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Around Antonio

Acting Principal

Tim Howarth

Acting Principal

Annette Hayes

631-639 Whitehorse Rd

Mitcham 3132

Ph 9874 4371

Fax 9873 5505

E-mail address :

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Our School Values


Empathy Responsibility Resilience Independence Confidence

For your Diary See our website for more

2 March 2017 Issue 5

Aussie of the week

Congratulations to everyone celebrating a

birthday this week.


3 March

Curriculum Day


5 March

Fete Working Bee


6 March

Division Swimming


13 March

Labour Day


16 March

Level 3 & 4

House Athletics


16 March

Level 2

Feeling Safe



16 March

House Athletics

Level 3 & 4


17 March

Level 2

Feeling Safe



17 March

Fete Working Bee

Dear Antonio Park Families,

Antonio Park Primary School is on the Bushfire At Risk Register (BARR).

School procedures for the bushfire season: CODE RED DAY On days declared "Code Red" in the Central District, Antonio Park Primary School will CLOSE. When notified by the Department Officials that a Code Red Day is to occur, the Principal will activate the EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PLAN. Letters will be sent home immediately explaining to all families that Antonio Park PS will be closed on the nomi-nated day and that NO CHILDREN OR STAFF ARE TO ATTEND FOR THAT DAY. In the event a Code Red Day is announced after hours, the SMS system will be used to alert staff and families of the closure the following day. The Principal will be in attendance on the day to ensure no one is at school. Vegetable Garden Project Lily W’s (3CN) grandfather Ralph will be continuing his wonderful work with our Environmental Leaders this year to grow some beautiful vegetables. The students will be very busy digging, mulching, planting and watering! We would like to thank Ralph for his continued efforts with this project. Some future directions for our veggie garden are: bird netting to cover our orchard trees

an irrigation system for our vegetable garden a new rotating compost bin to reinvigorate our

current composting system We’re looking forward to eating the lovely fruits and vege-tables that are growing! Who knows, we may be able to sell our produce one day! Maybe at the fete? You Can Do It! Parent Online Resource Last year we began a wonderful initiative whereby par-ents were offered free registration to a valuable E-learning parenting website. We hope by now you have registered and hopefully visited and utilized “You Can Do It! Parents”: All the resources on the website are available for our school community (families and staff). The website contains a large number of E-learning pro-grams for parents on ‘best’ practices of parents, Parent

Insight Articles on topics of importance dealing with child development and parenting, and E-learning vide-os and audio E-learning programs for children and adolescents that help build a variety of personal and social skills and positive attitudes. Please take the time to register and start using this wonderful resource! School Council Elections We had 5 parents nominate to join our School Council for 2017-2018, and therefore are required to hold an election. School Council is seeking 4 representatives from our parent community to join. Please see the information included in this newsletter about each of the candidates as well as a ballot paper. Ballot papers are also available at our front office. Ballots need to be returned to the front office in a plain, sealed enve-lope into the secure voting box and voters register their name and address on the register. If posting in, please ensure your details are placed on the register. Voters are from our parent community only and each parent may vote only once in the election. Voting clos-es next Wednesday , 8th March 2017, at 4pm. Enjoy the 4 day break from school everyone! Annette and Tim

Fete Date Change

Saturday 18th March

What’s Happening in Level 1?

Have you visited our Level 1 Blog? In case you have forgotten, here is the web address: This is a great way to stay connected with what your child is doing in the classroom and can help promote conversation about their day. It will be updated on a weekly basis. This week’s post features some of the student’s oral recounts of their time playing in Antonio Park last week. The students continue to work on ‘List 1’ of the High Frequency word lists at school each day. When we are sharing ‘big books’ in class, students are encouraged to locate words from List 1 as well as other ‘high frequency words’. At home, encourage your child to locate words from List 1 in books that you have at home. Please note that we expect the students to be able to read the words quickly and write them correctly before they move onto List 2. Here are some ideas on how you can help your child to learn their words:

