Analysis of high-pressure hydrogen, methane, and heptane laminar diffusion...

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    Combustion and Flame 151 (2007) 581–

    Analysis of high-pressure hydrogen, methane,and heptane laminar diffusion flames:

    Thermal diffusion factor modeling

    Sridhar Palle, Richard S. Miller ∗

    Department of Mechanical Engineering, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634-0921, USA

    Received 26 October 2006; received in revised form 16 May 2007; accepted 15 June 2007

    Available online 28 August 2007


    Direct numerical simulations are conducted for one-dimensional laminar diffusion flames over a large rangeof pressures (1 � P0 � 200 atm) employing a detailed multicomponent transport model applicable to dense flu-ids. Reaction kinetics mechanisms including pressure dependencies and prior validations at both low and highpressures were selected and include a detailed 24-step, 12-species hydrogen mechanism (H2/O2 and H2/air), andreduced mechanisms for methane (CH4/air: 11 steps, 15 species) and heptane (C7H16/air: 13 steps, 17 species), allincluding thermal NOx chemistry. The governing equations are the fully compressible Navier–Stokes equations,coupled with the Peng–Robinson real fluid equation of state. A generalized multicomponent diffusion model de-rived from nonequilibrium thermodynamics and fluctuation theory is employed and includes both heat and masstransport in the presence of concentration, temperature, and pressure gradients (i.e., Dufour and Soret diffusion).Previously tested high-pressure mixture property models are employed for the viscosity, heat capacity, thermalconductivity, and mass diffusivities. Five models for high-pressure thermal diffusion coefficients related to Soretand Dufour cross-diffusion are first compared with experimental data over a wide range of pressures. Laminarflame simulations are then conducted for each of the four flames over a large range of pressures for all thermaldiffusion coefficient models and results are compared with purely Fickian and Fourier diffusion simulations. Theresults reveal a considerable range in the influence of cross-diffusion predicted by the various models; however,the most plausible models show significant cross-diffusion effects, including reductions in the peak flame temper-atures and minor species concentrations for all flames. These effects increase with pressure for both H2 flamesand for the C7H16 flames indicating the elevated importance of proper cross-diffusion modeling at large pres-sures. Cross-diffusion effects, while not negligible, were observed to be less significant in the CH4 flames and todecrease with pressure. Deficiencies in the existing thermal diffusion coefficient models are discussed and futureresearch directions suggested.© 2007 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Supercritical; High-pressure; Laminar diffusion flame; Soret diffusion; Dufour diffusion; Real gas; Hydrogen;Methane; Heptane; Multicomponent

    * Corresponding author. Fax: +1 864 656 4435.E-mail address: (R.S. Miller).

    0010-2180/$ – see front matter © 2007 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2007.06.007

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    1. Introduction

    Multicomponent fluid mixing and combustion athigh pressures is a subject receiving relatively re-cent scrutiny in the literature. This is despite the factthat practical combustion devices routinely operateat pressures near or higher than the thermodynamiccritical point (or “critical locus” for a mixture) of rel-evant hydrocarbon fuels (∼15 < PC < 30 atm [1]).Note that despite some varying opinions in the liter-ature, for the purposes of this study “supercritical”is defined as having either the temperature or pres-sure fixed above the critical point (critical locus for amixture), since no phase change is possible in eithercase. For example, diesel fuel is injected at very highpressure into a pressurized cylinder ∼25 atm, whichis then increased to ∼60 atm after ignition [2–6].Aircraft gas turbine combustor chambers operate atpressures ∼30 atm and have been steadily increasingat a near-linear rate for the past 60 years [7]. Typi-cal rocket engines burning hydrogen and oxygen rou-tinely operate at pressures ∼100 atm and larger.

    Supercritical reacting mixtures are characterizedby an absence of latent heat and surface tension,“liquidlike” densities, potential real gas effects mani-fested by nonunity compressibility factors, and pres-sure dependencies of species properties and reac-tion kinetics. Multicomponent and differential dif-fusion effects can also be significant at high pres-sures for many practical fuels; particularly those in-volving species with significantly varying molecularweights [8,9]. In addition, the relative importance ofDufour and Soret “cross-diffusion,” by which ther-mal energy diffuses in the presence of concentrationand/or pressure gradients, and mass diffuses in thepresence of thermal and/or pressure gradients, respec-tively, are substantially enhanced under these condi-tions for many practical fuels (although the Dufoureffects are generally found to be negligible). This oc-curs because the “thermal diffusion coefficient” (thefluid property related to Soret diffusion) generally in-creases with pressure, with maximal values near thecritical locus of the mixture. Such molecular trans-port effects can be important for both nonpremixedand premixed laminar flames, as both involve substan-tial temperature and concentration gradients withinthe local flame zone. Differences in molecular trans-port models can result both in variations in observeddiffusion rates, as well as in alterations to local flamecurvature and strain rates [10]. Ignition characteris-tics in high-pressure heptane flames have also beenshown to be affected both by the assumption of unityLewis number and by the inclusion of Soret and Du-four cross-diffusion [11].

    Relatively little research has been done regard-ing combustion simulations incorporating compre-

    hensive multicomponent diffusion, including Soretand Dufour cross-diffusion. In addition, existing re-search is almost exclusively limited to kinetic-theory-based derivations for low-pressure systems [12]. Un-der low-pressure conditions, the generalized Stefan–Maxwell relations provide the most comprehensivemeans of predicting multicomponent diffusion in-corporating cross-diffusion (e.g., Refs. [13–15]) andprovide expressions for all of the associated trans-port properties. The formulation requires the solu-tion of a coupled set of N × N matrix equations foran N -species system requiring substantial computa-tional time [16]. Other simplified models have alsobeen addressed, including various forms of Fick’s law[17–19]. Despite the relatively widespread neglect ofcross-diffusion in the combustion community, manystudies including these effects find them to be of sub-stantial importance to proper flame modeling even atlow-pressure (for both “light” and “heavy” speciesand for soot) [20–26]. However, in spite of the preva-lence of high-pressure combustion devices, very littleresearch has been conducted in multicomponent com-bustion at large pressures, in part due to the inapplica-bility of the kinetic-theory-based models under theseconditions.

    For high-pressure flows outside of the range ofvalidity of kinetic theory, the proper theory for formu-lating the molecular fluxes is nonequilibrium thermo-dynamics (NEQT) [27]. However, in contrast to theStefan–Maxwell relations, NEQT does not provideexpressions for the transport properties. The mixtureviscosity, thermal conductivity, mass diffusion coeffi-cients, and thermal diffusion coefficients must there-fore be provided through additional theory or mod-els. Bellan’s group at the Jet Propulsion Laboratoryhave conducted extensive research into high-pressurebinary species mixing with heat and mass diffusionfluxes derived from NEQT and Keizer’s fluctuationtheory [28–30]. Their derivation includes the poten-tial for both heat and mass diffusion in the presenceof temperature, pressure, and concentration gradients.Two forms of the “thermal diffusion factors” wereidentified (the Irving–Kirkwood and the Bearman–Kirkwood forms; αIK and αBK, respectively), whichare related thermodynamically such that only one fac-tor is specified independently for each species pair.The relationship between the thermal diffusion factorsand the experimentally measured thermal diffusioncoefficients is described below. Real gas effects wereaccounted for with the cubic Peng–Robinson equationof state due to its relative computational efficiencyand the availability of a simple correction that can beused to substantially increase its accuracy [31].

