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Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska Remedial Project Managers’ Monthly Meeting

Government and Contractor Session 18 DECEMBER 2013

Final Agenda

LOCATION: Westmark Fairbanks Hotel & Conference Center, Harper Board Room 813 Noble Street, Fairbanks, Alaska 99701

DATE/TIME: Wednesday, 18 December 2013 0945-1630 AKST CONFERENCE LINE: 1-866-464-9153 ACCESS CODE: 1618 ADOBE CONNECT:

Topic Purpose Presenter Time ADMINISTRATIVE (0945-0950)

Introductions and Organizational Updates

Introduce participants, provide overview of the agenda, and solicit organizational updates.

Kristen Villarreal/Tim



TECHNICAL DISCUSSIONS (0950-1100) Detailed Schedule Review Brief review of changes with no

schedule impact; Detailed review of changes that affect

schedule; Review of field work schedule

excerpt Discuss and agree upon potential

adjustments to the SMP milestone schedule.

David Beistel/ Cristina Radu


LUNCH 1100-1245 TECHNICAL DISCUSSIONS continued (1245-1600)

Structure of CSM Update Reports Discuss components, structure, and format of CSM update reports.

David Beistel/ Carolyn Tallant


IRP RI/SRI Investigations SS67 WP45/SS57

Schedule Deliverables Regulatory comments Fieldwork Issues to be resolved Implication to 2013 FYR (as

appropriate) Funding and contracting (as


Kevin Maher 1305-1350

Installation-wide Investigations IWMP Background Study

Mike Jones

CSM Updates ST20 ST48 SS35

Kyle Waldron

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Topic Purpose Presenter Time CSM Updates LF03/LF09 ST10/SS14 ST13/DP26 SS37

Pat Roth/ Kevin Maher

SERs SS084-AOC 16 SS085-UIC Bldg 3386 SS086-Taxiway Golf

Kyle Waldron

SERs CH2MHill SER contract sites USACE contract for 17 SERs

Carolyn Tallant


CS081 (former SER001-2008) CS082 (former SER001-2010)

Schedule Deliverables Regulatory comments Fieldwork Issues to be resolved Funding and contracting (as


Pat Roth/ Kevin Maher


MMRP MMRP Update Update current and planned MMRP

activities. David Beistel/

Carolyn Tallant


OTHER TECHNICAL DISCUSSIONS Construction Update ** Update locations and types of land-

disturbing construction activities scheduled to occur at Eielson AFB.

Update current status of soil stockpiles, their locations, volumes, anticipated or known COCs, and plans for disposal.

Update on construction activity at the Rail Line.

Discuss soil disposal from Railroad Trestle Project.

Julene May/ Carolyn Tallant


IC/LUC Plan Status Report **

Update on AF actions related to 15 Apr 2012 letter and summary of related contractual actions.

Discuss Fighter Wing Instruction/ LUC MP and LUC IP.

Discuss manner by which to comply with IC/LUC Settlement Agreement 5.4.3 (reference NR AI 225).

David Beistel/ Carolyn Tallant


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Topic Purpose Presenter Time BREAK 1500-1515

Investigation-Derived Wastes Update

Update status of IDW at Eielson AFB. Summarize current challenges

related to in-state versus out-of-state transport and disposal of IDW.

David Beistel/ Carolyn Tallant


Community Relations Update Discuss progress toward adjourning the RAB.

David Beistel/ Kelly Findlay


Additional Topics As Needed 1545-1600 WRAP UP (1600-1630)

Guidelines for Effective Meetings Approve guidelines and techniques to ensure efficient and effective conference calls and scoping meetings.

Tim Sueltenfuss


Identify and Confirm Future Agenda Items

Revise/confirm future agenda items and assign these agenda items to upcoming meetings.

Kristen Villarreal/ Tim



Recap Non-Restricted Meeting Outcomes

Review and confirm agreement on the following: Upcoming meetings New and existing action items Existing decision points

o Revise previously approved decision points

o Withdraw decision points that are no longer valid

New decision points Success stories


Set/Confirm Future Meetings Confirm location, date, and time for the following RPM meetings: 21 JAN 2014 (in-person) 25-26 FEB 2014 (in-person) 25-26 MAR 2014 (in-person)

(tentative) 29-30 APR 2014 (in-person)



ADJOURN RPM MONTHLY MEETING 1630 ** standing agenda item


Eielson Air Force Base (AFB), Alaska Non-Restricted- RPM Monthly Meeting Minutes

18 December 2013,0945-1630 AKST

The following minutes are non-restricted and not procurement-sensitive.

I. PARTICIPATION: The meeting was conducted at Westmark Inn located at 813 Noble Street, Fairbanks, Alaska. Participants in attendance, either in the room or over the telephone, included the following:

• David Beistel- Eielson AFB/ Air Force Civil Engineer Center (AFCEC) • Eric Breitenberger- Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) • Kimberly DeRuyter- ADEC • Kelly Findlay- EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc. (EA) • John Halverson- ADEC • Michael Jones - EA • Paul Jurena- AFCEC • Jackie Kramer- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) • Kevin Maher* -Jacobs Engineering • J ulene May- Eielson AFB/ AFCEC • Cristina Radu - EA • Amanda Rohrbaugh- TechLaw, Inc. • Robert Shirley- AFCEC Western Regional Environmental • Joann Socash- Noblis, Inc./AFCEC • Tim Sueltenfuss- SMITH/Associates • Carolyn Tallant* - Eielson AFB/ AFCEC • Kevin Thomas - AFCEC • Kristen Villarreal- SMITH/ Associates • Kyle Waldron*- EA • William Watts- A GEISS/ AFCEC • Mark Wilkinson - EA • Deb Yamamoto- U.S. EPA

*Participated via telecom

2. ADMINISTRATIVE (Minutes/Action Items):

a. Minutes Review/Approval (Mr. Beistel): The Remedial Project Managers (RPM) reviewed and approved the meeting minutes for the 12-13 November 2013 monthly meeting.

b. OLD Action Items (Mr. Sueltenfuss/Ms. Villarreal): The RPMs reviewed the latest action items, which are non-restricted and not procurement-sensitive, provided on the 18 November 2013 Decision Tracker.

Non-Restricted -RPM Monthly Meeting Minutes 18 December 2013

• Action Item No. 199 was closed and moved to the Closed Action Items list.

• Action Item No. 225 was closed and moved to the Closed Action Items list.

• Action Item No. 229 remains open with a new due date of21 January 2014 and the owner changed to Mr. Kevin Thomas.

• Action Item No. 231 was reworded and remains open with due date of21 January 2014.

• Action Item No. 234 was closed and moved to the Closed Action Items list.

• Action Item No. 235 was closed and moved to the Closed Action Items list.

• Action Item No. 236 remains open with a new due date of21 January 2014.

• Action Item No. 237 was closed and moved to the Closed Action Items list.

• Action Item No. 238 was closed and moved to the Closed Action Items list.

• Action Item No. 239 was closed and moved to the Closed Action Items list.

c. NEW Action Items (Mr. Sueltenfuss/Ms. Findlay/Ms. Villarreal): The RPMs agreed to add new action items No. 240, 241, 242 and 243, which are non-restricted and not procurement-sensitive, to the Open Action Items list.

3. DECISION POINTS: The RPMs approved new Decision Points No. 65 and 66. Pending Decision Point No. 60-was approved.

4. SUCCESS STORIES: No new success stories were approved or pending.

5. 1630: Meeting Concluded.

(JCL;t!~ DAVID BEISTEL USAF Project Manager

K~~R DEC Project Manager

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Jfcl<iEKRAMER EPA Project Manager


CreatedAction Item Comments/Resolution Status Owner Due Date Old No.


28-Aug-13 Describe the proposed disposal of drums including a

timeline and comprehensive list by work plan.

Describe whether disposal is in accordance with the work plans. If

not, seek regulatory approval. Submitted to ADEC and EPA on 17

Sep 2013. Includes tabulated data. Reference contractor

handbook from JBER.

Open USAF (K.Thomas) 21-Jan-14


29-Aug-13 Incorporate the most recent version of the USACE Alaska

District manual for electronic deliverables as a standard

data deliverable format in upcoming contracts.

Open USAF (P. Roth/C.




12-Nov-13 Draft language for soils and groundwater background

Memorandum for Record (MFR) clarifying policy on

alternative cleanup levels based on background values.

This will be a component of a forthcoming memorandum for record

documenting agreement on soil and groundwater background


Open DEC/EPA 21-Jan-14


17-Dec-13 Investigate possibility of EPA providing an initial

consultation concerning potential removal action at SS35.

Open EPA (J. Kramer) 21-Jan-14


17-Dec-13 Generate, maintain, and regularly communicate to the

stakeholders a list of areas of concern that need further

evaluation (including location, potential affiliation with

other source areas, path forward for investigation, etc.).

Will be added as a standing agenda item. Open USAF (D. Beistel) 21-Jan-14


17-Dec-13 Consult each organization’s attorneys to determine how

sites, which are currently within the FFA and which are

contaminated only by POL, could be transferred to the

forthcoming Two Party Agreement.

Open RPMs 21-Jan-14


18-Dec-13 Provide for regulatory review materials related to contents

of the 2013 IWMP report (to include outline, figures, and

preliminary charts of data).

Open USAF/EA (C. Radu) 20-Dec-13

Eielson AFB RPM Decision Tracker


Updated as of 18DEC2013

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CreatedAction Item Comments/Resolution Status Owner Date Completed Old No.


29-Aug-13 Cross-reference the DEC and EESOH-MIS site IDs.

Create a spreadsheet containing the appropriate site


Do a monthly review during standing agenda at RPM meetings.

Action item “Present and review a consolidated comprehensive

site list” created 27 Feb 2013 and completed 24 May 2013 (with

comment “Discuss site identifier and site status. Work with Eric

Breitenberger and Aaron Lambert.”). Re-opened 29 Aug 2013 and

changed to current wording of action item.

Closed ADEC (E.





31-Jul-13 Concurrently obtain advice from agency management on

how best to comply with Section 5.4.3 of IC/LUC

Settlement Agreement.

Closed RPMs 17-Dec-13



29-Oct-13 Confirm their agency’s designation of project manager and

alternate (per FFA Section 9.1). Submit a letter as


ADEC's letter was provided on 9 Nov 2013. EPA's letter was

provided on 4 Dec 2013.

Closed RPMs 17-Dec-13

23529-Oct-13 Generate a letter formalizing the recommendations of the

multiple site SER for site disposition.

18 sites to be addressed under State regulations; the remainder to

stay under the FFA.

Closed USAF (D. Beistel) 14-Nov-13


13-Nov-13 Develop and provide the following support documents for

FYR meeting: bar charts and schedules for FYR

recommendations and milestone dates provided in the

EPA concurrence letter and as revised by the USAF; cross-

walk table to compare the concurrence letter and AF

revised source area protectiveness (Current & Future)

determinations; and a flow chart for the technical process

which can cover new and existing sites; specifically for

how to manage NFA source areas, evaluation of COPCs,


Closed USAF (J. Socash/P.




13-Nov-13 Provide stakeholders a letter conveying the

recommendation that the final 2013 FYR be delivered on

21 Feb 2014.

Provided verbally during 17 Dec 2013 Program Review Meeting. Closed USAF (J. Socash/P.




13-Nov-13 Determine whether OIT can attain status as acceptable

under the Off-Site Rule.

Thereafter, OIT may initiate application process with Kevin

Schanilec of EPA.

Closed ADEC (Bill




Eielson AFB RPM Decision Tracker


Updated as of 18DEC2013

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DP # Title Decision Point Topic(s) Associated Meeting Mtg. Date Status Date Approv. Reference/Notes


AF Recommended Conceptual Approach The stakeholders generally support the conceptual approach described by the Air Force at

the 17 Dec 2013 Eielson AFB Program Review Meeting and the 18 Dec 2013 RPM

meeting. They generally support non-time critical removal action for SS35 and SS67.

They have a general preference for an aggressive rather than a conservative schedule.

Prior to obtaining specific agreement, the stakeholders need to review COC audit results

and review a detailed schedule which emanates from this conceptual approach.

RPM Monthly Meeting - Government

Only Session

18-Dec-13 Approved 18-Dec-13 Refer to Non-Restricted Meeting Minutes for

17-18 Dec 2013.


Remedial Investigations for Operable Units The stakeholders express a mutual preference for accomplishing Remedial Investigations

for Operable Units rather than Remedial Investigations for source areas. However, they

reserve the right to alter this approach in order to achieve efficient sequencing of activities

based upon results of COC audit and related efforts.

RPM Monthly Meeting - Government

Only Session

18-Dec-13 Approved 18-Dec-13


IC/LUC Settlement Agreement 5.4.3


To meet the requirement of Section 5.4.3 of the IC/LUC Settlement Agreement

the AF is responsible to immediately incorporate deadlines, target dates and

schedules into the SMP by doing the following:

1. Within 14 (calendar) days upon approval of a Work Plan that specifies a

Primary or Secondary document, the corresponding deadline or target date and

related schedule will be incorporated into SMP by revision of the Milestone

Schedule Table portion of the SMP by adding a new line/entry or changing a

due date.

2. Post the table/SMP to the SharePoint site, and then

3. Air Force sends an e-mail to EPA and ADEC RPMs, and EPA/DEC/AF attorney's

of notification that the SMP Milestone Schedule has been revised and posted.

Other deadlines, target dates and schedules are subject to section 5.4.1 of

the LUC Settlement Agreement, as well as the FFA (paragraphs 24.4 and 24.7).

SA RPM Monthly Meeting - Government

Only Conference Call

27-Sep-13 Approved 18-Dec-13 This also extends to other Primary Documents

that are approved and which contain

deadlines, target dates or schedules (i.e.,

SERs are to include proposed target dates

and deadlines for appropriate subsequent

secondary and primary documents; when a

SER is finalized and the RPMs agree on the

proposed target dates and deadlines, the AF

needs to update the SMP accordingly within

14 days. Similarly, within 21 days after a ROD

(or ROD amendment) is signed, the AF is to

propose target dates for subsequent

secondary documents and deadlines for the

RD and RA workplan, when the RPMs agree

on these the SMP needs to be updated


Eielson AFB RPM Decision Tracker

NON-RESTRICTED - Approved Decision Points

Updated as of 18DEC2013

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