April 28-29, 2018 Fifth Sunday of Easter Saint Patrick’s ... · Page 3 Connect the dots of faith....

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Saint Patrick’s

115 Maple Avenue, Victor NY 14564 (585) 924-7111 • www.stpatricksvictor.org

Authentic faith, Welcoming and Engaging

+ + + Be holier today than yesterday. The only and truly sad thing in life is not to become a saint. + + +

Catholic Church

Think of Sacraments. Think of Divine Life.

Sacrament of Baptism. The sacrament through which God makes us His sons and daughters in Jesus Christ. To prepare for re-ception, call Anthony Klosterman @ 924-2800. Sacrament of the Eucha-

rist. The sacrament through which God feeds us with His Word and the Body and Blood of His Son, Jesus.

Weekend Masses: Saturday at 4:30 PM, Sunday at 8:30 and 10:30 AM, and 5:00 PM

Weekday Masses: Monday - Wednesday, Friday at 8:30 AM, Thursday Communion Service at 8:30 AM

For First Holy Communion, call 924-2800 for more info.

Holy Communion may be brought to the sick, the home-bound, and those in nursing homes and in hospitals. Call the Parish Office @ 924-7111 for more info.

Sacrament of Confirmation. The sacrament through which God by the gift of the Holy Spirit strengthens us to give faith-ful witness to our Catholic Faith. To prepare for reception, call Anthony Klosterman @ 924-2800.

Children, older than 7 y/o, and adults who needs to be baptized, receive Communion and/or be Confirmed, call Deacon John @ 924-7111.

Sacrament of Reconciliation. The sacrament through which God’s mercy and love, justice and truth heals the wound of sin. Generally offered an hour before each Mass. Please give the priest fifteen minutes before Mass to prepare for Mass. Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. The sacrament through which Jesus continues to heal the sick among us. Anointing is offered at each Mass on the first weekend of the month. Or call Fr. Edison @ 924-7111 to schedule an anoint-ing. Sacrament of Marriage. The sacrament through which God calls a man and woman to become visible signs of His Love. Call Fr. Edison or Deacon John @ 924-7111 for more info. Sacrament of Holy Orders. The sacrament through which the mission Jesus entrusted to the apostles is continued in the Church. To learn more about vocations to the ordained min-istry, please call Fr. Edison or Deacon John @ 924-7111.

Never miss an opportunity to celebrate a sacrament.

April 28-29, 2018 Fifth Sunday of Easter

Why do we exist as a parish? In order to love God with all that we are, to love our neighbor as ourselves, to make more and better disciples, and to learn and teach how to keep Jesus’ commandments.

Our Mission is based on Matthew 22: 34-40, 28:16-20.

Inside this Bulletin

Traveling Chalice & Paten p.2 Weekend Masses during Easter p.2 Upcoming Liturgies: Ascension and Corpus Christi p.3 First Friday Devotions p.3 Vacation Bible School p.3 Saint Patrick’s Festival Weekend p.3 Formed Resource: Prayer p.4 Attention: Ministry Coordinators p.4 Relay for Moms p.4 July 2017-March 2018 Collections p.5 Our Own Parish-Based CYO? P.6 Sabbatical Program p.6

Did you know that it takes 12-15 hours to prepare the bulle-tin? Thank you for taking the time to read the bulletin.

Attention: Families in Faith Formation Program Informational Meeting for Parents

Dear parents, on this last week of faith formation class, while children are in class, we will be having a sepa-rate session with you to share with you updates concerning our faith for-mation program: the family-parish

covenant, sacramental preparation, and the roles of parents, catechists and children in the program.

The sessions will take place in the Parish Center, on Sun-day, April 29 at Noon, Monday, April 30 at 4:30 PM, and Tuesday, May 1 at 6:30 PM. Attend only one session.

For April 29, Sunday, the schedule will be as follows: 10:30 AM: Mass 11:40 AM: Easter Egg Hunt 12:00 PM: Faith Formation Class / Parents’ Session We will offer early registration at these sessions.


