April newsletter WEB - Glendale Quilt Guild€¦ · • Show & Share new projects that might be...

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WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 2008 • 7:00 PM

Rest & Relaxation!Guild members will have a “night off” as they enjoy this evening’s activities! They can:

• Munch on our Salad & Dessert Potluck (please bring something you like to make...)

Food Assignments


A - E F - KL - Q R - Z

• Browse & shop at tables featuring some of our Affiliates and their wares

• Pick up more 2008 Show Merchandise on sale (a souvenir of another job well done!)

• See demos of quilt blocks / ideas for how to use the Jelly Rolls won in March

• View some of the award winning quilts & other entries from “Threads of Time”

• Show & Share new projects that might be make it into the 2009 show!

See you there...Guild-Sponsored Workshops resume in May

P r e s i d e n t ’ s M e s s a g e


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Well, the 2008 quilt show is behind us! THANKS to all members for helping,and a BIG THANKS to Michele Pusateri, our Quilt Show Chair. The ShowCommittee did a great job and we really APPRECIATE all the etxra hours yougave to make this the “Big Show” that is was! Now we can all (briefly) relax,before thinking about the 2009 Show...

Please come to the April meeting for a relaxing evening. We hope to give out theViewer’s Choice Ribbons to the winners and maybe show a few of the winning entries. We arealso planning a SPECIAL THANKS to our Affiliates. A number of them will have tables aroundthe room with goodies you really must purchase. Some of them may also be bringing ideas forhow to use the 2 1/2” strips you won at our Strip Poker Night!

At the April meeting you can also sign up for our May workshop with Joy Lily. It willbe held on Thursday the 15th and she will teach us “Marbling on Fabric”. I will be hosting Joyat my home after the general meeting and then taking her the next day to her workshop at thePatchwork Penguin.

Let’s try to get a good turn-out for the first event after the show... I look forward tosharing some salads and desserts with you while we enjoy our R & R!

TÄ|vx fÅ|à{

P.S. Those of you who know me understand that I work best under a deadline... and this showwas no different! I entered 3 quilts on time, as well as 4 wearables, but my Challenge Vestneeded the binding turned and sewn by hand. So, during my 3 pm meeting at the Marriott, Ifinished my vest by 5 pm on Wednesday! At this time of year I am always promising myselfthat next year I will have plenty of time to finish everything before the picture deadline. Maybethis time I can keep my promise since I will no longer be President after June. Wish me luck!

May 2008 Joy Lily

Marbl ing on Fabr icJoy will be demostrating the technique she uses to “marble” on

fabrics with dyes. Details for the workshop are still coming, so

meantime here are some beautiful samples of her work... Enjoy!

For more information on Joy,

please visit her web-site at:


M e e t i n g N e w s


April 3rd6:30 pm

GlendaleCentral Library

upstairsBoard Room


April 9th7:00 pm

Glendale Library


April 11th

10:00 am - 5:00 pm

1038 E. ElmwoodBurbank

* * *2008 SHOW WRAP-UP

April 15th7:00 pm

GlendaleCentral Library

upstairsBoard Room


April 9, 2008 Guild Event: Rest & RelaxationDessert and Salad Potluck

No Workshop.

May 14, 2008 Joy Lily - Program:

Dyeing to Tell You

May 15, 2008 Joy Lily - Workshop:

Marbling on Fabric

June 11, 2008 Guild Event: Officer Installation & Block Exchange

June 14, 2008 Guild Workshop: Block of the Month assembly

July 9, 2008 Phyllis Binkley - Program:

Showing Depth & Space in Landscapes

July 12, 2008 Phyllis Binkley - Workshop: Painting with Fabrics

August 13, 2008 Guild Workshop: Ice Cream Social

No Workshop.

To sign up for a workshop,please contact Louise Rupp

at 323.667.3256 or louise_r@pacbell.net



We’re trying to have “Rest & Relaxation” in Aprilas we head into Spring... How about showcasing some

pretty pastel decor this month to get us in the mood?

This month we’re havinga themed potluck

of Desserts & Salads...Please check Page 1

for alphabetical listing.

20 0 8 Q u i l t S h o w


Threads of TimeThe 2008 show i s f in i shed, and nex t month we wi l l pr in t the l i s t o f a l lthe award winners , p lus showcase many of the ent r ies . . . Many thanksto everyone for par t i c ipat ing and making i t a spec ia l event !