    Bellan and co-workers have studied several bi-nary fluid mixing problems under the above describedformulation, including supercritical droplet “vapor-

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    ization” for oxygen in hydrogen [32,33] and hep-tane in nitrogen [29]. Among many results, it wasobserved that the effective Lewis number in super-critical mixtures can be 2–40 times larger than itstypical definition in high-pressure heptane “droplet”diffusion (even when cross-diffusion is negligible),and both forms increase with pressure [34]. The for-mulation was then extended to the direct numericalsimulation (DNS) of temporally developing binarymixing layers for heptane/nitrogen [35,36] and hy-drogen/oxygen [37] (see Refs. [38,39] for recent re-views). The authors found in their droplet studies thatthe best agreement with experimental observationswas obtained when the Irving–Kirkwood form of thethermal diffusion factor was assumed to be a smallconstant for the heptane–nitrogen cases (αIK ≈ 0.1),or a small constant for the Bearman–Kirkwood formfor the hydrogen–oxygen cases (αBK ≈ 0.2) [39].Mixing layer simulations found that the results werenot particularly sensitive to the actual value of the“small” constants chosen [35]. Miller later attemptedto generalize these observations to arbitrary speciespairs by adopting a molecular-weight-ratio-based cor-relation originally proposed by Curtis and Farrell [40]to specify αIK. DNS was conducted for binary mix-ing of various species pairs in supercritical, stationary,isotropic turbulence [41]. Soret induced deviationsfrom purely Fickian induced scalar variance decayrates and conditional expected scalar statistics werefound to increase with increasing molecular weightratio [41,42]. The derivation was then extended toternary species systems by Lou and Miller [43,44], al-lowing the consideration of simple nonexothermic re-actions of the form A + B → P. In addition to the rel-atively simple thermal diffusion modeling, the abovestudies also generally employed simplistic modelingfor the remaining transport properties (e.g., constantor simplified viscosity, Schmidt number, and Prandtlnumber models).

    Most recently, the ternary species formulation hasbeen applied to the simulation of one-dimensional(1D), single-step, irreversible, exothermic, laminardiffusion flames at high pressure [8,9]. Realistic high-pressure mixture models for the viscosity, thermalconductivity, and mass diffusivities based on the prin-ciple of corresponding states were employed and vali-dated with experimental data. A parametric study wasconducted for three model flames as a function of thenondimensional Damkohler number, heat release pa-rameter, “flame Reynolds number,” and ambient pres-sure. All simulations were performed twice: once in-cluding, and once neglecting, Soret and Dufour diffu-sion. Soret diffusion effects are apparent when specieswith nonequal molecular weights are involved in thereaction and result in reductions of the peak flametemperature ∼175 K for a H2 + 1/2O2 → H2O re-

    action. In addition, it was shown that neglect of cross-diffusion leads to deviations in the predicted flamethicknesses (approximately 25%), with underpredic-tions for a hydrogen–oxygen system and overpredic-tions for a heavy hydrocarbon reaction. These ef-fects were explained in detail through examinationsof the individual heat and mass flux vectors as well asthrough associated thermodynamic properties. Never-theless, results from these relatively simple ternary-species-model simulations based on an assumed gen-eralization of the thermal-diffusion-factor model maynot be indicative of true flame behavior, and furtherresearch is needed.

    The objectives of the present study are to extendthe application of the NEQT theory to more realistic1D laminar flame simulations in order to assess thetrue impact and pressure dependence of multicompo-nent diffusion and thermal-diffusion-factor modeling.In particular, the multicomponent diffusion deriva-tion is extended to systems of arbitrary numbers ofspecies, allowing the incorporation of detailed andreduced kinetics mechanisms for multispecies com-bustion of H2/O2, H2/air, CH4/air, and C7H16/air (allincluding thermal NOx chemistry). Realistic Arrhe-nius rate kinetics parameters and enthalpies of forma-tion for real heat release are added, and high-pressureproperty models are retained. In addition, five differ-ent high-pressure thermal-diffusion-coefficient mod-els are first compared with experimental data andthen incorporated into DNS flame simulations. Forthe present purposes DNS refers to simulations inwhich all length and time scales (including acoustic)are completely resolved through high-order-accuratesimulations lacking any numerical diffusion. The ma-jority of these models come from the hydrocarbonreservoir literature and have not yet been applied tocombustion processes. Each of the thermal-diffusion-coefficient-model predictions is compared with thepurely Fickian/Fourier model to assess the impact ofcross-diffusion. Uncertainties in the thermal diffusioncoefficient models are discussed, and recommenda-tions for future research are described.

    2. Governing equations and approach

    The mathematical formulation and the numericalapproach employed for the present study are exten-sions of those used previously by our group, andseveral details not presented can be found in Refs.[8,9,41]. The general high-pressure-flow formulationis based on the compressible form of the continuity,momentum, total-energy (internal plus kinetic), andspecies-mass-fraction equations,


    ∂t+ ∂

    ∂xj[ρuj ] = 0,

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    ∂t(ρui) + ∂

    ∂xj[ρuiuj + Pδij − τij ] = 0,


    ∂t(ρet) + ∂


    [(ρet + P)uj − uiτij + QBK,j


    α=1H,αJ j,α

    ]= Se,

    where ui is the mixture velocity vector, ρ is the mix-ture density, P is the pressure, δij is the Kroneckerdelta function tensor, τij is the viscous stress tensor(assumed Newtonian), et is the total sensible specificenergy, QBK,j is the heat flux vector in Bearman–

    Kirkwood (BK) form,∑N

    α=1(H ,αJ j,α) is the en-thalpy flux term, Hα , is the partial molar enthalpyof species α, J j,α is the molar mass flux vectorof species α (mass and molar mass flux vectors arerelated through the relation Jj,α = MαJj,α , whereMα is the molecular weight of species α), and Se,is the reaction source term for the energy equation.An alternative form of the heat flux vector termedthe Irving–Kirkwood (IK) form absorbs the enthalpyflux term into the definition of the heat flux vector:QIK,j = QBK,j +

    ∑Nα=1 H,αJ j,α . Transport equa-

    tions for each of the mass fractions of species α (Yα )are


    ∂t(ρYα) + ∂

    ∂xj[ρYα uj + Jj,α] = SYα .

    The individual species are identified by α = 1,2, . . . ,N , where N is total number of species and SYα is thereaction source term for each species’ transport equa-tion. Real gas effects are included through the cubicPeng–Robinson equation of state [1]. Although manyother examples of real gas state equations exist [1],the Peng–Robinson form is relatively simple to applyand is relatively accurate for conditions not too “near”the critical locus. Furthermore, if additional accuracywere required, a relatively simple correction has beenpublished [31]. Details of the state equation and itsmixing rules may be found in Refs. [9,41].

    2.1. Heat and mass flux vectors

    General multicomponent forms of the heat andmass flux vectors derived from NEQT [27] and fluc-tuation theory [28] have been presented previouslyby Harstad and Bellan [29] for systems consistingof arbitrary numbers of species. The fluxes were re-derived for the present study (see Ref. [9] for thederivation) and are presented in an alternate form dis-tinguishing terms proportional to gradients of tem-perature (T ), mole fraction (X), and pressure (P ):

    QBK,j = QTBKj + QX1BKj

    + · · ·QXα=N−1BKj + QPBKj ,

    and Jj,α = JTj,α + JX1j,α + · · ·JXα=N−1j,α

    + JPj,α

    (sub-script j denotes the vector component and α denotesthe species, and the superscripts indicate the thermo-dynamic gradient):


    QBKj = −{













    N∑β �=α





    ]V ,α






    N∑β �=α







    × ∂Xγ∂xj



    J j,α = −N∑

    β �=αnD









    β �=α




    M2mXαXβV ,β

    + MαMαM2m

    XαXβV ,α





    β �=α



    αβm α


    + MβMβM2m

    XβnDβαm α




    The alternative IK form of the heat flux vector is



    = −{

    κ +N−1∑α=1


    XαXlααβIK α









    N∑l �=α



    αβIK ρD


    ]V ,α






    N∑l �=α



    αβIK ρD




    × ∂Xγ∂xj

    (no implied summations over repeated Greek in-dices). In the above, n is the molar density (n =ρ/Mm), the mixture molecular weight is Mm =∑N

    α=1 XαMα , the universal gas constant is R, andthe partial molar volume of species α is V ,α .