Page 2 Get informed. Get involved. April 28-29, 2018

Saturday, April 28, 2018

4:30pm - Don Hamilton by Meg & Carlos CHaides

Sunday, April 29, 2018 Acts 9:26-31; 1 John 3:18-24; John 15:1-8 (53)

8:30am - Ann Harrington by Toni Edgar & family

10:30am - Marie Stout by Gary & Margie Wood

5pm - Lana Leschhorn by Darlene & John Butler

Monday, April 30, 2018

8:30am - Bud Sherman by Dan & Jackie Lafferty

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

8:30am - John Honan by Helen Barnes

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

8:30am - Call the office to schedule your intention.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

8:30am - Communion Service

Friday, May 4, 2018

8:30am - Alex Davis by family

Saturday, May 5, 2018

4:30pm - Charles Keefe by Lucille Ventura

Sunday, May 6, 2018 Acts 10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48; 1 Jn 4:7-10; Jn 15:9-17 (56)

8:30am - Bernice Lonecke by Gary & Melissa Frontuto

10:30am - Don Hamilton by Gene & Cindy Boudreau & family

5pm - Timothy P. Sullivan by Burke family

Important: If you have requested the Mass intention and would like to bring up the gifts during Offertory,

please inform the ushers before Mass. Thank you.

Liturgy & Sacramental Life

because God matters

Traveling Chalice and Paten - Hosting Families With a set of chalice and paten are the Vo-cation Prayer and detailed instructions about this vocation program. All two sets of chalices and patens must be returned by Saturday morning, at the Parish Office porch.

Week of April 29-May 5

Set for Weekend Masses (Sign-up in the Sacristy)

McCarthy Family

Set for Faith Formation (Sign-up in the Sacristy)

Houghton Family

Liturgical Ministers for the Weekend of May 5 - 6

Ministry Saturday 4:30 PM Sunday 8:30 AM Sunday 10:30 AM Sunday 5:00 PM

Sacristan Jackie Lafferty Diane Gernert Liz Gartland Benny Malijan

Lector One Jeff Bartkoski Sandy Brannigan Marge Jacobs Chris DiNovo

Lector Two Melania Mammano Carol Commisso Meryl Gartland Pat DiNovo

Holy Body (3) Jeff Bartkoski, Tom Denninger,

Dan Lafferty Carol Hutkowski,

Walt Hutkowski, Julie Knapp Deacon John, Meryl Gartland,

Ted Gartland Sante DiCarlo, Bev Grippo,

Collette Brien

Precious Blood (2) Kevin Klee, Suzanne McCaffrey Rita Martens, Ken Reasoner Catherine Kent, Judy Klein Anthony Klosterman,

Joan McMahon

Altar Servers (3) Gianluca Mammano, Allie Pisano Zoey Prezyna,

Andrew Dempsey Michael Dumas, Emerson Hood,

Neo Passion Leo DiNovo, Ella Hall,

Kelton Everett

Head Usher Dave Mammano Mark Weigert Dave O’Hare Norm Ainsworth

Ushers / Greeters (3) Andy Hart, Pat Bolger,

Mike Manikowski Dan Weigert, Wayne Brotsch,

Dennis O’Dea John O’Brien, Ken Trotta,

George Heissenberger John Butler,

Sante DiCarlo, Teen

Note: If unable to serve, please find a substitute. Take the time to sign-in in the Sacristy before Mass. If interested in serving as liturgical minister during the weekend Masses, please give the coordinators a call.

See list of ministries on page 5 for contact information. Thank you for serving.

Weekend Masses During Easter Our First Communion celebra-tions will be taking place at weekend Masses during the Easter season. Front pews will be reserved for First Communion families. Please take the time to welcome our first communi-cants and their families.

First to be seated in a pew? Do occupy the middle section of the pew so as to make it easier for others to find vacant spaces.

To offer a Mass or to light the Sanctuary Candle in memory of a loved one,

please call the Parish Office at 924-7111. Offerings from Mass and the Sanctuary Candle

support the Parish Budget.

Roamin’ Catholics Welcome!

Have you been attending Saint Patrick’s for a time and have not yet formally registered with us? Become part of our family. To register online, visit www.stpatricksvictor.org, or complete the green registration form found on the Welcome Tables.

