Apqp Forms

Post on 06-Jan-2016

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QPQ forms


7/17/2019 Apqp Forms

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Table of Contents

 Appendix Reference Revision

1 Appendix_8 4/27/2007

2 Appendix_9 4/27/2007

3 Appendix_21 /9/200

4 Appendix_11 11/3/2008

! Appendix__1 11/21/2008

Appendix__1 3/12/2008

7 Appendix_1! 2/20/2008

8 "#$ Trainin% &ebsite 9//200!

9 "#$ Trainin% &ebsite 9//200!

10 "#$ Trainin% &ebsite 9//200!

 A$"$ 'pen (ss)es

 A$"$ Ti*in% $lan

 A$"$ Contact +ist

 A(A, A$"$ C-ec.lists

$ro%ra* Revie $aper lectronic

$ro%ra* Revie xpress All R)nRate #or*s RR for*s not incl)ded in t-e A$"$ for*s d)e to si5e6

elp-i $#A everit: Ran.in%s

elp-i $#A 'cc)rrence Ran.in%s

elp-i $#A etection Ran.in%s

Clic. on t-e title belo and :o) ill be lin.ed to t-e appropriateor.s-eet; To %et bac. to t-e Table of Contents< )se t-e

or.s-eet tab .e:s at t-e botto* or clic. on t-e bac. .e: at t-etop;

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 APQP Open Issues)pplier/f%

+ocation= $art >)*bers6=

)pplier Contact= $ro%ra*s6=

elp-i " Contact= $art >a*e=

Responsibility Action Plan Progress









IssuesDescription and/or Sketch





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 APQP Timing Plan

Supplier Duns: Part Number(s):

Supplier/Mfg Location: C+6

PPAP Date:

Supplier Contact: Description:

Supplier Telephone:

A!/S! Contact: (If applicable):

A!/S! Telephone: M"/Program:

Program !$ent Start %inish Status

  Planne& Actual

  16 )b*it Tea* #easibilit: Co**it*ent #or*

  26 o)rce election b: elp-i $;'; (ss)ed

  36 (nitiate A$"$ Activit:

  46 evelop $rod)ct ")alit: Ti*in% $lan

  !6 Co*plete $reli*inar: $rocess #lo ia%ra*

  76 esi%n #A evelop or 'btain Cop:

  86 esi%n Revie

106 Revie )bcontractor A$"$ tat)s

136 $rotot:pe ?)ilds

146 ,a%e Revies esi%n< ?)ild< RR

16 Revie ")alit: :ste*s$roced)res and 'perator &or. (nstr)ctions

176 Co*plete #inal $rod)ction $rocess #lo C-art

Tool Supplier  



  6 Co*plete $reli*inar: +istin% of pecial $rod)ct and $rocess C-aracteristics 

96 Revie pecifications=n%ineerin%< aterial< rain% 

116 Co*plete #acilit: +a:o)t 

126 Co*plete ac-iner: @)ip*ent < Toolin% esi%n ?)ild

1!6 )b*it Tea* #easibilit: Co**it*ent #or*  esi%n 

186 Co*plete $rocess #A

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  Supplier ualit' APP Proect Contact List

Supplier Co&e Manufacturing A&&ress

Supplier Name

Contacts Name an& Title Mailing A&&ress an& !Mail A&&ress Contact Numbers

ales Contact

$rod)ct n%ineer 

")alit: Resident

$ro%ra* ana%er 

in ales 'ffice

$ro%ra* ana%er 

in an)fact)rin% #acilit:

 A$"$ Contact

")alit: ana%er 

")alit: n%ineer 

1st -ift Contact

2nd -ift Contact

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A!" D#SI$N F%#A C&#C'(IS)

Custoer or Internal Part No. Re*ision (e*el


+uestion ,es No N/A Coent/Action Re-uired Person DueResponsible Date




0 Does the DF%#A identi1y Special Characteristics2  







Re*ision Date9

  Pg. " o1 "

Prepared :y9

;as the DF%#A prepared using the Chrysler,

Ford and General Motors Potential Failure Modeand Effects Analysis FMEA! re1erence anual<and applicable custoer speci1ic re-uireents2

&a*e historical capaign and =arranty data beenre*ie=ed2

&a*e best practices and lessons learned 1ro

siilar part DF%#As been considered2

&a*e pass!through characteristics >glossary? beenidenti1ied and re*ie=ed =ith a11ected suppliers 1or

F%#A alignent and appropriate controls in thesupply base2

&a*e special characteristics designated by the

custoer or organi@ation been re*ie=ed =ith

a11ected suppliers to assure F%#A alignent2

&a*e design characteristics that a11ect high riskpriority 1ailure odes been identi1ied2

&a*e appropriate correcti*e actions been assignedto high risk priority nubers2

&a*e appropriate correcti*e actions been assignedto high se*erity nubers2

&a*e risk priorities been re*ised =hen correcti*e

actions ha*e been copleted and *eri1ied2

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Custoer or Internal Part No. Re*ision (e*el

+uestion ,es No N/A Coent/Action Re-uired Person DueResponsible Date

A. $eneral

" Does the design re-uire9

a - New materials?

 b - !e"ial tooli#g?

" - New te"$#ology or !ro"ess?