Keep the list in a prominent place at home, such as on the

The students in Level 2 have settled nicely into their new classrooms as we approach the middle of term 1. The time has flown by! In literacy, students are continuing their comprehension focus on making connections. Text to self, text to text and text to world connections enable students to strengthen their understandings and find relations to what they are reading. It’s a great idea to practise these skills when reading at home through asking questions such as ‘what does this book remind you of?’ This week in Level 2, we are beginning our focus on addition. Using con-crete materials at home such as counters, counting pencils or stones out-side can help students work on these skills. Don’t forget Mathletics too, there are lots of fun activities to help with addition. In writing we have just finished our recounts. Please make sure you walk through the main building to see our fantastic writing on display. We have just begun our new genre of persuasive texts. This is a great opportunity to

have conversations with your child about why certain issues are positive or negative, for example: Should we have more school holidays? Our inquiry rotations began last week. Each teacher is focusing on a dif-ferent celebration and students have the opportunity to explore these over the coming weeks with different teachers. Students in Level 2 are always enthusiastic about this aspect of our inquiry program and no doubt will enjoy our term 1 topic ‘Let’s Celebrate.’ Just a reminder that we have our ‘Feeling Safe’ Workshops coming up. Permission forms are now overdue so please make sure you return this to your class teacher if you haven’t already done so. Thanks, Level 2 Team

fridge or bedroom door

Encourage your child to learn these words ‘out of order’

Encourage your child to locate these words in newspapers and ‘junk mail’

Encourage your child to write the words in sand, paint or shav-ing cream (as the Preps did this week!).

Next week the Prep students will be at school every day. We anticipate that the students may initially feel quite tired, so staff will adjust their program accordingly. We will continue to provide the stu-dents with regular breaks and opportunities to recharge. Have a great long weekend! Courtney, Mitchell, Bronwyn and Rachel Level 1 Team

What’s Happening in Level 2?

PARENT MORNING TEA On the first Monday of every month, following assembly, we hold a morning tea for parents. We welcome all parents to join us for a cup of tea or coffee. Our next get together will be on the 6th March. This week, our team leaders will also be joining us. This is great opportunity to meet together for a chat and a relax! Tim and Annette

The Level 3 and 4 students had a brilliant time at the House Swimming Sports. It was fantastic to see all students participating and cheering on their houses! This week in Numeracy we have begun addition. This unit will continue next week and students will explore vertical addition and addition with trad-ing. Level 3 students have been working very hard on their Recount Writing. All students are now in the publishing stage of the writing process. Look out

for these writing pieces on the writing wall in the next couple of weeks! We hope you all have a terrific long weekend! The Level 3 Team Ben, Clive, Nat, Tim, Cathy and Louise

What’s Happening in Level 3?

What’s Happening in Level 4?

Level 4 have been working hard over the past week looking at some different peculiar places from around the world. We have studied the wonder of Palau and in particular Jellyfish Lake. Have a look at the clip: This past week hydrothermal vents have been a focus. Here is another clip that you might be interested in watching together as a family:

watch?v=D69hGvCsWgA It has been so exciting to see the students engaged and keen for new knowledge in these areas. We are encouraging students to continue this

thirst for knowledge at home and bring it in and share with the grade. We have all finished our writing pieces on our Planks Incursion and our writing wall display will be up next week, we encourage you all to find a time to come and have a look at the amazing writing we have not only in

Level 4 but across the school!

A few reminders:

Homework will begin next week. The sheet will be sent home on Monday and students will have the week to complete the work. It is due back on Friday. This week we have had a chance to go over the expectations together and complete an activity in class. Remember, homework is aimed to help stu-

dents with their time management skills and independence.

Next week we have a cyber safety session for all students. Following that, parents are invited to the evening session. We strongly encourage ALL parents to attend as vital information will be presented to help your children in this ever evolving


Have a great long weekend, enjoy your time together as a family

Bonnie, Kate, Lauren, Danielle and Jana

Help! Oval Assistance Needed Dear Parents, Last year Antonio Park Primary school was the recipient of a financial grant to be used to repair our oval

goal square. We are eager to undergo works and begin the process, however, we are in need of assistance. In order to begin the process we require access to a bobcat or excavator and driver to work the ground and assist in laying down sand, before the turf can be laid. As hiring such a machine would be a large expense

and would deplete our financial grant significantly, we are appealing to the APPS community for assistance. We have many hands that are able to assist, we do however, require a machine with a qualified operator. If anyone has such a machine and is willing to offer their help we would love to hear from you. Kind Regards, Ben Clark & Annette Hayes Buildings and Grounds Committee

This is a reminder to all parents and families to please ensure that they cross Deep Creek Rd at

the school crossing when coming to and from school.

Deep Creek Rd can get very busy at times and attempting to cross anywhere other than the

crossing is very dangerous.

