Assignment 4 section a , coursework

Post on 25-May-2015

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Assignment 4

Camera shots, angles, movements, composition


Establishing Shots Getting a shot from a distance. This is to reveal more information on the

picture, this would show more detail

Wide shots A wide shot would be wide enough to

see enough information in the picture. Its like panoramic, detail of the place

where enough information would be seen. This would be used in wedding, to show the bride and groom to what’s around them.

Long shots To see the whole body/object/animal etc. This is used to see there body language,

in a dinner table would show how everything is laid out

Mid/Medium shots Is a shot that would show their head and

their torso, or their torso and legs This would show their facial expression,

body language, and mostly used in dialogue

Close up shots Where the camera would focus on one

object or hand This is to point out there emotions if its

on their face. Or their plate, so the audience would know where to look at

Extreme close ups Its where the camera would show the

details of an object/flower etc This is normally used in nature, when

taking a picture of a flower, this would show the details of the petals or the insects on the petals.

Point of view (POV) Its where the camera would replace

someone, the camera would be placed where the eyes would be and move like a human being.

This is normally used when someone faints, and how the camera would shake as if the camera is the person

Over the shoulder When the camera is placed back of the

characters shoulder. This is used especially when we are

meant to focus on one character for example when talking, and would see there facial expression.

Two shots When two human beings/object/animal

is in one shot This is when for example 2 human

beings interact for example talking or having dinner together. Best friends shopping etc.

Ariel shots A shot taken from a helicopter would

see everything. This is used to aware the audience

where the location would be

Over head shot Its when the camera is above the

character. this is used to make the character seem



Low angle When the camera would be lower than

the character/object etc. It would enhance their roles, make them

more powerful and also make them look big.

High angle The camera would be higher than the

character Makes the character look smaller, more

vulnerable or weak etc.

Canted/oblique Makes the shot seem tilted or skewed. Its normally to confuse the audience.


Pan When the camera would pivot

horizontally, left to right/right to left This is normally used to show more


Tilt The camera would go low to high or

high to low. This is also used to get more


Track The camera would move side to side

without pivoting This is used to follow a character or an

object with smooth movements that’s either side to side, back to front or curved movements.

Zooming When the camera is still but zooms in to

get closer to a character or an object This is to create intensity

Reverse zooming This is the same as zooming but comes

out from the character/object back to normal.

This is used to reveal more detail, might be the location or to show their body language.

Dolly When the camera would move in and

out, backwards or forwards on a track and can move in different angles. (this isn’t track or zoom)

Crane When the camera is on the crane whilst

the crane is moving This is used normally in action films for

example racing.

Stedicam When the camera is stable on a human,

so it doesn't shake, but moves smoothly while the person is moving.

This is used when filming a football match

Vertigo A movement which is zooming and

dolling at the same time. If it dolling in zoom out. If its dolling out zoom in.

This is normally used in dramatic scenes.


Balance The way that the image balances the

shape, size. The way we place the objects in a frame to show balance

Symmetry To show order, and its the same on both

sides. This is used to show normalness and


Asymmetric Its where they don’t look the same from

both sides. This is used for to show disorder, chaos


Rule of thirds Is here there’s a grid on the screen of

the camera and it helps to make the image show spaced out instead of being in he centre

This is used to promotes better tension, energy and interest in a composition.

Depth of field Its the difference between the nearest

and farthest objects. A distance of what would be focussed. A the camera can only look at one object/character.

Shallow focus Emphasises and highlights one

object/character and the rest is blurry. This is used to aware the audience

where to look, directs us where we should look the most.

Deep focus Its the opposite of shallow focus, the

entire image is in focus. And there's foreground (FG), middle ground (MG) and back ground (BG). (when there's a character in from of the camera (FG), the second person is the middle (MG) and the there's a third furthest away from the camera then the background(BG))

Focus pulls When one object is clear and behind

that object is blurry or the other way round.