&as Design o1 #perients been considered2

0 Is there a plan 1or prototypes in place2

3 &as a DF%#A been copleted2



6 &as the Design Beri1ication Plan been considered2



"" &a*e Special Characteristics been selected2

" Is bill o1 aterial coplete2

" Are Special Characteristics properly docuented2

Re*ision Date9

Pg. " o1

&as assebly build *ariation analysis beenconsidered2

&as a DF%A >Design 1or %anu1acturability andAssebly? been copleted2

&a*e ser*ice and aintenance issues beenconsidered2

I1 yes< =as it copleted by a cross 1unctional


Are all speci1ied tests< ethods< e-uipent and

acceptance criteria clearly de1ined andunderstood2

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Custoer or Internal Part No. Re*ision (e*el

+uestion ,es No N/A Coent/Action Re-uired Person DueResponsible Date

:. #ngineering Dra=ings






C. #ngineering Per1orance Speci1ications

"7 &a*e special characteristics been identi1ied2



;ill all product testing be done in!house2

I1 not< is it done by an appro*ed supplier2



Re*ision Date9

Pg. o1

Are re1erence diensions identi1ied to inii@einspection layout tie2

Are su11icient control points and datu sur1acesidenti1ied to design 1unctional gages2

Are tolerances copatible =ith acceptedanu1acturing standards2

Can eisting and a*ailable inspection technology

easure all design re-uireents2

Is the custoer designated engineering changeanageent process used to anage engineeringchanges2

Are test paraeters su11icient to address re-uireduse conditions< i.e.< production *alidation and enduse2

&a*e parts anu1actured at iniu andaiu speci1ications been tested as re-uired2

Is the speci1ied in!process per1orance testsapling si@e and/or 1re-uency consistent =ithanu1acturing *olues2

&as custoer appro*al been obtained< e.g.< 1or

testing and docuentation< as re-uired2

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Custoer or Internal Part No. Re*ision (e*el

+uestion ,es No N/A Coent/Action Re-uired Person DueResponsible Date

D. %aterial Speci1ication

4 Are special aterial characteristics identi1ied2





I1 so<

a - %ill "$ara"teristi"s be "$e"&e' i#-$o(se?

 b - )* "$e"&e' i#-$o(se+ is test e,(i!me#t aailable?


" ;ill outside laboratories be used2


a - a#'li#g+ i#"l('i#g e#iro#me#tal as!e"ts?

 b - torage+ i#"l('i#g e#iro#me#tal as!e"ts?



Re*ision Date9

;here the organi@ation is design responsible< arespeci1ied aterials< heat treat and sur1acetreatents copatible =ith the durabilityre-uireents in the identi1ied en*ironent2

;here re-uired< are the aterial suppliers on the

custoer appro*ed list2&as the organi@ation de*eloped and ipleenteda process to control incoing aterial -uality2

&a*e aterial characteristics re-uiring inspectionbeen identi1ied2

  - )* "$e"&e' i#-$o(se+ are "om!ete#t !eo!le

aailable to ass(re a""(rate testi#g?

  - /oes t$e orga#iatio# $ae a !ro"ess i# !la"e toass(re laboratory "om!ete#"y s("$ as a""re'itatio#?NO)#9 Copetency needs to be assured<

regardless o1 the organi@ations relationship =iththe laboratory.

&a*e the 1ollo=ing aterial re-uireents beenconsidered9

  - ae t$e materialss(bsta#"e "om!ositio# bee#re!orte' i# a""or'a#"e wit$ "(stomer re,(ireme#tse.g.+ )/?

  - ae !olymeri" !arts bee# i'e#ti*ie'mar&e' !er"(stomer re,(ireme#ts?

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A! N#; #+IP%#N)< )OO(IN$ AND )#S) #+IP%#N) C&#C'(IS)

Custoer or Internal Part No. Re*ision (e*el

+uestion ,es No N/A Coent/Action Re-uired Person DueResponsible Date

"   Does the design re-uire9

a - New materials?

 b - (i"& "$a#ge?

" - ol(me *l("t(atio#s?

' - ista&e !roo*i#g?

a - New e,(i!me#t?

 b - New tooli#g?

" - New test e,(i!me#t i#"l('i#g "$e"&i#g ai's?

a - New e,(i!me#t?

 b - New tooli#g?

" - New test e,(i!me#t i#"l('i#g "$e"&i#g ai's?




Re*ision Date9

Pg. " o1

&a*e lists been prepared identi1ying9 >Include allsuppliers?

&a*e acceptance criteria been agreed upon 1or9>Include all suppliers?

;ill a preliinary capability study be conducted

at the tooling and/or e-uipent anu1acturer2

&as test e-uipent 1easibility and accuracy been


Is a pre*entati*e aintenance plan coplete 1ore-uipent and tooling2

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A! N#; #+IP%#N)< )OO(IN$ AND )#S) #+IP%#N) C&#C'(IS) ! CON)IN#D

Custoer or Internal Part No. Re*ision (e*el

+uestion ,es No N/A Coent/Action Re-uired Person DueResponsible Date









Re*ision Date9

Pg. o1

Prepared :y9

Are setup instructions 1or ne= e-uipent and

tooling coplete and understandable2

;ill capable gages be a*ailable to run preliinary

process capability studies at the e-uipentsuppliers 1acility2

;ill preliinary process capability studies be runat the processing plant2

&a*e process characteristics that a11ect special

product characteristics been identi1ied2

;ere special product characteristics used indeterining acceptance criteria2

Does the anu1acturing e-uipent ha*e su11icient

capacity to handle 1orecasted production andser*ice *olues2

Is testing capacity su11icient to pro*ide ade-uate


&as the easureent e-uipent been *eri1ied and

docuented sho=ing -uali1ication 1or the re-uiredscope o1 easureent and testing2

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Custoer or Internal Part No. Re*ision (e*el

+uestion ,es No N/A Coent/Action Re-uired Person DueResponsible Date



3 Are there su11icient personnel identi1ied to co*er9

a - o#trol !la# re,(ireme#ts?

 b - ayo(t i#s!e"tio#?

" - #gi#eeri#g !er*orma#"e testi#g?