Thank you

District Swimming On the 20th Feb 2017, APPS participated in the Ringwood North District Swimming

Carnival. We had a very successful day with multiple students achieving pole position in their

events. A huge well done to our 2017 District swimming team: Jack E, Dylan M, Isabella O, Piper K, Seb P, Ashton S, Ryan P, Aiden P, Lauren F, Zoe M, Alanna J, Keira D,

Billy S, Maddi G, Jacinta K, Emily O. An extra congratulations and good luck to Isabella O, Seb P, Aiden P, Ashton S and Ryan P who qualified in their respective events, for the Maroondah/Manningham

Division Swimming Carnival. We look forward to hearing how you go. Ben Clark Physical Education Teacher

What’s Happening in PE?


School Banking

Due to the short week and House Swimming, we were

unable to return bank books to students in time for Monday’s banking.

Bank books will be returned to students on Monday

6th March and can be returned on Tuesday 7th March for


Monday 13th March is a public holiday so bank books will

be banked on Tuesday 14th March instead.

We apologise for any inconvenience.

Student Online Safety parent information session. As part of being an eSmart school, Antonio Park Primary School has a fantastic program running this year that aims to teach our students from year 3-6 about being safe, responsible users online. The students in years 3-6 will be involved in sessions and the teachers will attend a professional learning session on the same day. We will also be holding a parent session. This session is valuable to all parents from foundation to grade six. When: Tuesday March 7 Time: 6:30-7:30pm Where: Library RSVP: By March 6 via email

Rachel Fittolani and Tim Howarth

February 28th 2017

SCHOOL COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP Dear Parents, School Council elections are held in Term 1 of each year. There are four positions ending in March this year and these positions have become vacant. APPS have received five nominations; therefore an election will take place. Below is the outline for School Council election process: The timeline for the School Council elections will be as follows:

Thursday 9th February Call for nominations for School Council

Thursday 23th February Nominations close 4:00 pm

Election Process

Wednesday 1st March Ballot papers available at the front office and in the newsletter (March 2nd)

Wednesday 8th March Ballot closes 4pm

Tuesday 14th March Count votes and declare the poll Monday 20th March New School Council meets to decide on the community member; office bearers are elected. On the last page of this week’s newsletter (dated March 2nd) is a ballot paper for School Council. There are four positions. Please only mark up to four; otherwise your vote will become invalid. SCHOOL COUNCIL GUIDELINES Term of office – elections For all elections after the first school council election, the term of office for elected members is two years. The term of office commences the day after the date of declaration of the poll and ends on the date of the declaration of the poll for the election held in the second calendar year following the election. General Information

No campaign literature supporting candidates or groups of candidates may be distributed or posted in the school and no school resources, whether human or material may be used to support particular candidates or groups of candidates.

Contact office person: Leonie Oppawsky

Casting a Vote...

A sealed ballot box for the casting of votes at the school will located at the main office between the hours of 8.00 am and 4.00 p.m. on eve-ry school day up to and including the day of the closure of the ballot-Wednesday 8th March.

Each voter must complete a ballot paper by placing a mark next to the name of each candidate standing for election for whom the voter wishes to vote, up to the number of vacant positions (4).

To cast a vote, the voter must:

place the completed ballot paper in a blank envelope and place the blank envelope in a second envelope with your (the voter) name and address printed on the back of this envelope and post the envelope to the principal so as to reach the principal by 4.00 pm on the day of the closure of the ballot 4:00p.m Wednesday 8th March; or

deliver, or arrange delivery of, the completed ballot paper to the school between the hours of 8.00 am and 4.00 pm on any school day up to and including the day fixed for the closure of the ballot Wednesday 8th March, and place the completed ballot paper in a blank envelope with your (the voter) name and address printed on the back of this envelope.

Votes will be recorded in a register with the name and address appearing at the rear of each outer envelope. Ballot Count and Declaring Poll This stage starts as soon as possible after the close of ballot. The secrecy of the ballot and integrity of the electoral process are maintained during the vote count and declaration of the poll.

Tuesday 14th March counting of the votes and the declaration of the poll.

Two tellers, being persons who are not candidates for election, to:

count the number of votes cast for each candidate;

report the result to the principal; and

carry out any other duties in respect of the election as required by the principal. Any ballot paper that is not received by the principal or placed in the ballot box at the time of the closure of the ballot or is not properly and clearly marked will be invalid.

