Articulate Your Brand

Post on 24-Jan-2015

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Better Brand Marketing from PAW


An introduction to better brand marketing

Getting your message across?

You might have …

Brochure Website Posters Flyers Logo Mailings (e-marketing & print)

But are you really communicating?

Let us make it clear!

Is your marketing making a difference to your business?

Are you clearly differentiated from your competitors?

Is your message clear?

Are you talking to the right people?

Are you communicating the right things at the right time?

When and where are they most receptive?

Do you want to take your marketing to the next level?

The PAW Formula: LOUD = PROUD Listen + Observe + Understand + Distil = A strong brand

The more you listen to somebody

the more they’ll listen to you

To gain…

resonance for your message

a greater connection with clients

a strong brand fit

pole position, at the top of their mind

more loyal clients

Getting on the brand ladder

To connect and remain in your public’s consciousness something special has to take shape

You only have moments to create that first significant impression

You need to establish the difference that will make a difference to them

Consciously better. Consciously different

Getting louder, but are you getting any warmer?

You won’t get very far if you simply shout louder about that difference

To engage your current and prospective customers…

You will need to capture hearts and minds

Balance the rational with the emotional

Meet aspirations & expectations with substance and an appropriate tone of voice

Brand engagement

Warmth and affinity for your brand are created by communicating relevant and appealing characteristics of your business

These are your brand values and are key to engaging with customers before any marriage takes place!

They are a reflection of the manner by which you do business

They are the reason you gain business

And how you’ll retain it!

Brand values

A doctor that solely fulfils the clinical functions of service is unlikely to be spoken of favourably, if he has a lousy bedside manner

You need to make sure your brand has a good bedside manner!

Engage > Enlighten > Elicit a call to action

Having engaged, you need to enlighten audiences

Stand out from the crowd

Elicit the all important action

The brand & business opportunity

Then you’ll have the means to lock your brand in to their minds

Even if they are not ready for your products/services, from that point on, you’ll be on their beauty parade

‘A recession can give brands a once in a lifetime opportunity to put real distance between them and

their rivals’

- Stuart Smith , Consultant editor Marketing Week 

Plugging in to your business and brand

To capture the essence of your brand, we adopt a 3-point plan of action…

PAW immersion Market position Competitive positioning SWOT analysis

In-depth discussions Gauge perceptions Discover heritage Determine values Discover personality

Develop your Communications Platform Establish strong brand characteristics that best fit the target audience(s)

Total immersion: A deeper dive

Through in-depth discussions, internally and externally…

explore and check the viability of your proposition portray your principals and principles as individual give shape & substance to your brand & communications elicit answers consumers and business partners want create a greater gap between you competitors

a PAW Communications Platform©

• the cornerstone of your future marketing

The PAW Communications Platform

A clear route for your marketing

Explores & checks propositions, refines or replaces with that which resonates most

Paints a pen portrait of key audiences & motivations to purchase

Provides strategic and creative infrastructure for brand & messages to be communicated over time, identifying priorities, to address business issues

Presents a personality and tone of voice commensurate with the brand to match the target audience mindset

Leaves audience with desired feeling

Prompts required calls to action

A case in point: GSM

Developing the GSM brand: Past & Present

Defining the GSM brand: Present & Future

A modern day classic Your home for financial expertise Welcoming Of today Higher quality Ethical

‘Doing the right thing since 1918’

‘Together, we’ll build better business’

Delivering the GSM brand…Corporate brochure

Delivering the brand…DM/Brochure inserts

Delivering the GSM brand…Website

Delivering the GSM brand… Charity media campaign 2011

Advertising Sponsorship On-line and in print

Delivering the GSM brand… Charity media campaign 2011

From our Client

“As a firm we are naturally modest and perhaps we don’t sell ourselves as well as we should. Having a quality brochure has I’m sure helped us convert many an enquiry into a client, which would otherwise have just had us down as one on a list of a few firms.

What does this mean to our bottom line?

Since the beginning of August, with the help of our improved communications material in the form of a new website and high quality brochure I have:

Signed up 3 new clients, worth a combined £7,600 in fees in the 1st year alone.

In addition I have proposals out with 3 potential clients which I am confident of converting into clients. These 3 prospectives if converted would bring in first year fees which I conservatively estimate to be £6,600.

Plus I have two referrals that I will be meeting with over the next week, which if I convert them will be worth combined fees to the firm of £3k for one year.”

Quote from Richard Hill, Partner – Griffin Stone, Moscrop & Co. 15th Sep. 2010

Communications that work harder from PAW

Robust brands

Strong consistent identities

Single-minded clear communications

Seamless messages across media

Greater awareness

Greater resonance with customers

Greater motivation to ‘purchase’ from you

Greater brand loyalty

Greater return on your marketing investment with PAW

Will the flap of a butterfly's wings in Elstree create a storm in the City?

Quite possibly!

Bringing brands to market and business to life

e: tel: 020 8736 5877