Page 3 Connect the dots of faith. April 28-29, 2018


Sunday, April 29

After 8:30am

- Coffee Hour - Parish Center

11:40am - Easter Egg Hunt - parish lawn

Noon - Faith Formation & Parent Info mtg-Parish Center

6pm - GLOW

Monday, April 30

10am - Senior Exercise - Alcove

4:30pm - Faith Formation & Parent Info mtg-Parish Center

5:45pm - Children’s Choir - Music Room

Tuesday, May 1

6:30pm - Faith Formation & Parent Info mtg-Parish Center

Wednesday, May 2

10am - Senior Exercise - Alcove

11am - Congregate Lunch - Living Room

12:20pm - Preschool Board meeting - Music Room

7pm - Baptism Preparation - Library

Thursday, May 3

6:30pm - Prayer Shawl - Library

6:45pm - Following Christ - Parish Center

Friday, May 4

3pm - Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction - Church

Saturday, May 5

10am - Bible Study - Library

5:30pm - Couple’s Night Out - Parish Center

Anointing of the Sick after all masses

Sunday, May 6

Morning - Coffee Hour - Parish Center

6pm - GLOW

Prayer Intentions Please include any of these intentions at your daily 3 PM prayer:

For Rich O’Donnell as he assumes his new responsibilities as parish finance director,

For married couples who are experi-encing serious challenges,

For the Parish Christ Life Team and participants to Fol-lowing Christ this April,

For the success of our upcoming Stewardship Fair - for greater parishioner involvement in our parish ministries,

For a fruitful living out of our parish covenants - parish and parishioners, parish and families in faith formation,

For a successful search for secretary of faith formation and preschool,

And for the intentions in our prayer jars.

Let us be known by our praying for each other.

Upcoming Liturgies

Ascension of the Lord: May 9, Wednesday, Vigil Mass at 7 PM; and May 10, Thursday, Mass during the Day at Noon.

Pentecost: May 19-20 Weekend, Regu-lar Weekend Mass Schedule. Wear red, and take the time to participate in the Parish Stewardship Fair.

Corpus Christi Procession: June 3, 11:30 AM in the Par-ish Grounds

Never miss an opportunity to worship God.

Membership & Parish Life

because community life matters

First Friday Devotions This coming May 4 is the first Friday of the month. Eucharistic Adoration and Bene-diction. In church, from 3 to 6 PM. The benediction takes place five minutes before 6 PM. You need not stay for the entire three hours. Even a visit with Jesus in

the Blessed Sacrament for a few minutes will do. Parents, do introduce your children to this wonderful devotion concern-ing our faith in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sac-rament.

Healing Mass. If you are in need of healing - physical, spir-itual, emotional, come and join us in this gathering in prayer for healing. Mass begins at 7 PM, at Saint Anne’s Church, on Mount Hope Avenue in Rochester NY.

Rediscover our faith in devotional practices.

Vacation Bible School – Shipwrecked!

July 23 - 27, 2018, Mon-Fri

St. Patrick’s Festival Weekend August 17 - 19, 2018, Fri-Sun

Actively participate in our community life.

Couples' Night Out Saturday, May 5, 5:30 - 9:00 PM

Short couples talk, and then head out for a date-night, child-care pro-vided (free!) by our experienced team of adults and teenagers. RSVP by

May 2, Tuesday, is required, Kristen Leschhorn: Kris-ten.leschhorn@dor.org or 924-2800.

We celebrate life and love.

We welcome, Walter Joseph LaBounty and Maya Lee Ulmer, to the Family of God!

Thank you, parents and godparents, for sharing your faith.

Page 4 Grow in faith, hope and love everyday. April 28-29, 2018

Ongoing Faith Formation

because growth in faith matters

Avail Yourself of Free Subscription

Visit Formed.org and create your free personal or house-hold account using your personal username and password. To do this, please use the Parish Code: 3KRJJK (capitalized). Once you have created your personal account, you will have

free access to all resources - movies, e-books, program series, talks, etc.

Featured Resource for Easter

Lectio: Prayer. Though prayer is one of the essentials of a thriving faith, we often feel as if we’re talking to our-selves—or, worse, as if we’re talking to no one at all. How can something so

vital to the Faith be so elusive?

Now, with the clear teaching and artistry of the Augustine Institute's Lectio series, Dr. Tim Gray masterfully uses the discipline of Lectio Divina to show you how to make prayer an effective effort of love and intimacy. In six video ses-sions, Prayer: Finding Intimacy with God captures the secret to opening our hearts and minds to Scripture as the means to hear from God and then respond in conversation, basking in his presence and resolving to live in and through his love.


because generosity matters

Social Ministry & Outreach

because service matters

Community Dinner Our next Community Dinner at the Presbyterian Church is May 19. Thank you for your support!