School council election process timetable

Antonio Park Primary School

The following statements have been written and submitted by the candidates for the upcoming School Council Election. Hi I am Rebecca Linnett, I want to re-nominate for school council. I currently have the privilege of working with families as a Maternal and Child Health Nurse and I have three children at Antonio Park, in grades 6, 2 & 1. Antonio Park Primary has gone through many changes since my eldest daughter, who is now in year 8, was in prep. Once again a new beginning will occur; I would like to continue to be a part of these changes by remaining on school council. Often change can be challenging, I would like to be on school council to help encourage and see positive outcomes of these changes for Anto-

nio Park Primary. Please nominate me in this ballot. Hi My name is Michael Halifax I am re-standing for a position on School council and if re-alected with the current term would make it 11 consecutive years I am the father of 4 beautiful children 3 at APPS 1at secondary I have lived & run my own business as a carpenter in Mitcham for over 30 years I have been heavily involved with community groups & sports clubs taking on leading roles such as coaching & age group manager I have also been on the building & grounds committee for 9 years I have been the Schools traveling fete representative & coordinator for 9 years As well as being involved with many major building projects around the school some of which are completion of the total rebuilding of the School, the redevelopment of the oval, the water tank project, the solar system, the entire B.E.R project including the building of the performing arts centre, Hall & OHS refurbishment , implementation of the School beautifica-tion grant & project ,with new boundary fences, behind goal fence, rear path access & installation of all the new external seating. The School expansion with 6 new classrooms, the rebuilding of the new chicken complex, the new junior playground, the new cricket nets ,paths, land-scaping & planting. I have also been involved with production, set building & transport as well as grade 6 graduation. And many fund raising & community events at & around the School. If re-alected i will continue to be the voice & work hard for the children and entire School community Sincerely Michael Halifax

As father to two children at Antonio Park in L1 & L3, I appreciate our school and the important role it plays in the life of our family and the wider communi-

ty. I have been a council member for the past two years, serving also on Fete and the Education sub-committees, enjoying the community spirit at APPS! Following studies in Science and Education, I started my career as a secondary teacher of maths, science and ICT. I am currently employed as an ICT

Trainer in local government. I am standing for school council again to contribute towards decisions that provide valued educational experiences for our children, not just academically,

but in ways that continue to build on the school’s great reputation and values. When I’m not at work or helping organise family life, I enjoy a bike ride, a game of cricket, dining out and cracking dad jokes my kids will only likely laugh

at for not much longer! John Hays Hi my name is Mish and I am mum to Jackson in 3LW and Madeline in 3 TC. Jackson is in grade 4 and Madeline grade 3. I enjoy talking to people and knowing what is happening in our school community. I have just served my first 2 years on the council, also on the education subcommittee and have enjoyed my time so much, that I would love to come back for a second term!. I enjoy canvassing other parents for their opinions so that I can feed this

back to the school council. I have been on many committees, firstly as a general committee at the Heatherdale preschool for 2 years. The first year I worked on the 15 hour imple-

mentation for 4 year old kinder students, and the second year I was a general council member and assisted with the updating of policies. During the last year I have been on the committee at the Heatherdale Tennis club as the Treasurer. I have enormously enjoyed the challenge of learning

how to use MYOB and to prepare financial reports for our monthly meetings.

I feel as if I can bring a lot of experience to the school council and feel that it is a privilege to represent other families in this role. Please consider this

when casting your vote!

Thanks Mish Inifer

Hello, my name is Will and this year I’m standing for election to school council. I’m standing as it’s my way of contributing to the school. I have two daughters in school at the moment (prep and grade 4) and like the rest of you I take an active role in their education and school life. My focus for my girls has always been to make sure that they have a safe and happy environment to learn in, so that they enjoy school and are equipped for suc-cess in their future studies. I value tradition and am often told that I’m “old school,” however my professional life in the Pharmaceutical Industry ensures that I remain abreast of cur-rent technology. I’d like to see continued progress and embracing of technology in our children’s education, whilst not losing sight of fundamental core skills like writing. Throughout my career I’ve been involved with a number of postgraduate committee’s and am currently the president of the Chrys ler Restorers Club of Australia (Vic). These roles have given me significant experience in contributing to and chairing council meetings like the school council. I believe that this experience would serve me well and allow me to be an effective member of the school council. Will Issa

Second Hand Uniform Shop We are very lucky to have one of our parents, Jane Beswick volunteer her time to operate our Second Hand Uniform Shop. The shop is normally open on the first Monday of each month between 3.00-3.45pm in the foyer of the hall. Shop dates will be kept up to date in the newsletter. Shop dates for 2017: 6 March 1 May 5 June 17 July 7 August 4 September 9 October 6 November 4 December Please bring small notes and gold coins if possible.

