APRIL 15, 2016 - NEWSLETTERSmycountyparks.weebly.com/uploads/3/0/6/6/3066963/... · * June 15 –...

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(Information also posted to 

the online calendar via the 

IACCB link on MCP.com) 


* April 19 – Winterfest 

Planning Comm. ‐ Ames 

* April 20 – District 3 Mtg. – 

Pocahontas County 

* May 13 – IACCB Board of 

Directors Mtg.– Des Moines 

* May 19 – District 4 Mtg. – 

Mills County 

* June 8 – Visitor Protection 

Workshop – Iowa CCB 

* June 15 – District 6 Mtg. – 

Linn County 

* Aug. 18 – District 4 Mtg. – 

Montgomery County 


See the IACCB Online 

Calendar for agenda info. 

and mapping directions  

The IACCB Newsletter is 

produced on a periodic basis, and 

provided in digital format as a 

membership benefit to IACCB 

Members and stakeholders. 

IACCB@MyCountyParks.com       (515) 963‐9582

IACCB 2016            

Fall Conference 

September 15‐17 

The most important thing 

you can do in your career 

needs to happen in the next 

couple of days! I know that it is not the best timing as you all have a myriad of spring opening activities and prairie burns to do – BUT – we have IWILL moving through the legislative process as of today! The Senate Ways & Means Subcommittee moved SF 504 to the full committee for consideration, and hopes are high that a bill will emerge to the full Senate floor for discussion early next week. Remember our conversations months ago that when an opportunity presented itself – we would need to

pounce and pounce fast!?? POUNCING TIME IS HERE! We need EVERYONE to take a moment & PARTICIPATE!

“I believe we can move mountains in the Legislature, but it requires Iowans not to

sit on their couch and just expect it to happen,” said Sen. Janet Petersen, D-Des Moines,

who supported the three-eighths of 1 percent sales tax hike but told supporters Iowans

“need to get on their phones and they need to email and let people truly know how badly

they want this.” (Cedar Rapids Gazette – 4.14.16) YOUR advocacy on behalf of funding

the Trust Fund is essential over the next couple of days as our best chance in 6 years at

getting the job done is at hand! Your legislators need to hear from EACH OF YOU and all

the stakeholders you can engage to assist you with this effort.

I was able to speak on your behalf to the subcommittee yesterday morning along with

numerous other organizations and supporters at a packed Senate subcommittee meeting.

Once again – the Un-Met Needs of County Conservation document was utilized as a

testimonial to the need for this funding – NOW, THE BALL IS IN YOUR COURT!

Now is the Time!! The Future of Iowa’s Natural Resources is in Our Hands! Time

for Everyone to React & Engage!

Lammers (Hamilton) & Hazelton 

at State Capitol – April 14th  

Volume 57, Issue No. 18 April 15, 2016


Senators Johnson (L) and Hogg (R) spoke on 

behalf of IWILL legislation in the rotunda 

during IWILL Lobby Day activities. 

CONTACT YOUR LEGISLATORS!!!! THIS ONE FINAL PUSH may be all it takes to get our State of Iowa Legislature to find common ground between House and Senate proposals for water quality & outdoor recreation initiatives.

FIND YOUR LEGISLATORS HERE: https://www.legis.iowa.gov/legislators/find FIND YOUR LEGISLATIVE FORUM HERE: http://www.infonetiowa.org/calendar/events/

There are many Legislative Forums across the state this evening and particularly on Saturday – a great time for YOU to voice your opinion and advocate on behalf of FUNDING THE TRUST! Your Legislators need to hear from their constituents –YOU! – over this weekend or by Monday morning at the latest! Important discussions, voting and caucusing will occur at the statehouse early next week – ALL LEGISLATORS need to know how important it is to you that the trust be funded this year! Senators Johnson (Ocheydan) and Hogg (Cedar Rapids), along with many others have done a masterful job supporting and sheperding the proper legislation to this juncture – IT IS NOW OUR JOB to assist them! SF 504 is now on its way to the Senate Ways and Means Committee (listed below) – so a note to them is as important as those contacts and conversations with your own legislators! Time is short, and we have a historic opportunity before us – put aside your daily duties and do the right thing for the future of Iowa’s natural resources! The full funding of REAP and those new funding opportunities for CCBs through the Local Conservation Partnerships as just two reasons you should be excited that we have come this far! JUST DO IT!

SENATE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE Joe Bolkcom (D, District 43), Chair Chaz Allen (D, District 15), Vice Chair Randy Feenstra (R, District 2), Ranking Member Bill Anderson (R, District 3)

Jerry Behn (R, District 24) Michael Breitbach (R, District 28)

William A. Dotzler Jr. (D, District 31)

Robert Hogg (D, District 33)

Pam Jochum (D, District 50)

Matt McCoy (D, District 21)

Janet Petersen (D, District 18)

Herman C. Quirmbach (D, District 23)

Jason Schultz (R, District 9)

Dr. Joe M. Seng (D, District 45)

Roby Smith (R, District 47) 

IT IS CRITICAL that we keep the momentum & energy of yesterday’s subcommittee meeting growing over the weekend! Everyone please reach out to your legislators: by phone, email, or in person at legislative forums this weekend: http://www.iowaswaterandlandlegacy.org/legislative-forums/ . Let them know you appreciate their support of the Trust and that funding it this session is important to you! Moments like this in the history of our natural resources do not come along very often – YOU MUST ACT NOW! No one else can “tell the story” to a local legislator like YOU can – and NO ONE ELSE IS GOING TO DO IT FOR YOU! This is our chance to change the landscape in a permanent and positive way on how we will be able to do better what it is that we do – LET’S DO IT NOW so we are not back at the IWILL legislative battle once again in 2017! Opportunity may only knock once! THANKS for all that you have done over the past many months (and years) – time now to push the effort to fruition!

You have the tools, you have the 

stories, you MUST take the time – the 

future of Iowa’s natural resources and 

outdoor recreation rests in your hands!