Congratu la t ions to the winners and a l l the ent rants . . . I t was a beaut i fu l show!

Michele Pusateri

Here are this year’sBest of Show quilts(both professional andamateur), as well asPresident Alice Smith’s“Memories in Threads”which won First Placein the Show Theme(large) category. ☺

Threads of Time





Congratu la t ionsto the winners

and a l l our ent rants . . .

I t was a beaut i fu l show!


20 0 9 Q u i l t S h o w Hello, everyone!

If any of you would like to make any star blocks to add to the 2009 Opportunity Quilt, I welcome allcontributions! There is an article in the March newsletter with the specific sizes. We are still looking for a fewmore stars, so I am providing a couple of patterns below, as well as a web-site to check out for the quilter whoinspired this project - she has a wonderful tutorial for "Maverick Stars", http://quiltville.com/maverickstars.shtml Make as many as you can - the Universe is big & wide!

Rasa Read2009 Quilt Show Chair



Happy BirthdayBelated Wishes !

Meryl Ann Butler March 6

April Birthdays:Jeanne Tan-Mar April 1

Lorelei Snee April 4

Crystal Dudley April 6

Kathy Taylor April 6

Karen Valderrama April 8

Trudy Badovinac April 10

Darlene Mezak April 10

Lois Stelzer April 11

Nancy Wagner April 12

Diane Sullivan April 13


rPlease welcome:

Armida Garcia

Truei Hold

Elizabeth Torbati

Susan Fredericks April 14

Jasmine Vorperian April 16

Barbara Dieges April 18

Catherine Mullen April 20

Carol Rossow April 21

Pat Akers April 22

Cathy Euler April 23

Suzanne Curtis April 24

Francine Loomis April 25

Karen Millman April 26

Jean Giacomelli April 28

Jalayne Troyanek April 29

SAVE THE DATE !The GQG is planning a road trip by chartered busto the Long Beach Quilt Show on July 25th... Theshow opens at 10 am, so it will be an all-day trip. A central location will be chosen for pick-up/drop-off and it will probably be a Park & Ridelocation. Katsy Chappell and Alice Smith areputting it together now, and will give us moredetails at the April General Meeting.

M e m b e r s h i p

Frances Brannon, whom youwere introduced to in thiscolumn last month, is currentlyhard at work up-dating theguild’s data-base. She iskeeping the mailing listcurrent, which ensures thatevery registered member willreceive guild materials andalso be acknowledged in thenewsletter for their birthday.

To assist her, Dovie Kapohhas volunteered to come onboard as Membership Co-Chair. They make a greatteam and we thank them forjumping right in! Please keepthem informed if you have anychanges to your contactinformation, as they will needto know that for our roster.

Not pictured are membersPaula Thompson, whovolunteered at the lastmeeting for the Treasurer’sposition and Barbara Gibson,who volunteered to beProgram Chair. Thank you!!!

Thanks Dovie!


G U I L D M E M B E R S ’ A C T I V I T I E S

When GQG Program Co-Chair KatsyChappell is not busy arranging bus tripsor other activities for the guild, you cancatch her on a different type of programthis month... tune into see Katsy on anepisode of ER whichwill air on Thursday,April 10th.

Can we send write-invotes for an Emmy?

Guild member Meryl Ann Butler iscurrently featured in two quiltmagazines. "Rite of Spring" is an articlein May ‘08 McCall’s Quick Quilts onmaking a lap quilt based on her 90-Minute Quilt techniques. April ‘08Quilter's World features Meryl Ann in"Quilters Make a Difference" column,describing quilts she made last year forVirginia Tech and for her daughter, whowas a student there at the time of theshootings. Meryl Ann is the author ofthe book 90-Minute Quilts, which shehas donated to the guild library. Moreinfo. at: www.90minutequilts.com


B l o c k o f t h e M o n t h

APRIL 2008

This month’s block is called


NOTE: This is a paper-pieced template.