' - Problem rea"tio# a#' resol(tio# a#alysis?

4 Is there a docuented training progra that9

a - )#"l('es all em!loyees?

 b - ists w$ose bee# trai#e'?

" - Proi'es a trai#i#g s"$e'(le?

5 &as training been copleted 1or9

a - tatisti"al Pro"ess o#trol?

 b - a!ability st('ies?

" - Problem soli#g?

' - ista&e !roo*i#g?

e - ea"tio# !la#s?

* - ;t$er to!i"s as i'e#ti*ie'?


Re*ision Date9

Pg. " o1 0

Is custoer assistance or appro*al re-uired 1or the

de*elopent o1 the control plan2

&as the organi@ation identi1ied =ho =ill be the-uality liaison =ith the custoer2

&as the organi@ation identi1ied =ho =ill be the-uality liaison =ith its suppliers2

&as the -uality anageent syste been re*ie=ed

and appro*ed per custoer speci1ic re-uireents2

Is each operation pro*ided =ith processinstructions that are keyed to the control plan2

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Custoer or Internal Part No. Re*ision (e*el

+uestion ,es No N/A Coent/Action Re-uired Person DueResponsible Date




" Do inspection instructions include9


 b - <est *re,(e#"ies?

" - am!le sies?

' - ea"tio# !la#s?

e - /o"(me#tatio# re,(ireme#ts?

" Are *isual aids9

a - =!!ro!riate+ easily (#'erstoo' a#' legible?

 b - =ailable?

" - =""essible?' - =!!roe'?

e - /ate' a#' "(rre#t?





Re*ision Date9

Pg. o1 0

Are standard operator instructions accessible at

each =ork station2

Do operator instructions include pictures and


;ere operator/tea leaders in*ol*ed in de*elopingstandard operator instructions2

  - asily (#'erstoo' e#gi#eeri#g !er*orma#"e


Is there a procedure to ipleent< aintain< andestablish reaction plans< 1or issues such as out o1

control conditions based on statistical processcontrol2

Is there an identi1ied proble sol*ing process that

includes root cause analysis2

Are the latest dra=ings and speci1icationsa*ailable 1or the operator< in particular at thepoints o1 the inspection2

  - ae e#gi#eeri#g tests 'ime#sio#al+ material+a!!eara#"e+ a#' !er*orma#"e bee# "om!lete' a#''o"(me#te' as re,(ire' i# a""or'a#"e wit$ "(stomerre,(ireme#ts?

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Custoer or Internal Part No. Re*ision (e*el

+uestion ,es No N/A Coent/Action Re-uired Person DueResponsible Date



a - o#itori#g a#' meas(reme#t 'ei"es?

 b - >age i#str("tio#s?

" - e*ere#"e sam!les?' - )#s!e"tio# logs?



a - om!lete'?

 b - =""e!te'?


a - $ara"teristi"s to be i#s!e"te'? b - re,(e#"y o* i#s!e"tio#?

" - am!le sie?

' - /esig#ate' lo"atio# *or a!!roe' !ro'("t?

e - /is!ositio# o* #o#"o#*ormi#g !ro'("ts?


Re*ision Date9

Are the current 1ors/logs a*ailable 1or

appropriate personnel to record inspection results2

Are the 1ollo=ing a*ailable and placed at the

appropriate points o1 the operation2

&a*e pro*isions been ade to certi1y and calibrategages and test e-uipent at a de1ined 1re-uency

that is appropriate2

&a*e re-uired easureent syste capability

studies been9

&a*e initial process capability studies beenconducted per custoer re-uireents2

Are layout inspection e-uipent and 1acilities

ade-uate to pro*ide initial and ongoing layout o1all details and coponents in accordance =ithcustoer re-uireents2

Is there a docuented procedure 1or controllingincoing aterial that ay include< 1or eaple<the 1ollo=ing ites9

&a*e saple production parts been pro*ided percustoer re-uireents2

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Custoer or Internal Part No. Re*ision (e*el

+uestion ,es No N/A Coent/Action Re-uired Person DueResponsible Date





7 Is there an appropriate lot traceability procedure2



Re*ision Date9Pg. 0 o1 0

Prepared :y9

Is there a procedure to identi1y< segregate< and

control noncon1oring products to pre*entshipent2

Are re=ork/repair procedures a*ailable to assurecon1oring product2

Is there a procedure to re-uali1yrepaired/re=orked aterial2

&as a aster saple< i1 re-uired< been retained as

part o1 the part appro*al process2

Are periodic audits o1 outgoing products plannedand ipleented2

Are periodic assessents o1 the -uality systeplanned and ipleented2

&as the custoer appro*ed the packaging and thepackaging speci1ication2

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A!3 F(OOR P(AN C&#C'(IS)

Custoer or Internal Part No. Re*ision (e*el

+uestion ,es No N/A Coent/Action Re-uired Person DueResponsible Date



3 Are process and inspection areas9

a - ;* a'e,(ate sie?

 b - Pro!erly lig$te'?


5 Are there ade-uate9

a - tagi#g areas?

 b - )m!o(#' areas?