Smoke Alarms Save Lives! To schedule a free smoke alarm installation by the Ameri-

can Red Cross, email smokealarms.grc@redcross.org or call (585) 241-4390. See flyers on the Welcome Tables.

1st Annual Relay for Moms You are invited to join the Finger Lakes NY Life Run-ners Chapter in a fundraiser to benefit the Margaret Home in E a s t R o c h e s t e r - www.themargarethome.com. The Margaret Home is a safe refuge for expectant mothers who choose life for their babies in the womb. The Relay for Moms is a 12-hour relay from 8 AM to 8 PM (walking or running), which takes place on Saturday, May 12, at Fellows Road Park on 499 Fellows Rd, Fairport, NY 14450. There is no fee to participate. Stay all day or just for an hour, and then, plan on joining the family celebration picnic from 6 to 8 PM. To sign up, please contact Dan and Maria Mruzek at Mruzek@rochester.rr.com or (585)377-3324. To donate online visit: https://www.razoo.com/story/Relay4moms, or you can send a check, to be made out to The Margaret Home. c/o Dan Mruzek at 16 Fairfield Dr., Fairport NY 14450.

Love them both.

Wanted: Baked Goods Parish Bakers, we could use your

help. We are in need of baked goods to use at the sessions of Following Christ, Thursday evenings.

We have a sign-up sheet on the Wel-come Table by the Alcove. Baked Goods may be dropped off in the Parish Center Kitchen by Thursday morning.

Attention: Parish Ministry Coordinators Dear parish ministry coordinators, Thank you for facilitat-ing the work of your re-spective ministry! Once

again, on Pentecost weekend, May 19-20, we will be holding our Annual Parish Stewardship Fair.

Please consider making a one-minute invite to parishion-ers to visit your table at the fair, and give brief information about your ministry. When can you make these invitations? On the two weekends leading to Pentecost, May 5-6 and 12-13. This means we only have eight slots for these one-minute invitations. To sign-up visit our parish website - www.stpatricksvictor.org. Under Life at Saint Pat’s, click on One-Minute Invitation, and sign-up. Thank you.

Thank You

To the ushers and greeters who participated in the ses-sions last week. Thank you for helping us update the du-ties and responsibilities of this crucial ministry. Thank you, Sante DiCarlo for coordinating the ministry.

Youth Service Sundays The youth of our parish serves you! If you have need of assistance with a home or yard project, please know that the next Service Sunday

will be on May 27! It is every 4th Sunday of the month. To sign up, please contact Kristen Leschhorn through (585) 924-2800 or e-mail him through Kris-ten.leschhorn@dor.org.

Thank you, God, for the gift that is our young people!

Bible Study We will continue our study of The Acts of the Apostles, "The Spread Of The Kingdom" beginning May 5 from 10 AM - Noon in the parish library. Subsequent class dates are May 12, 19, 26, June 2, 9 and 23. This is a video guided study ed by Jeff Cavins. All are welcome. For info or to sign up, please contact Anne, 742-3417 or wleitner@rochester.rr.com.

Gift of Time Weekend Mass Attendance

April 21-22: 4:30: 254, 8:30: 241, 10:30: 270, 5:00: 223 Total: 988

(2016 Census: 856)

Gift of Treasure April 21-22: $7,641.50

(2017-2018 budget: $8,038)

Thank you for your generosity!

Our Parish Ministries: Serving God and Neighbor Call. Ask. Discern. Serve.

Adult Faith Formation Group Altar Linen Altar Servers Assisi Ministry Baptism Preparation Team Bereavement Support Group Bible Study Buildings and Grounds Committee Catechists & Aides Cemetery Board Children’s Liturgy of the Word Church Cleaners Coffee Hour Team Communion Ministers (EMHC) Community Dinner Cub Scouts Faith Formation Advisory Board Finance Council First Responders at Masses Funeral Brunch Team Funeral Preparation Team Girl Scouts Giving Garden Knights of Columbus Lectors Liturgical Environment Liturgy Committee Men’s Group Parish Bakers Parish Christ Life Team Parish Gardens Parish Life Committee Parish Magazine Parish Office Volunteers Pastoral Council Prayer Shawl Ministry Preschool RCIA Team Marriage Preparation Team Money Counters Music Ministry (choirs, cantors, etc.) Sacristans Social Ministry Committee Stewardship Committee Ushers & Greeters Visitation Ministry Welcome Team Women’s Group Youth Ministry