If you need copies, please contact Gloria Flores:


APRIL 2008

This month’s block is called


Glendale Quilt GuildExecutive Board MeetingLocation: Glendale Central LibraryDate: March 6, 2008

Present: Alice Smith, Heidi St. Royal,Pat Grim, Jean Giacomelli, MichelePusateri, Susan Edwards, SandyBradfield, Sabine Steinmetz, NancyMraz, Sue Vite, Katsy Chappell,Louise Rupp, Frances Brannon.

Meeting called to order at 6:30 pm.

Due to time constraints, themeeting began with MichelePusateri and her status report forthe 2009 Show. She reported thatthe Marriott renovations will not becomplete prior to show, causing usto relocate the class registrationdesk to the breezeway area.Signage will be required to directattendees. Guild & vendor setuphas also been delayed until afterthe decorator has finished - after 8pm on Thursday the 26th. Accesson Friday will begin at 6 am. Meetand Greet wine & cheese receptionwill be Thursday from 4 - 6 pm. Sixinstructors will be there and boardmembers are asked to attend aswell. Judging will continue all dayThursday and quilts may be hungonce the room is available.

Sue Vite announced the girl scoutswill be available as volunteers onSunday, March 30. They receivecommunity service credit forassisting with the show.

The last show meeting will be onTuesday, March 18. All committeemembers should attend. Space isstill available for classes, and thiswill be discussed in detail at thegeneral meeting. Alice suggesteddonating a couple of free class


M e e t i n g R e p o r t s

tickets or parking passes as doorprizes. Publicity has placed a showannouncement in Quilter’s Newslettermagazine. A wrap-up meeting hasbeen scheduled for April 15th. PatGrim & Alice Smith will meet with hotelstaff to finalize contractual fees andcommitments. Current contracts withthe Marriott end in 2010.

Minutes - There was a typo in theFebruary General Meeting Minutes.Country Store registration form wasincorrect in that you have a choice ofdonating from 15% to 100% of theproceeds of sale items to the guild.There was also an omission: theNominating Committee was not addedinto record in the minutes. The sevencommittee members are: Pat Grim,Alice Smith, Marilyn Green, MelindaHelscher, Karen Millman, Caren Ryan& Lori Snee. With these changes, theminutes were voted upon and passedby the board.

Finance - Nancy presented thestatement of accounts and budgetresults. The finance report was votedupon and passed as written.

Heidi St. Royal reported on plans forthe general meeting and the Jelly RollStrip Poker planned for the secondhalf. There will be a dealer at eachtable & instructions will be provided.Vendors have been generous and wehave a lot of prizes to give out.

Newsletter - Sabine Steinmetzreported that April will be the lastmonth she will mail the newsletter toanyone who has not registered toreceive a mailed copy. The completenewsletter is available on the websitein color. Sabine also reminded theboard that her position will need to befilled for the new term.

The printing of the show programwas discussed and the final deadlinewill be March 14.

Correspondence - Susan Edwardssent cards to the following people:Get Well for Norma Drown & JaneLay; Mary Helen Freedland sent anote to the Guild expressing herpleasure at keeping in touch via thenewsletter. Susan sent a greetingcard from the Guild, saying hello andwishing her continued involvementwith our Guild.

Membership - A motion was madefor Frances Brannon to assumethe position of Co-Chair to assistJean Giacomelli. The motionpassed unanimously. Jean will beprinting 50 more directories.Frances has prepared a completeExcel membership data-base.

Alice Smith discussed plans for thegeneral meeting on April 9th. Wewill ask our affiliates to man tablesand demonstrate quilt blocks usingthe jelly rolls won during the StripPoker games from the Marchmeeting. Sue Vite will e-mail theaffiliates & they will be allowed tosell merchandise at their demotables. Any remaining showmerchandise will also be availablefor sale. Alice will be hosting theMay speaker, Joy Lily, in herhome. Joy will present “Dyeing toTell You” on May 14th and willpresent “Marbling on Fabric” at herMay 15th workshop . In June, wehave Officer Installation & a blockexchange. A July 4th theme wasdiscussed, as well as a pattern.

Loving Hands will meet on March14. Pat Grim announced a letter ofthanks from the Indian Council forour donations to the Women’s &Children’s Hospital each year. Itwas recommended that we givetwice a year - Spring or Fall - inaddition to Christmas, since fewcharities are available during othertimes of the year.

