Analysis of cd covers

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Analysis of CD coversAmber Cheesman

Beyoncé – I am Sasha FierceThe background on the CD cover is blurred and you cannot make out what it is, whereas the picture of Beyonce herself is a close up shot and is very clear. I think this represents that Beyonce is the main star, and the CD is all about her, not anything else that is around her. The font of the writing is very slim and sleek, highlighting that it is taking after Beyonce herself, as she also is very slim and sleek. Also, the writing is very small in comparison to the picture of Beyonce, highlighting again that she is the main thing to look at.The name ‘I am Sasha Fierce’ was created by Beyonce as her alter ago to separate her own shy personality from her stage persona and give herself the courage to be free and sexy while performing. I think that that means in this album she is going to be free and sexy and that is why she has named it after her alter ego ‘Sasha Fierce’.

All of the colour has been taken out and the only colour shown is a plain grey. I think this represents how she really wants to be seen. The only part of the title on the cover is ‘I am’ which I think means ‘this is me’, as she is shown as having no colour, (or skin colour) and no make up. She does not look as if she has been made up for this photo.I think the fact that she has no make up on is for a few reasons. One to show her being natural and the other that it is a sexualised photo. I think also that she is saying that by listening to her album you will become close to her, because the only people who would usually see her in this way would be the ones who are close and intimate with her.The only thing she is wearing is a bracelet so I think that piece of jewellery must mean something to her. The ellipsis after the ‘I am’ makes the reader want to turn over and find out more.The colouring of the letters use the same colour palette as the rest of the image, so much so that it almost blends in with the background.

Beyoncé – I am Sasha Fierce

On the front cover, it is an image of Beyoncé looking natural and the only part of the title on there is ‘I am’, with an ellipsis, making the reader want to carry on. When the reader turns over, Beyonce’s alter ego is shown, with the name ‘Sasha Fierce’. Sasha Fierce is known to be Beyonce’s alter ego when performing so she can split away from her shy personality to her stage persona and give herself the courage to be free and sexy while performing.The fact that she is wearing excessive amounts of make up in this signifies that Beyonce is hiding behind something and trying to have a new identity when becoming ‘Sasha Fierce’.Her hair and make up is quite clearly done in this image, representing that ‘Sasha Fierce’ is a different person to the image of Beyonce, looking natural on the front cover.

In this image she is clearly wearing extravagant jewellery and clothing whereas in image one she is wearing nothing but a small bracelet. This again represents how different the two images are as Beyonce and Sasha Fierce.

Jessie J – Who you AreThe main picture on the album is a close up shot of Jessie J herself. I think this links in with the name of the album ‘who you are’ because in the photo, she is then showing, who she is. I think this also says that when you listen to her album, you are going to find out who she is. The song's lyrics address the importance of staying true to one's identity.On Wikipedia it says ‘’ I kind of lost myself. It's very personal. It's about being true to yourself. Don't lose yourself in any situation you're put in, and do the dew." She explained to The Sun why she chose this as her title track: "This song saved my life musically. The day before I wrote this song I was ready to give up music. It's amazing how three-and-a-half minutes of melody and lyrics can change your life and I'm so happy that not only has it saved my life but it's saving other people‘s…That's why my debut album is called Who You Are.Compared to in some other photos, in this she isn’t wearing very much make up. I think the imagery is like this because again the name is ‘who you are’ and this image of the artist is showing who Jessie J really is.

Another point is that the font used for the bit where it says ‘Jessie J’ is very bold. I think this because she herself is also very bold so it is representing that.In some of her photos she is very sexualised and shown in a completely different way, but in this picture she is completely covered up apart from her face and hands. I think this is highlighting that this is how she wants to be seen in this album. In small print it says ‘The Voice’ which is a TV programme she has been in. I think this has been put on there for people who have seen her on TV but don’t know her very well, so then they can realise that it is her.Jessie J is wearing fur in this image which could connote riches and luxury. The other meaning to it could be about animal cruelty which is a controversial subject, and the fact that she is rebelling against it could connote that she does not care what people think…She is who she is.The lettering is black as is her hair which is emphasising them both and making them stand out. The style of the lettering is very big and bold just like the artist herself, and the fact that the two J’s are joined makes them stand out more.

Jessie J – Who You Are

The back cover of this album is very plain and has no image on it, only writing. The font of the writing is still quite bold but not as big suggesting this is how Jessie J is, or (Jessica Cornish) she is still a bold person but not as much so as ‘Jessie J’. The writing is black so it stands out against the white background, just like the artist.

Nicki Minaj – The PinkPrintIn this photo, Nicki is wearing very revealing and tight clothing, showing that this imagery is extremely sexualised.The parental advisory sticker is there to show that her music will have something in it unsuitable for children, therefore showing the audience must be older. The parental advisory sticker is in an unusual place, it is usual at the bottom right hand corner, but it is at the top left corner… where the eyes usually look first.The positioning of the text is leaving a space for the parental advisory sticker, which makes it stand out more.From the excessive make up and pink hair, Nicki shows she is a bold and outgoing person. The entirely pink cover and the title having the word ‘pink’ in it represents how feminine the album and the artist herself is. Her body also shows this as she is not trying at all to hide her assets.

The lights represent those of a bar or strip club, giving a strong image about this album and what it could be about.Nicki is shown as a very comprehensive person, as she is not at all natural in this image.The fact that Nicki Minaj’s name is smaller than the title of the CD shows that the title is trying to be emphasised. Also, Nicki Minaj is easily recognised so the fact that there is a huge image of her on the cover taking up most of it means that her name does not need to be shown largely. Because the writing is actually touching her, I think this signifies that the album is a part of who she is.Jay-Z has an album called ‘Blue Print’ which was a very successful, so I think that Nicki Minaj may be trying to re make that as a female version, so that’s why it is called ‘Pink Print’.

Nicki Minaj - The Pinkprint

The back cover is a lot less subtle than the front cover. The font of writing where it says ‘the pinkprint’ looks like a signature so it looks like Nicki Minaj has created this album herself and is signing it.The part where it says about the executive producers is in the same sixe text as the song names, showing that she thinks they are just as important as the music on the album.The print is still in pink, re emphasising how feminine this album will be.