Sam & Tina Condo / 678-4472 Sue Stehling / 924-3409

Pat Bolger / 924-9351 Marcie Hamilton / 924-1528

Judy & James Miller / 924-8158 Lori Cunliffe / 355-3622

Anne Leitner / 742-3417 Joan Oliphant / 742-3452 Father Edison / 924-7111

Kim Reese / 924-7111 Lynn Foley / 259-3823

Mister Clean / 924-7111 John Shields / 615-5765 Ron Platten / 317-8512

Jean Acquilano / 645-7998 Jim Hood / 944-9054

Fr. Edison / 924-7111 Bob Muto / 924-2501

Kim Reese / 924-7111 Meg CHaides / 924-4659

Jim Budd / 742-3095 Joyce Richards / 406-0347

Dan Lynch / 314-5098 Wayne Brotsch / 924-3855

Duane Pancoast / 924-8104 Diane Gernert / 398-7833

Judy Klein / 924-7022 Ray Barrett / 857-6122

Lynn Kovaleski / 742-1044 Jim Budd / 742-3095

Becky Fountain / 281-8004 Sam Samoriski / 802-6755 Chris Merante / 697-4232

Ev DeVelder / 924-2903 Todd Fleming / 749-6493 Mary Eberl / 742-2949 &

Mary Sabin / 924-7724 Kristen Leschhorn / 924-2800

Deacon John Payne / 924-7111 Deacon John Payne / 924-7111

Marge Gawronski / 398-7802 June Frosino / 924-7111

Ena Gill / 733-6650 Joan Muto / 924-2501

Dave O’Hare / 924-5816 Sante DiCarlo / 742-3118

Anne Leitner / 742-3417 Perri Geiser / 607-765-8605

Judy Klein / 924-7022 Anthony Klosterman / 924-2800

2017-18 Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) Parish Goal: $110,870

As of April 24, we have raised $100,082 (90.27%). Short of $10,788

With 336 households participating. What is the Annual CMA for?

The annual CMA raises funds to support the Catholic Charities, the Diocesan Operations & Support Services, the Ministries of the Pope Francis and Bishop Matano, the formation of Priests, Deacons, Pastoral Leaders and Vocations, the Diocesan-wide Services to Parishes and In-stitutions, and the Education of Our Youth through Catholic Schools, and Youth programs.

How can I give?

Donations may be made in cash, check or credit by using the CMA envelopes found on the Welcome Tables. As your financial responsi-bilities allow you, consider tithing 2% towards the annual CMA campaign.

Or, to donate online, please visit www.dor.org. Click ‘donate’ on the CMA informational slide found on the middle of the homepage.

Page 5 Pray and live your faith everyday. April 28-29, 2018

Help Keep Our Parish Registry Up-to-Date Parish Soft now enables parishioners to make online updates on their registration information. To do this, please visit our website: www.stpatricksvictor.org. On the homepage, see ‘Online Registration’ (one of the tabs under ‘Life

at Saint Pat’s.’) Follow the instructions carefully.

Second Collections at Mass April 29: Catholic Home Missions Appeal

Please use second collection envelopes found at Church entrances.

July - March 2018 Collections Note: Easter figures included in Regular Envelopes

and Loose Plate

Actual Budget Variance

Regular Envelopes $ 260,064 $ 250,825 $ 9,239

Loose Plate $ 66,365 $ 68,823 $ (2,458)

Electronic (EFT) $ 128,920 $ 124,500 $ 4,420

Holy Days $ 3,448 $ 3,920 $ (472)

Christmas $ 14,963 $ 23,000 $ (8,037)

Total $ 473,760 $ 471,068 $ 2,692

Thank you for being generous stewards of God’s gifts.

Did You Know That… We as parish pay for the weekly Sunday and Holy Day of Obligation envelopes?

If you requested for these envelopes, kindly use them or you may consider using electronic fund transfer (EFT) instead.

Through stewardship, we, the Church, support the mission of Jesus Christ.

Parish Office & Preschool Information

Hours: Monday - Thursday: 8:30 AM - 4 PM (lunch time: 12:30 PM - 1 PM) Friday: 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Parish Office Phone: (585) 924-7111 Parish Office Fax: (585) 742-3296

Faith Formation & Preschool: (585) 924-2800

Stay Connected Parish Website: www.stpatricksvictor.org

Follow regular updates through our website. Parish Facebook Pages: St. Patrick’s Church /

Saint Patrick’s Victor Youth Ministry Friend us on Facebook and receive timely updates.