Long Beach Bus Trip - KatsyChappell gave an up-date on businformation and will continue toresearch group pricing forattending the Long Beach show onJuly 25th. A central location is tobe chosen for pick-up/drop-off anda Park & Ride location wassuggested. The show opens at 10am, so it will be an all-day trip.This will be discussed at thegeneral meeting to check interestamong guild membership.

Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm.

Respectfully Submitted by:

Sandy Bradfield,

Recording Secretary

R e p o r t s ( c o n t ’ d )

Glendale Quilt GuildGeneral Guild MeetingLocation: Glendale Public LibraryDate: March 12, 2008

President Alice Smith explained thedoor prize raffle tickets for eithershow classes, show parking orregular door prizes. Buy tickets at 3for a dollar, 7 for two dollars. Thedrawing will be after the break.

Alice thanked those who worked onthe opportunity quilt for this year,Mary Ann Andrews, Rasa Read,Alice Turner and Linda Huber.Anyone who worked on the quiltplease contact Alice as she is makingthe label and wants to give credit toall who contributed to its completion.

The minutes for February, 2008 wereapproved as corrected. Regardingthe Country Store, one can donaterather (not receive) 15%. Membersof the nominating committee includePat Grim, Alice Smith, MarilynGreen, Melissa Helscher, KarenMillman, Caren Ryan, and Lori Snee.

Nancy Mraz presented thetreasurer’s report which wasapproved as read.

Co-Corresponding Secretary, SusanEdwards, read a letter of hello fromMary Helen Freedland who hasmoved. She then reported on cardssent since the last meeting.

Nan Maples was pleased toannounce the substantial number ofquilts submitted for the show and that40% were from Glendale Quilt Guild.

Sue Vite discussed the upcomingprograms and that the AmericanSewing Guild is trying to start a newchapter in Los Angeles. There will bea meeting at Pollards from 10 to 12on March 22. She also announcedthat at our next meeting there will bea door prize of a $200 gift certificateto the Santa Barbara Quilt Retreat.Her term as Program Chair is up inJune and she is looking for areplacement and offered as muchhelp as needed.

Sabine Steinmetz has a sign upsheet and pen up front for anyonewho would like to continue receivingthe Newsletter by mail starting inMay. She is also looking forsomeone to do the newsletter, whichwill also be vacant in June. 9

Paula Thompson volunteered for theTreasurer’s position and BarbaraGibson volunteered for Programs.

2008 Show Reports: Caren Ryan -banquet speaker is Robbie JoyEcklow; 12” quilts for centerpiecesare being made by members; she’shoping for a 100 people to attend.Linda Rasmussen, representingDesigning Ladies stated the fashionshow is only $15; Heidi is themistress of ceremonies; NickSt.Royal will play the piano; andthere are about $500. worth of giftcertificates as give-aways. PatGolditch - volunteers were thankedfor signing up because it is a lot of

work contacting people who have notyet signed up. Michelle Pusateri - signup for classes by contacting her; take-in on Wednesday starts at 4:30 with a15 minute free parking for a fast dropoff; turn in your opportunity tickets. PatGrim - stay at the hotel to help meetour quota and save the guild $8000.Loving Hands needs quilts forWomens and Childrens Hospital forthis summer. And please let themknow if someone in the guild or friendor relative needs a quilt for an up-lift.Sandy Bradfield - signs; the 21st is thedeadline for turning in forms to requesta sign.

Continued on Page 10


PRESIDENT Al ice Smith 6 2 6 . 7 9 6 . 2 3 3 2VICE-PRESIDENT Heid i St .Roya l 8 1 8 . 8 4 1 . 3 4 5 1WORKSHOP CHAIR Louise Rupp 3 2 3 . 6 6 7 . 3 2 5 6PROGRAM CO -CHAIRS Katsy Chappel l 8 1 8 . 7 5 2 . 3 7 3 2

Sue Vi te 8 1 8 . 2 4 9 . 4 2 3 82008 QUILT SHOW CHAIR Michele Pusateri 6 2 6 . 4 4 1 . 8 2 1 22 0 0 9 QUILT SHOW CHAIR Rasa Read 3 2 3 . 2 5 7 . 7 4 0 4RECORDING SECRETARY S a n d y B r a d f i e l d 8 1 8 . 5 0 6 . 0 6 7 3CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Susan Edwards 8 1 8 . 7 9 0 . 2 2 1 4TREASURER Nancy Mraz 8 1 8 . 8 9 0 . 3 3 3 7PARLIAMENTARIAN Pat Grim 8 1 8 . 2 4 3 . 9 6 7 2MEMBERSHIP CO -CHAIRS Jean Giacomel l i 6 2 6 . 2 8 1 . 6 6 3 9