Re*ision Date9

Pg. " o1 "

Prepared :y9

&a*e lean concepts been applied in considering

aterial 1lo=2

Does the 1loor plan identi1y all re-uired process

and inspection points2

&a*e clearly arked areas 1or all aterial< tools<and e-uipent at each operation been considered2

&as su11icient space been allocated 1or alle-uipent2

Do inspection areas contain necessary e-uipentand record storage2

Are inspection points located to pre*ent shipento1 noncon1oring products2

Are there controls 1or each process to eliinatecontaination or inappropriate iing o1

Is aterial protected 1ro o*erhead or airhandling systes containation2

&a*e 1acilities been pro*ided 1or 1inal product

audit2Are 1acilities ade-uate to control o*eent o1noncon1oring incoing aterial2

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A!4 PROC#SS F(O; C&AR) C&#C'(IS)

Custoer or Internal Part No. Re*ision (e*el


+uestion ,es No N/A Coent/Action Re-uired Person DueResponsible Date








Re*ision Date9

  Pg. " o1 "

Prepared :y9

Does the 1loor chart illustrate the entire process

1ro recei*ing through shipping< including outsideprocesses and ser*ices2

In the de*elopent o1 the process 1lo= chart< =asthe DF%#A used< i1 a*ailable< to identi1y speci1ic

characteristics that ay be critical2

Is the 1lo= chart keyed to product and processchecks in the control plan and PF%#A2

Does the 1lo= chart describe ho= the product =illo*e< i.e.< roller con*eyor< slide containers< etc.2

&as the pull syste/optii@ation been considered1or this process2

&a*e pro*isions been ade to identi1y and inspect

re=orked product be1ore being used2

Are aterial controls 1or o*eent and staging o1

product including appropriate identi1icationproperly de1ined and ipleented2 )he controlsshould address incoing supplier product as =ell

as subcontracted processes2

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A!5 PROC#SS F%#A C&#C'(IS)

Custoer or Internal Part No. Re*ision (e*el 

+uestion ,es No N/A Coent/Action Re-uired Person Due

Responsible Date




0 ;ere siilar part/process F%#As considered2  








Re*ision Date9

  Pg. " o1 "

Prepared :y9

;as the Process F%#A prepared by a cross1unctional tea2 &as the tea taken into accountall custoer speci1ic re-uireents< includingF%#A ethodologies as sho=n in the current

edition o1 F%#A2

&a*e all operations including subcontracted< oroutsourced processes and ser*ices been


&a*e all operations a11ecting custoerre-uireents including 1it< 1unction< durability<

go*ernental regulations and sa1ety beenidenti1ied and listed se-uentially2

&a*e historical capaign and =arranty data beenre*ie=ed and used in the analysis2

&a*e you applied the appropriate controls to

address all o1 the identi1ied 1ailure odes2

;ere se*erity< detection and occurrence re*ised=hen correcti*e action =as copleted2

Do the e11ects consider the custoer in ters o1 thesubse-uent operation< assebly< and product2

;ere custoer plant probles used as an aid inde*eloping PF%#A2

&a*e the causes been described in ters o1soething that can be corrected or controlled2

&a*e pro*isions been ade to control the cause o1

the 1ailure ode prior to subse-uent or the netoperation2

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A!6 CON)RO( P(AN C&#C'(IS)

Custoer or Internal Part No. Re*ision (e*el


+uestion ,es No N/A Coent/Action Re-uired Person DueResponsible Date













Re*ision Date9

  Pg. " o1 "

Prepared :y9

;as the control plan de*eloped according to the

ethodology described in Chapter 4 o1 this AP+Panual2

&a*e all the controls identi1ied in the PF%#A beenincluded in the control plan2

Are all special product/process characteristicsincluded in the control plan2

;ere DF%#A and PF%#A used to prepare the

control plan2

Are aterial speci1ications re-uiring inspectionidenti1ied2

Does the control plan address incoing>aterial/coponents? throughprocessing/assebly including packaging2

Are engineering per1orance testing and

diensional re-uireents identi1ied2

Are gages and test e-uipent a*ailable as re-uired

by the control plan2

I1 re-uired< has the custoer appro*ed the control


Are the gage ethodology and copatibility

appropriate to eet custoer re-uireents2

&a*e easureent systes analysis been

copleted in accordance =ith custoerre-uireents2

Are saple si@es based upon industry standards<statistical sapling plan tables< or other statisticalprocess control ethods or techni-ues2

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Meeting Plan Chec+list

A! ,nput

tili5e $ro%ra* Revie #or* or

tli5e xpress $ro%ra* Revie #or*

$$A$ Re@)ire*ents

RR Ti*in% and Re@)ire*ents

elp-iBs C)sto*er pecific Re@)ire*ents

(ntrod)ction/(nstr)ctions to all elp-i )pplier &ebsites;

!ngineering ,nput+atest part prints and specifications

$ro%ra* Ti*in% / Critical C-aracteristics

Tec-nical oc)*ents incl)din% s)bco*ponent drain%s;

$ro%ra* (nfor*ation s)c- as esti*ated ann)al )sa%e< $$A$ dates< '$ dates< etc;

$ilot and $rotot:pe re@)ire*ents and ti*in%;

e:/Critical c-aracteristics for $$A$

*u'er ,nput (from -uote)$ac.a%in% plan

")oted Tool Capacit:

sti*ated Ann)al Dol)*e

Supplier ,nput)pplier corecard< be prepared to disc)ss

pdated s)pplier infor*ation )pplier $rofile6 incl)din% contact list;

$ro%ra* Ti*in% incl)din% toolin%< $$A$< RR

)pplier iss)es/concerns ca)sed b: elp-i elp-i;)pplier iss)es/concerns not associated it- elp-i;

")estions/concerns needin% to be addressed b: elp-i

#ther Potential Supplier ,nput(nfor*ation on t-e *an)fact)rin% facilit: +ocation< Capacit:< etc;6

$reli*inar: $rocess #lo ia%ra* $#6

$reli*inar: Control $lan

$reli*inar: Ti*in% C-arts

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D!LP., P#0AM !1,!2 S3MMA"

ate of Revie= Ne4

)pplier = eter*

)pplier )ns= )bTier )pplier GG=

)pplier/f% +ocation=

$ART >?R CR($T('> '+ +$H( $+AT#'R H(,H D'+

  FAR TART '# C>AR('

$R'CT('> De-icles61





C.!C5 ,% ,N ATT!NDANC!