Specialist Trophies – week ending 24TH February

Visual Art from Rachel

For an amazing level of concentration and a commitment to produce creative drawings


Performing Arts from Ms Grindley

For an excellent start to this first term. Every session has been excellent with you!


Indonesian from Ibu Rose

For taking initiative and making the most of time available during Indonesian sessions


Library from Mrs. Rogan

For demonstrating excellent responsibility in Library sessions.


P.E from Mr. Clark

For excellent work during their first Tabloid lesson. 1RF

Aussie of the Week 1BW Genevieve For putting effort into her handwriting this week. I love the way you are working in class and trying your

best – wow!

1CC Mack For your wonderful positive attitude towards school! You give everything a go and always try your best! Well done buddy, you’re a super star!

1MN Amy R For having a go spelling out your words during writing.

1RF Anthony W For being a responsible and resilient class member. Well done Anthony!

2AK Zoe Adam For an excellent piece of Recount Writing. You have completed an excellent orientation and ordered your events with interesting vocabulary. Well done

2BW Ethan B. For consistently displaying the Erric values in the classroom and being a great role model especially dur-ing buddy conferencing. Well done!

2CD/2TR Leila P For a fantastic attitude to your learning. You are willing to take on advice and give new things a go. Keep up the confidence!

2EA Alex M For her greatly improved attitude towards reading. Great to hear you independently using reading strate-gies.

2KD Olivia For the impressive way you are taking on mathematical challenges and achieving them. You are a super-star!

2TR/2CD Sophia C For the independence and leadership skills you have demonstrated. It’s great to see you helping out around the room and being a fantastic role model!

3BC Monique For always using her initiative in helping around the classroom! Thanks Monique!

3CH Charlie For showing great effort and determination in learning all the concepts in our Place Value unit over the last few weeks. Great work Charlie!

3CN Kleinell For using great descriptive language in your holiday recount. You have described your experiences with detail and depth. Awesome work!

3LW Ella For the hard work and persistence you have demonstrated during our place value unit! Keep up the fan-tastic work!

3NA Mia For displaying persistence with more challenging maths tasks. Congratulations, your growth with place value understandings was amazing.

3TC Isabella For demonstrating outstanding growth through some terrific effort in Mathematics.

4BR/4KM Emily O Emily O: for your dedication and commitment towards your learning. We love to hear your input into our class discussions, you are always thinking outside the box! Keep it up!

4DH Jayde For your sensational recount about our planks incursion. Your writing really drew in your audience and set the scene leaving them unable to put it down! Fantastic Jayde!

4JD Kane

For being an outstanding leader in the classroom. You always demonstrate positive work habits and chal-lenge yourself. It’s great to see you participating in group discussions and encouraging your classmates. Well done!

4KM/4BR Eamon For your fantastic attitude towards your learning. You are working so hard and we are very proud of you!

4LC Lachlan For continually demonstrating a positive attitude to all areas of the curriculum. You set a great example for your peers, as you strive to deliver high quality work.

COMMUNITY NOTICES (Please check the Community Noticeboard for further details)

Holy Saviour Netball Club is running the basic skills program Net Set Go on Fridays 4 – 5pm at a cost of $125 commencing Friday 17th March at Vermont Sportlink near Coles Vermont South. If you’d like more information please contact Carolyn Provenzano (Lucy level 4 and

Leila level 2) on 0428 632 560.

FOSTER CARERS NEEDED. If you have thought about foster care, please get in touch and ask the questions you have always wanted to. Ring: Key Assets 1800 932 237 or 1800 WE CARE Email: Web: or

Basketball – Beginner’s Clinic. The Ringwood Hawks will be running a beginners clinic directed at teaching sound fundamental skills to young players who are starting basketball or want to improve basic skills. This clinic is open to any new coaches who may be looking for guidance. The two sessions will be held on Sunday 19th March and 16th March, 4:00 – 5:30 at Eastwood Primary school. Cost is $20.00.

For Registration or further information contact Joe Egan from the Ringwood Basketball Association on

Vermont Secondary College Open Evening Thursday 4th May. Information session 6pm-6.30pm and Open Evening 6.30pm-8.30pm.

Mitcham Baptist Church is holding its annual ‘Cinema under the stars’ evening on Saturday 4th March. The movie is 'The secret life of pets’, at Halliday Park on Mitcham Rd. there will be pre movie games, face painting, etc from 5pm and the movie will begin at dusk. Movie and games are free, there will be some food and drink for sale. It is a family friendly event, limited parking, no alcohol.