Frances Brannon 8 1 8 . 2 4 1 . 6 5 0 7D o v i e Ka p o h 3 2 3 . 2 2 5 . 1 8 9 1

NEWSLETTER Sabine Steinmetz 8 1 8 . 9 5 5 . 5 1 4 7

COMMITTEES 2007 -2008

LIBRARIAN Sue Van deVyvere 8 1 8 . 8 4 5 . 5 3 7 3HOSPITALITY Darlene Mezak 818.248.8102

Peggy Schiffman to comeEQUIPMENT/INVENTORY Sharon Bishop 3 2 3 . 2 5 4 . 6 0 4 5PHILANTHROPY Nancy Foote 8 1 8 . 5 6 7 . 0 3 9 1HISTORIAN O P E NLOVING HANDS Nancy Foote 8 1 8 . 5 6 7 . 0 3 9 1

Pat Grim 8 1 8 . 2 4 3 . 9 6 7 2BLOCK OF THE MONTH Las Pulgas c /o

Gloria Flores 6 2 6 . 2 8 1 . 4 3 0 6SCCQG REPRESENTATIVE Heidi St. Royal 8 1 8 . 8 4 1 . 3 4 5 1SHOW & SHARE Marilyn Green 8 1 8 . 8 4 6 . 8 8 6 2GUILD 800# & E-MAIL Kathy Flint 8 1 8 . 9 8 5 . 5 5 9 4PUBLICITY Esther Norbut 8 1 8 . 2 4 9 . 4 7 4 2

Pa t A t k i n s 3 2 3 . 2 2 1 . 6 8 6 5 WELCOMING COMMITTEE Loretta Bradley 3 2 3 . 6 6 1 . 9 1 5 5FRIENDSHIP GROUPS O P E NTELEPHONE TREE Anne Browne 8 1 8 . 7 9 0 . 3 0 4 6

Gail Powell 8 1 8 . 8 4 2 . 6 4 5 0


rApril 26 & 27Associated Quil t Guilds

of the Central Coast present“Seven Sis ters Quil t Show”Alex Madonna Expo Center

at the Madonna Inn100 Madonna Road, San Luis ObispoSaturday: 9 am - 5 pmSunday: 9 am - 4 pm$7 for 1-day, or $10 for a 2-day passFor more info.visit: www.aqgcc.orgOR Wri te to: AQGCC

P.O. Box 16144San Luis Obispo, CA 93406

May 17 & 18Antelope Val ley Quil t Assn’s 31st Annual Show, "Spring Splendor"Saturday: 10 am - 5pmSunday: 10 am - 4 pmQuil t Auct ion - Sat . a t 1 pm. Antelope Val ley Fairgrounds El iopulos Pavi l ion2551 W. Avenue H, Lancaster Admission $7.00,

husbands and chi ldren free. For more info.visit: www.avqa.orgor Call: 661-947-7604, 661-917-8746E-mail Contact : jharr ington66@earthl ink.net

June 6, 7 & 8Central Coast Quil t Shop Tour Fr i . & Sat . : 9 am - 7pmSunday: 10 am - 5 pmEnjoy special sales & win prizes!www.centralcoastquiltshops.com

July 25, 26 & 27Internat ional Quil t Fest ivalLong Beach Convention Center300 E Ocean Blvd., Long BeachHours not yet posted, butvisit: www.quilts.com

for more details as they become available...

G E N E R A L M E E T I N G ( c o n t ’ d . )

Heidi St. Royal - Country Store is agreat way to clean out your quiltingcloset and make money.

Membership Co-Chair, JeanGiacomelli, introduced FrancesBrannon and Dovie Kapoh who will bethe new co-chairs for this position.There were 86 members, 1 guest and3 new members present. Welcome tonew members Trudy Holt, Liz Torbatiand Armida Garcia.

