Always choose the BEST answer. You may write on this sheet

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Name: _________________________

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BIOL 3427: Plant Science

Exam 2, 1 Apr 2008 Always choose the BEST answer. You may write on this sheet. Grades will not be posted; exams will be returned in class. Ask if you have any questions. 1. The white potato that we eat is a: a. root b. underground stem c. modified leaf d. modified flower 2. Wood is: a. primary xylem b. primary phloem c. secondary xylem d. secondary phloem 3. Bark includes: a. secondary xylem b. secondary phloem c. periderm d. b and c e. a, b, and c 4. Secondary growth is accomplished by: a. ground meristem b. vascular cambium c. cork cambium d. b and c e. a, b, and c 5. In a 20-year old oak tree, the primary phloem:

a. is actively conducting carbohydrates b. is actively conducting water and nutrients c. has been crushed and is no longer functional d. is produced by the cork cambium

6. Cutin and suberin, important components of the cell walls of cork cells, are: a. carbohydrates b. lipids c. proteins d. nucleic acids e. a and b 7. Organelles important for carbohydrate synthesis and storage that are found only in plants are known as: a. mitochondria b. peroxisomes c. plastids d. vacuoles 8. Cellulose is a: a. monosaccharide b. disaccharide c. polysaccharide d. protein


9. Which of the structures labeled in this plant cell are believed to have evolved from independent prokaryotic organisms through the process of endosymbiosis? a. a b. b c. c d. b and c e. a, b, and c 10. The presence of which structure in the cell above tells you that this is not an animal cell: a. plasma membrane b. nucleus c. mitochondrion d. vacuole 11. The fact that heat energy is lost during cellular respiration is predicted by:

a. the First Law of Thermodynamics b. the Second Law of Thermodynamics c. cell theory d. punctuated equilibrium

12. Photosynthesis is an _______________ reaction. a. exergonic b. endergonic 13. The enzyme that catalyzes the Calvin Cycle and thus all photosynthetic cells must have it is: a. PEP carboxylase b. amylase c. Rubisco d. fucoxanthin 14. In the absence of oxygen, plant cells resort to anaerobic respiration. In this process, plant cells break down glucose to form ________ and CO2 and produce 2 ATP molecules. a. lactic acid b. ethanol c. sucrose d. oxygen

a. b.



The next 2 questions relate to the following equation 3CO2 + 6H2O C3H6O3 + 3O2 + 3H2O 15. The equation above represents: a. glucose oxidation b. photosynthesis c. fermentation 16. In the equation above, ______ is oxidized while ________ is reduced.

a. CO2, H2O b. H2O, CO2 c. O2, CO2 d. CO2, O2

17. Choose the true statement from among the following about pigments:

a. Secondary pigments generally use the same wavelengths of light for photosynthesis as those used by chlorophyll.

b. Chlorophyll b is found in all photosynthetic cells. c. Secondary pigments that are red allow organisms such as red algae to use green and blue

wavelengths of light for photosynthesis. d. All phyla in the Kingdom Protista contain the same photosynthetic pigments.

18. During the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis,:

a. carbon dioxide is split into oxygen, carbon, electrons, and protons b. NADP+ is reduced to NADPH c. enough ATP molecules are synthesized to power all other cellular functions d. electrons pass through the Calvin Cycle

19. Plants use cyclic photophosphorylation to:

a. generate additional ATP required to power the Calvin Cycle b. produce oxygen c. move electrons through Photosystem II and Photosystem I d. catalyze the breakdown of glucose

20. Plants with the C4 pathway for carbon fixation:

a. use more ATP to fix one CO2 molecule than plants with only the C3 pathway b. do not employ the C3 pathway c. have more problems with photorespiration than plants with only the C3 pathway d. are found in only one family of flowering plants

21. CAM plants:

a. are more likely to occur in cool climates than hot, dry climates b. must have large vacuoles in which to temporarily store four carbon sugars c. have spatially separated the C3 and C4 pathways between two different cell types d. contain more Rubisco than C3 pathway plants



22. ATP and NADPH are crucial to photosynthesis occurring because: a. they provide the energy for the light-dependent reactions to occur b. they provide the energy to power the Calvin Cycle c. they are used to break down glucose d. they increase the rate of photorespiration

23. Photorespiration is a wasteful process for plants because it:

a. consumes oxygen that cannot be used for cellular respiration b. produces no ATP c. requires PEP carboxylase d. a and b e. all of the above