+$H( C'>TACT

T(T+ >A $H'> A(+ A"



$R',RA ,R

$$A$ C''R(>AT'R

C'$'>>T >,(>R

$R'CT >,(>R

R$'> TA

$$+(R C'>TACT

>A $H'> A(+$R(>T

"A+(TF A>A,R


$$A$ C'>TACT



+in. to A(A, &eb ite

GG +ist if s)btier s)pplier contrib)tes *ore t-an !0I of *an)fact)rin%< controls a*a: be re@)ired for t-is s)pplier; Reference Tea* #easibilit: doc)*ent on R#"

Critical process s)btiers for -eat treatin%< coatin% and platin% *)st co*pl: it- to co*plete t-e assess*ents; ee ection

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C etails Responsibilit:

7 $latfor*

8 odel Fear 

9 elp-i sti*ated Ann)al Dol)*e

)pplier $$A$ )e ate

; elp-i '$

< elp-i an)fact)rin% ite

= )pplier ")oted Tool Capacit: ! da:s6

D etails Responsibilit:

7 $rotot:pe re@)ire*ents;

8 $re$rod)ction Re@)ire*ents

9 't-er $rod)ct Re@)ire*ents

! etails Responsibilit:

7 )pplier Toolin% Co*pletion ates

8 Toolin% )pplier >a*e if different6

% etails Responsibilit:

7 evelop*ent and Approval of ,a%e esi%n $lan

8 ,a%e val)ation incl)din% eas)re*ent :ste* Anal:sis A6

9 ,a%in% Co*pletion ates

0 etails Responsibilit:


Note: Shipping Container P+g > Labeling re-uirements )ppliers *)stco*pl: it- re@)ire*ents; Co**)nicate to s)ppliers t-at t-e: s-o)ld contactt-eir elp-i $C+ rep; if t-e: -ave @)estions or need assistance; (nfor*ationcan also be fo)nd on t-e elp-i

Program ,nformation+ist infor*ation re@)ired belo



Pro&uct e-uirements > TimingRecord t-e folloin% if applicable;



Supplier Tooling e-uirementsevelop a pro%ra* revie for t-e toolin% s)pplier on criticalco*ponents;


Supplier 0age e$ie4)t)al A%ree*ent on %a%e concept proposal;Certif: ,a%e to prod)ct desi%n record;



Pro&uct Measurement PlanHave acceptable *eas)re*ent *et-ods been confir*ed andcorrelatedJ



Has elp-i received t-e s)pplierMs plan for di*ensional la:o)t and*eas)re*ent of t-e co*ponentJ -o)ld incl)de t-e *eas)re*ent*et-ods< la:o)t< dat)*s< tools< e@)ip*ent and fixt)res if applicable66

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? etails Responsibilit:


8 Has t-e elp-i $T revieed t-e #AJ


5  A)dit Co*pletion ate Responsibilit:

7 C"( 9 Heat Treat*ent assess*ent is re@)ired=

8 C"( 11 $latin% assess*ent is re@)ired=

9 C"( 12 Coatin% assess*ent is re@)ired=

L etails Responsibilit:






M etails Responsibilit:


eas)re*ent @)ip*ent N3 et-odolo%:

eas)re*ent @)ip*ent N4 et-odolo%:

eas)re*ent @)ip*ent N!


eas)re*ent @)ip*ent N et-odolo%:

Design esponsible Suppliers+ist all iss)es/re@)ire*ents if t-e s)pplier is desi%n responsible;



&as a esi%n #ail)re odes ffects Anal:sis #A6 initiated b:t-e s)pplierJ

 Are #A open ite*s addressed on an action plan andco**)nicated to elp-iBs $TJ

Special Process#or )ppliers and )b)ppliers it- C"(9< 11 or 12 re@)ire*ents<co*plete t-e folloin%=



PPAP 0ui&elinesT-e lin. belo ill ta.e :o) to t-e elp-i $$+(R $$A$?(('> CHC+(T; tili5e t-e C-ec.list for $$A$disc)ssions; +ist potential iss)es belo for trac.in% p)rposes;



Lin+ to S3PPL,! PPAP S3*M,SS,#N !3,!M!NTSC.!C5L,ST(3se attache& lin+ or 4or+sheet $ersion pro$i&e&6) -ttps=//delp-i;portal;covisint;co*/c/doc)*ent_librar:/%et_fileJfolder(dK114313na*eK+#10

%irst Time ualit' (%T) ,mpro$ement Process#orecast


#T" (*prove*ent $rocess (nitiationRevie elp-iBs #T" proced)re and trainin% presentations asre@)ired;

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# etails Responsibilit:

7 Capabilit' to access/up&ate the follo4ing:

767 )pplier $rofiles isc)ss Red/Fello/,reen stat)s6

768 )pplier )%%estions $ro%ra* $/CR6

769 )pplier corecard pdated cop: if c)rrent s)pplier6

76 $roble* olver 

76; C)sto*er pecific Re@)ire*ents / ")alit: xpectations

76<  Additional #or*s $roced)res available on t-e ebsite


867 (nitial electronic $$A$ s)b*issions

868 $/CR re@)ired $$A$ s)b*issions

2!*S,T! ,N%#MAT,#Neter*ine t-e s)ppliers access and or.in% .noled%e of eac-elp-i database belo;



egistere& to the Delphi Supplier 2ebsiteMainl' use& for electronic PPAP submissions

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$a%e 24 +ast Revised= 8/22/07

The follo4ing instructions are inten&e& to help the A!/S! in performing the Program e$ie46 Ta+e a moment to re$ie4 the