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    Several properties appear in the above: the mix-ture thermal conductivity is κ , the “mass diffusivities”

    within the mixture are Dαβm for species pair α,β , and

    the “mass diffusion factor” pairs are ααβD , which canin theory be derived from the chosen equation of state.Finally, two forms of the dimensionless “thermal dif-fusion factor” pairs appear in the above, the BK and

    the IK forms: ααβBK, and ααβIK , respectively. These two

    factors are directly related to the relative extent ofcross-diffusion in the system and are related thermo-dynamically [29],

    (8)ααβIK = ααβBK +1





    Mα− H,β


    where H,α is the partial molar enthalpy of species

    α, and ααβIK = −αβαIK and ααβBK = −αβαBK. Thus, onlyone factor needs to be specified as a property of theparticular species pair, the other being determinedby thermodynamics from the choice of equation ofstate. However, if the heat flux vector is written inthe BK form (QBKj ), then only α

    αβBK appears in the

    formulation. Forms of the partial molar volumes, thepartial molar enthalpies, and the heat capacity de-parture functions derived from the Peng–Robinsonstate equation have appeared previously (e.g., Refs.[9,41]). In addition to the above, the “mass diffusioncoefficient” is defined as the product of the mass dif-fusivity and the mass diffusion factor (DmαD) and the“thermal diffusion coefficient” is defined as the ratioof the thermal diffusion factor to the mass diffusionfactor (αBK/αD). These are the quantities typicallymeasured in (binary species) experiments. The “co-efficients” therefore implicitly include mass diffusionfactor effects (their distinction is discussed further be-low).

    Several of the results to follow are based on themulticomponent Fourier and Fickian forms of theflux vectors, i.e., neglecting cross-diffusion. Fouri-er’s heat conduction law is reduced from the BK heatflux vector by nulling all ααβBK, resulting in QBK,j =−κ∂T /∂xj . The multicomponent Fickian diffusionflux form is obtained by also nulling the thermal dif-fusion factors and neglecting terms proportional topressure gradients:


    J j,α = −N−1∑γ=1


    β �=α



    αβm α


    + MβMβM2m

    XβnDβαm α




    A more simplified form often considered in combus-tion studies [18] is based on an effective diffusioncoefficient (again implicitly including mass diffusionfactor effects) assuming diffusion of species α is only

    due to the species’ own mole or mass fraction gradi-ent: Jj,α = −ρDα,effm ∂Yα/∂xj . Various models existfor calculating Dα,effm in terms of the actual speciesdiffusivities, including the popular Wilke rule [45];however, “naive” application of the Wilke formuladoes not ensure that the summation of all mass fluxvectors is null. This naive application has been shownto result in errors as large as 70% in evaluating themass flux vectors [17]. Therefore, several correctionsto this approach have been proposed such as defin-ing the flux vector of the N th species to be Jj,N =−∑N−1

    α=1 Jj,α or through the addition of terms to theflux formulation [46]. However, only the completemulticomponent form is considered in this study, inorder to isolate the effects of cross-diffusion (see forexample Ref. [17] for a comparison of the varioussimpler forms of the Fickian mass flux vector).

    2.2. Property modeling

    Closure of the above sets of governing equationsrequires the specification of the low-pressure refer-ence heat capacities (CP,0), mixture viscosity (μ),mixture thermal conductivity (κ), mass diffusivities

    (Dαβm ), mass diffusion factors (ααβD ), and thermal dif-

    fusion factors (ααβIK or ααβBK) for all species (pairs)

    in the system. Low-pressure, temperature-dependent,reference heat capacity correlations have been ob-tained through the NIST Webbook (as well as datafor comparisons) [47]. In order to generalize the ap-proach, models consistent with the principle of cor-responding states have been chosen when possible.The models implemented for the mixture viscosity,thermal conductivity, heat capacities, and mass diffu-sivities and comparisons with experimental data haveappeared previously [8]. For species in which devia-tions exist, the departures have been curve fitted andadded as corrections to the models. Additional de-tails, including all species critical properties, acentricfactors, atomic diffusion volumes, and enthalpies offormation, are provided in Ref. [9]. The mass diffu-sion factors are thermodynamic functions related tomolar gradients of the fugacity coefficients. They ap-proach unity at low pressures, recovering the standardFickian form of the mass flux vector, but can de-viate substantially from unity near the critical locusof the mixture (where the mass diffusion factors ap-proach zero, leading to vanishing mass diffusion co-efficients and infinite thermal diffusion coefficients).The derivation of the mass diffusion factors from thestate equation is quite complex and its evaluation isknown to be quite sensitive to the form of the stateequation as well as to the mixing rules employed.However, for conditions not too near the critical locus,ideal mixing may be assumed. In this case, the Gibbs–

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    Duhem relation yields ααβD = 1 for α = β , ααβD = 0for α �= β , and ααβD = −1 for α = N . The approachtaken in the present study is to assume ideal mixing inconjunction with the mass diffusivities, but to implic-itly include (potential) nonideal mass diffusion factorswith respect to the thermal diffusion coefficients (asdescribed below).

    Many issues remain to be addressed in regard tohigh-pressure, multicomponent mass diffusivity, andmass diffusion factor modeling. The majority of ex-perimental techniques available are generally lim-ited to measuring near-infinite-dilution mass diffu-sion coefficients for binary species systems (αD isunity at the mole fraction boundary). Relatively lit-tle is known about proper mass diffusivity or masscoefficient modeling for general molar compositionmixtures, even for the binary case under these condi-tions. Less is known concerning mixtures with morethan two species present. For the present purposesthe rates of mass diffusion are modeled using exist-ing high-pressure binary species diffusion coefficientmodels together with the (unity) ideal-mixing massdiffusion factor model. Problems associated with thisassumption are inherent in all multicomponent com-bustion models employing realistic properties and arenot the focus of the current paper. In fact, these is-sues are alleviated in the current work, as the focusis on determining the change in flame properties im-parted by including Soret and Dufour diffusion vs notincluding cross diffusion, with all other effects heldconstant. Furthermore, the flame temperatures in theresults presented below are much higher than the crit-ical values for any of the constituent mixture species,providing justification for the present ideal mixingmodel usage.

    The emphasis of the current work is on the im-pact of cross-diffusion in realistic laminar diffusionflames as a function of pressure. However, cross-diffusion is directly related to the specification of thethermal diffusion factor pairs (either the BK or IKforms related through Eq. (8)), which are relativelypoorly understood, particularly at large pressures forwhich kinetic-theory-based derivations are inapplica-ble. Nevertheless, several models have been proposedand experimental data [48,49] exist with which toevaluate the performance of the models under high-pressure conditions. For example, Shukla and Firooz-abadi [50] compared predictions of several models forthe Bearman–Kirkwood form of the thermal diffusioncoefficient with binary species data up to pressures ashigh as 200 atm. The models tested were generally inqualitative agreement with the data trends. However,those models which agreed reasonably well for hydro-carbon/hydrocarbon species pairs typically performedrelatively poorly for hydrocarbon/nonhydrocarbonspecies pairs, and vice versa. In addition, the majority

    of available models require derivations of thermody-namic quantities from the chosen equation of state.They are known to be considerably sensitive to boththe choice of the equation of state as well as to the par-ticular mixing rules applied [51]. Data and models forthermal diffusion factors in larger than binary speciessystems are much more sparse and are generally lim-ited to ternary species systems [52,53]. Therefore,only binary species forms of the thermal diffusionfactor models are considered in this work. It is as-sumed that the mixture interaction parameters ααβBKcan be modeled using binary species models modifiedfor use in multicomponent mixtures where appropri-ate. Although the thermal diffusion of a species A intoa species B will be altered by the presence of othermixture species, the theoretical description of thermaldiffusion in large numbers of species (and data withwhich to test the models) is relatively immature atthis point. The approach is consistent with the treat-ment of the mixture mass diffusion coefficients nearlyuniversally adopted in the literature as well as in thepresent study, which are also poorly understood formulticomponent mixtures.