24. The primary form of carbohydrate that is transported throughout plants is: a. glucose b. fructose c. sucrose d. starch e. protein 25. The ________________ species concept is based on the concept that individuals that are outwardly similar are more closely related than those that have few outward similarities. a. morphological b. biological c. zoological d. phylogenetic 26. A cell that has one copy of each chromosome is said to be: a. haploid b. diploid c. tetraploid d. pentaploid 27. Polyploidy may lead to the evolution of different plant species within a population because:

a. it involves the geographic separation of groups of plants (i.e., a river forming) b. it occurs when errors in mitosis cause mutations in a group of plants c. if chromosome numbers are different in two populations, those populations will no longer be

able to interbreed d. polyploid plants will not survive, and thus those individuals will not contribute their genes to

future generations 28. Photosynthetic organisms are found in which domain: a. Archaea b. Bacteria c. Eukarya d. a and b e. b and c 29. ALL members of the kingdom ______ are heterotrophic. a. Protista b. Fungi c. Plantae d. a or b e. a or c 30. Unicellular autotrophs may be found in the kingdom ___________. a. Protista b. Fungi c. Plantae d. Animalia e. a or c 31. Cyanobacteria are similar to plants in that they:

a. use chlorophyll a for photosynthesis b. are eukaryotic c. are heterotrophs d. prefer to live in environments with high concentrations of sulfur

32. Many bacteria are saprophytes meaning they obtain the carbon they need directly from: a. photosynthesis b. live plants c. dead plants d. water molecules


33. The following organisms can cause diseases in plants: a. viruses b. bacteria c. water molds d. rusts e. all of the above 34. All of the following are reasons why fungi are important to life on Earth EXCEPT:

a. Along with bacteria, fungi are responsible for decomposition of dead organic matter. b. Many fungi cause diseases in plants. c. Some fungi are capable of fermentation and thus important for food for humans. d. Fungi represent the base of the food chain in many ecosystems.

35. Eukaryotic organisms that may provide the roots of their host plants with nutrients and water by increasing the surface area over which absorption can occur are: a. cyanobacteria b. mycorrhizae c. diatoms d. bryophytes 36. Many temperate tree species, such as oaks, willows, and pines, have ___________ associated with their roots: a. endomycorrhizae b. ectomycorrhizae c. orchid mycorrhizae d. cyanobacteria 37. All of the following are characteristics of algae EXCEPT:

a. provide agar for a variety of uses by humans b. bloom in “tides” that may cause massive fishkills c. form the base of the food chain in most aquatic ecosystems d. decompose dead organic matter in soils

38. A unicellular protist that can both photosynthesize and ingest food particles, thus obtaining carbon in two different ways, is known as a(n): a. autotroph b. heterotroph c. mixotroph d. archaea 39. The phyla of algae of the Kingdom Protista are usually distinguished from each other using the following characteristics EXCEPT:

a. type of photosynthetic pigment(s) c. number and/or type of flagella b. form of carbohydrate storage d. presence of a nuclear membrane

40. The presence of phycobilins in cyanobacteria and red algae suggests that:

a. the chloroplasts in red algae were once free-living cyanobacteria b. the chloroplasts in red algae were originally heterotrophic bacteria c. cyanobacteria and red algae evolved from the same eukaryotic ancestor d. these organisms do not need chlorophyll a for photosynthesis

41. Green algae (Phylum Chlorophyta) are considered to be the direct ancestors of plants. Green algae and plants have the following in common EXCEPT:

a. use chlorophyll a and b for photosynthesis b. are all multicellular c. store starch in plastids d. may have a cell wall made of cellulose


42. Lichens are a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and a photobiont which can be either a green alga or a(n) __________.

a. purple sulfur bacteria d. dinoflagellate b. brown alga e. archaea c. cyanobacterium

43. The following are characteristics of all embryophytes EXCEPT: a. matrotrophic embryo b. sporopollenin c. true leaves d. alternation of generations 44. Alternation of generations is also known as _______________ meiosis. a. zygotic b. gametic c. sporic 45. When a bryophyte spore germinates, depending on the species, it may first form a protonema. When the protonema is mature, it is known as the: a. gametophyte b. sporophyte c. flower d. cone 46. The phrase “vascular plants” indicates plants that:

a. contain xylem and phloem b. reproduce via seeds c. rely on osmosis for water transport among their cells d. grow in moist environments

47. Plants that use spores instead of seeds for sexual reproduction and do not contain vascular tissue with lignified cell walls are known as: a. bryophytes b. ferns c. gymnosperms d. angiosperms 48. The main function of rhizoids is: a. water transport b. anchoring the plant c. nutrient uptake d. all of the above 49. Sphagnum mosses are important ecologically because they:

a. hold a lot of water and keep soils moist b. reduce the pH of surrounding soil c. store a lot of carbon d. all of the above

50. Plants are crucial for life on Earth because:

a. they produce oxygen which makes up the ozone layer and protects Earth from radiation b. they produce oxygen required by almost all organisms to produce necessary ATP c. photosynthesis converts light energy to food energy available for other organisms d. they reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide thus preventing further greenhouse warming e. all of the above