Parish Youtube Channel: St Patricks of Victor NY

Subscribe and watch uploaded videos. Parish Magazine: St. Patrick’s

Take a copy from the Welcome Tables.

Our Parish Staff Father Edison Tayag, Pastor fr.edison.tayag@dor.org

Deacon John Payne, Deacon john.payne@dor.org Laura Gleeson laura.gleeson@dor.org

Coordinator of Parish Visitation Team

Anthony Klosterman anthony.klosterman@dor.org

Coordinator of Faith Formation and Preschool

Kristen Leschhorn kristen.leschhorn@dor.org Youth and Young Adult Ministry

Rich O’Donnell richard.odonnell@dor.org Finance Director Kim Reese kim.reese@dor.org Parish Secretary & Hospitality June Weltzer Frosino june.frosino@dor.org

Director of Music Ministry Wayne Sweet wayne.sweet@dor.org Building Maintenance John Butler jmbutler35@gmail.com

Cemetery Caretaker Benny Malijan Housekeeping

Let there be light…

Learn from and Rely on Jesus (Reflection on John 15:1-8)

Jesus said to his disciples... Jesus communicates himself to his disciples. In doing so, Jesus not only establishes a relationship with his disciples but also entrusts to his disciples the parame-ters of this master-disciple relationship. The relationship be-tween Jesus and his disciples is not something arbitrary but rather made concrete in person to person relationship and in the common faith in Jesus Christ and his word (teachings). Living out our faith: Spend time everyday listening to Jesus in prayer and in reading the Scriptures, particularly the Gospels.

I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine grower. Jesus tells us about the nature of God as One, and in this One God, a com-munity of three divine persons - here, as Father and as Son. In God, the one community and the three persons find balance. In this community of persons, the promotion of the good of the other is of utmost importance. In other words, in commu-nity, we not only learn about love but are able to live loving and being loved. Living out our faith: If you have not yet done so, engaged in the life of our parish community. Resist temptations to live your faith in an individualistic way.

I am the vine, you are the branches. Whoever remains in me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without me you can do nothing. Jesus bridges the infinite abyss between God and man. He extends the divine community to us so that we can participate in it. In identifying the difference between the vine and the branches, he makes it clear that we are not him. In identifying the con-nection between the vine and the branches, he encourages us to depend on him in order to be fruitful. Living out our faith: In matters of salvation, resist the tempta-tion of my-reasoning-is-sufficient-enough-to-save-me mentali-ty (Gnosticism) and of I-will-get-to-heaven-on-my-own-steam mentality (Pelagianism).

Sabbatical Program This year, on June 28 marks my 10th year anniversary as

an ordained priest. I could not believe how time has flown. After my ordination, when I hear my brother priests celebrat-ing anniversaries, 10 years sounded so distant. But here it is, in two months time. I could not agree more with surveys that indicate the priesthood as one of the most fulfilling “jobs” - which in church parlance is vocation. Sure, the priesthood has its own challenges but what vocation or committed relation-ship does not? Were I asked if I would do it all over again, I definitely will. It is through this vocation to the ordained priesthood that I have experienced God’s love for me, and it is through the same vocation that I could continue to express my love for God.

During this sabbatical year, I am availing myself of a month-long program for continuing education. For the month of July, I will be in the Holy Land to explore more of this special place and to engage in an ecumenical program that involves Jews, Muslims and Christians. Please pray for me that the program would provide me further growth in faith and prayer as well as time for study and rest.

- Father Edison

How do I submit a blurb for the bulletin? Please send a blurb by e-mail (kim.reese@dor.org). Keep the

blurb concise. Since we normally submit the bulletin for printing on Tuesday mornings, there is greater chance for

your blurb making it in the bulletin if you submit it to us early Monday morning. Thank you.

Our Own Parish-based Catholic Youth Organization (CYO)?

To parents whose children are actively engaged in sports, How does having our own parish-based CYO sound to

you? A few weeks ago, I was approach by an organizer of a CYO based at the Church of the Assumption in Fairport, NY. This father, with his helpers, incredibly grew their CYO pro-gram. He is willing to share their experience and even help us at Saint Patrick’s to build our own CYO program.

Let me hear from you, and based on your response, we could invite him to share their experience at Assumption.

- Father Edison @ fr.edison.tayag@dor.org