    Several of the models and comparisons with ex-perimental data found in the hydrocarbon reservoirliterature [50] are repeated for convenience in whatfollows. Two forms of a model previously applied inhigh-pressure droplet, mixing, and combustion stud-ies are also included. Kinetic theory is not applica-ble under the conditions of interest to this study andis therefore not included in what follows. The fivemodels for the thermal diffusion factor pairs evalu-ated are the “Hasse model” (denoted HM) [54], the“Kempers model” (denoted KM) [55], the “Shuklaand Firoozabadi model” (denoted FM) [50], and twovariations of a model proposed by Curtis and Farrell(denoted CM1 and CM2) [40]. The first three mod-els are based on semitheoretical/empirical derivationsas functions of partial molar volume, partial molarenthalpy, and/or partial molar internal energy differ-ences among species pairs (the reader is referred tothe original citations for details of the derivationsand modeling assumptions). For the present investi-gation these are calculated from the Peng–Robinsonequation of state [9]. The models are presented be-low in the forms applied to the current multicompo-nent formulation. It is noted that these models andthe experimental measurements to be presented be-low actually apply to the thermal diffusion coefficientdefined previously. However, for the present purposesthese models are employed for the thermal diffusion

    factors (ααβBK) directly and in conjunction with the(unity) ideal mixing model for the mass diffusion fac-tors. In this case potential departures from unity massdiffusion factors are implicitly included through thevarious models for the thermal diffusion coefficients,

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    although the factors are kept distinct in the formula-tion. For conditions of unity mass diffusion factor, thethermal diffusion factor and the thermal diffusion co-efficient are equivalent (as are the mass diffusivity andthe mass diffusion coefficient). Note, however, thatthe model implementation would have to be modi-fied if a nonideal model for the mass diffusion fac-tors were considered. The last model is a molecular-weight-ratio-based correlation fit to experimental databut implicitly is a function of partial molar enthalpydifferences in one of the forms tested.

    Hasse [54] proposed a model for evaluating thethermal diffusion coefficient in binary mixtures basedon irreversible thermodynamics,


    ααβBK =

    Mα(H,β − H 0,β ) − Mβ(H,α − H 0,α)MmXα(


    )T ,P,n

    + α0T



    )T ,P,n


    where μα is the chemical potential of species α. Themodel is based on the departure of the partial molarenthalpy from its pure ideal gas limit (superscript 0).In the above, α0

    Tis the thermal diffusion coefficient

    at the standard state (ideal gas) and can be calcu-lated from the kinetic theory of gases. However, it hasbeen previously observed (Refs. [50,56]) that the con-tribution of α0

    Tis negligible at large pressures, and

    an alternate “modified Hasse model” form is recom-mended in which α0

    Tis taken to be zero in the above.

    This modified form is adopted for the present study(implications are discussed below).

    Kempers [55] proposed a model for estimatingthe binary thermal diffusion coefficient which is alsobased on phenomenological theory. Unlike the Hassemodel (HM), the Kempers model (KM) requires thestandard state partial molar enthalpies (H 0α : pure idealgas state for species α)

    (11)ααβBK =V ,αH,β − V ,βH,αV mXα(


    )T ,P,n


    Application of the model is limited to liquids anddense gases.

    Shukla and Firoozabadhi [50] proposed a modelfor predicting binary thermal diffusion coefficients,also based on the thermodynamics of irreversibleprocesses,


    ααβBK =

    [(U,α/τα − U,β/τβ)Xα(∂μα/∂Xα)T ,P

    +(V ,β − V ,α)

    ∑Nγ=1(Xγ U,γ /τγ )

    V mXα(∂μα∂Xα

    )T ,P


    where U,α is the partial molar internal energy ofspecies α. The above model (denoted as FM) requiresthe values of τα for species α, which can in theory bedetermined from viscosity data according to Ref. [50].However, Shukla and Firoozabadhi [50] recommendusing a constant value for all τα = 4. This approachhas been adopted in the current work.

    The final two models considered are based ona molecular-weight-based correlation originally pro-posed by Curtis and Farrell [40] in high-pressuredroplet vaporization studies. Two forms of the modelare considered, based on using the correlation to pre-dict either the IK or BK form of the thermal diffusionfactor pairs (denoted models CM1 and CM2, respec-tively),


    ααβIK , α

    αβBK = 2.3842 × 10−2

    + (0.24821) log10(


    where α is the species with the high molecular weight.Although applied to high-pressure conditions, the cor-relation is based on atmospheric pressure data anddoes not include pressure or temperature dependence

    in its original form specifying ααβBK. The values pre-

    dicted are relatively small (∼10−1) and inconsis-tent with much larger values typically measured forhigh-pressure fluids (see below). It is, however, con-sistent with Bellan’s recommendation of αBK = 0.2for high-pressure H2/O2 [39] (the model predicts≈0.32) and will be evaluated below as model CM2.In contrast, model CM1 uses the above correlationto specify αIK. The BK form, αBK, is then obtainedthrough Eq. (8), implicitly bringing in temperatureand pressure dependence through the partial molarenthalpies. This form has been used in Refs. [8,41,42,44] and was originally based on Bellan’s rec-ommendation of αIK = 0.1 for high-pressure hep-tane/nitrogen droplet vaporization after comparisonswith experimental droplet data (the model predicts≈0.16) in order to generalize the formulation to addi-tional species pairs. Comparisons with experimentaldata are presented below for each of the five thermaldiffusion factor models.

    2.3. Chemical kinetics mechanisms

    Three different complete chemical kinetics mech-anisms have been added to the DNS code, and 1Dlaminar diffusion flames for each case have been ex-tensively documented in Ref. [9] for pressures inthe range 1 → 200 atm. Although more “standard”mechanisms exist in some cases, only mechanismswith pressure-dependent reaction pathways and priorvalidations with high-pressure data were considered.

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    Table 1Detailed chemical kinetic mechanism for H2/air combustion [57] and corresponding forward reaction constants: kr = AT β ×exp(−EA/RT )No. Reaction A [cm mol s] β Ea [kJ/mol]

    1 O2 + H � OH + O 2.00 × 1014 0.00 70.302 H2 + O � OH + H 5.06 × 104 2.67 26.303 H2 + OH � H2O + H 1.00 × 108 1.60 13.84 OH + OH � H2O + O 1.50 × 109 1.14 0.425 H + H + M � H2 + M 1.80 × 1018 −1.00 0.006 H + OH + M � H2O + M 2.20 × 1022 −2.00 0.007 O + O + M � O2 + M 2.90 × 1017 −1.00 0.008 H + O2 + M � HO2 + M 2.30 × 1018 −0.80 0.00

    k∞ 4.52 × 1013 0.00 0.009 HO2 + H � OH + OH 1.50 × 1014 0.00 4.20

    10 HO2 + H � H2 + O2 2.50 × 1013 0.00 2.9011 HO2 + H � H2O + O 3.00 × 1013 0.00 7.2012 HO2 + O � OH + O2 1.80 × 1013 0.00 −1.7013 HO2 + OH � H2O + O2 6.00 × 1013 0.00 0.0014 HO2 + HO2 � H2O2 +O2 2.50 × 1011 0.00 −5.2015 OH + OH + M � H2O2 + M 3.25 × 1022 −2.00 0.00

    k∞ 7.45 × 1013 −0.37 0.0016 H2O2 + H � H2 + HO2 1.70 × 1012 0.00 15.7017 H2O2 + H � H2O + OH 1.00 × 1013 0.00 15.0018 H2O2 + O � OH + HO2 2.80 × 1013 0.00 26.8019 H2O2 + OH � H2O + HO2 5.40 × 1012 0.00 4.2020 O + N2 � N + NO 1.90 × 1014 0.00 319.0321 N + O2 � O + NO 1.13 × 1010 1.00 27.8322 N + OH � H + NO 4.79 × 1013 0.00 5.2323 NO + HO2 � NO2 + OH 3.00 × 1012 0.00 10.0424 NO + OH � NO2 + H 5.90 × 1012 0.00 129.49Note. Third body efficiencies: H2 = 1.00, O2 = 0.35, H2O = 6.5, N2 = 0.4. Reaction rate coefficients dependent on pressureare calculated as kr = k∞k0[M]/(k∞ + k0[M]), where k0, and k∞ are the low- and high-pressure reaction rate coefficients,respectively.