,nstructions6 The intent of the program re$ie4 is to engage the supplier in con$ersations about $arious aspects of the current

program/parts an& &etermine areas of concern that 4ill nee& further action6

The form is protecte&/loc+e& so that users can tab through fiel&s6 To allo4 attachments (such as program rosters) an&/or

This 4ill allo4 each user to customie the program re$ie4 to fit their nee&s 4hile continuing to use a common form an& process6

2e 4ill start the instructions 4ith &efinitions an& acron'ms:

5PC 5e' Pro&uct Characteristics

ost i*portant prod)ct feat)res or *aterial properties for *eetin% c)sto*er re@)ire*ents;

T-e to .inds of $Cs are 16 safet: and co*pliance< and 26 fit and f)nction; $Cs *a: be attrib)tes present or not6;

(t is re@)ired to tar%et variable $Cs at no*inal and red)ce variation contin)o)sl: beca)se t-ese c-aracteristics are opti*i5ed at t-e no*inal

specification and -ave a loss f)nction associated it- deviatin% fro* no*inal;

5CC 5e' Process Control Characteristic

ost i*portant process c-aracteristics t-at -ave a direct effect on t-e $Cs;

)ppliers *a: desi%nate additional process c-aracteristics as CCs;

C, ualit' / Customer ,nterface

 A feat)re or propert: of a prod)ct t-at is contacted directl: b: t-e c)sto*er and -as an i**ediate i*pact on t-eir satisfaction

if not it-in li*its; 'r< a c-aracteristic t-at does not *eet t-e $C criteria< b)t is dee*ed critical to t-e final prod)ct or its *an)fact)rabilit:;

CC ualit' Control Characteristic

ost i*portant process c-aracteristics t-at -ave a direct effect on t-e "C(Bs; )ppliers *a: desi%nate additional process c-aracteristics as "C(Bs;

PPAP Pro&uct Part appro$al process6

PassThrough Characteristic

(s a c-aracteristic/feat)re -ere an ano*ol: onl: declares itself )nder certain conditions s)c- as environ*ental sti*)lation and cannot be tested

in elp-iBs operations i;e; soft tie rods< stepper *otor it- step loss and steerin% -ose it- incorrect r)bber co*ponent;

an&/or a&&itional information into an' open fiel& 4ithin the formB the form can be unprotecte&6 The pass4or& is unloc+6

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$a%e 2! +ast Revised= 8/22/07

T-e first part of t-e $ro%ra* Revie is an infor*ational list )sed b: elp-i and t-e )pplier for better co**)nication;

#ill in t-e folloin% infor*ation as t-oro)%-l: as possible=

ate of Revie

)pplier incl)de bot- t-e facilit: na*e and parent na*e -ere applicable

)pplier )ns Code t-is is in reference to t-e *an)fact)rin% site prod)cin% t-e prod)ct;

)pplier/f% +ocation

$art >)*bers

$$A$ ate



odel Fear 

'$ ate

)pplier Contacts= +ist .e: s)pplier contacts

e: Contact

$$A$ Contact

")alit: ContactR)nRate Contact

elp-i Contacts +ist .e: elp-i contacts




$ro%ra* ana%er 

$$A$ Coordinator 

Co*ponent n%ineer 

$rod)ct n%ineer 

Response Tea*Ne4 is+ Le$el of Pro&uct 'nce t-e revie -as been co*pleted< eval)ate t-e pro%ra* ris. based on :o)r findin%s;

ections A t-ro)%- are )sed to trac. t-e pro%ress of t-e s)pplier t-ro)%- vario)s aspects of b)ildin% a ne prod)ct; ac- section

foc)ses on a specific area and is as co*pre-ensive as possible;

T-e for*attin% for t-ese t-ree colors -as been a)to*ated; ,o to t-e cell :o) ant to c-an%e< t-en -it t-e folloin% .e:=

for red )se OCtrlrO for :ello )se OCtrl:O for %reen )s OCtrl%O t-is codin% ill also s-o )p in blac./-ite copies it- patterns for eac- color;


T-e col)*ns represented in eac- section are )sed to pro*ote co**)nication beteen elp-i and t-e s)pplier; (t also deter*ines responsibilit:<

forecasts co*pletion dates< action plans< act)al co*pletion dates and pro%ress; ac- bloc. is expandable to add infor*ation as necessar:;

T-e folloin% %ives an explanation of eac- section=

ection A $rod)ct Application Revie -o t-e prod)ct ill be )sed at elp-i and t-e c)sto*er< etc;

ection ? esi%n Revie Revie prints/specs/ "C(/$C< and passt-ro)%- c-aracteristic/feat)re< pac.a%in% and labelin% re@)ire*ents;

T-e first col)*ns ill be )sed to color code eac- line ite*; ,reen indicates co*pleted< Fello indicates 'pen it- recover: plan<Red indicates t-e s)ppliers process ill not *eet elp-i re@)ire*ents;