2009 Quilt Show Chair, Rasa Read,showed the collection of star blocksreceived to date, placed against a darkblue/purple fabric. She needs about100 blocks for the quilt.

Crissa from Patchwork Penguinapologized for not having a shuttle toshow this year. She also thanked theguild for their support. Rob Appellstayed 2 extra hours at our Februaryworkshop and the dyeing workshop willalso be held at the Patchwork Penguin.

Block–of-the-Month - Las Pulgas


friendship group held the drawing forthe 20 blocks this month, and therewere 2 winners: Linda Brown andBeverly Underwood. Las Pulgas alsoshowed a finished birthstone quilt whichwill be awarded in July to a luckymember who participated in block-of-the month this past year.

Door prizes donated by the ShowCommittee were for Marcia Pollard’sMP3 class, Deb Karash Spkey class,Debroah Sylveser Doodle and TextileArt class, parking for 5 winners, a ticketfor Designing Ladies Fashion Show,and donations from Quilt N’ Things,Patchwork Penguin, Leah’s Fabrics,Ellen Craig Dyeing for You, Candy’sQuilt Works. The Boobie Prize waswon by Pat Rollie.

Heidi explained the strip poker gameand the members particpated.

The meeting was adjourned at 9pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Susan Edwards

N O M I N A T I N G C O M M I T T E EMany thanks to this year’s Nominating Committee: Pat Grim, Alice Smith,Marilyn Green, Melinda Helscher, Karen Millman, Caren Ryan and Lori Snee.They have been busy recruiting volunteers to fill the vacant GQG Board positionsfor the 2008 - 2009 year. At press time, they still had a few positions to fill,including Newsletter Chair and 2010 Quilt Show Chair. (Yes, we really have tothink about that one already too!) The Committee will present their nominationsat the April General Meeting and we will be voting in May. The new Board willthen be installed at the June General Meeting when we roll over our fiscal year.

2 0 0 9 O P P O R T U N I T Y Q U I L T

Here is a first look at the astronomical effort members have put into makingblocks which will soon be our 2009 “Cosmic Connections” Opportunity Quilt...

What a dazzling display!




www.GlendaleQui l tGui ld.org

Glendale Quilt Guild, Inc. is a non-profit corporation. The purpose is to contribute to the knowledge of,and to promote the appreciation of, fine quilts, quiltmaking and collecting; to gain knowledge of quilt techniques,

patterns, history and quiltmakers through educational meetings, travel and friendship. Meetings are held the 2nd Wednesday of every month at the

Glendale Central Library Auditorium, 222 East Harvard Street, Glendale, California.

Social time: 6:30 - 7:00 pm. Meeting begins at 7:00 pm. Guest fees: $5. per meeting.

Membership dues are payable July 1 and are delinquent at the end of the August General Meeting.Active Members: $20., Seniors (62+ years): $15., Affiliates: $25., Newsletter Only: $20.

The newsletter is a monthly publication of the Glendale Quilt Guild. Members are invited to submit items of interestfor publication at the General Meeting or by E-mailing Sabine Steinmetz at: gardensbysabine@aol.com.


A Notefrom theEditor

This issue will be arriving laterthan usual, as our quilt show fellon the last weekend of March. Inorder to get a few items in from theshow, I had to push the printingand mailing deadlines back a fewdays after the 1st... My apologies.Reminder: Next month we will beparing down the mailing list tosend only to those who signed up.(There will be another sign upsheet at the next General Meeting.)

However, while at the show,I heard a rumor that there might bea member willing to take on theNewsletter Chair position, and Iwill be very excited to hear theofficial announcement from theNominating Committee at ourApril meeting. It also appearsthat the remaining positions willbe filled, just in time for the turn-over of the Board, so the guild canget back to business immediatelyin June. (We always do!)

I have actually enjoyed servingon the Board and while it’s achallenge putting the Newslettertogether, it is also a fun, creativeprocess, and I’m looking forwardto seeing a new person’s “stamp”put on it!

Many thanks to ALL who havesent in contributions during thelast 22 months - with 2 more issuesto go I will soon become a “rovingreporter” so I can send articles andpictures to the new Editor. I offerher my best wishes and any helpneeded for an easy transition.

- Ed.

