Ángel Rodríguez - Life at Google - Speaking at Tenerife Tech & Biz - Dec 2013

Post on 31-Aug-2014

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Ángel Rodríguez Technical Product Manager at Google on the products he has worked on and life as a Googler, speaking at the Tenerife Tech and Biz end of 2013 special event. http://www.meetup.com/TenerifeTech/events/156426712/


Ángel Rodríguez¿Oh, qué pasó?

● Aspire to join a team where you feel everyone is smarter than you.

● Perks and money are nice, but you won’t be happy if you don’t like the people.

● Travel.

● Try things out.

● It’s great to have deep technical knowledge, but he most interesting people have also wide knowledge.

● Everyone says you have to follow your passion. It’s OK if you don’t have one yet. Do things. It’ll come along.