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$a%e 2 +ast Revised= 8/22/07

ection C $ro%ra* (nfor*ation Revie it- s)pplier so t-e: )nderstand t-e final prod)ct and itBs re@)ire*ents;

ection $rod)ct Re@)ire*ents Ti*in% N of parts re@)ired< t:pe of prod)ct saleable vs nonsaleable6 to be recorded;

ection )pplier Toolin% Re@)ire*ents Toolin% co*pletion and possible roadbloc.s s-o)ld be disc)ssed;

ection # )pplier ,a%e Revie val)ate and approve %a%e desi%ns;

ection , $rod)ct eas)re*ent $lan Consider t-e *eas)re*ent re@Bt and tec-ni@)es t-at ill be )sed for di*ensional la:o)t on t-e co*ponent prior to ppap;

ection H Capabilit: Assess*ent ,)idelines eter*ine based on t-e print re@)ire*ents< c)sto*er re@)ire*ents; etail t-is section ell;

ection ( eas)re*ent :ste*s Anal:sis ,)idelines ?ased on t-e ite* listed in section H< detail e@)ip*ent and *et-odolo%ies t-at ill be )sed;ection P esi%n Responsible )ppliers (f :o)r s)pplier is responsible for t-e desi%n< t-is section s-o)ld be disc)ssed;

ection pecial $rocess vidence of confor*ance to re@)ired C"( assess*ent re@)ired -ere;

ection + $$A$ ,)idelines H:perlin. to elp-iBs $$A$ c-ec.list

ection #irst Ti*e ")alit: #T"6 (*prove*ent $rocess Trainin% and or evidence of confor*ance is revieed in t-is section;

ection > R)nRate Re@)ire*ents H:perlin. to elp-iBs RR plan

ection ' &ebsite (nfor*ation +ists all ebsites and pro%ra*s t-e s)pplier ill need in or.in% it- elp-i;

"E "P R i

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$a%e 27 +ast Revised= 8/22/07

"Express" Program Review

Part Number:

Delphi ,nformation (%rom oster Database > e-uest for Sourcing): %amil' Parent Part No6 (if an'):

1 elp-i tart 'f $rod)ction ate Pro&6 Mfg6 Loc6:

2 Fear=

3  Ann)al sa%e=

4 $ea. &ee.l: sa%e=

! T:pe of ?)ild=

$arts re@)ired ate=

7 ")antit:=

8 $+

9 ?)ild -en $$A$ is re@)ired=

10 )pplier $$A$ )e ate

11 $$A$ +evel Re@)ired 3

12 Co**ents

13 )pplier #irst $arts $ro*ise ate

14 sti*ated $$A$ pac.a%e deliver:

1! )pplier ")oted ! a: Capacit:

vs; $ea. sa%e in @)estion N46

1 T-e s)pplier is responsible to re%ister and )se t-e elp-i )pplier &ebsites and *)st be capable to )pdate and access t-e folloin%=

)pplier $rofiles

)pplier )%%estion $ro%ra* $ / CR6

$roble* olver 

C)sto*er pecific Re@)ire*ents/ ")alit: xpectations

( s:ste* reportable C-e*icals6

ection A= )pplier $ro%ra* Revie



ection ?= )pplier Co**it*ents )pplier co*plete6:

17 T-e )pplier a%rees to and )nderstands t-e folloin%=

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$a%e 28 +ast Revised= 8/22/07

pp % %

1; T-e onl: a)t-ori5ation to i*ple*ent elp-i en%ineerin% c-an%es incl)din% *ar.ed )p prints6 *)st be iss)ed b: t-e elp-i ?):er;

  prior ritten approval of elp-i Corporation;

 A%reed b:=

Authorie& representati$e Date

18 )pplier Co**ents/ Concerns=

19 (s $art Co**odit: xe*ptJ F/> +etter +ocation=

20 xe*ption Calc; -i%-est N 1! / N 46   if less t-an 40I< *a: exe*pt R)n Rate6

21  Approvin% )pplier ")alit: ana%er ate=

22 Co**ents=

#or e*icond)ctors R)n at Rate is exe*pt; To ens)re co**it*ents are *et a CA$AC(TF TF is re@)ired;

"Express" Program Review

2; >o c-an%e< of an: .ind< s-all be *ade in *aterial content< processin% *et-ods< testin% *et-ods< or location of *an)fact)re it-o)t t-e

ection C= R)n Rate =

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$$ xpress #or*

(nstr)ctionsP,NT ,N P#TA,T M#D!






$$ xpress for*s s-o)ld be filled in< trans*itted< and stored electronicall:; #or T-e: s-o)ldbe stored in T=Q$RCHA(>,Q$+_DQA"QR(

 A>TQ$RQOC''(TFOQO$$+(R >AOQO$ART NO$lease )se t-e part n)*ber as t-e first part of t-e filena*e and p)t a 5ero in front of 9 *illion partn)*bers to ac-ieve 8 di%its and proper sort order b: &indos xplorer6;

T-e tab .e: can be )sed to *ove to t-e next available field in t-e for* to enter data; i*ilarl:<s-ift_tab ill *ove to t-e previo)s available field;

#or fillin% in t-e SPDP !press for*=Section A:  Dol)*e (nfor*ation and c-ed)led ?)ilds lines 1 to 106 s-o)ld be filled in b: t-e Pro&uct !ngineer  or t-e Program Team Lea&er ; +ine 11 ill be filled in b: t-e A! Anal'st;

Section * s-o)ld be filled in b: t-e Supplier (lines 79 to 7E)6 nter t-e )pplier >a*e in t-eappropriate cell and enter t-e na*e and date of t-e a)t-ori5ed )pplier Representative -o is fillin% int-e for*;

Section C s-o)ld be filled in b: t-e A!6  (f t-e part co**odit: is exe*pt see xpress for* forcriteria6< it s-o)ld be listed in t-e Co**odit: xe*ption letter si%ned b: t-e )pplier ")alit: ana%er;T-is is expected to be one letter listin% all exe*pted co**odities and stored in one location forreference b: all of )pplier ")alit:;

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D#(P&I Supplier +uality F%#A S#B#RI), RAN'IN$S

Note E"9 Any Failure %ode a11ecting the Behicle Assebly Plant  M"#T  be ranked an 6G or higher.Note E9 Any Failure %ode a11ecting a Delphi Plant  M"#T  be ranked 3G or higher.

Select 1ro the categories belo=< using the highest applicable ranking.