A S G L . A . C H A P T E R


$ $ F O R S A L E $ $

Loving Hands would be happy to getqueen sized batting or pieces largeenough to put in our quilts (40 x 45plus a couple of inches). Our budgetallows us to get 2 cases per year. Weappreciate people donating batting aswell as cotton fabric to us. Rememberus when getting rid of colorful fabric orblocks you can't use.

“Thank you” to all that make ourtops or finish them. We could usemore finishers. It is a great way topractice your quilting technique(s).

Thanks -Nancy Foote

& Pat Grim

The American Sewing Guild has nowformed a Los Angeles Chapter. Forthose of you that are members of theOrange County Chapter and wish tohave their membership transferredplease contact Jeanette Swanson atjeanette@asgla.org. By transferingyour membership to Los Angeles,you will help fund local events whichwill benefit the new Los AngelesChapter. This is a great opportunityfor Los Angeles and its ASGMembers. If not already a member,please consider joining. If you wouldlike more information on the newLos Angeles Chapter, existingneighborhood groups, or formingyour own group, please visitwww.asgla.org or contact Sue Vite atsmvite@aol.com.


I am selling an Ellagio Baby Lock Sewing Machine

for $2,000.(I paid $6,000. for it)

Also selling a Baby Lock Sergerfor $225.

Please call Bonita for more details:818.395.1098

The Guild would like toexpress our appreciation

to the Affiliates(listed on the backof the newsletter)

who consistently give usDoor Prizes, offer discounts,

provide work spaces, and are just generally a huge

support to the Guild.

They are sometimes our“silent” partners, and we hope

that you patronize theirbusinesses often

and are as generous to themas they are to us...

Many thanks!


MEETING: WEDNESDAY, April 9, 2008 @ 7:00 PM


REFRESHMENTS: Everyone (See Page 1)


Contact us at:

P.O. Box 5366 • Glendale, CA 91221-5366

or v is i t :

www.g lenda lequ i l tgu i ld .o rg

A QUILTER'S DREAM150 N. San Gabriel Blvd. Ste.500Pasadena, CA 91107Tel: 626-744-2779www.aquiltersdream.com

AZABU-YA/ MK CONCEPTS3019 Pico Blvd., Suite 5Santa Monica, CA 90405Tel: 310-828-8046www.azabu ya.com


P.O. Box 1336Alta Loma, CA 91701Tel: 909-987-3341

THE CALICO HOUSE1279 E. Imperial HighwayPlacentia, CA 92870Tel: 714 993-3091

CANDY’S QUILTWORKS8917 Reseda Blvd.Northridge, CA 91324Tel: 818-349-SEWS (7397)

COZY COTTAGE FABRICS740 N. Brea BlvdBrea, CA 92821Tel: 714-529-2999

EMMALINE’S1203 N. Catalina StreetBurbank, CA 91505-2326Deb91505@yahoo.com


2145 Verdugo RoadMontrose, CA 91020818-248-5411www.fransvacuumsewing.com

LEAH'S FABRIC GALLERY1321 E Katella AveOrange, CA 92867Tel: 714-639-1555

NEW MOON TEXTILESnewmoontextiles.com626-296-6663

PATCHWORK PENGUIN6477 Foothill BoulevardTujunga, CA 91042Tel: 818-352-7300Fax: 818-352-3544thequiltingnut@patchworkpenguin.comwww.patchworkpenguin.com

POLLARD’S SEW CREATIVE780 S Arroyo PkwyPasadena, CA 91105(626) 795-9907

A N D71934 E. Route 66Glendora, CA 91740626-335-2770www.pollardsewcreative.com

QUILT ‘N’ THINGS2411 Honolulu AveMontrose, CA 91020Tel: 818-957-2287

THE QUILT ATTIC106 Bridge StreetArroyo Grande, CA 93420Tel: 805-474-0717

THE QUILT EMPORIUM4918 Topanga Canyon Blvd.Woodland Hills, CA 91364Tel: 818-704 8238

THE QUILTED ROSE7151 El Cajon Blvd. Suite 0San Diego, Ca 92115Tel: 619-462-1848www.thequiltedrose.com


311-A East Victoria StreetSanta Barbara, CA 93101Tel: 805-899-3947www.santabarbaraquilting.com


1336-A Railroad StreetPaso Robles, CA 93446Tel: 805-238-2977