    A detailed 24-step, 12-species mechanism applica-ble to both H2/O2 and H2/air combustion by Sohnet al. [57], including 5-step NOx chemistry [58], isemployed. Reduced mechanisms for two different hy-drocarbon fuels (methane and heptane) have beenchosen, based on their relevance to many practicalcombustion applications. For the CH4 oxidation, an11-step, 15-species reduced mechanism by Hewsonand Bolig [59] is used, while a 13-step, 17-speciesreduced mechanism by Bolig et al. [60] is employedfor heptane (C7H16) oxidation; both including 6-stepNOx chemistry [59]. The three mechanisms are pre-sented in Tables 1–3, respectively. Backward reactionrates for the detailed hydrogen mechanism, and alldetails concerning the evaluation of reaction rates, re-action constants, and steady state species relations forthe two reduced mechanisms are provided in Ref. [9].

    2.4. Numerical approach

    The present study examines molecular transporteffects in 1D laminar diffusion flames. Although 1D

    Table 2Reduced chemical kinetics mechanism for CH4/air combus-tion

    No. Reaction

    1 CH4 + 2H + H2O � CO + 4H22 CO + H2O � CO2 + H23 2H � H24 3H2 + O2 � 2H + 2H2O5 2CO + H2 � C2H2 + O26 N2 + O2 � 2NO7 3H2 + CO + NO � HCN + H + 2H2O8 NO + CO + H + H2O � HNCO + O2 + H29 NH3 + H + H2O � NO + 3H2

    10 N2 + H2O � N2O + H211 NO + 2H2 + O2 � NO2 + H2O + 2HNote. See Ref. [9] for all reaction constant specifications andsteady species relations.

    similarity solutions for strained flames are often con-sidered, the similarity transforms applied to the 2Dstrained flame problem do not exist for the gen-eral compressible flow equations currently consid-

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    Table 3Reduced chemical kinetics mechanism for C7H16/air

    No. Reaction

    1 3H2 + O2 � 2H + 2H2O2 2H � H23 CO + H2O � CO2 + H24 C2H2 + 2H2O + 2H � 2CO + 4H25 C2H4 � C2H2 + H26 C3H6 � 1.5C2H47 C7H16 � C3H6 + 2C2H4 + H28 N2 + O2 � 2NO9 3H2 + CO + NO � HCN + H +2H2O

    10 NO + CO + H + H2O � HNCO + O2 + H211 NH3 + H + H2O � NO + 3H212 N2 + H2O � N2O + H213 NO + 2H2 + O2 � NO2 + H2O + 2HNote. See Ref. [9] for all reaction constant specifications andsteady species relations.

    ered. Therefore, unstrained laminar flames are simu-lated following the approach of Ref. [8]. In summary,the unsteady governing equations are solved on a sim-ple one-dimensional domain, −L2/2 � x2 � L2/2,where L2 is the total domain length. A fourth-orderRunge–Kutta explicit time-marching scheme is em-ployed for all time derivatives, coupled with eighth-order accurate (nondissipative) central finite differ-encing for all spatial derivatives (with tenth-order ac-curate explicit filtering to control numerical oscilla-tions) [61]. Nonreflecting outflow boundary condi-tions are applied at x2 = ±L2/2 [62] and the Fortrancode is parallelized using the MPI subroutines. Er-ror function profiles are used to specify all species’initial conditions, including an overlap of fuel andoxidizer used both to initiate the reactions and to pro-vide resolvable gradients in the initial conditions. Theerror function, η = erf(π1/2x2/δ0), defines the phys-ical overlap thickness δ0, which must be sufficientlysmall to ensure adequate resolution of all molecularlength scales without numerical diffusion. In practice,a “flame Reynolds number” (ReF = ρ0a0, δ0/μ0) isdefined for convenience based on the average den-sity, acoustic velocity, and viscosity of the two freestreams for each flame considered. For each simu-lation the overlap thickness is determined by takingthe same value, ReF = 1000, for consistency, and asufficient spatial (and temporal) resolution is deter-mined through grid (and time step) refinement foreach case. This includes a complete resolution of allreaction, diffusion, and acoustic scales. In practice,2000 grid points are used for the majority of the sim-ulations, with a viscous Courant number of 0.1 (thelong time flame zone covers ∼1/10 of the total num-ber of grid points). The total domain length variedwith the initial overlap thickness and with the partic-ular simulation requirements and varied in the range

    14.58δ0 � L2 � 87.48δ0. Details of the initial speciesprofiles are described below.

    The nature of DNS with its relatively smallReynolds number restrictions makes direct com-parisons with high-pressure experimental flows in-tractable. The code verification and validation hastherefore been conducted as follows: All of the“mandatory” numerical checks for conservation ofmass and energy, nonnegative mass fractions, gridresolution and time step independence, etc., have beenmade. The basic DNS code engine was the basis forall of our prior published studies in this area and hasalso been tested in the past by reproducing publishedsimulation data for (low-pressure) isotropic turbu-lence and mixing layers. As mentioned above, each ofthe chemical kinetics mechanisms was compared withboth low- and high-pressure data in their original cita-tions. Although the 1D laminar diffusion flame in oursimulations is not an exact match for the (typicallystrained-flame) geometries in the original citations,all of our predicted species concentrations and flametemperatures are in good agreement with the pub-lished data. The real gas state equation has been testedextensively through comparisons with a variety of ex-perimental fluid density data both at Clemson and inRef. [31] across the range of thermodynamic regimesof interest. All property models employed in the codehave undergone extensive comparisons with availablehigh-pressure data for a variety of substances. Prop-erty data were generally obtained through the NISTWebbook [47] and Ref. [63]. Model comparisons forthe viscosity, thermal conductivity, mass diffusivity,and constant-pressure heat capacity have been pub-lished in Refs. [8,9] and show excellent agreementover the range 1–100 atm for all species tested. Com-parisons of the thermal diffusion coefficient modelswith high-pressure experimental data as well as repro-duction of published model evaluations are providedbelow. At each stage of the code’s advancement, itsconsistency with previous results has been thoroughlytested (i.e., ensuring that the ternary species codereproduces the binary species results, the arbitraryspecies form reproduces ternary and binary speciesresults, etc.).

    3. Results

    The results of the present study are presented intwo stages. First, comparisons of each of the five ther-mal diffusion coefficient models with high-pressureexperimental data are presented. This is followed bya documentation of 1D laminar flame simulations foreach of the four flames described above. Each flamesimulation is repeated with each of the five thermaldiffusion coefficient models presented above, as well

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    as the purely Fickian and Fourier forms for compari-son.

