Artificial Intelligence Ppt

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Can Machines think? Yes/No? If yes, Because it does addition, multiplication etc. Manipulates data Has a large data base Processes data Etc.

If NOT, let us find what is thinking means???

Thinking means: A human being interprets things Creatively finds new ways If insufficient data is given, we are able to fill automatically. Learns new things When the same job is repeated by human brain several times, we find methods to shorten the time, improve the performance etc.

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCEDEFINITION: Artificial intelligence (AI) is the intelligence of machines and the branch of computer science which aims to create it. Ai research is highly technical and specialized, deeply divided into subfields to prove how to make the machines to think.

History: The word Artificial Intelligence was coined by John

McCarthy a famous Operations Researcher The subject began in 1960s, and became very popular in late 1970s. Eventhough the subject began in sixties, the father of AI is considered to be Alan Turing, who said that we can install knowledge in machines Other contributors to the subject were, Noam Chomsky, who standardized the language theory, Kurt Godel, Von Neumann , Knuth etc.

Alan Turing

John McCarthy

Von Neumann

Noam Chomsky

Kurt Godel

Donald Knuth

STANDARD CHARACTERISTICS: The following are some of the standard characteristics of

an intelligent machine, people try to develop:1. Back-tracking: We approach a problem just like we try to solve a mesh puzzle. When the path closes, then we return back and try the other way. If that path also closes, we again return back, and try the different way. This is called back tracking. Human brain has this capacity

2. Pattern Matching We learn by copying the method adopted by another person.

For example a child tries to cook with small vessels, just like her mother. We usually copy the lives/ works of others to improve our lifestyle. This technique is also important for an intelligent machine.

3. Search techniques of a human brain: There are three different search techniques: a. Exhaustive search b. Random Search c. Heuristic search Exhaustive search: Suppose a chess player wants to find his next move, he can think of all moves and then choose the best move. This is not possible Random Search: We sometimes choose a particular job randomly. This method reduces the time of search, but may not be the right search method.

Heuristic search: This is the method by which the human brain usually works. Some intuition or idea comes to the brain automatically and this gives the right decision .

How to do this scientifically is still a big question. But some mathematical techniques like Bayesian approach helps to have heuristic search in computers.

People started developing languages having all these characteristics atleast partially.

The languages developed using these techniques are called fifth generation languages. Prolog and Lisp are two languages having these


PROLOG: This was first developed by the British, and which was

used by the Japanese to develop thinking machines Prolog is the acronym for programming in logic. Prolog has the following characteristics: Has exhaustive search techniques. Has pattern matching techniques. Can learn by itself.

A very large data base can be incorporated.

LISP:Lisp is the acronym for List processing.It is used by the Americans to develop KIPS(Knowledge information processing systems) Prolog is very brittle (the program will crash even if it has a simple error) and Lisp is not as brittle as Prolog. Lisp has all the characteristics of Prolog, but uses recursive functions for all its processing

Eventhough Prolog and Lisp were used to make

machines think, till now experts do not believe that machines are capable of thinking. That is, the languages do not make the machines to find new methods/solutions/ or creatively think. But, these languages helped to create a new set of software, which appear to be intelligent, called expert systems.

EXPERT SYSTEMS: An expert system is a system which acts like an expert

in a particular area. For example a software called MYCIN, developed using Prolog has helped to be like an expert doctor. A software called FRITZ is an expert system on Chess playing, and it has won over several grandmasters in Chess. As it plays with other experts, it gets better and better to win every player in the world.

Kasparov Vs. Deep Blue

Presently there are embedded systems, which are built

in programs using Artificial Intelligence, which makes wonderful gadgets to solve our daily needs. These are used in TV, Washing machine, Car AC etc.

a) Motion and Manipulation

b) Creativity Robotics

Conclusion: Eventhough, the human brain is highly capable and is the most

intelligent being, the future is bright to develop machines which can think. It may also happen that one day the machines may start ruling over us, because of their better intelligence and ability. The current area of research is to produce machines which work on Artificial Neural Networks, and parallel processing.


M.BHARGAV KUMAR email: 8985584512