and Dyspepsia,...

Post on 25-May-2019

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. . Match~ Spruce ~d Pine Lumber, · . 8hln8fea,: Fireweod, Harneu,

Ral~ PJtcb,..E:el~

~ oatl~'fPianneJ, 81tlrtlng, ct.c. -.. -And a full ..ortment of-

• •

and ~Provisions . .

•••o·vouR Cleuiag ~d DJeing. aleo your -Slit"' OOllan, ~ Laoe Cur-­taina, Pillow Sbama and all ol~

Oaraleata to the

Globe Steam Laundry and Dye ~ ~ork.,_~ .

like new .,._. • ....,

.. .


- ..





. '


bYNICE OIL --<roa£&-

Rtieumatism and Dyspepsia, Lumtiagq, Neuralgia and

Kindred Diseases.

Tbfa ac~ Frtn~td~l dit/cm ry • UHd wilb rcmarP.l(tiJrc:on

HAll•••""' Hc:.pital, ' York • om,Dulu. Philad~lp i• ; Mtr1:


HOpkin• Uni'l'trol~y · Hc:.pital, Montreal '

bc:.pir.als in the

co. paid out to S98 of- its patrons, whoee policies were involved in t.he fire, exactly a similat

$541,000 ~ .

JOHN CORMACK, Agent, St. John's,

A. T. DRYSDALE, Agent, H!'rl:,or Grace.

~~WHEELS ~ I '


The Eldredge! $60.00 :

I • I

The Belvidere! $40.00 !

• • I

.Superior to llll otbcra irrcapective of price. Cat.aiO&Ue tells you

why. Write for oa~.

NATIONAL SEWING IL\CliiNE CO., J.~iltoADWAY, FIICtOry, ,~New Yortl. OELYIOEltS , t.L,.

This is the TiDie for !lak­ing Old Things New.

Diamond Dr_~s are the Dr. LEH R, True and Unfailling 'Dentist,

Agents. · Water Street East, .. St. John's. In. November thousand~ of wo·

man will be coloring dresaes, akirta' ~Exclusive right to us~ the jaoket.e, coata, vestv, ~nta, abawht Famo11a Halo Method of Ptnnlesa wool yarns add carpe\ rage. ' Dentistry in St. John's and H:nbor

The dyeing operation ie an tm· Grace . .ar • porlant .one and· demands great N. B.-Dr. L. will visit Uo.rhor care. Tbe principal point ia to so· Grace pet:iodic!liiY for the c_onveni· Q.Ure the right dyes-colore that ence of b1s pt\b.enta. are pure, brlsM and fuL to waah-ln~r And eunllgbt.

The Diamond Dyes-the only liLe iB .... lln Iifract 4ttanbatb guarAnteed dyee on earth-posse!s ~., ~· " . ~ ' all the grand qualities tbl\t make and true colore. I>iamond CONCEPTION BAy .'-DVERTioER, Dyt's have such a bnivereal sale x•DrlaWdaDtt_pallltobed everyl'rld~C'YtO • tnat unacrapuloua dealers make lac, ..a~ ~~WM~are om~. VlcLOrla 1:11.

fli •- t i 1•-• •b Ir Har~~WOrMeliJrMvl<""o~:•. e or.., o m .. ,e • em. 1011 Wo .-a oo' iiiihl ouro.IVM noepoatlbltt :or wo't.ld t be auoceaeful in dyelnSJ !~...,op&alou 'l~ 117 our oonupt>ad· av~id all crude huitAtiona. Prompt· !lv1111C11UPnO'I. RATa :-~oo !M'r anoom

!1. refuM all dyes recommended b3 .I.JIO _..,bait 7et.r; to toralpaablcrlt~tra l bn l t L:-..: ·~_, ~ D' ra&Aie win.,_ uao. • ·· ea ere 0 UGJ.IMoGI~&I lAIOOD AliY.IITIRJIG IUTU:-60 ctnll JM'f Indo

Dyes. The Diamond Dyee are the for era~ laMftlon; tw~oly C"'or• p~~r lneh "6eal In the world, and all dealers !:~ c:'~:'=.u~r:;. :rro~~r~:'1!~~\~~~·~~~ are aware orthe fac\. ;ot~~u llGull\ .,._.peelllo:~t bJ thea.t·


Worth their

Dr. Morse's Indian ROOT

.. Dr· MORSE'S Root

·FRftr.· · /


. &Outport trade •applied, t.~~d the lulleetl&u.taoUoa 1iveo to all orders.""iili

t: ~Bill Ren.da, LetterJ&•I e:: 1 u!:mt, and nU kin,Je ln11~.5 <;'n be had a' &he "Stl•l! .,



PAIBf[ CIIJRY COIPOlJBD Nothing Vagu& or Inde­

finite About Results.

Cough no •ore IF YOU USE


DD COLDS of all kind..


W. H. THOMPSON & CO., Agmt~, Harbor Gra~.


"H~rif Fl~nr Made from selected Min­nellota and Dakota Hard Spring W&eat. • . • •

~!(aku more BREAD~ barrel tlw.n ang .Ftcur em tlle mark«.

Eoery barrel guaranl~ to ~ of tM Jlighat Qualitg.


.-Twei!LJJ'e&D' a&ud1 baa led a CM' I '-In ICienU.& to bellne LbaL dlpblheti a, apGP.Ieay, aDd ~er dlteUH are due to a deecleDOf of aa.IL In \be •1aLem.

A~~ :n ud (XU)S

.:Pyny-Pactoral • ,... Caulaa ...., lor all

!)TIIIAT •UJIII AFFBmOII ..... ~toed~~, 25 call. • ! ':

DAYIS A LAWUMC& CO..~ ...,.....,Da*lllallll-. .... .,.. '~ ........ Ploeen on&ea are rt'CUiarly abJpPfd

hom Hew ZealaDd &o Eoaland. . 11iey are~ a Del then r~ in&o oblonr bloob. liD. ID wld&b, •n. ID belab~ aDCIUla. l...,tb. Tbe blnab are &Deai IM&&ly wnpPecl In wbit6 paper aocl II&Otilclln tfn oun, each caee CODtaln· IJll ela'·' bloeb •