    3.1. Thermal diffusion coefficient model evaluations

    Figs. 1–3 present each of the five thermal diffu-sion coefficient models predictions for a variety ofbinary species pairs as a function of pressure, tem-perature, and concentration, respectively. The experi-mental data are all taken from Ref. [50] (original cita-tions provided therein). Only the BK form of the ther-mal diffusion coefficient is presented, since this is theonly form that appears explicitly in the formulation

    when the BK form of the heat flux vector is used (theIK form appears due to the inclusion of the enthalpyfluxes in the definition of the IK form of the heat fluxvector and is not directly related to cross-diffusion).The present results are in excellent agreement withthose presented in Ref. [50] for the HM, FM, andKM models, in which the Peng–Robinson state equa-tion was also used (deviations for some species datawere attributed to sensitivity to the particular choiceof mixing rules). The species pairs considered includeCH4/C3H8, CH4/C4H10, C7H16/C12H26, N2/CO2,H2/N2, H2/CO2, CH4/N2, and CH4/CO2. One trendreadily apparent in the experimental data is that the

    (a) (b) (c)

    (d) (e) (f)

    (g) (h)

    Fig. 1. Comparison of binary thermal diffusion coefficients evaluated by different models and experimental data as a functi-on of pressure for (a) CH4/C3H8 at T = 346 K, XCH4 = 0.34, (b) CH4/C4H10 at T = 344 K, XCH4 = 0.49, (c) CH4/C4H10at T = 394 K, XCH4 = 0.49, (d) N2/CO2 at T = 357 K, XN2 = 0.52, (e) H2/N2 at T = 357 K, XH2 = 0.5, (f) H2/CO2 atT = 357 K, XH2 = 0.5, (g) CH4/N2 at T = 357 K, XCH4 = 0.5, and (h) CH4/CO2 at T = 357 K, XCH4 = 0.52.

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    thermal diffusions coefficients generally increase sub-stantially (by as much as two orders of magnitude)from their low-pressure values as the pressure in-creases toward the critical locus (Fig. 1a). Somewherenear the molar average of the species’ pair criticalpressures, further increases in pressure again reducethe thermal diffusion coefficients (see, e.g., Figs. 1a–1c). However, for temperatures high with respect tothe species critical temperatures, the peak is no longerapparent and a near-linear variation with pressure isobserved (Figs. 1d–1h). The coefficients also varysignificantly with concentration, indicating that evenisothermal and isobaric mixing simulations will re-quire nonconstant values (Fig. 3). One limitation ofthe data is that only relatively low temperatures arecovered (295 < T < 395 K), as the original studieswere generally related to the petroleum reservoir field.The authors are not aware of any high-pressure andhigh-temperature data with which to more thoroughlytest the models under the actual flame conditions ofinterest (discussed further below).

    Several conclusions may be drawn regarding theperformance of the various models. First, no sin-gle model is capable of accurately predicting boththe qualitative and quantitative values of the ther-mal diffusion coefficients for all of the species pairs.Nevertheless, several of the models perform rea-sonably well; particularly considering that consid-erable uncertainty exists in the experimental dataas well. Model CM2, which assumes a constant“small” value for αBK via a correlation to low-pressure data, is entirely inconsistent with the high-pressure data. All of the models incorrectly predictthe pressure at which the maximum αBK value isfound for CH4/C3H8 in Fig. 1a (although the loca-tion of the maximum is sensitive to the choice ofmixing rules used in the underlying state equation).The models also behave differently for hydrocar-bon/hydrocarbon species pairs (Figs. 1a–1c) than fornonhydrocarbon/nonhydrocarbon (Figs. 1d–1f), andhydrocarbon/nonhydrocarbon pairs (Figs. 1g and 1h).For example, model CM1 underpredicts the data inthe first case, yet consistently overpredicts the data inthe latter two cases. The HM and FM models appearto agree most reasonably with a wide range of data;however, both can predict inconsistent signs (negativevalues) for αBK under some conditions (see Figs. 1gand 2a, respectively). This would manifest itself in areversal in the direction of the Soret diffusion flux.

    One limitation of the present analysis is the factthat the experimental data are limited to low tem-peratures considerably below the conditions found inflames. Several of the models will be shown belowto have unexpected and, most likely, unphysical be-havior at large temperatures in the flame zone. There-fore, more accurate modeling work remains neces-

    sary and experimental data at both high-pressures andhigh temperatures is needed for model validations.This may not be possible for pertinent species, aschemical reactions will commence at high tempera-tures relevant to combustion, making measurementsof either mass or thermal diffusion coefficients eitherextremely difficult or impossible. Nevertheless, argu-ments can be made concerning expected trends at hightemperatures and the range of models considered gen-erally encompass the available data in all cases. Theforthcoming simulations of laminar diffusion flamesusing these models should, therefore, put bounds onthe extent of Soret and Dufour cross-diffusion thatwould be expected from any improved models.

    3.2. Flame simulations

    Each of the five thermal diffusion coefficient mod-els (applied to the thermal diffusion factors in con-junction with the ideal mixing model for the massdiffusion factors as described previously) is next as-sessed for its effects on the four 1D laminar flamesimulations described above (H2/O2, H2/air, CH4/air,and C7H16/air). Each simulation is repeated withpurely Fickian/Fourier (multicomponent) diffusionmodel as well in order to measure the relative ef-fects of the cross-diffusion predicted by the variousmodels. The results will focus on the H2/air flamefirst, followed by related results for the remainingflames. The transient flame simulations are sensitiveto the initial species profiles chosen and therefore theeffects of the initial conditions are addressed first.For the sake of simplicity and to ensure that all low-pressure cases are for gas phase fuels (phase changenot being in the model), the initial temperature fieldfor all simulations is constant with T0 = 700 K. Thepressure field is also intially uniform at P0, and thevelocity is initially null. All initial species profiles arebased on the error function provided above. At theambient temperature considered, many of the reac-tion mechanisms will not result in ignition withoutthe initialization of various radical species. In fact,the simulation results are highly sensitive to the levelof radical initialization chosen, which can result inmaximum flame temperatures varying by hundreds ofdegrees. Therefore, a variety of initial conditions weresimulated for each flame. As will be demonstrated,the relative extent to which the various thermal dif-fusion factor models affected the flame variables isrelatively insensitive to the initial conditions; therebyallowing general conclusions to be made from datafor specific initial conditions.

    3.2.1. H2/air flamesFor each flame simulation, a minimum of three

    different sets of initial species profiles were simu-

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    (a) (b)

    Fig. 2. Comparison of binary thermal diffusion coefficients evaluated by different models and experimental data as a function oftemperature for (a) C7H16/C12H26 at P = 1.01325 bar, XC7H16 = 0.5 and (b) H2/CO2 at P = 49 bar, XH2 = 0.52.

    (a) (b) (c)

    Fig. 3. Comparison of binary thermal diffusion coefficients evaluated by different models and experimental data as a function ofmole fraction (of the first listed species) for (a) CH4/C3H8 at T = 346 K, P = 55 bar, (b) CH4/C3H8 at T = 346 K, P = 75 bar,(c) H2/CO2 at T = 363 K, P = 48 bar.

    (a) (b) (c)

    Fig. 4. Maximum flame temperature evolution for the base case (T0 = 700 K, P0 = 100 atm) H2/air flame for various thermaldiffusion factor models: initial conditions (a) IC1, (b) IC2, and (c) IC3.

    lated. Considering first the detailed H2/air mecha-nism, three initial conditions were chosen by varyingthe relative level of radical species within the initialfuel/oxidizer overlap region as follows. Base case re-sults are first discussed in detail for an ambient pres-sure of P0 = 100 atm. All initial conditions have pureH2 in the x2 < 0, and pure air (N2 plus O2) in the

    x2 > 0 free streams, respectively. An initial condi-tion designated “IC1” has minimal mass fractions of(∼0.01) for OH, O, H2O, HO2, and H2O2 initial-ized along with the H radical with a maximum massfraction of 0.075 at the centerline. Initial condition“IC2” has the same H initialization, but the remainingsubspecies mass fractions are initially null. Finally,

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    (a) (b) (c)

    Fig. 5. Final time (t∗ = 20) NO mass fraction profiles for the base case (T0 = 700 K, P0 = 100 atm) H2/air flame for variousthermal diffusion factor models: initial conditions (a) IC1, (b) IC2, and (c) IC3.

    “IC3” is the same as “IC2” but with a larger H massfraction with a maximum of 0.1 (details provided inRef. [9]). Initialization of radical species precludesthe need for a numerical “spark plug” and the reac-tions proceed rapidly with relatively large heat releaseat initial times, adjusting to a quasi-steady state. It isnoted that the IC3 case has an extremely large ini-tial radical level. This is done intentionally in order togauge the influence of initial conditions on the results.