Ranking #11ect #nd Custoer Behicle Assebly Plant Delphi Plant Supplier Plant

10 Ha5ardo)sit-o)t arnin%

$otential fail)re *ode affectssafe ve-icle operation and/orinvolves nonco*pliance it-%overn*ent re%)lation it-o)tarnin%;

$otential fail)re *ode *a:ca)se )nsafe condition forplant personnel it-o)tarnin%;

$otential fail)re *ode *a:ca)se )nsafe condition forplant personnel it-o)tarnin%;

$otential fail)re *ode *a:ca)se )nsafe condition forplant personnel it-o)tarnin%;

9 .a0ar'o(s-wit$


$otential fail)re *ode affectssafe ve-icle operation and/or

involves nonco*pliance it-%overn*ent re%)lation it-arnin%;

$otential fail)re *ode *a:ca)se )nsafe condition for

plant personnel it- arnin%;

$otential fail)re *ode *a:ca)se )nsafe condition for

plant personnel it- arnin%;

$otential fail)re *ode *a:ca)se )nsafe condition for

plant personnel it- arnin%;

8 ery .ig$ De-icle/ite* inoperable 4lossof pri*ar: f)nction6S fail)re*ode *a: ca)se c)sto*eral. -o*e< field ret)rn< ord)rabilit: iss)e;

$otential fail)re *ode *a:ca)se a spi ll/*aEor disr)ption<repair< asse*bl: diffic)lt:<reor.< or sortin% at t-eDe-icle Asse*bl: $lant

$otential fail)re *ode *a:ca)se a spill/*aEor disr)ptionat a 7elp-i $lant;

7 .ig$ De-icle/ite* operable b)t at ared)ced level of perfor*ance;C)sto*er ver: dissatisfied;#ail)re *ode *a: ca)seve-icle repairs at 7ealer;(ncl)des >oise iss)es


9ee >ote N1

$otential fail)re *ode *a:ca)se repair< asse*bl:diffic)lt:< reor.< sortin% at a7elp-i plant;

6 o'erate De-icle/ite* operable b)tco*fort/convenience ite*4s66inoperable/not perfor*in% toc)sto*er expectation 4e;%;;>oise6

9ee >ote N1

$otential fail)re *ode *a:ca)se special -andlin% ofco*ponents at 7elp-i9;

5 ow De-icle/ite* operable b)tco*fort/convenience ite*4s6operable at a red)ced level of perfor*ance;

9ee >ote N1$otential fail)re *ode *a:ca)se inconvenience to 7elp-iprior to asse*bl:;

4 ery ow #it and finis- ite* does notconfor*; 7efect noticed b:*ost c)sto*ers;

9ee >ote N19ee >ote N2

3 i#or   #it and finis- ite* does notconfor*; 7efect noticed b:avera%e c)sto*ers;

9ee >ote N19ee >ote N2

2 ery i#or   #it and finis- ite* does notconfor*; 7efect noticed b:discri*inatin% c)sto*ers;

9ee >ote N19ee >ote N2

1 No#e >o effect; 9ee >ote N1 9ee >ote N2


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$robabilit: +i.el: #ail)re Rates $p. Ran.in%

Der: Hi%-= $ersistent #ail)res

  100 per t-o)sand pieces

 !0 per t-o)sand pieces



L 0;!!




 Hi%-= #re@)ent #ail)res  

20 per t-o)sand pieces

10 per t-o)sand pieces 

L 0;78

L 0;8




oderate= 'ccasional #ail)res  ! per t-o)sand pieces

2 per t-o)sand pieces

1 per t-o)sand pieces 

L 0;94






+o= Relativel: #e #ail)res 0;! per t-o)sand pieces

  0;1  per t-o)sand pieces 


L 1;30




Re*ote= #ail)re is )nli.el:  

0;001 per t-o)sand pieces G 

L 1;7 1

>ote= (dentical to an)al except for Ran.in% of 1; an)al allos for ;01 per t-o)sand 10 $$6 

/P) (!!lier (ality = ;@N =@=<);N =NK)N>

am!le "al"(latio# to 'etermi#e P!& al(e *rom a li&ely *ail(re rate o* 5 !er t$o(sa#' !ie"es see = t$ir' =!!e#'iA ). 

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Ran.in% ffect $#A


 Absol)te ncertaint: Cannot detect or is not c-ec.ed;

9 Der: Re*ote Control is ac-ieved it- indirect or rando* c-ec.s onl:;

8 Re*ote Control is ac-ieved it- vis)al inspection onl:;

7 Der: +o Control is ac-ieved it- do)ble vis)al inspection onl:;

+o Control is ac-ieved it- c-artin% *et-ods< s)c- as $Ctatistical $rocess Control6 OR  %a)%in% perfor*ed on set)p andfirstpiece c-ec.; G

! oderate Control is based on variable or attrib)te %a)%in% perfor*ed100I of t-e parts after parts -ave left t-e station;

4 oderatel: Hi%- rror detection in s)bse@)ent operation; G

3 Hi%- rror detection instation< or error detection in s)bse@)ent

operations b: *)ltiple la:ers of acceptance= s)ppl:< select<install< verif:; Cannot accept discrepant part;

2 Der: Hi%- rror detection instation a)to*atic %a)%in% it- a)to*atic stopfeat)re6; Cannot pass discrepant part;

1 Al*ost Certain iscrepant parts cannot be *ade beca)se ite* -as been errorproofed b: process/prod)ct desi%n;

G >ote= (dentical to an)al except for Ran.in%s of and 4; &ords U'R %a)%in% perfor*ed on set)p and first piece c-ec.V*oved fro* a detection of 4 to a detection of

D#(P&I Supplier +uality F%#A Detection Rankings