Analysis of dvd covers and posters of thriller films

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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By Daisy


The appearance of a DVD cover and posters are extremely important in order for the film to be sold, by attracting the target audience. Typically this will be the first thing that the audience/viewers will see which means that they will already make associations and stereotypes connected with the film due to the presentation and layout of how the did/poster comes across without even realising. The audiences first opinion of the film will determine whether or not they will buy the product and this first opinion comes from posters, DVD covers and trailers. Which is why it is so important to clearly portray what the film is about and the genre through images and colours which give the correct connotations associated with them. So, for example if the product looks plain and boring, people will make assumptions that the film is also boring therefore, it wont have as good sales. Posters are also a very important marketing strategy, by putting up posters in public places which are eye catching and clearly show the genre and show the film in a good light.

SHUTTER ISLANDThe close up of the protagonists face shows clear emotions of being afraid, worried and confused through his use of facial expressions. However, the protagonist also is portrayed as fierce and strong which could be reinforces by the use of white text to symbolise goodness and the ‘hero’. This poster reinforces gender stereotypes of the protagonist/hero being a man as they are stereotypically seen as strong and powerful and are also typically the protagonist in major Hollywood films due to these gender stereotypes. The fact that he is looking to the side of him into the darkness, symbolises the unknown which makes the audience on edge and creates a sense of mystery and causes the viewers to worry for his safety. The dark background also helps the white bold writing to stand out ensuring that the audience remember the name of the film and makes the island stand out as dark and menacing. This makes the viewers want to watch to find out what danger is lurking in the darkness and to see if he defeats it. The fact that he is holding a lit match gives connotations of danger, death and evilness, this could be used to emphasise he is in a dangerous situation and is emphasised by the red writing which could be a symbolic sign for blood and injury. This is a typical convention of a thriller film using the unknown to grip the audience. The fact that the picture of the protagonist is on top of the picture of the island, could symbolise that he defeats the unknown danger. The long shot used to show the island surrounded by the blue ocean gives a sense of being imprisoned, and solitude as there is no easy way out of island heightening the sense of suspense and worry. The colour of blue gives connotations of loyalty and trust which could be used to symbolise the protagonist not giving up and determination to defeat the unknow danger. This poster clearly portrays its genre as it is surrounded by the unknown to create tension and make the viewers on edge. This poster clearly portrays the film through its use of colours alone to suggest to the audience what the film is about.

THE CONJURING The main image shows a rocking chair, in stereotypical horror films rocking chairs appear often so, connotations can be made associated with these. There is also a girl holding a doll, Dolls also typically feature in horror/thriller hybrid film as a central antagonist character who needs to be defeated due to being purely evil. The dark colours and setting of an old abandoned run down building is also associated with this genre reinforcing that this film is a thriller/horror hybrid. The strong black colour throughout could symbolise shadows, which gives a sense of the unknown this is a main convention of a thriller film as it heightens the sense of suspense. Black connotes death, bad deeds and fear which would attract the target audience who like to feel on the edge of their seats with anticipation. The tittle “The Conjuring” makes you wonder what the film will be about as this isn't something people would’ve heard before this film come out. The titles in bold writing to make it stand out which is contrasted with the dark background. The white writing could symbolise the good within the evil giving hope and the fact that the creature eventually gets defeated. The word conjuring suggests connotations of magic and suggests that the films contains super natural elements which is again a typical contention of this hybrid. This says that it is not suitable for anyone under the age of 15 as it has strong violence, frequent strong language, discriminatory language or behaviour and scary images or jumpy scenes, this narrows down its targeted audience of who should be watching this film but also makes It appeal more to people over this age limit as its saying its’ too scary’ to be watched by anyone younger. The doll is shown with blood over her, She has a dark face which suggests that she is possessed and evil. This helps to set the mood for the target audience of fear. She has ripped clothes this could suggest that she’s old and old things are typically associated with horror films. The Blurb states that is is ‘Based on the true case files of the Warrens’, which indicates that it was based on a true story. This makes the target audience more attracted to watch this film as it is more disturbing if it is a real story and is shown on the blurb to make sure people know his about the film. The blurb also states that they were terrorised by an evil spirit and indicates that there will be lots of terror filled moments throughout the film. They are ghost hunters this may mean that they wanted to find something and now they have they regret it. The fact that the person sitting in chair is a girl as well as the doll is used as stereotypically you wouldn’t expect a girl to be ‘evil’. So, this gives further sense of fear and unknown as he viewers don’t know what to expect. The red writing shown on the bottom of the DVD cover could be a symbolic sign of blood suggesting that there is violence and gory detail within this film. It also is a colour which is very emotionally intense suggesting that if you watch the film then it will raise your blood pressure so to speak as it is anticipating and truly thrilling, It gives connotations of danger and death and determination and by this it could imply that it is filled with danger perhaps supper natural elements due to the death connotation and determination to solve the problem. This is a very clever DVD cover and poster as it portrays and tells the audience aspects of what the film is about without knowing for sure as you can tell it’s very creepy and dark. Which we will definitely do whilst making our own thriller poster.

THE SILENCE OF THE LAMBSThe red eyes, title and parts of the butterfly also being red immediately states out to the audience as its contrasted with the white background of the persons face. The black background surrounding the girls faces seems to be engulfing her as if it is turning her evil and killing her good soul ’ as black has connotations of death, evil, and the unknown. This makes the audience what to find our what is going to happen to her as it is ‘unknown’ to them. By using these colours they have given the audience a insight into what the film is about due the connotations of these colours being, violence, danger, death, blood and evilness. The fact that these colours are put upon the white background which suggests that she's innocent and relating to the word ‘lamb’ as they are typically white (which is almost the opposite to the red). This contrast also could suggest the film is about the good vs evil which is a typical convention of thriller films in order to make them truly thrilling. Lambs are stereotypically associated which god and puritiy due to being white. The butterfly that is over the persons mouth is suggesting that she is unable to speak and reinforces the title ‘the silence of the lambs’ therefore, ensuring the audience doesn’t forget this. On the back of the butterfly's head is skull which has connotations of death which could imply that whatever is silencing the lambs is dangerous and evil. Gender stereotypes are strong within this poster as the women is being connected strongly with the colour white portraying her as innocent and a victims who needs to be saved.