    Maximum flame temperature evolutions as pre-dicted by the different cross-diffusion models and alsoby the standard Fourier/Fickian model (FF) have beenplotted as a function of the nondimensional time vari-able t∗ = ta0/δ0 in Fig. 4 for the three sets of initialspecies profiles (IC1, IC2, and IC3). The maximumflame temperature is clearly sensitive to the choice ofinitial conditions, varying from approximately 2300to 3500 K. However, the trends predicted by the cross-diffusion models in comparison to the purely Fick-ian/Fourier model are approximately equal for all ofthe initial conditions. In all cases, the Shukla andFiroozabadhi model (FM), the Kempers model (KM),and the Curtis and Farrell model 1 (CM1) result inlower maximum flame temperatures in comparisonto the Fourier/Fickian model (FF). In contrast to thefirst two models, the CM1 model results in particu-larly large reductions in the flame temperature whichdecreases with time by the end of the simulations.The Hasse model (HM) has negligible influence onthe maximum flame temperature and is similar to theFourier/Fickian model. The Curtis and Farrell model2 (CM2; constant thermal diffusion factors) predictsa very small increase in maximum flame temperaturecompared to the standard diffusion model (FF). Pri-mary and subspecies mass fraction profiles are alsoaffected by the choice of thermal diffusion factormodel; however, the relative effects are essentiallyunaltered by the choice of initial conditions. For ex-ample, Fig. 5 presents the long-time NO mass fractionprofiles at t� = 20 for each initial condition and each

    thermal diffusion factor model. In this case even moredramatic reductions in peak mass fraction profiles arefound for simulations including cross-diffusion (withthe exception of model CM2). In fact, model CM1 re-sults in essentially negligible NO production for eachinitial condition.

    One important consequence of the above discus-sion is that the relative effects of the cross-diffusionmodeling are essentially insensitive to the choice ofinitial conditions. Therefore, for the sake of conve-nience, only results for a single set of initial condi-tions (IC1) will be discussed in what follows. Thelong-time mass fraction profiles for several otherspecies corresponding to IC1 are provided in Fig. 6.Similar trends are observed for each of the profiles,with model CM1 always resulting in the largest de-viations from the FF model. The observed trendswith respect to the various models can be explainedin terms of their predicted thermal diffusion factorvalues. Figs. 1–3 compared the various binary ther-mal diffusion factor (coefficient) model predictionswith experimental data. From these figures it wasconcluded that model CM2, which predicts constantαBK values, is inconsistent with observed trends andis a poor model. However, model CM1 appeared topredict the data reasonably well and generally withvalues bounded by the remaining model predictions.This would appear to be counter to the trends ob-served in the flame simulation for which model CM1predicts the largest deviations from Fourier/Fickianbehavior. In order to understand this apparent contra-diction, it must be recalled that the data in Figs. 1–3were all for relatively low temperatures in the range295 < T < 395 K. In contrast, the mixing regionswithin the flame zone (where temperature and con-centration gradients exist), where cross-diffusion willoccur, are at much higher-temperatures. Understand-ing the high-temperature behavior of the various mod-els is therefore crucial to deciphering the flame simu-lation results.

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    (a) (b) (c)

    (d) (e) (f)

    Fig. 6. Final time (t∗ = 20) mass fraction profiles for the base case (T0 = 700 K, P0 = 100 atm, initial condition IC1) H2/airflame for various thermal diffusion factor models: (a) NO2, (b) H2, (c) O2, (d) H, (e) OH, and (f) O.

    For each flame simulation with N species thereare (N2 − N)/2 independent thermal diffusion fac-tors (since ααβBK = −αβαBK and the diagonal elements,αααBK, are null). Space constraints would therefore notallow a complete presentation of all of the possiblethermal diffusion factor combinations for the mul-ticomponent flames considered in this study. How-ever, the analysis can be summarized with the aid ofFig. 7, which presents the various α21BK model predic-tions for binary species systems having equal massfractions for H2/O2, CH4/O2, and C7H16/O2 (in or-der of species 1/2) as a function of pressure at atypical flame temperature of 2000 K. At these hightemperatures all species pairs are far from their criti-cal locus and relatively minimal pressure dependenceis observed (see Fig. 1a in contrast). Model CM1 isin reasonable agreement with the remaining modelsfor species pairs of comparable molecular weights(CH4/O2 and C7H16/O2 in Figs. 7b and 7c, respec-tively). However, when the ratio of molecular weightsis large, as for H2/O2, model CM1 predicts valuesnearly two orders of magnitude larger than the othermodels at high temperatures. Diffusion of H2 with O2is obviously of great importance to the nonpremixedH2/O2 and H2/air flames, resulting in the observedamplified Soret effects. In contrast, for the CH4/airand C7H16/air flames the mass fraction gradients of

    H2 are much less and a more consistent prediction ismade by the CM1 model for these flames (see below).

    Trends in the remaining models can also be ob-served. For example, the Hasse model (HM) showsnearly negligible Soret effects for all the flames(H2/O2, CH4/air, and C7H16/air are discussed be-low). In fact, the HM model predicts nearly nullthermal diffusion factors for all species pairs at largetemperatures (see Fig. 7). The reason for this is thatthe HM model is based on departures between thespecies partial molar enthalpies with their ideal gaslimits (see Eq. (10)). As the temperatures becomelarge the mixtures approach ideal gas behavior andthe HM model predicts no Soret diffusion. This ap-pears to be a deficiency in the model as Soret effectsare known to be significant in many ideal gas mix-tures (see citations above). It may be noted that onlythe “modified Hasse” model is currently considered,which neglects the (low-pressure) kinetic theory lim-iting behavior of the model. However, no significantdeviations in the flame simulation results would beexpected had this term been retained, because the ki-netic theory values are approximately the same asthose predicted by model CM2, which also predictsnegligible Soret effects. Furthermore, there is littlejustification for believing that kinetic theory be thelimiting behavior of high-temperature dense fluid sys-

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    (a) (b)


    Fig. 7. High-temperature (2000 K) thermal diffusion factor model predictions for binary species pairs (Y1 = Y2 = 0.5) as afunction of pressure: (a) H2/O2, (b) CH4/O2, and (c) C7H16/O2.

    tems at the large pressures of interest to the study.This leaves the FM and KM models as the potentiallymost physically plausible models. Of the two, the FMmodel generally predicts the more conservative ther-mal diffusion factor values and may be recommendedas the “safest” model due to its conservative esti-mates. However, before more conclusive evaluationsof the various models can be made experimental dataat both high pressures and high temperatures consis-tent with realistic combustion conditions are required.No such data is presently known to the authors.

    Fig. 8 presents the long time heat and mass fluxvector profiles predicted by both the FM and KM ther-mal diffusion factor models in the base case H2/airflame. The Bearman–Kirkwood form of the heat fluxvector is presented, and only the mass flux vectorscorresponding to O2 and H2 are shown for the sakeof brevity. In each case, the total flux vectors are pre-sented along with those components proportional totemperature and pressure gradients, as well as the sumof all terms related to mole fraction gradients. Asshown above, the KM model predicts larger valuesof the thermal diffusion factors and therefore exhibitsenhanced cross-diffusion effects. Dufour diffusion isessentially negligible for the FM model (Fig. 8a) butis somewhat significant for the KM model (Fig. 8b).Soret diffusion slightly enhances the rate of O2 diffu-

    sion into the flame zone, but decreases the rate of H2diffusion. These effects are essentially negligible forthe FM model (Figs. 8c and 8e) but are again moreapparent for the KM model (Figs. 8d and 8f). Soretdiffusion results in an approximately 15% reductionin the maximum mass flux rate of H2 into the flamezone (Fig. 8f). These results for mass fluxes only re-veal a partial description of the complex multicompo-nent diffusion process which involves many speciesincluding radicals. The ultimate effects are apparentin the previously described species mass fraction pro-files and maximum temperature evolutions.

    3.2.2. CH4/air and C7H16/air flamesAttention is now turned to the effects of cross-

    diffusion on the two flames described by reducedmechanisms: CH4/air and C7H16/air. Fig. 9 depictsthe maximum flame temperature evolution for eachflame under base case conditions: T0 = 700 K, andP0 = 35 atm. Cross-diffusion effects are nearly neg-ligible for all thermal-diffusion-factor models for themethane flame; whereas reductions in the long-timeflame temperature ∼100 K are observed for the hep-tane flame. The results are consistent with the as-sumption of negligible Soret effects often made inthe literature concerning methane flames. The vari-ables most sensitive to Soret diffusion tend to be the

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    (a) (b) (c)

    (d) (e) (f)

    Fig. 8. Final time (t∗ = 20) heat and mass flux vector profiles for the base case H2/air flame (T0 = 700 K, P0 = 100 atm): BKheat flux vector for the (a) FM and (b) KM model, O2 mass flux vector for the (c) FM and (d) KM model, and the H2 mass fluxvector for the (e) FM and (f) KM model.

    (a) (b)

    Fig. 9. Maximum flame temperature evolution for the base case (T0 = 700 K, P0 = 35 atm): (a) CH4/air and (b) C7H16/airflames.

    NOx mass fractions. These mass fraction profiles formethane are shown in Fig. 10 for NO and NO2 foreach of the thermal-diffusion-factor models. In thiscase, the KM model actually results in the strongestdeviations from the Fickian/Fourier cases with sig-nificant reductions in NO in particular. The remain-ing species concentrations are relatively unaffectedby cross-diffusion for methane. Finally, the heptaneflame is substantially more affected by cross-diffusionthan the methane flame. Long-time mass fraction pro-files for several species are presented for the base case

    heptane reaction in Fig. 11. Both the FM and KMmodels result in significant variations in the maxi-mum mass fractions for several of the species, includ-ing H, H2, NO, and NO2. These differences may beattributable to the overly simplified reduced kineticsmechanisms used in the above which lack some radi-cals important in detailed mechanisms. Nevertheless,use of reduced kinetics mechanisms is prevalent inthe community and the effects of Soret and Dufourdiffusion together with such mechanisms is of inter-est.

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    (a) (b)

    Fig. 10. Final time (t∗ = 1.5) NOx mass fraction profiles for the base case (T0 = 700 K, P0 = 35 atm) CH4/air flames: (a) NOand (b) NO2.

    (a) (b) (c)

    (d) (e) (f)

    Fig. 11. Final time (t∗ = 3) mass fraction profiles for the base case (T0 = 700 K, P0 = 35 atm) C7H16/air flames: (a) H, (b) H2,(c) H2O, (d) CO, (e) NO, and (f) NO2.

    3.2.3. Effects of ambient pressureThe results presented thus far are for specific base

    case values of the ambient pressure. One of the moreinteresting questions that the present generalized for-mulation is capable of addressing concerns the effectsof pressure on the relative impact of cross-diffusionon the various flames. Fig. 12 directly addresses thisquestion through a presentation of the differencesin the maximum flame temperature between each ofthe various thermal diffusion factor model predic-tions with those of the purely Fickian/Fourier diffu-sion model as a function of pressure. Each symbol

    on the curves corresponds to the results of two entiresimulations conducted at specific pressure values (i.e.,results of the FF model and the model listed in thelegends). Results are presented for the H2/air, H2/O2,CH4/air, and C7H16/air flames in Figs. 12a–12d, re-spectively. For all flames other than the methane flameincreasing pressure is observed to increase the ef-fects of cross-diffusion on the flame temperature.For all but the CM2 model (with unphysical con-stant thermal diffusion factors), cross-diffusion actsto decrease the flame temperature with respect to theFF model. These effects are largest for the hydrogen

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    (a) (b)

    (c) (d)

    Fig. 12. Differences in the maximum flame temperature predicted by the Fickian/Fourier (FF) diffusion model from corre-sponding values predicted by the various thermal diffusion factor models as a function of the ambient pressure for: (a) H2/air,(b) H2/O2, (c) CH4/air, and (d) C7H16/air flames.

    flames, but are substantial at large pressures for theheptane flame. In contrast, flame temperature alter-ations due to cross-diffusion actually decrease withincreasing pressure for methane. This discrepancy isnot readily explained as the overall effect of cross-diffusion is very complicated given the number ofspecies involved in the reaction and their respectiveproperty variations. However, the trend is observedfor all thermal-diffusion-factor models analyzed. It isnot clear whether or not this trend would hold givena detailed (as opposed to reduced) kinetics model.Even the more conservative FM model predicts max-imum flame temperature changes ∼50 K that can af-fect radical and pollutant species concentrations toa significant extent. The KM model predicts evenlarger variations ∼150 → 200 K at high-pressures forflames other than methane with even larger potentialfor species concentration alterations.

    4. Conclusions

    A generalized formulation for high-pressure lam-inar flame simulations has been developed and im-plemented for detailed H2/O2 and H2/air combus-tion, and reduced mechanisms describing CH4/airand C7H16/air combustion. The formulation is basedon the compressible Navier–Stokes equations cou-

    pled with a real gas state equation and generalizedheat and mass flux vectors derived from nonequilib-rium thermodynamics and fluctuation theory. Accu-rate models based on the principle of correspondingstates are employed for all mixture properties. Eachof the kinetics mechanisms was chosen from the lit-erature based on having pressure-dependent reactionsteps and published comparisons with high-pressuredata. In addition, several models previously presentedin the literature for the thermal diffusion coefficientpairs related to Soret and Dufour cross-diffusionwere implemented after comparing their predictionswith available high-pressure (although relatively low-temperature) experimental data. The majority of themodels were shown to agree qualitatively with theexperimental data; however, no model predicted allof the data quantitatively. In general, those mod-els capable of predicting hydrocarbon/hydrocarbonspecies pair data well fared more poorly with hydro-carbon/nonhydrocarbon species pairs, and vice versa.Each of the models was then implemented into thegeneral flame code for one-dimensional laminar dif-fusion flames that were simulated across a large rangeof ambient pressures.

    The ultimate impact of cross-diffusion varied sub-stantially as a function of the model used to pre-dict the thermal diffusion coefficient pairs. Severalof the models were argued to be physically implausi-

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    ble at the large temperatures present within the flamezones. Two models were identified as being the mostphysically plausible: the “Kempers model” (denotedKM) [55] and the “Shukla and Firoozabadi model”(denoted FM) [50]. The FM model resulted in themore conservative predictions with respect to purelyFourier/Fickian diffusion modeling. However, a needwas found for experimental data for thermal diffusioncoefficients at both high pressure and high tempera-ture needed to further evaluate the accuracy of ther-mal diffusion modeling in high-pressure flames (al-though such measurements are expected to be verydifficult due to the onset of chemical reactions at hightemperatures). Nevertheless, for all flames other thanthe methane flame, significant alterations to both theflame temperature and species concentrations wereobserved due to cross-diffusion for nearly all of themodels. These alterations are particularly apparentin NOx concentrations, and increase with increas-ing pressure. While not conclusive, the results sug-gest that proper multicomponent diffusion modeling,including Soret and Dufour cross-diffusion, be in-cluded for high-fidelity simulations of laminar diffu-sion flames. These effects become particularly impor-tant when accurate predictions of pollutant species arerequired, and/or for large pressures associated withmodern combustion devices. The results of the studyare, however, limited to laminar flames. Further re-search is required before the ultimate impact of mul-ticomponent and cross-diffusion on turbulent reactingflows can be comprehensively addressed.


    The authors thank Dr. John C. Hewson of SandiaNational Laboratories for providing the high-pressurereaction kinetics for the hydrocarbon flames. Drs.Daniel E. Rosner and Abbas Firoozabadhi are alsothanked for discussions concerning various thermaldiffusion coefficient models and their implementa-tion. This work was partially funded by National Sci-ence Foundation Grant CTS-9983762.


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