ATMA KRIYA YOGA OM CHANTING NEWSLETTERend of the session I will explain to them ‘what actually...

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    HIGHLIGHTS OF MARCH 2017 1. OM Chanting in Hindu temples and homes in the UK 2. What is Atma Kriya Yoga? 3. Full Moon OM Chanting in March 4. International Events at Shree Peetha Nilaya 5. Local Events

  • 1. OM CHANTING IN HINDU TEMPLES AND HOMES IN THE UK For the last 1 ½ years I’ve been organising OM Chanting (OMC) sessions in Hindu Temples in the UK. I’ve been invited to hold sessions in London, Birmingham, Luton, Kent and Leicester. It became a very easy way to introduce new people to OMC. At a practical level it’s not difficult getting approval by the temple management because they understand the importance of OM straight away. Since this is a free public service they are usually very open and always offer their premises for free. With just a poster in the temple, a few weeks before a session and if the temple has a newsletter or mailing list, many newcomers come for the sessions. The largest OM Chanting I had was for around 120 people. Being in a temple, the energy of the space is very good. I never tell the participants in advance what they might experience, I simply explain the technique to them, but I tell them that at the end of the session I will explain to them ‘what actually happened ‘. At the end of the OMC I ask people about their experiences – what they could hear, smell and feel. I have found that in temples an unusually high percentage of people have very beautiful and powerful experiences. I was really touched by one lady in particular in Birmingham, who said that she could hear someone reciting the Bhagavad Gita. And of course, when I tell them that it was all orchestrated by Premavatar Vishwananda and Mahavatar Babaji, in time their experience makes them curious to one day want to meet the OMC conductor – Guruji!

    Another very nice benefit that I experienced from these temple sessions was that about 1 year ago, one of the women who came to the temple asked if I would come to her home in Kent to conduct OMC. Although I was reluctant at first with a home visit, she insisted and eventually I gave in to her request. I agreed on the basis that she would open her home to other interested people. That first OMC in Kent drew 20 people: family, friends and neighbours. After that first home session, someone else asked if I would come to their home and thus a trend began. Almost every month, for about 6 months, I was getting invitations to do OMC in people’s homes in the Kent Indian community. These people realised that OMC would benefit their home by blessing and clearing the space and replacing negative vibrations with positive vibrations. Whatever people’s reasons may be, it was nice that they wanted to open their homes and introduce OMC to their family and neighbours. And afterwards the host would always lay out food for their guests. We would typically start on a weekday evening at 7.30 pm: have a half hour introduction, 1 hour of

  • OM Chanting, half hour of sharing and discussion afterward and then food and socialising. These are the happiest people I have ever met during OMC. The sense of community became very strong when we would share and eat together. I didn’t know any of these people before they started inviting me to their homes and now, I feel like they are my family. At the beginning of January two families asked if I would come to their homes and introduce OMC to their older children before they returned back to University. It’s been such a pleasure getting to know these people and to be invited to chant in their homes. Jai Gurudev! Roshan, London


    Discourse of Paramahamsa Vishwananda during the first Atma Kriya Yoga Initiation on 22 March 2007

    What is Atma Kriya Yoga? Atma Kriya Yoga is all about the Love relationship between us and God. (…) In this Love relationship that we have with the Divine, try to lose yourself into it. God will become the most important thing. This is our sole aim and the only thing is to achieve and realise this Love of God. In Atma Kriya Yoga, all the exercises, are done only to please the Divine, the Divine within you. We do it to awaken this Divinity which is deep inside all of us. And you should not forget that you’re doing it because you Love God; because you Love yourself; because you Love everyone. It’s all about this purity of Love.

  • All that I have been talking about is only about Love. There is only this. I have never talked about anything else. Even when I talk about bhakti, it’s just the Love for God. This Love is the only reality that I know. And this is the only reality that I want all of you to know so that you, too, are constantly in this Love of God. All the practices that we will be doing are all to develop this Love. To make it grow. (…) Through the practice of Atma Kriya Yoga you will open up more and this will help you to Love more, to Love without judging. What I want is for you to achieve this finest and purest form of Love, which is deep within your heart. When you have achieved this purest form, by concentrating on your Anahata chakra, you will achieve Cosmic Love. You will realise that Love can grow and Love can become Divine. The same way God loves, the same way humans can learn to Love. (…) So, start this relationship with the Divine and become madly in Love. (…) And if people tell you, you are mad, say, ‘Yes, happy to be mad for God.’ So, like I said before, it’s all about Love. That’s the only thing I talked about today. That’s the only thing I always talk about. You will come and ask me about something else, but I will see it as another aspect of Divine Love. This is how I see things. I can’t explain it in a very scientific way. When you take a book, it’s all details, details, and details. Everything is put as words or put as figures. I can’t do that. It’s too much for my mind. But I can tell you about Love, how to Love God, and how to achieve this Love. The rest I leave for the intellectual people. If you want to find God intellectually, you will go away from the reality. If you really want to find God, go with your heart. It’s not by a diagram, by a figure or by reading that you will find God, but by practicing that you will find God. And you will Love Him. You will learn to Love; you will learn to become Love! And you will be constantly in Love.

