Arman talking about blogging

Post on 25-May-2015

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Let’s blogging!join the blogosphere



• The 1st command for every moslem is toread: iqra’

• To read :– to understand life and it’s purpose– to study the God’s rules in this life– to see the world as God’s creation with human as

its keeper (khalifatu fi al-ardh)


• Then, bind your knowledges and experiences into writings! : utlubul ‘ilma bil kitab

• I’m writing to..– to contribute, spread ideas and show existence– to document life, organize ideas and thoughts– to express feelings


Why are they blogging?“Saya blogging karena saya ingin nulis. Saya nulis karena saya suka. Tapi blog lebih dari sekedar kegiatan tulis-menulis. Aktifitas blogging itu meliputi tiga hal; writing, reading, dan social networking. Kalau saya menganggap blog seperti sebuah perusahaan penerbitan. Direkturnya saya, penulisnya juga saya, designer layout juga saya, manajernya lagi-lagi saya sendiri.

Adiar Ersti Mardisiwi Ersti | えち | der Erste | Ecci | 18 | f | Surabaya, ID | freshman | ITS Online's Junior Reporter | Melancholic-Phlegmatic | Will catch Arab, Germany, and Japan ! :D Amen.


Blogging, from the dark clouds...

My marriage wasn't going well, and we just were growing further and further apart. One day my wife came home from work and summoned the courage, through a lot of tears, to have a very honest conversation. And she said, "I don't love you anymore."My friend Chris had been battling mental illness for some time. I spoke to him on the phone at 10:30 pm on a Sunday night. We talked about the TV show we watched that evening. And Monday morning, I found out that he disappeared. Very sadly, he took his own life. And it was a really heavy time.And as these dark clouds were circling me, and I was finding it really, really difficult to think of anything good, I said to myself that I really needed a way to focus on the positive somehow..

... to 1000awesomethings.comAnd slowly over time, I started putting myself in a better mood. It started getting bigger and bigger and bigger. And then I got a phone call, and the voice at the other end of the line said, "You've just won the best blog in the world award." Then I jumped on a plane, and I ended up walking a red carpet between Sarah Silverman and Jimmy Fallon and Martha Stewart. And I went onstage to accept a Webby award for Best Blog.

... to AWESOMEAnd the surprise and just the amazement of that was only overshadowed by my return to Toronto, when, in my inbox, 10 literary agents were waiting for me to talk about putting this into a book. Flash-forward to the next year and "The Book of Awesome" has now been number one on the best-seller list for 20 straight weeks.

Personal Blog for Personal BrandingBlogging dan mengembangkan kreatifitas maya adalah media dan jalan menuju perubahan. Blogging adalah alat untuk sharing, branding, business dan marketing yang murah, efektif dan efisien.Lewat blog-lah saya sebarkan seluruh CV dan portfolio saya. Dan lewat tulisan di bloglah, saya memainkan persepsi orang lain supaya yakin bahwa saya mampu dan pantas mengerjakan suatu pekerjaan. Saya bahkan tidak pernah melamar pekerjaan, melamar menjadi dosen pada suatu universitas, menjadi nara sumber, menjadi pengisi seminar atau bahkan memburu tender secara agresif. Intinya, saya tidak pernah dan tidak ingin secara kasar dan agresif memburu karir, termasuk pekerjaan, jabatan, harta, dan tahta. Saya cukup melakukan personal branding lewat blog dan membuat kreatifitas maya seperti IlmuKomputer.Com. Dan saya biarkan semua itu memburu saya. Wahai para pedjoeangku, inilah jalan cinta para legenda itu .. Ehm ehm..

Dapat apa sih dari Blogging?

Alhamdulillah ada penerbit yang tertarik merangkumkan berbagai pemikiran saya dalam suatu buku Buku ini berisi kumpulan tulisan-tulisan saya di blog RomiSatriaWahono.Net, yang telah me-lewati proses editing dan kategorisasi ulang.


BLOG 2 BOOKother

This one is a printed inspiring-blog

And this silly book is a blogformerly

to blog or not to blog, that’s the question

To Blog• To write• To contribute ideas and

thoughts• Dakwah• Selling things• As diary• Promote personal brands• ...

Not to blog• Let good ideas rot• The past is past without

something matter• Forget special times• Unknown in the web• No or less unique

contribution FTW• ...

Blogging till he die

He collect positive things in life to hold on the grief. He redeveloped his positive attitude. He choose to moving forward after his great loss. He start to see little things. Staring the world like a three years old little children with their wide open eyes. Then he find his awareness again.He also

• How to blog?– Write, just write– Don’t stop writing– Keep writing

• Need another guide? Try

• How to blog?– Write, just write– Don’t stop writing– Keep writing, follow

• Need another guide? Try

Revved up?Then you need engine(s)to boost your motor

• Wordpress• Blogger• Other?

It’s up to you



logging/••• http://

• other