you save from the value package. Once you decide which one

you want to start with, flip it to the back to pick out your skin type. If you are not sure of your skin type I

can help you just by asking you a few questions. This is your cheat sheet you are going to want to keep it to

have your step for your skincare. (Point to bottom of order form) Fill out the bottom of the order form with

your name, address, and phone number. I’ll fill out the top for you to get you everything you need. I’m not

in hurry but if you are let me know and I can get to you first. (Give each guest a value slick, order form, and

ink pen. Give calendar to guest with 1st booking coupon so she can get first choice at a bonus day. Begin


*****Remember Consultants:

o Hostess benefits are optional. They don’t have to purchase a benefit if they don’t want it. Ex. Some

may not want the Bonus Gift.

o They do have to have a qualifying show of $300 to receive hostess benefits. ($300 in sales before

shipping and handling, tax, and sale items)

o They have to spend the whole shopping spree for $19.95 example: they can’t just pick out $99 for

product they have to pick $100 or over. Whatever she spends over the $100 (line 3 of order form)

counts for the show total. Also, she can’t apply her $100 discount to a skincare package. Example:

Get the basic set or reduced price on platinum. The shopping spree is only for make-up and body

care and specialty skin care items like enzyme peel, eye restore, visible aid, etc. (items that are not in

the value package)

o Hostess do not pay the $5.95 shipping

o Hostess benefits and booking coupons change… so be flexible, attend all meetings, stay connected

to your manager, and have fun making money with Aloette!! ☺