  • 3. FULL MOON OM CHANTING MARCH 2017 On Sunday 12th March Will be dedicated to Inner Peace – Peace in the world Let us come together from 20:00 – 21:30

    Let us share this beautiful planet peacefully with all human beings, our brothers and sisters, but also with all the animals, by seeing them as God’s creatures who have the right to live in a safe environment. Let us give thanks to Nature for all of her gifts: for the sun, moon, water sources, plants, fruits, the air we breath…



    SRI YANTRA DRAWING COURSE ENGLISH, 1-2 MAR 2017 10:00-21:00 With Dakshini ( Fee: 165 € (150 € FoBM) SIMPLY MEDITATION COURSE ENGLISH, 5 MAR 2017 09:00-13:00 With Vandhanananda ( Fee: 85 € SIMPLY MEDITATION COURSE GERMAN, 5 MAR 2017 14:00-18:00 With Janani ( Fee: 85 € OM CHANTING WORKSHOP FRENCH, 5 MAR 2017 09:30–13:00 With Bhavani Dasi ( Fee: 40 € THE SPIRIT OF BHAKTI YOGA GERMAN, 10 - 12 MAR 2017 19:00 ( Fee: 130 € INTUITIVE PAINTING COURSE ENGLISH, 10 - 12 MAR 2017 15:00-18:00 With Jaahnvi ( Fee: 350 €

  • PAINTING MEDITATION WITH SRI YANTRA, TEACHER TRAINING ENGLISH, 17 - 19 MAR 2017 09:00-21:30 ( Fee: 300 € ATMA KRIYA YOGA COURSE GERMAN, 17 - 19 MAR 2017 17:00 -18:00 With Anjushri ( Fee: 300 € SILK PAINTING COURSE ENGLISH, GERMAN, 18 - 20 MAR 2017 09:00-17:30 With Jaahnvi ( Fee: 280 € (250 € FoBM) PAINTING MEDITATION WITH SRI YANTRA ENGLISH, 18 MAR 2017 09:00-21:00 With Dakshini ( Fee: 75 € OM CHANTING TEACHER COURSE FRENCH, 26 MAR 2017 10:00-18:00 With Bhavani Dasi ( Fee: 100€ BALANCE YOURSELF SIMPLY MEDITATION AND AYURVEDA RETREAT ENGLISH, 31 MAR TO 2 APR 2017 14:00-19:00 With Tusti, Monica Cherny and Dr. Judith Aartsma Fee: € 280 - 360 (depending on room occupancy)

  • OM CHANTING TEACHER COURSE ENGLISH, 09 APR 2017 10:00-18:00 With Mother Serafima ( Fee: 100€ OM CHANTING TEACHER COURSE GERMAN, 30 APR 2017 10:00-18:00 With Roshni ( Fee: 100€ ATMA KRIYA YOGA RETREATS 2017 SHREE PEETHA NILAYA May - September - CROATIA October -

    UNITY OM CHANTING FOR WORLD PEACE In springtime, when days are becoming longer and brighter, Nature itself reminds us about the need to bring more light and fresh air into our lives. On March 25th, first Saturday after Spring Equinox, OM Chanting groups from all around the world are invited to chant at the same time, joining in the same intentions to create a simultaneous, world-wide OM. If you believe in peace, if you want to make a difference, if you want to stand as a pillar of light in this world, join us for this incredible event, and lend your voice to the cause.

  • SATSANG, DARSHAN, TRAININGS, MAHA OM CHANTING AND CELEBRATION We invite all OM Chanting Organisers to the first ever International Days of OM Chanting in celebration of the 10th Anniversary of OM Chanting in Shree Peetha Nilaya. The International Days of OM Chanting will be filled with Maha OM Chanting practice, Babaji’s Surya Namaskar, getting to know Bhakti Marga Sadhana and Paramahamsa Vishwananda. Cities of Light will also be relaunched with new material to support the spreading of the Grace of OM Chanting throughout the world. Paramahamsa Vishwananda, the amazing Master behind OM Chanting, will be present to give Darshan on the 12th and a private Satsang only for OM Chanting Organisers on the 13th. You are invited to celebrate with us Krishna Janmastami on the night of the 14th and the Dormition of the Theotokos on the 15th. Spaces are extremely limited. Register as soon as possible with your Country Coordinator. Information: